Abstract is missing.
- Pair Collaboration in End-User DebuggingThippaya Chintakovid, Susan Wiedenbeck, Margaret M. Burnett, Valentina Grigoreanu. 3-10 [doi]
- Code Thumbnails: Using Spatial Memory to Navigate Source CodeRobert DeLine, Mary Czerwinski, Brian Meyers, Gina Venolia, Steven M. Drucker, George G. Robertson. 11-18 [doi]
- Gender Differences in End-User Debugging, Revisited: What the Miners FoundValentina Grigoreanu, Laura Beckwith, Xiaoli Z. Fern, Sherry Yang, Chaitanya Komireddy, Vaishnavi Narayanan, Curtis R. Cook, Margaret M. Burnett. 19-26 [doi]
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- Sharing reasoning about faults in spreadsheets: An empirical studyJoseph Lawrance, Robin Abraham, Margaret M. Burnett, Martin Erwig. 35-42 [doi]
- AutoTest: A Tool for Automatic Test Case Generation in SpreadsheetsRobin Abraham, Martin Erwig. 43-50 [doi]
- Using Visual Momentum to Explain Disorientation in the Eclipse IDEBrian de Alwis, Gail C. Murphy. 51-54 [doi]
- VizEval: An Experimental System for the Study of Program Visualization QualityPhilippa Rhodes, Eileen Kraemer, Ashley Hamilton-Taylor, Sujith Thomas, Matthew Ross, Elizabeth Davis, Kenneth Hailston, Keith Main. 55-58 [doi]
- Dimensions Characterizing Programming Feature Usage by Information WorkersChristopher Scaffidi, Andrew Jensen Ko, Brad A. Myers, Mary Shaw. 59-64 [doi]
- Specification and Construction of Control Flow SemanticsRuben Smelik, Arend Rensink, Harmen Kastenberg. 65-72 [doi]
- An Agent-Based Framework for Context-Driven Interpretation of Symbols in Diagrammatic SketchesGiovanni Casella, Gennaro Costagliola, Vincenzo Deufemia, Maurizio Martelli, Viviana Mascardi. 73-80 [doi]
- MOSL: Composing a Visual Language for a Metamodeling FrameworkCarsten Amelunxen, Alexander Königs, Tobias Rötschke. 81-84 [doi]
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- Guided Model Creation: A Task-Driven ApproachSamuel Lahtinen, Jari Peltonen, Imed Hammouda, Kai Koskimies. 89-94 [doi]
- Sketching with Conceptual Metaphors to Explain Computational ProcessesDavid G. Hendry. 95-102 [doi]
- A Multi-layer Parsing Strategy for On-line Recognition of Hand-drawn DiagramsGennaro Costagliola, Vincenzo Deufemia, Michele Risi. 103-110 [doi]
- Inking in the IDE: Experiences with Pen-based Design and AnnotatioBeryl Plimmer, John C. Grundy, John G. Hosking, Richard Priest. 111-115 [doi]
- An Assessment of a Speech-Based Programming EnvironmentAndrew Begel, Susan L. Graham. 116-120 [doi]
- Languages, tasks and roles: modeling interaction through resourcesPaolo Bottoni, Stefano Levialdi. 121-126 [doi]
- A Linguistic Analysis of How People Describe Software ProblemsAndrew J. Ko, Brad A. Myers, Duen Horng Chau. 127-134 [doi]
- A Pattern-driven Development Process for Quality Standard-conforming Business Process ModelsAlexander Förster, Gregor Engels, Tim Schattkowsky, Ragnhild Van Der Straeten. 135-142 [doi]
- Comparing a text- and visual-based interface presenting social information in an online environmentLuciane Maria Fadel, Mary C. Dyson. 143-146 [doi]
- DAE: a Visualization-Based System for Data AnalysisPaolo Buono, Carmelo Ardito, Maria Francesca Costabile, Rosa Lanzilotti, Antonio Piccinno. 147-150 [doi]
- Work, Play, and In-Between: Exploring the Role of Work Context for Informal Web DevelopersMary Beth Rosson, Sue E. Kase. 151-156 [doi]
- Can Direct Manipulation Lower the Barriers to Programming and Promote Positive Transfer to Textual Programming? An Experimental StudyChristopher D. Hundhausen, Sean Farley, Jonathan Lee Brown. 157-164 [doi]
- Lessons Learned from Designing a Programming System to Support Middle School Girls Creating Animated StoriesCaitlin Kelleher, Randy Pausch. 165-172 [doi]
- Representing Parallelism in a Control Language Designed for Young ChildrenPeter Whalley. 173-176 [doi]
- From Webspace to Workspace and Back Again: Seamless Instantiation, Composition, and Use of Interactive Project ObjectsDejin Zhao, Mary Beth Rosson. 177-180 [doi]
- Script Cards: A Visual Programming Language for Games Authoring by Young PeopleKatherine Howland, Judith Good, Judy Robertson. 181-186 [doi]
- Relo: Helping Users Manage Context during Interactive Exploratory Visualization of Large CodebasesVineet Sinha, David R. Karger, Rob Miller. 187-194 [doi]
- Mica: A Web-Search Tool for Finding API Components and ExamplesJeffrey Stylos, Brad A. Myers. 195-202 [doi]
- The Visula programming language and environmentCalum Grant. 203-206 [doi]
- Visual Communication in Virtual 3D Learning EnvironmentsCaterina Poggi, Nicoletta Di Blas. 207-211 [doi]
- Visual Snippet Editor - Success With LessP. R. Giffen, G. Adams, K. McGuire, R. Tsui, H. Hoffman. 212-218 [doi]
- Universal Information Access Through Multimodal Interaction: Graduate Student ConsortiumJohn Pane. 219-221 [doi]
- Multiple Structure Analysis To Support Multi-Level User FeedbackRobin Abraham. 220-221 [doi]
- Visual Querying on Human Motion for the DisabledKevin L. Ates, Kang Zhang, B. Prabhakaran. 222-223 [doi]
- Code Collage: A Visual Meta-Language for Knowledge Structure DiscoveryJonathan Lee Brown. 224-225 [doi]
- Lorisa DubucLorisa Dubuc. 226-227 [doi]
- Darren EdgeDarren Edge. 228-229 [doi]
- Pragmatic Lighting Transition Design for Virtual EnvironmentsJoshua B. Gross. 230-231 [doi]
- Infinite InfantsKatina Hazelden. 232-233 [doi]
- Crossmodal Interaction with Mobile DevicesEve E. Hoggan, Stephen A. Brewster. 234-235 [doi]
- A flexible architecture for multimodal applications using federated devicesKay Kadner. 236-237 [doi]
- Using Programming by Demonstration to Reorganize User InterfacesJoseph Lawrance. 238-239 [doi]
- Composition of Communication Services in a Visual Programming LanguageTyler Robison. 240-241 [doi]
- A Lightweight Model for End Users Domain-Specific DataChristopher Scaffidi. 242-243 [doi]
- A Visual Language for Programming Reality-Based InteractionOrit Shaer, Robert J. K. Jacob. 244-245 [doi]
- Informing API Design through Usability Studies of API Design Choices: A Research AbstractJeffrey Stylos. 246-247 [doi]
- Multimedia, Multimodal Effects, and Universally Designed InstructionJesse S. Zolna. 248-250 [doi]