Abstract is missing.
- An Enhanced Relay-Enabled Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksRizwan Ahmad, Fu-Chun Zheng, Michael Drieberg, Sverrir Olafsson. 1-5 [doi]
- EUROPCOM - An Ultra-WideBand (UWB)-Based Ad Hoc Network for Emergency ApplicationsAnthony Lo, Liang Xia, Ignas G. Niemegeers, Timothy Baugé, Mark Russell, Dave Harmer. 6-10 [doi]
- Performance of a Cooperative Relay-Based Auto-Rate MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksTao Guo, Rolando Carrasco, Wai Lok Woo. 11-15 [doi]
- Fairness and QoS in Ad-Hoc NetworksAmine Berqia, Blaise Angoma, Noufissa Mikou, Youssef Dehbi. 16-20 [doi]
- On the Performance of Biologically-Inspired Slot Synchronization in Multicarrier Ad Hoc NetworksLuca Sanguinetti, Alexander Tyrrell, Michele Morelli, Gunther Auer. 21-25 [doi]
- A Novel Approach of Link Availability Estimation for Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksJun Huang, Yuebin Bai. 26-30 [doi]
- Secure Data Forwarding against Denial of Service Attack Using Trust Based Evolutionary GameK. Komathy, P. Narayanasamy. 31-35 [doi]
- Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional AntennasTamaghna Acharya, Rajarshi Roy, Samiran Chattopadhyay. 36-40 [doi]
- Improving Ad Hoc Networks Capacity and Connectivity Using Dynamic Blind BeamformingNadia Fawaz, Zafer Beyaztas, David Gesbert, Mérouane Debbah. 41-45 [doi]
- MACA-MN: A MACA-Based MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks with Packet Train for Multiple NeighborsNitthita Chirdchoo, Wee-Seng Soh, Kee Chaing Chua. 46-50 [doi]
- Network Coding for Information Exchange between Multiple Nodes in Wireless NetworksHan Liu, Xiaoyang Wang, Xiaodong Tu, Shaoqian Li. 51-55 [doi]
- Application of the TDD Underlay Concept to Home NodeB ScenarioZubin Bharucha, Harald Haas. 56-60 [doi]
- A Multiplicative and Constant Modulus Signal Based Network Coding Method Applied to CB-RelayingPeter Larsson. 61-65 [doi]
- Energy Efficient MAC Protocol with Power and Rate Control in Multi-Rate Ad Hoc NetworksMasaki Bandai, Satoshi Maeda, Takashi Watanabe. 66-70 [doi]
- Self-Localization Schemes for Geographic Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksM. Ziaur Rahman, Lindsay Kleeman. 71-75 [doi]
- Distributed Architecture with Control Scheme and Status-Aware Routing Protocol for QoS Support in MANETsTing Li, Nana Li, Ruibo Tang, Hong Ji. 76-80 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of Distributed CDD MC-CDMA Sensor Networks with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers over Nakagami-m Fading ChannelsLaura Guerrero, Fatin Said, Afzal Lodhi, A. Hamid Aghvami. 81-85 [doi]
- Analyzing Data Prediction in Wireless Sensor NetworksErik-Oliver Blaß, Jens Horneber, Martina Zitterbart. 86-87 [doi]
- Modeling and Throughput Analysis for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksYang Su, Khalil Fakih, Jean-Francois Diouris, Yu Zhang. 88-92 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Cooperation Protocol in IEEE 802.16eEmilio Calvanese Strinati, Luc Maret. 93-97 [doi]
- Relaying and Power Control Strategy for 2-Hop Distributed Cooperative CommunicationErnest Kurniawan, A. S. Madhukumar, Francois P. S. Chin. 98-102 [doi]
- Methods for Calculating Bandwidth, Delay, and Packet Loss Metrics in Multi-Hop IEEE802.11 Ad Hoc NetworksLiqi Shi, Abraham O. Fapojuwo, Neil Viberg, Wendy Hoople, Norbert Chan. 103-107 [doi]
- Critical Transmitting Range for Biconnectivity of One-Dimensional Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksYe Tian, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Yan Zhang, Junliang Yao. 108-112 [doi]
- A Novel Load Balanced and Lifetime Maximization Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksChengjie Wu, Ruixi Yuan, Hongchao Zhou. 113-117 [doi]
- A Hybrid Indoor Localization Using Beacon Enabled Meshing and TOA in IEEE 802.15.4 NetworksRalf Burda, Andreas Lewandowski, Christian Wietfeld. 118-122 [doi]
- Heuristic Deployment to Achieve Both Differentiated Detection and Connectivity in WSNNadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle. 123-127 [doi]
- Design of Multi-Hop Handovers for Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks in Multi-Channel EnvironmentsWan-Seon Lim, Dong Wook Kim, Woo-Jae Kim, Young-Joo Suh, Young-Min Cha, Byung-Deok Chung. 128-132 [doi]
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- Priority-Based Energy Aware and Coverage Preserving Routing for Wireless Sensor NetworkYunquan Dong, Qingyi Quan, Jian Zhang. 138-142 [doi]
- Design of a Low-Power and Low-Latency MAC Protocol with Nodes Grouping and Transmission Pipelining in Wireless Sensor NetworksChing-Wen Chen, Chuan-Chi Weng, Po-Jung Chen. 143-147 [doi]
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- Efficient Hole Detour Scheme for Geographic Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksFucai Yu, Soochang Park, Ye Tian, Minsuk Jin, Sang-Ha Kim. 153-157 [doi]
- A Utility-Optimal Backoff Algorithm for Clustered Sensor NetworksShengbin Liao, Wenqing Cheng, Zongkai Yang, Wei Liu, Wei Yuan. 158-162 [doi]
- Performance and Security Assessment of a PKC Based Key Management Scheme for Hierarchical Sensor NetworksAyesha Naureen, Attiya Akram, Tariq Maqsood, Rabia Riaz, Ki-Hyung Kim, H. Farooq Ahmed. 163-167 [doi]
- An Adaptive Mobility-Supporting MAC Protocol for Mobile Sensor NetworksSung-Chan Choi, Jang-Won Lee, Yeonsoo Kim. 168-172 [doi]
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- Joint Decoding and Transmit Power Control Using Time-Dependent Correlation in Sensor NetworksSuguru Doki, Hiraku Okada, Kenichi Mase. 178-182 [doi]
- A QoS-Based Energy-Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworksNavrati Saxena, Abhishek Roy, Jitae Shin. 183-187 [doi]
- Employing Mobile Sink in Event-Driven Wireless Sensor NetworksBin Wang, Dongliang Xie, Canfeng Chen, Jian Ma, Shiduan Cheng. 188-192 [doi]
- Mobile Sensor Relocation to Prolong the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor NetworksYounghwan Yoo, Dharma P. Agrawal. 193-197 [doi]
- Uniform Energy Consumption through Adaptive Optimal Selection of Cooperative MIMO Schemes in Wireless Sensor NetworksIrfan Ahmed, Mugen Peng, Wenbo Wang. 198-202 [doi]
- Increasing Connectivity in Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks Using Dynamic Actuator CooperationMuhammad Farukh Munir, Fethi Filali. 203-207 [doi]
- On Maximizing the Received Data Volume in a Wireless Sensor NetworkShirin Karimifar, James K. Cavers. 208-212 [doi]
- Hybrid Congestion Control Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksJang-Ping Sheu, Wei-Kai Hu. 213-217 [doi]
- Design and Implementation of a Real Time Video Surveillance System with Wireless Sensor NetworksWen-Tsuen Chen, Po-Yu Chen, Wei-Shun Lee, Chi-Fu Huang. 218-222 [doi]
- A Bio-Inspired Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor NetworksChi-Tsun Cheng, Chi Kong Tse, Francis C. M. Lau. 223-227 [doi]
- On a Practical Distributed Source Coding Scheme for Wireless Sensor NetworksFrank Oldewurtel, Marcin Foks, Petri Mähönen. 228-232 [doi]
- Geographic Multicast with K-Means Clustering for Wireless Sensor NetworksGang Zhao, Xiangqian Liu, Anup Kumar. 233-237 [doi]
- Source Stirring Technology for Automotive Antenna MeasurementMichael Albrecht, Johann-Friedrich Luy, Peter Russer. 238-241 [doi]
- Exploitation of Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes in Virtual Antenna Arrays: Part II Monte Carlo-Based throughput EvaluationShakiru K. Kassim, Matthew Hayes, Nasreldin M. Eltayeb, Jonathon A. Chambers. 242-246 [doi]
- Nulling of Antenna Arrays Including the Mutual Coupling EffectMin Wang, Zhongxiang Shen. 247-251 [doi]
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- Analysis of Scanning and Multi-Beam Antennas Based on Spherical Lenses with Array FeedsNasiha Nikolic, John S. Kot, Sergey Vynogradov. 257-259 [doi]
- Waveform Distortion and Performance of Impulse Radio with Realistic Antennas in Deterministic Multipath ChannelsQiang Li, Y. P. Zhang. 260-264 [doi]
- Joint Multiuser Precoding and Scheduling with Imperfect Channel State Information at the TransmitterKeying Wu, Lei Wang, Liyu Cai. 265-269 [doi]
- On the Use of a Lower Frequency in Finite-Difference Simulations for Urban Radio CoverageAlvaro V. Rial, Guillaume de la Roche, Jie Zhang. 270-274 [doi]
- Long-Term Beamforming in Single Frequency Networks using Semidefinite RelaxationMarkus Jordan, Martin Senst, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr. 275-279 [doi]
- Transmission of 38GHz Millimeter Wave Signals through Radio-Over-Fiber SystemsY. S. Chan, Bin Luo, Ling Chuen Ong. 280-284 [doi]
- Irregular Precoder-Aided Differential Linear Dispersion CodesNan Wu, Lajos Hanzo. 285-289 [doi]
- Modified UCA-ESPRIT for Estimating DOA of Coherent Signals using One SnapshotKareem Al Jabr, Hyuck M. Kwon, Nizar Tayem. 290-293 [doi]
- Complete Shadowing Modeling and its Effect on System Level Performance EvaluationJose F. Monserrat, Rubén Fraile, Daniel Calabuig, Narcís Cardona. 294-298 [doi]
- Uncoupled Antenna Matching for Performance Optimization in Compact MIMO Systems using Unbalanced Load ImpedanceRuiyuan Tian, Buon Kiong Lau. 299-303 [doi]
- Channel Modification Strategy for Capacity of MIMO Channels with Channel Estimation ErrorXiaoguang Wu, Guixia Kang, Peng Cao, Ping Zhang. 304-308 [doi]
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- Pilot Sequence Design Scheme for Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation in OFDM Systems under Time-Varying ChannelsWenjun Wang, Xiaoguang Wu, Guixia Kang. 314-318 [doi]
- Design of Wideband Mobile Radio Channel Simulators Based on Real-World Measurement DataDmitry Umansky, Matthias Pätzold. 319-324 [doi]
- Outage Performance of L-Branch Maximal-Ratio Combiner for Generalized k-mu FadingMirza Milisic, Mirza Hamza, Mesud Hadzialic. 325-329 [doi]
- A Generic Validation Framework for Wideband MIMO Channel ModelsYu Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, Guangyi Liu, Xinying Gao, Ping Zhang. 330-334 [doi]
- Decorrelation and Orthogonalization of Correlated Diversity Branches for HS/MRC DiversityPavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu. 335-339 [doi]
- How Typical is the Typical Urban channel model?Henrik Asplund, Kjell Larsson, Peter Ökvist. 340-343 [doi]
- Integrated LT Coding, Bit Interleaved Differential Space Time Coding and Sphere Packing Modulation for the Wireless InternetNan Wu, Thanh Dang Nguyen, Chun-Yi Wei, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo. 344-348 [doi]
- Exploitation of Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes in Virtual Antenna Arrays: Part I - Theoretical Capacity and throughput GainsMatthew Hayes, Shakiru K. Kassim, Jonathon A. Chambers, Malcolm D. Macleod. 349-352 [doi]
- Broadband Slot Antenna with Circular-Polarization OperationLei Bian, Yong-Xin Guo, Xiang-Quan Shi. 353-355 [doi]
- Channel Estimation for OFDM In Time-Variant Multi-Path EnvironmentZheng Li, Xia Lei, Wanbin Tang, Yue Xiao, Shaoqian Li. 356-360 [doi]
- Capacity Gain Analysis with Antenna Selection for a Frequency Selective MIMO Measured ChannelRobson D. Vieira. 361-365 [doi]
- A Mobile-to-Mobile Fading Channel Simulator Based on an Orthogonal ExpansionAntonio Petrolino, João Gomes, Gonçalo Tavares. 366-370 [doi]
- WLAN Design: A Distributed ApproachAlan McGibney, Martin Klepal, Dirk Pesch. 371-375 [doi]
- A Decision-Feedback Channel Estimation Receiver for Independent Nonidentical Rayleigh Fading ChannelsYonglan Zhu, Pooi Yuen Kam, Yan Xin. 376-379 [doi]
- On the Effect of Time-Domain Per-Subcarrier Equalization for Band-Limited OQAM Based Multi-Carrier Modulation SystemsHiromitsu Kunishima, Hisao Koga, Osamu Muta, Yoshihiko Akaiwa. 380-384 [doi]
- BEP Analysis of MRT/MRC Diversity in Rayleigh Fading ChannelsJian Li, Xian-Da Zhang, Qiubin Gao, Yajuan Luo, Daqing Gu. 385-389 [doi]
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- On the Stationarity of Sum-of-Cisoids-Based Mobile Fading Channel SimulatorsBjørn Olav Hogstad, Matthias Pätzold. 400-404 [doi]
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- A Wideband One-Ring MIMO Channel Model Under Non-Isotropic Scattering ConditionsYuanyuan Ma, Matthias Pätzold. 424-429 [doi]
- Measurement Based Capacity of Distributed MIMO Antenna System in Urban Microcellular Environment at 5.25 GHzMikko Alatossava, Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn, Veli-Matti Holappa, Juha Ylitalo. 430-434 [doi]
- Universal Unitary Space Vector Quantization Codebook Design for Precoding MIMO System under Spatial Correlated ChannelPing Wu, Lihua Li, Ping Zhang. 435-439 [doi]
- Modeling and Capacity of Polarized MIMO ChannelsMikael Coldrey. 440-444 [doi]
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- A Novel Path-Loss Model for UWB Off-Body PropagationAngelos A. Goulianos, Tim W. C. Brown, Stavros Stavrou. 450-454 [doi]
- Transmission and Reflection Coefficients in Time-Domain for a Dielectric Slab for UWB SignalsAnastasios Karousos, George Koutitas, Costas Tzaras. 455-458 [doi]
- Measurements and Analysis of an In-Car UWB ChannelMoritz Schack, Jaouhar Jemai, Radoslaw Piesiewicz, Robert Geise, Ingo Schmidt, Thomas Kürner. 459-463 [doi]
- A Novel Selective Transmitted Reference Transceiver for High Data Rate UWBWilson-Chandra Tjhi, Chiew Tong Lau, A. Benjamin Premkumar. 464-467 [doi]
- Non-Linear UWB Receivers with MLSE Post-DetectionFlorian Troesch, Thomas Zasowski, Armin Wittneben. 468-472 [doi]
- The Composite Channel Method: Efficient Experimental Evaluation of a Realistic MIMO Terminal in the Presence of a Human BodyFredrik Harrysson, Jonas Medbo, Andreas F. Molisch, Anders J. Johansson, Fredrik Tufvesson. 473-477 [doi]
- Algorithm for Detecting the Number of Transmit Antennas in MIMO-OFDM SystemsEckhard Ohlmer, Ting-Jung Liang, Gerhard Fettweis. 478-482 [doi]
- Switching Rate of Generalized Selection Combining with Non-Identical Branches in Rayleigh Fading ChannelsPaul Ho, Raymond Kwan, Xianbin Wang. 483-487 [doi]
- Level-Crossing Rate and Average Duration of Fades of the Envelope of a Sum-of-CisoidsMatthias Pätzold, Carlos A. Gutierrez-Diaz-de-Leon. 488-494 [doi]
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- On the Statistical Properties of the Capacity of Spatially Correlated Nakagami-M MIMO ChannelsGulzaib Rafiq, Valeri Kontorovich, Matthias Pätzold. 500-506 [doi]
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- Rejection of Multitone Jamming for FFH/MFSK Spread-Spectrum Systems over Frequency-Selective Rayleigh-Fading ChannelsJiliang Zhang, Kah Chan Teh, Kwok Hung Li. 688-692 [doi]
- Low Backhaul Distributed Detection Strategies for an Interference Limited Uplink Cellular SystemShahid Khattak, Gerhard Fettweis. 693-697 [doi]
- Co-Channel Interference Cancellation in Wireless Cellular NetworksAhmed Mohamed Abdelsalam Ahmed, Ian Marsland. 698-702 [doi]
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- A Graph-Based Scheme for Distributed Interference Coordination in Cellular OFDMA NetworksMarc C. Necker. 713-718 [doi]
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- Irregular Generic Detection Aided Iterative Downlink SDMA SystemsChun-Yi Wei, Lajos Hanzo. 729-733 [doi]
- EXIT Chart Aided Design of Near-Capacity Self-Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulation Using Iterative DecodingMuhammad Fasih Uddin Butt, Soon Xin Ng, Lajos Hanzo. 734-738 [doi]
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- A Simplified Iterative Water-Filling Algorithm for Per-User Power Allocation in Multiuser MMSE-Precoded MIMO SystemsMin Lee, Seong Keun Oh. 744-748 [doi]
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- Pilot Sequence Design Scheme for MIMO OFDM Systems under Time-Varying ChannelsXiaoguang Wu, Guixia Kang. 777-781 [doi]
- A Least Mean Square Based Algorithm to Determine Transmit and Receive Weights for Eigenbeam MIMO SystemsTakayuki Tominaga, Osamu Muta, Yoshihiko Akaiwa. 782-786 [doi]
- Efficient Precoder Quantization for Time-Varying MIMO Wireless ChannelsStefano Sorrentino, Lino Moretti. 787-791 [doi]
- A Near Optimal Linear Precoding for Multiuser MIMO Throughput MaximizationSeung-Hun Jang, Janghoon Yang, Seungyeon Eom, Dong Ku Kim. 792-796 [doi]
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- A Polynomial Matrix SVD Approach for Time Domain Broadband Beamforming in MIMO-OFDM SystemsHossein Zamiri-Jafarian, Morteza Rajabzadeh. 802-806 [doi]
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- An Adaptive K-best Algorithm without SNR Estimation for MIMO SystemsBong Seok Kim, H. Kim, Kwonhue Choi. 817-821 [doi]
- Selective Detection for Coded MIMO-OFDM TransmissionHajime Suzuki, Iain B. Collings, Robert Meyer, Mark Hedley. 822-826 [doi]
- Design of Differential Quantization for Low Bitrate Channel State Information Feedback in MIMO-OFDM SystemsWoon Hau Chin, Chau Yuen. 827-831 [doi]
- Coverage Performance Analysis of Multiuser MIMO Broadcast SystemsLi-Chun Wang, Chu-Jung Yeh, Chi-Fang Li. 832-836 [doi]
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