Abstract is missing.
- Defining execution viewpoints for a large and complex software-intensive systemTrosky Boris Callo Arias, Pierre America, Paris Avgeriou. 1-10 [doi]
- Viewpoints for modeling choreographies in service-oriented architecturesSebastian Wieczorek, Andreas Roth, Alin Stefanescu, Vitaly Kozyura, Anis Charfi, Frank Michael Kraft, Ina Schieferdecker. 11-20 [doi]
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- An exploratory study of architectural practices and challenges in using agile software development approachesMuhammad Ali Babar. 81-90 [doi]
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- A pattern language for multi-agent systemsDanny Weyns. 191-200 [doi]
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- Verifying architectural variabilities in software fault tolerance techniquesPatrick H. S. Brito, CecÃlia M. F. Rubira, Rogério de Lemos. 231-240 [doi]
- Weaving a network of architectural knowledgeElena Navarro, Carlos E. Cuesta, Dewayne E. Perry. 241-244 [doi]
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- Exploring ontologies to support the establishment of reference architectures: An example on software testingElisa Yumi Nakagawa, Ellen Francine Barbosa, José Carlos Maldonado. 249-252 [doi]
- Modeling constraints improves software architecture design reasoningAntony Tang, Hans van Vliet. 253-256 [doi]
- RQ-Tech method for user-involved software developmentChristine A. Hoyland, Kevin MacG. Adams. 257-260 [doi]
- Characterizing essential and incidental complexity in software architecturesRaghvinder S. Sangwan, Colin J. Neill. 265-268 [doi]
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- On service-oriented architectural concerns and viewpointsQing Gu, Patricia Lago. 289-292 [doi]
- Architectural design decision: Existing models and toolsMojtaba Shahin, Peng Liang, Mohammad-Reza Khayyambashi. 293-296 [doi]
- Integrating decision management with UML modeling concepts and toolsPatrick Könemann. 297-300 [doi]
- A model to represent architectural design rationaleMaria Celeste Carignano, Silvio Gonnet, Horacio P. Leone. 301-304 [doi]
- Embedded design rationale in software architectureRafael Capilla. 305-308 [doi]
- Generate and test as a software architecture design approachLen Bass. 309-312 [doi]
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- An architectural style for optimizing system qualities in adaptive embedded systems using Multi-Objective OptimizationArjan de Roo, Hasan Sözer, Mehmet Aksit. 349-352 [doi]
- A model-based multi-level architectural reconfiguration applied to adaptability management in context-aware cooperative communication support systemsIsmael Bouassida Rodriguez, Khalil Drira, Christophe Chassot, Mohamed Jmaiel. 353-356 [doi]