Abstract is missing.
- Meta-Programming Techniques for Distributed Real-time and Embedded SystemsJoseph K. Cross, Douglas C. Schmidt. 3-10 [doi]
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- Role-Based Access Control for CORBA Distributed Object SystemsRafael R. Obelheiro, Joni da Silva Fraga. 53-60 [doi]
- FTS: A High-Performance CORBA Fault-Tolerance ServiceRoy Friedman, Erez Hadad. 61 [doi]
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- Implementation of a TMO-Based Real-Time Airplane Landing Simulator on a Distributed Computing EnvironmentMin-Gu Lee, Sunggu Lee. 153-162 [doi]
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- Asynchronous LeasingRomain Boichat, Partha Dutta, Rachid Guerraoui. 180-187 [doi]
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- Distributed Object-Oriented Real-Time Simulation of the Multicast Protocol RFRMY. S. Hong. 215-218 [doi]
- Reconfiguration of Resources in MiddlewareHector A. Duran-Limon, Gordon S. Blair. 219-226 [doi]
- Programming Middle Boxes with Group Event Notification ProtocolMichael Smirnov. 227-236 [doi]
- Deriving Interaction-Prone Scenarios in Feature Interaction Filtering with Use Case MapsMasahide Nakamura, Pattara Leelaprute, Tohru Kikuno. 237-244 [doi]
- Object Testing in ITEES. Ohara, F. Tsunoda, H. Maezawa, M. Hui, Taehyung Wang, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Raymond A. Paul. 245-252 [doi]
- Scenario-Based Modeling And Its ApplicationsXiaoying Bai, Wei-Tek Tsai, Ke Feng, Lian Yu, Raymond A. Paul. 253-260 [doi]
- On Aspect-Orientation in Distributed Real-time Dependable SystemsAndreas Gal, Olaf Spinczyk, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. 261-270 [doi]
- Evaluating UMl Extensions for Modeling Real-Time SystemsLutz Bichler, Ansgar Radermacher, Andy Schürr. 271-278 [doi]
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- A Modified Version of Rate-Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm and its Efficiency AssessmentMahmoud Naghibzadeh, K. H. (Kane) Kim. 289-294 [doi]
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- Construction of CORBA Based Object Group Platform for Distributed Real-Time ServicesChang-Sun Shin, Myung Hee Kim, Young-Sik Jeong, Sung-Kook Han, Su-Chong Joo. 299-304 [doi]
- Dependable Semantic WebBhavani M. Thuraisingham, Eric Hughes, Dock Allen. 305-310 [doi]
- Middleware Scheduling Optimization Techniques for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded SystemsChristopher D. Gill, Ron Cytron, Douglas C. Schmidt. 311-318 [doi]
- Schedulability Analysis of an Event-Based Real-Time Protocol FrameworkJoão Rodrigues, João Ventura, Luís Rodrigues. 319-325 [doi]
- A Distributed Adaptive Scheduler for QoS Support in Compose|QShivajit Mohapatra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian. 326-333 [doi]
- A Scheduling Technique Providing a Strict Isolation of Real-time ThreadsUwe Brinkschulte, Jochen Kreuzinger, Matthias Pfeffer, Theo Ungerer. 334-342 [doi]
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- Eliciting and Specifying Requirements with Use Cases for Embedded SystemsEman Nasr, John A. McDermid, Guillem Bernat. 350-358 [doi]
- Open Research Issues in Building Dependable Middleware (Panel)Priya Narasimhan, Keith Marzullo, P. M. Melliar-Smith, Andreas Polze, Douglas C. Schmidt. 359 [doi]