Abstract is missing.
- Inside Discrete-Event Simulation Software: How It Works and Why It MattersThomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner. 14-22 [doi]
- Statistical Analysis of Simulation OutputW. David Kelton. 23-30 [doi]
- It is a Far, Far Better Mean I Find...Susan M. Sanchez. 31-38 [doi]
- Seven Habits of Highly Successful Input ModelersLawrence Leemis. 39-46 [doi]
- Modeling Dependencies in Stochastic Simulation InputsJames R. Wilson. 47-52 [doi]
- Simulation Model Verification and Validation: Increasing the Users ConfidenceStewart Robinson. 53-59 [doi]
- Optimizing the Selection of VV&A Activities: A Risk/Benefit ApproachPaul R. Muessig, Dennis R. Laack, John W. Wrobleski Jr.. 60-66 [doi]
- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Simulation in C++Jeffrey A. Joines, Stephen D. Roberts. 78-85 [doi]
- The IDES Framework: A Case Study in Development of a Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation SystemDavid M. Nicol, Michael M. Johnson, Ann S. Yoshimura. 93-99 [doi]
- Web-based SimulationPaul A. Fishwick. 100-102 [doi]
- Visualizing Parallel Simulations in Network Computing Environments: A Case StudyChristopher D. Carothers, Brad Topol, Richard Fujimoto, John T. Stasko, Vaidy S. Sunderam. 110-117 [doi]
- Uniform Random Number Generators: A ReviewPierre L Ecuyer. 127-134 [doi]
- Verification, Validation and Accreditation of Simulation ModelsOsman Balci. 135-141 [doi]
- The Department of Defense High Level ArchitectureJudith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly. 142-149 [doi]
- A Java Based System for Specifying Hierarchical Control Flow Graph ModelsThorsten Daum, Robert G. Sargent. 150-157 [doi]
- An HCFG Model of a Traffic Intersection Specified Using HiMASS-jThorsten Daum. 158-165 [doi]
- The Future of Simulation Software: A Panel DiscussionJerry Banks. 166-173 [doi]
- Simulation Optimization Using Simultaneous Replications and Event Time DilationLee Schruben. 177-180 [doi]
- Single Run Optimization Using the Reverse-Simulation MethodYoung Hae Lee, Kyoung Jong Park, Yun Bae Kim. 187-193 [doi]
- Computational Experience with the Batch Means MethodChristos Alexopoulos, George S. Fishman, Andrew F. Seila. 194-201 [doi]
- Computational Efficiency of Batching MethodsDavid Goldsman, Bruce W. Schmeiser. 202-207 [doi]
- Computational Efficiency Evaluation in Output AnalysisHalim Damerdji, Shane G. Henderson, Peter W. Glynn. 208-215 [doi]
- Efficient Simulation of Multiclass Queueing NetworksShane G. Henderson, Sean P. Meyn. 216-223 [doi]
- A New Variance-Reduction Technique for Regenerative Simulations of Markov ChainsJames M. Calvin, Marvin K. Nakayama. 224-229 [doi]
- Descriptive Sampling: An Improvement over Latin Hypercube SamplingEduardo Saliby. 230-233 [doi]
- The Impact of Transients on Simulation Variance EstimatorsDaniel H. Ockerman, David Goldsman. 234-239 [doi]
- Weighted Jackknife-after-Bootstrap: A Heuristic ApproachJin Wang, J. Sunil Rao, Jun Shao. 240-245 [doi]
- Optimal Quadratic-Form Estimator of the Variance of the Sample MeanWheyming Tina Song, Neng-Hui Shih, Mingjian Yuan. 246-252 [doi]
- Bayesian Analysis for Simulation Input and OutputStephen E. Chick. 253-260 [doi]
- Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output: Variance-based Methods Make the DifferenceKaren Chan, Andrea Saltelli, Stefano Tarantola. 261-268 [doi]
- Searching for Important Factors: Sequential Bifurcation under UncertaintyRussell C. H. Cheng. 275-280 [doi]
- Estimating and Simulating Poisson Processes with Trends or Asymmetric Cyclic EffectsMichael E. Kuhl, Halim Damerdji, James R. Wilson. 287-295 [doi]
- Sensitivity of Output Performance Measures to Input Distributions in Queueing Simulation ModelingDonald Gross, Man Juttijudata. 296-302 [doi]
- Design of Experiments for Fitting Subsystem MetamodelsRussell R. Barton. 303-310 [doi]
- Covalidation of Dissimilarly Structured ModelsSamuel A. Wright, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr.. 311-318 [doi]
- A User Interface to Support Experimental Design and Data Exploration of Complex, Deterministic SimulationL. Tandy Herren, Pamela K. Fink, Christopher J. Moehle. 319-325 [doi]
- Selecting the Best System: A Decision-Theoretic ApproachStephen E. Chick. 326-333 [doi]
- New Development of Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Discrete Event SimulationHsiao-Chang Chen, Chun-Hung Chen, Liyi Dai, Enver Yücesan. 334-341 [doi]
- How Common Random Numbers Affect Multinomial SelectionJohn O. Miller, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr.. 342-347 [doi]
- Accelerating the Convergence of the Stochastic Ruler Method of Discrete Stochastic OptimizationMahmoud H. Alrefaei, Sigrún Andradóttir. 352-357 [doi]
- An Integrated Framework for Deterministic and Stochastic OptimizationLeyuan Shi, Sigurdur Ólafsson. 358-365 [doi]
- Issues in Modeling and Simulation: Policies and TechnologiesDavid R. Pratt, Drew W. Beasley. 369-372 [doi]
- Design and Implementation of HLA Time Management in the RTI Version F.0Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly, Annette L. Wilson. 373-380 [doi]
- Java Based Conservative Distributed SimulationAlois Ferscha, Michael Richter. 381-388 [doi]
- Minimum Cost Adaptive Synchronization: Experiments with the ParaSol SystemEdward Mascarenhas, Felipe Knop, Vernon Rego. 389-396 [doi]
- Simulation of Multiple Time-Pressured AgentsScott D. Anderson. 397-404 [doi]
- A Performance Monitoring Application for Distributed Interactive Simulations (DIS)David B. Cavitt, C. Michael Overstreet, Kurt Maly. 421-428 [doi]
- A Framework for Performance Analysis of Parallel Discrete Event SimulatorsVijay Balakrishnan, Peter Frey, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh, Philip A. Wilsey. 429-436 [doi]
- Parallel Simulation of TCP/IP Using TeDBrian J. Premore, David M. Nicol. 437-443 [doi]
- Cloning: A Novel Method for Interactive Parallel SimulationMaria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto. 444-451 [doi]
- Checkpoint and Recovery Methods in the ParaSol Simulation SystemEdward Mascarenhas, Felipe Knop, Reuben Pasquini, Vernon Rego. 452-459 [doi]
- Multiplexed State Saving for Bounded RollbackFabian Gomes, Brian Unger, John G. Cleary, Steve Franks. 460-467 [doi]
- Web-based Simulation in Simjava Using Remote Method InvocationErnest H. Page, Robert L. Moose Jr., Sean P. Griffin. 468-474 [doi]
- ::::Silk::::: A Java-based Process Simulation LanguageKevin J. Healy, Richard A. Kilgore. 475-482 [doi]
- SimJAVA - A Framework for Modeling Queueing Networks in JavaWolfgang Kreutzer, Jane Hopkins, Marcel van Mierlo. 483-488 [doi]
- Verification, Validation & Accreditation: Disciplines in Dialogue or can we Learn from the Experiences of Others? (Panel)James D. Arthur, Richard E. Nance, Robert G. Sargent, Dolores R. Wallace, Linda H. Rosenberg, Paul R. Muessig. 489-496 [doi]
- SimTutor: A Multimedia Intelligent Tutoring System for Simulation ModelingTajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic. 504-509 [doi]
- The Four Phase Method for Modelling Complex SystemsHamad I. Odhabi, Ray J. Paul, Robert D. Macredie. 510-517 [doi]
- Structured Models and Dynamic Systems Analysis: The Integration of the IDEF0/IDEF3 Modeling Methods and Discrete Event SimulationLarry Whitman, Brian L. Huff, Adrien Presley. 518-524 [doi]
- Methodology for the Increased Computational Efficiency of Discrete-Event Simulation in 3 Dimensional SpaceEugene P. Paulo, Linda C. Malone. 525-531 [doi]
- Arena Software TutorialDavid A. Takus, David M. Profozich. 541-544 [doi]
- AweSim: The Integrated Simulation SystemA. Alan B. Pritsker, Jean J. O Reilly. 545-551 [doi]
- Making Better Manufacturing Decisions with AIMJulie N. Ehrlich, William R. Lilegdon. 552-558 [doi]
- An Introduction to SLXJames O. Henriksen. 559-566 [doi]
- Simulation Using GPSS/H567-573 [doi]
- The Power and Performance of Proof AnimationJames O. Henriksen. 574-580 [doi]
- Introduction to ProcessModel and ProcessModel 9000Bruce D. Gladwin, Charles R. Harrell. 594-600 [doi]
- MODSIM III - A TutorialJohn Goble. 601-605 [doi]
- Using SiMPLE++ for Improved Modeling Efficiencies and Extending Model Life CyclesDavid R. Kalasky, Gerald A. Levasseur. 611-618 [doi]
- Strategic Layout Planning for Lean Manufacturing: A LayOPT TutorialRamu Narayanaswamy. 640-644 [doi]
- Before Dynamic Simulation: Systematic Layout Design from ScratchDavid P. Sly. 645-648 [doi]
- AutoStat: Output Statistical Analysis for AutoMod UsersJohn S. Carson II. 649-656 [doi]
- AutoMod TutorialMatthew W. Rohrer. 657-662 [doi]
- Advanced Uses for Micro Saint Simulation SoftwareCatherine Drury Barnes, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.. 680-686 [doi]
- Data Analysis and Automatic Run-Length Control in CSIM18Herbert D. Schwetman, Jeffrey A. Brumfield. 687-692 [doi]
- Simulation of Bulk Flow and High Speed OperationsAndrew J. Siprelle, Richard A. Phelps. 706-710 [doi]
- WITNESS Simulation Software: A Flexible Suite of Simulation ToolsPam Laney Markt, Michael H. Mayer. 711-717 [doi]
- An Introduction to Using ProSim for Business Process Simulation and AnalysisMalay Dalal, Madhav Erraguntla, Perakath C. Benjamin. 718-724 [doi]
- Simulation of a Paint Shop Power and Free LineEdward J. Williams, Shigeru Sadakane. 727-732 [doi]
- Using a Simulation to Generate the Data to Balance an Assembly LineMark R. Grabau, Ruth A. Maurer, Dennis P. Ott. 733-738 [doi]
- Simulation of a New Product WorkcellRon Shady, Gary Spake, F. Bradley Armstrong. 739-743 [doi]
- Using Simulation to Schedule Manufacturing ResourcesHank Czarnecki, Bernard J. Schroer, M. Mizzanur Rahman. 750-757 [doi]
- Applications of Discrete Event Simulation in the Design of Automotive Powertrain Manufacturing SystemsArun Jayaraman, Ali K. Gunal. 758-764 [doi]
- A Simulation-Based Backward Planning Approach for Order-ReleaseEdward F. Watson, Deborah J. Medeiros, Randall P. Sadowski. 765-772 [doi]
- Evaluating Embedded Decision Processes of Manufacturing Systems Through SimulationS. Cem Karacal. 781-785 [doi]
- Manufacturing Simulation Consultant s Forum (Panel)F. Bradley Armstrong, D. Michelle Benjamin, Marvin S. Seppanen, Richard A. Kilgore, Charles H. White. 786-792 [doi]
- Flexible Modeling of Manufacturing Systems with Variable Levels of DetailTillal Eldabi, Ray J. Paul. 801-808 [doi]
- Part and Tool Flow Management in Multi-Cell Flexible Manufacturing SystemMustafa Özbayrak, A. Kursad Turker, Melek Pisman. 809-816 [doi]
- Real Time Discrete Event Simulation of a PCB Production System for Operational SupportMats Jackson, Christer Johansson. 832-837 [doi]
- A Simulation-Based Finite Capacity Scheduling SystemAlexander J. Weintraub, Andrew Zozom Jr., Thom J. Hodgson, Denis Cormier. 838-844 [doi]
- A Simulation-Based Controller for Distributed Discrete-Event Systems with Application to Flexible ManufacturingFernando G. Gonzalez, Wayne J. Davis. 845-852 [doi]
- Application of Simulation to Scheduling, Sequencing, and Material HandlingEdward J. Williams, Ramu Narayanaswamy. 861-865 [doi]
- A Sortation System ModelArun Jayaraman, Ramu Narayanaswamy, Ali K. Gunal. 866-871 [doi]
- Efficient Simulation/Optimization of Dispatching Priority with Fake Processing TimeSusumu Morito, Keun Hyung Lee. 872-879 [doi]
- A Simulation Testbed for Computing the Performance of Alternative Control ArchitecturesPaul Rogers, Robert W. Brennan. 880-887 [doi]
- Simulation of Group Work Processes in ManufacturingWilli Bernhard, Axel Schilling. 888-891 [doi]
- Object-Oriented Simulation of Paratrooper-Vortex InteractionsT. Glenn Bailey, Jose C. Belano III, Philip S. Beran, Jack M. Kloeber Jr., Hans J. Petry. 903-910 [doi]
- Sea Based Logistics: Distribution Problems for Future Global ContingenciesKeebom Kang, Kevin R. Gue. 911-916 [doi]
- Eagle View: A Simulation Tool for Wing OperationsEric A. Zahn, Kerris J. Renken. 917-924 [doi]
- Verification & Validation in Military SimulationsDean S. Hartley III. 925-932 [doi]
- System Concept Development with Virtual PrototypingJames C. Schaaf Jr., Faye Lynn Thompson. 941-947 [doi]
- Continuous Simulation of Air Base Assets (CSAA) - Integrating Logistics Support Operations : A Proposed MethodologyStephen R. Parker, Patrick Williams. 955-960 [doi]
- Using Compensating Reconfiguration to Maintain Military Distributed SimulationsDonald J. Welch, James M. Purtilo. 961-967 [doi]
- Using Response Surface Methodology to Link Force Structure Budgets to Campaign ObjectivesJames B. Grier, T. Glenn Bailey, Jack A. Jackson. 968-973 [doi]
- Fast and Physically-Based Generation of Self-Similar Network Traffic with Applications to ATM Performance EvaluationAshok Erramilli, Parag Pruthi, Walter Willinger. 997-1004 [doi]
- Long-Lasting Transient Conditions in Simulations with Heavy-Tailed WorkloadsMark Crovella, Lester Lipsky. 1005-1012 [doi]
- Simulation of Modern Parallel Systems: A CSIM-based ApproachDhabaleswar K. Panda, Debashis Basak, Donglai Dai, Ram Kesavan, Rajeev Sivaram, Mohammad Banikazemi, Vijay Moorthy. 1013-1020 [doi]
- Execution-Driven Simulators for Parallel Systems DesignAnand Sivasubramaniam. 1021-1028 [doi]
- A Hybrid Tool for the Performance Evaluation of NUMA ArchitecturesJames Westall, Robert Geist. 1029-1036 [doi]
- Why We Don t Know How To Simulate the InternetVern Paxson, Sally Floyd. 1037-1044 [doi]
- Model-Driven Simulation of World-Wide-Web Cache PoliciesYing Shi, Edward Watson, Ye-Sho Chen. 1045-1052 [doi]
- A Virtual PNNI Network TestbedKalyan S. Perumalla, Matthew Andrews, Sandeep N. Bhatt. 1057-1064 [doi]
- Modeling a 10 Gbit/s/Port Shared Memory ATM SwitchTawfik Lazraq, Jakob Brundin, Per Andersson, Åke Arvidsson. 1065-1070 [doi]
- Time-Parallel Generation of Self-Similar ATM TrafficIoanis Nikolaidis, C. Anthony Cooper, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto. 1071-1078 [doi]
- A Stochastic Disk I/O Simulation TechniqueNiki C. Thornock, Xiao-Hong Tu, J. Kelly Flanagan. 1079-1086 [doi]
- Collision Awareness Multiple Access Networks Performance OptimizationPaul T. R. Wang, Yoon K. Hong. 1087-1092 [doi]
- Efficient Instruction Cache Simulation and Execution Profiling with a Threaded-Code InterpreterPeter S. Magnusson. 1093-1100 [doi]
- AP2-Earth: A Simulation Based System for the Estimating and Planning of Earth Moving OperationsDany Hajjar, Simaan M. AbouRizk. 1103-1110 [doi]
- Petri Net Based Simulation of Construction SchedulesAnil Sawhney. 1111-1118 [doi]
- A Framework for Incorporating Dynamic Strategies in Earth-Moving SimulationsGovindan Kannan, Julio C. Martínez, Michael C. Vorster. 1119-1126 [doi]
- A Conceptual Activity Cycle-Based Simulation Modeling MethodJingsheng Shi. 1127-1133 [doi]
- A General Framework for Large Scale Systems DevelopmentAleks Göllü, Farokh H. Eskafi. 1134-1140 [doi]
- The Integrated Performance Modeling Environment - Simulating Human-System PerformanceDavid Dahn, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.. 1141-1145 [doi]
- Simulation of the Queston Physician NetworkJames R. Swisher, J. Brian Jun, Sheldon H. Jacobson, Osman Balci. 1146-1154 [doi]
- A Generalised Simulation System to Support Strategic Resource Planning in HealthcareMartin Pitt. 1155-1162 [doi]
- Integrated Medical Analysis SystemSusan L. Mabry, Samuel L. Rodriquez, James D. Heffernan. 1163-1168 [doi]
- A Simulation Environment for the Coordinated Operation of Multiple Autonomous Underwater VehiclesJoão Borges de Sousa, Aleks Göllü. 1169-1175 [doi]
- The Use of a Template-Based Methodology in the Simulation of a New Cargo Track from Rotterdam Harbor to GermanyAlexander J. G. Pater, Maurice J. G. Teunisse. 1176-1180 [doi]
- Application of Simulation Modeling to Emergency Population EvacuationKambiz Farahmand. 1181-1188 [doi]
- Simulation Based Approach to Study the Interaction of Scheduling and Routing on a Logistic NetworkAlex J. Ruiz-Torres, John E. Tyworth. 1189-1194 [doi]
- A Simulation Approach for Analyzing Parking Space Availability at a Major UniversityJohn M. Harris, Yasser Dessouky. 1195-1198 [doi]
- SmartATMS: A Simulator for Air Traffic Management SystemsTak-Kuen John Koo, Yi Ma, George J. Pappas, Claire Tomlin. 1199-1205 [doi]
- Simulation-Based Approach to the Warehouse Location Problem for a Large-Scale Real InstanceKazuyoshi Hidaka, Hiroyuki Okano. 1214-1221 [doi]
- Urban Traffic Simulation with Psycho-Physical Vehicle-Following ModelsThomas Schulze, Thomas Fliess. 1222-1229 [doi]
- Development and Application of an Intermodal Mass Transit Simulation with Detailed Traffic ModelingJoseph C. Brill, Dudley E. Whitney. 1230-1235 [doi]
- Panel on Transportation and Logistics ModelingJohn S. Carson II, Mani S. Manivannan, Mark K. Brazier, Eric Miller, H. Donald Ratliff. 1244-1250 [doi]
- Forecasting Investment Opportunities Through Dynamic SimulationStephen R. Parker. 1251-1257 [doi]
- Simulation of a Signal Quality SurveyDouglas J. Morrice, Peter W. Mullarkey, Astrid S. Kenyon, Herbert D. Schwetman, Jingfang Zhou. 1265-1272 [doi]
- Simulation Success Stories: Business Process ReengineeringKathi L. Hunt, Gregory A. Hansen, Edwin F. Madigan Jr., Richard A. Phelps. 1275-1279 [doi]
- Success Stories in Simulation in Health CareCatherine Drury Barnes, Joaquin L. Quiason, Carson Benson, Deidre McGuiness. 1280-1285 [doi]
- Research to Application Success Stories: Manufacturing (Panel)David P. Sly, Sanjay S. Upendram, Onur M. Ülgen, Jim Dooley, Jason Duff. 1286-1292 [doi]
- Selective Rerouting Using Simulated Steady State System DataCatherine M. Harmonosky, Robert H. Farr, Ming-Chuan Ni. 1293-1298 [doi]
- A Simulation-Based Production TestbedAlbert Jones, Michael Iuliano. 1299-1306 [doi]
- Genetic Algorithms for Cluster Analysis for Production SimulationRobert Entriken, Siegfried Vössner. 1307-1314 [doi]
- A Framework for Distributed Object-Oriented Multimodeling and SimulationRobert M. Cubert, Paul A. Fishwick. 1315-1322 [doi]
- The Visual Simulation Environment Technology TransferOsman Balci, Anders I. Bertelrud, Chuck M. Esterbrook, Richard E. Nance. 1323-1329 [doi]
- Simulation of Memory Chip Line Using an Electronics Manufacturing SimulatorDouglas N. Estremadoyro, Phillip A. Farrington, Bernard J. Schroer, James J. Swain. 1330-1337 [doi]
- Towards a Web Based Simulation EnvironmentPeter Lorenz, Heiko Dorwarth, Klaus-Christoph Ritter, Thomas J. Schriber. 1338-1344 [doi]
- Taking the Work Out of Simulation Modeling: An Application of Technology IntegrationGregory S. Baker. 1345-1351 [doi]
- Integration of Simulation with Enterprise ModelsKrishnamurthy Srinivasan, Sundaresan Jayaraman. 1352-1356 [doi]
- A Message-Based Discrete Event Simulation ArchitectureDavid Krahl, J. Steven Lamperti. 1361-1367 [doi]
- Modeling Compressed Full-Motion VideoBenjamin Melamed. 1368-1374 [doi]
- What Makes a Modeling and Simulation Professional?: the Consensus View from one WorkshopRalph V. Rogers. 1375-1382 [doi]
- Activate This Classroom at Time NowManuel D. Rossetti. 1383-1389 [doi]
- Cooperative Learning in SimulationHarriet Black Nembhard. 1390-1393 [doi]
- Interactive Strategies for Developing Intuitive Knowledge as Basis for Simulation Modeling EducationTajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic, Simon J. E. Taylor, Ray J. Paul. 1394-1402 [doi]
- Conduct, Misconduct, and Cargo Cult ScienceJames R. Wilson. 1405-1414 [doi]