Abstract is missing.
- Supporting Hospital Logistics During the First Months of The COVID-19 Crisis: A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Team Orienteering ProblemMarkus Rabe 0001, Jorge L. Chicaiza-Vaca, Rafael David Tordecilla, Leandro do C. Martins, Angel A. Juan. 1-10 [doi]
- Graph Neural Network Based Behavior Prediction to Support Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Military Training SimulationsLixing Liu, Nikolos Gurney, Kyle McCullough, Volkan Ustun. 1-12 [doi]
- Parallel Application Power and Performance Prediction Modeling Using SimulationKishwar Ahmed, Kazutomo Yoshii, Samia Tasnim. 1-12 [doi]
- Development of a Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm for Block Assembly Production LineJong Hun Woo, Young In Cho, So Hyun Nam, Jong Ho Nam. 1-12 [doi]
- Panel on Ethical Constraints on Validation, Verification, and Application of SimulationAndreas Tolk, Justin E. Lane, F. LeRon Shults, Wesley J. Wildman. 1-15 [doi]
- A Bayesian Approach to Online Simulation Optimization with Streaming Input DataTianyi Liu, Yifan Lin, Enlu Zhou. 1-12 [doi]
- Panel on Simulation Modeling for Covid-19Dionne M. Aleman, Anastasia Anagnostou, Christine S. M. Currie, John W. Fowler, Esma Senturk Gel, Alexander R. Rutherford. 1-12 [doi]
- Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation For Business and Management: A Review and TutorialBhakti Stephan Onggo, Joël Foramitti. 1-15 [doi]
- City-Scale Simulation of Covid-19 Pandemic & Intervention Policies Using Agent-Based ModellingGaurav Suryawanshi, Varun Madhavan, Adway Mitra, Partha Pratim Chakrabarti. 1-12 [doi]
- Data-Driven Exploration of Lentic Water Bodies with ASVs Guided by Gradient-Free Optimization/Contour Detection AlgorithmsEva Besada-Portas, José Maria Girón-Sierra, Juan F. Jiménez, José Antonio López Orozco. 1-12 [doi]
- A Model-based Analysis of Evacuation Strategies in Hospital Emergency DepartmentsBoyi Su, Jaeyoung Kwak, Ahmadreza Pourghaderi, Michael Harold Lees, Kenneth B. K. Tan, Shin Yi Loo, Ivan S. Y. Chua, Joy L. J. Quah, Wentong Cai 0001, Marcus Eng Hock Ong. 1-12 [doi]
- A New Ethical Principle for Analysts who use ModelsPaul K. Davis. 1-9 [doi]
- Assessing Resilience Of Medicine Supply Chain Networks To Disruptions: A Proposed Hybrid Simulation Modeling FrameworkJoe Viana, Kim E. van Oorschot, Christine Årdal. 1-12 [doi]
- Simulating Sars-CoV-2 Transmission in the New York SubwayAlex J. Washburn, Ye Paing, Pauline Lin, Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad. 1-12 [doi]
- Evaluating Supply-And Reverse Logistics Alternatives in Building Construction Using SimulationChristina Gschwendtner, Anne Fischer, Johannes Fottner, Iris D. Tommelein. 1-12 [doi]
- Sensitivity Analysis and Time-Cost Tradeoffs in Stochastic Activity NetworksPeng Wan, Michael C. Fu 0001, Steven I. Marcus. 1-12 [doi]
- Improving Simulation Optimization Run Time When Solving for Periodic Review Inventory Policies in a PharmacyLauren L. Czerniak, Mark S. Daskin, Mariel S. Lavieri, Burgunda V. Sweet, Jennifer Erley, Matthew A. Tupps. 1-12 [doi]
- Robust Decision-Making in the Internet of Battlefield Things Using Bayesian Neural NetworksAdam D. Cobb, Brian Jalaian, Nathaniel D. Bastian, Stephen Russell 0001. 1-12 [doi]
- Parcel Delivery For Smart Cities: A Synchronization Approach For Combined Truck-Drone-Street Robot DeliveriesBerry Gerrits, Peter Schuur. 1-12 [doi]
- On-Demand Logistics Service for Packages: Package Bidding Mechanism vs. Platform PricingManish Tripathy, Ramin Ahmed, Michael Kay. 1-12 [doi]
- Inexact-Proximal Accelerated Gradient Method for Stochastic Nonconvex Constrained Optimization ProblemsMorteza Boroun, Afrooz Jalilzadeh. 1-12 [doi]
- BPMN-Based Simulation Analysis of the COVID-19 Impact on Emergency Departments: A Case Study in ItalyCarole Neuner, Paolo Bocciarelli, Andrea D'Ambrogio. 1-12 [doi]
- Data-Driven Production Planning Formulations For Wafer Fabs: A Computational StudyTobias Völker, Lars Mönch. 1-12 [doi]
- Instructions for Authors of Papers Using LatexSojung Kim, Ben Feng, Katy Smith, Sara Masoud, Zeyu Zheng. 1-21 [doi]
- Distributionally Robust Cycle and Chain Packing With Application To Organ ExchangeDuncan C. McElfresh, John P. Dickerson, Ke Ren, Hoda Bidkhori. 1-12 [doi]
- Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Tutorial On Designing and ConductingSimulation ExperimentsSusan M. Sanchez, Paul J. Sanchez, Hong Wan. 1-15 [doi]
- An Automated Framework for Generating Synthetic Point Clouds from as-Built BIM with Semantic Annotation for Scan-to-BIMJong Won Ma, Bing Han, Fernanda Leite. 1-10 [doi]
- Measuring Proximity of Individuals During Aircraft Boarding Process with Elderly Passengers Through Agent-Based SimulationBruna H. P. Fabrin, Denise Beatriz Ferrari. 1-11 [doi]
- Structuring a Simulation Course Around the simEd Package for RBarry Lawson 0001, Lawrence M. Leemis. 1-12 [doi]
- A Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Heuristic for the Hybrid Flow Shop Problem with Batching and Multiple PathsChristoph Laroque, Madlene Leißau, Pedro Copado, Javier Panadero, Angel A. Juan, Christin Schumacher. 1-11 [doi]
- Creating an Inter-Hospital Resilient Network for Pandemic Response Based on Blockchain and Dynamic Digital TwinsQiuchen Lu, Zhen Ye, Zigeng Fang, Jiayin Meng, Michael Pitt, Jinyi Lin, Xiang Xie, Long Chen. 1-12 [doi]
- SPSC: An Efficient, General-Purpose Execution Policy for Stochastic SimulationsYu-Lin Huang, Gildas Morvan, Frédéric Pichon, David Mercier. 1-12 [doi]
- Backward Simulation for Production Planning - Recent Advances in a Real-World Use-CaseChristoph Laroque, Madlene Leißau, Wolfgang Scholl, Germar Schneider. 1-10 [doi]
- Solving an Urban Ridesharing Problem with Stochastic Travel Times: A Simheuristic ApproachLeandro do C. Martins, Angel A. Juan, Maria Torres, Elena Pérez-Bernabeu, Canan G. Corlu, Javier Faulin. 1-12 [doi]
- On Static vs Dynamic (Switching of) Operational Policies in Aircraft Turnaround Team Allocation and ManagementSudipta Saha, Maurizio Tomasella, Giovanni M. Cattaneo, Andrea Matta, Silvia Padrón. 1-12 [doi]
- Last-Mile Delivery of Pharmaceutical Items to Heterogeneous Healthcare Centers with Random Travel Times and Unpunctuality FeesErika Herrera, Javier Panadero, Angel A. Juan, Mattia Neroni, Massimo Bertolini. 1-12 [doi]
- Business Process Modeling and Simulation with DPMN: Processing ActivitiesGerd Wagner 0001. 1-15 [doi]
- Multi-Fidelity Modeling For The Design Of A Maritime Environmental Survey Network Utilizing Unmanned Underwater VehiclesDanielle F. Morey, Zelda B. Zabinsky, Cherry Wakayama, Randall Plate. 1-12 [doi]
- Machine Learning and Simulation-Based Framework for Disaster Preparedness PredictionZhenlong Jiang, Ran Ji, Yudi Chen, Wenying Ji. 1-10 [doi]
- Toward Better Management of Potentially Hostile CrowdsSusan K. Aros, Anne Marie Baylouny, Deborah E. Gibbons, Mary McDonald. 1-12 [doi]
- Modelling the Mentee-Mentor Population Dynamics: Continuous and Discrete ApproachesSamuel Schaffel, François-Alex Bourque, Slawomir Wesolkowski. 1-10 [doi]
- Option Pricing by Neural Stochastic Differential Equations: A Simulation-Optimization ApproachShoudao Wang, L. Jeff Hong. 1-11 [doi]
- Simulating New York City Hospital Load Balancing During COVID-19Enrique Lelo de Larrea, Henry Lam, Elioth Sanabria, Jay Sethuraman, Sevin Mohammadi, Audrey Olivier, Andrew W. Smyth, Edward M. Dolan, Nicholas E. Johnson, Timothy R. Kepler, Afsan Quayyum, Kathleen S. Thomson. 1-12 [doi]
- Explainable Modeling in Digital TwinLu Wang, Tianhu Deng, Zeyu Zheng, Zuo-Jun Max Shen. 1-12 [doi]
- Artificial Societies in the Anthropocene: Challenges and Opportunities for Modeling Climate, Conflict, and CooperationF. LeRon Shults, Wesley J. Wildman, Monica Duffy Toft, Antje Danielson. 1-12 [doi]
- A Data Processing Pipeline For Cyber-Physical Risk Assessments Of Municipal Supply ChainsGabriel A. Weaver. 1-12 [doi]
- Towards A Generic Semiconductor Manufacturing Simulation ModelAbdelhak Khemiri, Claude Yugma, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès. 1-10 [doi]
- Operator Resource Planning in a Giga Fab During Covid-19 RestrictionsChing Foong Lee, Aik Ying Tang, Georg Seidel, Soo Leen Low, Boon-Ping Gan. 1-9 [doi]
- An Evaluation of Strategies for Job Mix Selection in Job Shop Production Environments - Case: A Photolithography WorkstationAmir Ghasemi, Cathal Heavey. 1-12 [doi]
- Modeling Of Waiting Lists For Chronic Heart Failure In The Wake Of The COVID-19 PandemicAlan F. Wise, Lucy E. Morgan, Alexander Heib, Christine S. M. Currie, Alan R. Champneys, Nadarajah Ramesh, Chris Gale, Mamas Mamas. 1-11 [doi]
- Simulating Online Social Response: A Stimulus/Response PerspectiveHuajie Shao, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Jiawei Han 0001, Minhao Jiang, Yuning Mao, Yu Meng 0001, Wenda Qiu, Dachun Sun, Ruijie Wang 0004, Chaoqi Yang, Zhenzhou Yang, Xinyang Zhang, Yu Zhang 0044, Sam Cohen, James Flamino, György Korniss, Omar Malik, Aamir Mandviwalla, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Lake Yin. 1-12 [doi]
- Ride Along: Using Simulation To Staff The Ithaca Police DepartmentChristopher Archer, Matthew Ziron, Jamol Pender. 1-12 [doi]
- Buiding a Digital Twin for Robot Workcell Prognostics And Health ManagementDeogratias Kibira, Guodong Shao, Brian A. Weiss. 1-12 [doi]
- Tutorial: Graphical Methods for the Design and Analysis of ExperimentsRussell R. Barton. 1-13 [doi]
- Variance Reduction for Generalized Likelihood Ratio Method in Quantile Sensitivity EstimationYijie Peng, Michael C. Fu 0001, Jiaqiao Hu, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Bruno Tuffin. 1-12 [doi]
- Predicting Cycle Time Distributions with Aggregate Modelling of Work Areas in a Real-World Wafer FabPatrick C. Deenen, Jelle Adan, John W. Fowler. 1-12 [doi]
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- Public Demand Estimation Following Disasters Through Integrating Social Media and Community DemographicsYudi Chen, Wenying Ji. 1-10 [doi]
- Applying Simheuristics for Safety Stock and Planned Lead Time Optimization in a Rolling Horizon MRP System Under UncertaintyWolfgang Seiringer, Klaus Altendorfer, Juliana Castaneda, Javier Panadero, Angel A. Juan. 1-12 [doi]
- Multi-Objective Parallel Batch Scheduling In Wafer Fabs With Job Timelink ConstraintsSemya Elaoud, Ruaridh Williamson, Begun Efeoglu Sanli, Dennis Xenos. 1-11 [doi]
- Developing a Calibrated Discrete Event Simulation Model of Shops of a Dutch Phone and Subscription Retailer During COVID-19 to Evaluate Shift Plans to Reduce Waiting TimesLieke R. de Groot, Alexander Hübl. 1-12 [doi]
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- A Workflow For Data-Driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis In BuildingsJoseph Boi-Ukeme, Gabriel A. Wainer. 1-12 [doi]
- Complexity Analysis on Flattened PDEVS SimulationsGuillermo G. Trabes, Veronica Gil Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer. 1-12 [doi]
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