Journal: Advanced Robotics

Volume 19, Issue 10

1041 -- 0Hajime Asama, Shigeki Sugano. Preface
1043 -- 1058Bennett Jackson, Robert Bodor, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos. Deriving occlusions in static scenes from observations of interactions with a moving figure
1059 -- 1079Cyrill Stachniss, Dirk Hähnel, Wolfram Burgard, Giorgio Grisetti. On actively closing loops in grid-based FastSLAM
1081 -- 1095Gabriel A. D. Lopes, Daniel E. Koditschek. Level sets and stable manifold approximations for perceptually driven non-holonomically constrained navigation
1097 -- 1113Andrew I. Comport, Éric Marchand, François Chaumette. Efficient model-based tracking for robot vision
1115 -- 1133Katsuyoshi Tsujita, Hiroomi Toui, Kazuo Tsuchiya. Dynamic turning control of a quadruped locomotion robot using oscillators