Journal: Biological Cybernetics

Volume 75, Issue 6

441 -- 452Hanspeter A. Mallot, Fotios Giannakopoulos. Population networks: a large-scale framework for modelling cortical neural networks
453 -- 461Tomoki Fukai. Competition in the temporal domain among neural activities phase-locked to subthreshold oscillations
463 -- 470Terry Elliott, Nigel R. Shadbolt. A mathematical model of activity-dependent, anatomical segregation induced by competition for neurotrophic support
471 -- 483R. N. Miftakhov, D. L. Wingate. Electrical activity of the sensory afferent pathway in the enteric nervous system
485 -- 493Andrew D. Cartwright, Ian S. Curthoys. A neural network simulation of the vestibular system: implications on the role of intervestibular nuclear coupling during vestibular compensation
495 -- 507Maartje E. J. Raijmakers, Han van der Maas, Peter C. M. Molenaar. Numerical bifurcation analysis of distance-dependent on-center off-surround shunting neural networks
509 -- 0Alessandra Celletti, Alessandro E. P. Villa. Low-dimensional chaotic attractors in the rat brain

Volume 75, Issue 5

361 -- 379Stuart J. Edelstein, Olivier Schaad, Eric Henry, Daniel Bertrand, Jean-Pierre Changeux. A kinetic mechanism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors based on multiple allosteric transitions
389 -- 396Milan Palus. Nonlinearity in normal human EEG: cycles, temporal asymmetry, nonstationarity and randomness, not chaos
397 -- 407Maximilian Riesenhuber, Hans-Ulrich Bauer, Theo Geisel. Analyzing phase transitions in high-dimensional self-organizing maps
409 -- 417Jan Peter van Zandwijk, Maarten F. Bobbert, Guus C. Baan, Peter A. Huijing. From twitch to tetanus: performance of excitation dynamics optimized for a twitch in predicting tetanic muscle forces
419 -- 431Teresa Ree Chay. Electrical bursting and luminal calcium oscillation in excitable cell models
433 -- 440P. Patrick van der Smagt, F. Groen, K. Schulten. Analysis and control of a rubbertuator arm

Volume 75, Issue 4

281 -- 291Teuvo Kohonen. Emergence of invariant-feature detectors in the adaptive-subspace self-organizing map
293 -- 307Hartmut Neven, Gregor Schöner. Dynamics parametrically controlled by image correlations organize robot navigation
309 -- 319G. C. Y. Peng, T. C. Hain, B. W. Peterson. A dynamical model for reflex activated head movements in the horizontal plane
321 -- 330P. Kruse, Hans-Otto Carmesin, L. Pahlke, D. Strüber, M. Stadler. Continuous phase transitions in the perception of multistable visual patterns
331 -- 338R. N. Miftakhov, G. R. Abdusheva. +-channel agonists and antagonists on myoelectrical activity of a locus of the small bowel

Volume 75, Issue 3

187 -- 198Hanspeter A. Mallot, Petra A. Arndt, Heinrich H. Bülthoff. A psychophysical and computational analysis of intensity-based stereo
199 -- 209J. Köhn, Florentin Wörgötter. Corticofugal feedback can reduce the visual latency of responses to antagonistic stimuli
211 -- 217Djordje Boskov, C. J. Heckman. Motor unit recruitment patterns during reflex compensation of muscle yield investigated by computer simulations
219 -- 227Michael W. Levine, Brian G. Cleland, Pratik Mukherjee, Ehud Kaplan. Tailoring of variability in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat
229 -- 238Srinivasa V. Chakravarthy, Joydeep Ghosh. A complex-valued associative memory for storing patterns as oscillatory states
239 -- 251Hans-Otto Carmesin, Stefan Arndt. A neural network model for stroboscopic alternative motion
253 -- 261Robert Miller. Neural assemblies and laminar interactions in the cerebral cortex
263 -- 275Robert Miller. Cortico-thalamic interplay and the security of operation of neural assemblies and temporal chains in the cerebral cortex
277 -- 280Joseph P. Zbilut, Michail Zak, Ronald E. Meyers. A terminal dynamics model of the heartbeat

Volume 75, Issue 2

93 -- 103Zixi Cheng, Gerald S. Wasserman. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of neural code efficacies
105 -- 115Zixi Cheng, Gerald S. Wasserman. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of neural code efficacies
117 -- 127Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Eugene M. Izhikevich. Synaptic organizations and dynamical properties of weakly connected neural oscillators
129 -- 135Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Eugene M. Izhikevich. Synaptic organizations and dynamical properties of weakly connected neural oscillators II. Learning phase information
137 -- 140Hidekatsu Yokoyama, Shin-ichi Niwa, Kenji Itoh, Reiko Mazuka. Fractal property of eye movements in schizophrenia
141 -- 151Karvel K. Thornber, Lance R. Williams. Analytic solution of stochastic completion fields
153 -- 162R. Ratnam, C. J. Condon, A. S. Feng. Neural ensemble coding of target identity in echolocating bats
163 -- 172A. Porta, G. Baselli, N. Montano, T. Gnecchi-Ruscone, F. Lombardi, A. Malliani, Sergio Cerutti. Classification of coupling patterns among spontaneous rhythms and ventilation in the sympathetic discharge of decerebrate cats
173 -- 186C. Darlot, L. H. Zupan, O. Etard, P. Denise, A. Maruani. Computation of inverse dynamics for the control of movements

Volume 75, Issue 1

1 -- 9Thomas J. Anastasio. A random walk model of fast-phase timing during optokinetic nystagmus
11 -- 18Hideaki Kobayashi, Ryojun Ikeura, Hikaru Inooka. Evaluating the maneuverability of a control stick using electromyography
19 -- 28Nicolas Schweighofer, Michael A. Arbib, Peter Ford Dominey. A model of the cerebellum in adaptive control of saccadic gain
29 -- 36Nicolas Schweighofer, Michael A. Arbib, Peter Ford Dominey. A model of the cerebellum in adaptive control of saccadic gain
37 -- 47Tamás Rozgonyi, László Balázs, Tibor Fomin, András Lörincz. Self-organized formation of a set of scaling filters and their neighbouring connections
49 -- 57Tom Heskes. Transition times in self-organizing maps
59 -- 72J. G. Taylor. Breakthrough to awareness: a preliminary neural network model of conscious and unconscious perception in word processing
73 -- 83Sybert H. Stroeve. Learning combined feedback and feedforward control of a musculoskeletal system
85 -- 92Jürgen Fell, Joachim Röschke, Cornelius Schäffner. Surrogate data analysis of sleep electroencephalograms reveals evidence for nonlinearity