Journal: Decision Sciences

Volume 35, Issue 4

579 -- 607Abraham Y. Nahm, Mark A. Vonderembse, Xenophon Koufteros. The Impact of Organizational Culture on Time-Based Manufacturing and Performance
609 -- 637Nagesh N. Murthy, Samit Soni, Soumen Ghosh. A Framework for Facilitating Sourcing and Allocation Decisions for Make-to-Order Items
639 -- 664Michael J. Armstrong. A Comparison of Arbitration Procedures for Risk-Averse Disputants
665 -- 689Ronald D. Anderson, Robert D. Mackoy, Vincent B. Thompson, Gilbert Harrell. A Bayesian Network Estimation of the Service-Profit Chain for Transport Service Satisfaction
691 -- 712Suresh P. Sethi, Houmin Yan, Hanqin Zhang. Quantity Flexibility Contracts: Optimal Decisions with Information Updates
713 -- 737Emin Babakus, Carol C. Bienstock, James R. Van Scotter. Linking Perceived Quality and Customer Satisfaction to Store Traffic and Revenue Growth

Volume 35, Issue 3

325 -- 332Kurt M. Bretthauer. Service Management
333 -- 347Roger W. Schmenner. Service Businesses and Productivity
349 -- 369Kathryn A. Marley, David A. Collier, Susan Meyer Goldstein. The Role of Clinical and Process Quality in Achieving Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals
371 -- 392Sheryl E. Kimes, Gary M. Thompson. Restaurant Revenue Management at Chevys: Determining the Best Table Mix
393 -- 422Thomas J. Douglas, Lawrence D. Fredendall. Evaluating the Deming Management Model of Total Quality in Services
423 -- 455Gabriele Piccoli, M. Kathryn Brohman, Richard T. Watson, A. Parasuraman. Net-Based Customer Service Systems: Evolution and Revolution in Web Site Functionalities
457 -- 491Ad de Jong, Ko de Ruyter. Adaptive versus Proactive Behavior in Service Recovery: The Role of Self-Managing Teams
493 -- 525Zhen Zhu, K. Sivakumar, A. Parasuraman. A Mathematical Model of Service Failure and Recovery Strategies
527 -- 550Steven P. Brown, Wynne W. Chin. Satisfying and Retaining Customers through Independent Service Representatives
551 -- 578Madeleine E. Pullman, Michael A. Gross. Ability of Experience Design Elements to Elicit Emotions and Loyalty Behaviors

Volume 35, Issue 2

147 -- 168Qiang Tu, Mark A. Vonderembse, T. S. Ragu-Nathan, Bhanu S. Ragu-Nathan. Measuring Modularity-Based Manufacturing Practices and Their Impact on Mass Customization Capability: A Customer-Driven Perspective
169 -- 203Debra Zahay, Abbie Griffin. Customer Learning Processes, Strategy Selection, and Performance in Business-to-Business Service Firms
205 -- 237Wei Zhang, Qing Cao, Marc J. Schniederjans. Neural Network Earnings per Share Forecasting Models: A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Methods
239 -- 257Saligrama R. Agnihothri, Ajay K. Mishra. Cross-training Decisions in Field Services with Three Job Types and Server-Job Mismatch
259 -- 288Thomas F. Stafford, Marla R. Stafford, Lawrence L. Schkade. Determining Uses and Gratifications for the Internet
289 -- 321Linda Wallace, Mark Keil, Arun Rai. How Software Project Risk Affects Project Performance: An Investigation of the Dimensions of Risk and an Exploratory Model

Volume 35, Issue 1

1 -- 24Sunil Chopra, Gilles Reinhardt, Maqbool Dada. The Effect of Lead Time Uncertainty on Safety Stocks
25 -- 53Powell E. Robinson Jr., F. Barry Lawrence. Coordinated Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Dynamic Demand: A Lagrangian Heuristic
55 -- 82Purushothaman Damodaran, Wilbert E. Wilhelm. Branch-and-Price Methods for Prescribing Profitable Upgrades of High-Technology Products with Stochastic Demands
83 -- 100Cliff T. Ragsdale, Christopher W. Zobel. The Ordered Cutting Stock Problem
101 -- 128James J. Jiang, Maosen Zhong, Gary Klein, Hong-Gee Chen. Nonstationary Brand Variables in Category Management: A Cointegration Perspective
129 -- 141Nikos Tsikriktsis, Janelle Heineke. The Impact of Process Variation on Customer Dissatisfaction: Evidence from the U.S. Domestic Airline Industry