Journal: IEEE-RITA

Volume 14, Issue 1

1 -- 2Ismar Frango Silveira, Regina Motz, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho. Inclusive Educational Resources
3 -- 10Andrei Carniel, Carla Diacui Medeiros Berkenbrock, Gian Ricardo Berkenbrock, Simone Erbs da Costa, Aliciene Fusca Machado Cordeiro. Supporting the Dialog of People With Intellectual Disabilities Through Augmentative and Alternative Communication
11 -- 21Simone Erbs da Costa, Carla Diacui Medeiros Berkenbrock, Lucas Eduardo Rosa de Freitas, Fabiola Ferreira Sucupira Sell. iLibras: Using Assistive and Collaborative Technology to Support the Communication of Deaf People
22 -- 31Veronica Nin, Andra P. Goldin, Alejandra Carboni. Mate Marote: Video Games to Stimulate the Development of Cognitive Processes