Journal: J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Volume 4, Issue 6

1141 -- 1158Liangjiang Wang, Susan J. Brown. Prediction of Dna-binding Residues from Sequence Features
1159 -- 1180Jung Hun Oh, Animesh Nandi, Prem Gurnani, Lynne Knowles, John Schorge, Kevin P. Rosenblatt, Jean X. Gao. Proteomic Biomarker Identification for Diagnosis of Early Relapse in Ovarian Cancer
1181 -- 1196Jian Guo, Xian Pu, Yuanlie Lin, Howard Leung. Protein Subcellular Localization Based on Psi-blast and Machine Learning
1197 -- 1216Zeyar Aung, Kian-Lee Tan. Matalign: Precise Protein Structure Comparison by Matrix Alignment
1217 -- 1226Timur S. Shakuov. The Comparison of Three Methods for Chromosomal Abnormality Detection
1227 -- 1244William J. Heuett, Hong Qian. Combining Flux and Energy Balance Analysis to Model Large-scale Biochemical Networks
1245 -- 1268Gek Huey Chua, Arun Krishnan, Kuo-Bin Li, Masaru Tomita. Multiresolution Analysis Uncovers Hidden Conservation of Properties in Structurally and Functionally Similar Proteins
1269 -- 1286Michael K. Ng, Eric S. Fung, Yiu-Fai Lee, Wai-Ki Ching. A Recursive Method for Solving Haplotype Frequencies with Application to Genetics
1287 -- 1308Ching-Tai Chen, Hsin-Nan Lin, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu. Hyplosp: a Knowledge-based Approach to Protein Local Structure Prediction
1309 -- 1328Arvind Gupta, Ján Manuch, Xiaohong Zhao, Ladislav Stacho. Characterization of the Existence of Galled-tree Networks
1329 -- 1352Ket Fah Chong, Kang Ning, Hon Wai Leong, Pavel A. Pevzner. Modeling and Characterization of Multi-charge Mass Spectra for Peptide Sequencing

Volume 4, Issue 5

935 -- 958Zhipeng Cai, Maysam Heydari, Guohui Lin. Iterated Local Least Squares Microarray Missing Value Imputation
959 -- 980Chenhong Zhang, Mikelis G. Bickis, Fang-Xiang Wu, Anthony J. Kusalik. Optimally-connected Hidden Markov Models for Predicting Mhc-binding Peptides
981 -- 998Galina Yu. Kovaleva, Georgii A. Bazykin, Michael Brudno, Mikhail S. Gelfand. Comparative Genomics of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeasts and its Application to Identification of a Candidate Alpha-isopropylmalate Transporter
999 -- 1014Victor Olman, Chindo Hicks, Peng Wang, Ying Xu. Gene Expression Data Analysis in Subtypes of Ovarian Cancer Using Covariance Analysis
1015 -- 1032Xiu-Feng Wan, Guohui Lin, Dong Xu. Rnall: an Efficient Algorithm for Predicting Rna Local Secondary Structural Landscape in Genomes
1033 -- 1056Nataliya S. Sadovskaya, Roman A. Sutormin, Mikhail S. Gelfand. Recognition of Transmembrane Segments in Proteins: Review and Consistency-based Benchmarking of Internet Servers
1057 -- 1068Xing Qiu, Andrei Yakovlev. Some Comments on Instability of False Discovery Rate Estimation
1069 -- 1096Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davidson, Christine Froidevaux, Zoé Lacroix, Maria-Esther Vidal. Path-based Systems to Guide Scientists in the Maze of Biological Data Sources
1097 -- 1118Hirokazu Anai, Shigeo Orii, Katsuhisa Horimoto. Symbolic-numeric Estimation of Parameters in Biochemical Models by Quantifier Elimination
1119 -- 1140Chen Li 0007, Shunichi Suzuki, Qi-Wei Ge, Mitsuru Nakata, Hiroshi Matsuno, Satoru Miyano. Structural Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Pathways Based on Petri Nets

Volume 4, Issue 4

783 -- 792Alexander Seliverstov, Vassily A. Lyubetsky. Translation Regulation of Intron-containing Genes in Chloroplasts
793 -- 806Yuhua Duan, Boojala V. B. Reddy, Yiannis N. Kaznessis. Residue Conservation Information for Generating near-native Structures in Protein-protein Docking
807 -- 832Ho-Leung Chan, Jesper Jansson, Tak Wah Lam, Siu-Ming Yiu. Reconstructing an Ultrametric Galled Phylogenetic Network from a Distance Matrix
833 -- 852Corneliu Henegar, Raffaella Cancello, Sophie Rome, Hubert Vidal, Karine Clément, Jean-Daniel Zucker. Clustering Biological Annotations and Gene Expression Data to Identify Putatively Co-regulated Biological Processes
853 -- 864Sergey I. Rogov, Kuvat T. Momynaliev, Vadim M. Govorun. Coexpressionfinder: a New Algorithm for Finding Groups of Coexpressed Genes
865 -- 886L. N. Drozdov-Tikhomirov, G. I. Scurida, A. V. Davidov, A. A. Alexandrov, R. A. Zvyagilskaya. Mathematical Modeling of Living Cell Metabolism Using the Method of Steady-state Stoichiometric Flux Balance
887 -- 910A. A. Novikov, A. S. Taisova, Z. G. Fetisova. Optimal Spectral Coordination of Subantennae in Natural Antennae as an Efficient Strategy for Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis
911 -- 993Haifeng Li, Xin Chen, Keshu Zhang, Tao Jiang. A General Framework for Biclustering Gene Expression Data

Volume 4, Issue 3

639 -- 648Eleazar Eskin, Roded Sharan, Eran Halperin. A Note on Phasing Long Genomic Regions Using Local Haplotype Predictions
649 -- 664Kana Shimizu, Jun Adachi, Yoichi Muraoka. Angle: a Sequencing Errors Resistant Program for Predicting Protein Coding Regions in Unfinished Cdna
665 -- 692Simeone Marino, Eberhard O. Voit. An Automated Procedure for the Extraction of Metabolic Network Information from Time Series Data
693 -- 708Xinan Yang, Stefan Bentink, Stefanie Scheid, Rainer Spang. Similarities of Ordered Gene Lists
709 -- 720Bin Ma, Lieyu Wu, Kaizhong Zhang. Improving the Sensitivity and Specificity of Protein Homology Search by Incorporating Predicted Secondary Structures
721 -- 744Leonid Chindelevitch, Zhentao Li, Eric Blais, Mathieu Blanchette. On the Inference of Parsimonious Indel Evolutionary Scenarios
745 -- 768H. X. Li, Shitong Wang, Yu Xiu. Applying Robust Directional Similarity Based Clustering Approach Rdsc to Classification of Gene Expression Data
769 -- 782Xin Liu, Wei-Mou Zheng. An Amino Acid Substitution Matrix for Protein Conformation Identification

Volume 4, Issue 2

0 -- 0Gregory Kucherov, Andrey A. Mironov, Mikhail A. Roytberg. An Overview of the Algorithmic Session of MCCMB 05
197 -- 216Anantharaman Kalyanaraman, Srinivas Aluru. Efficient Algorithms and Software for Detection of Full-length Ltr Retrotransposons
217 -- 240Xutao Deng, Huimin Geng, Hesham H. Ali. Joint Learning of Gene Functions - a Bayesian Network Model Approach
241 -- 258Tu Minh Phuong, Zhen Lin, Russ B. Altman. Choosing Snps Using Feature Selection
259 -- 274Anya Tsalenko, Roded Sharan, Vessela Kristensen, Hege Edvardsen, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale, Amir Ben-Dor, Zohar Yakhini. Analysis of Snp-expression Association Matrices
275 -- 298Sun-Yuan Kung, Man-Wai Mak, Ilias Tagkopoulos. Symmetric and Asymmetric Multi-modality Biclustering Analysis for Microarray Data Matrix
299 -- 316Tobias P. Mann, Richard Humbert, John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, William Stafford Noble. Automated Validation of Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplicon Melting Curves
317 -- 334Zhong Chen, Ying Xu. Structure Prediction of Helical Transmembrane Proteins at Two Length Scales
335 -- 356Tarek S. Najdi, Chin-Rang Yang, Bruce E. Shapiro, G. Wesley Hatfield, Eric Mjolsness. Application of a Generalized Mwc Model for the Mathematical Simulation of Metabolic Pathways Regulated by Allosteric Enzymes
357 -- 372Anna Karyagina, Anna Ershova, Mikhail Titov, Ivan Olovnikov, Evgeniy Aksianov, Alexandra Ryazanova, Elena Kubareva, Sergei Spirin, Andrei Alexeevski. Analysis of Conserved Hydrophobic Cores in Proteins and Supramolecular Complexes
373 -- 388Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Sergiy O. Garbuzynskiy, Michail Yu. Lobanov. Is It Possible to Predict Amyloidogenic Regions from Sequence Alone?
389 -- 402Elena Svirshchevskaya, Ludmila Alekseeva, Alexei Marchenko, Sergei Benevolenskii, Valentina M. Berzhec, Alexei Nekrasov. Selection of Cryptic B-cell Epitopes Using Informational Analysis of Protein Sequenses
403 -- 414Yvonne Y. Li, Steven J. M. Jones, Artem Cherkasov. Selective Targeting of Indel-inferred Differences in Spatial Structures of Homologous Proteins
415 -- 424Oleg V. Koliasnikov, Miroslav O. Kiral, Vitaly G. Grigorenko, Alexey M. Egorov. Antibody Cdr H3 Modeling Rules: Extension for the Case of Absence of Arg H94 and Asp H101
425 -- 442Irina I. Abnizova, Alistair G. Rust, Mark Robinson, Rene te Boekhorst, Walter R. Gilks. Transcription Binding Site Prediction Using Markov Models
443 -- 454Olga N. Ozoline, Alexander A. Deev. Predicting Antisense Rnas in the Genomes of ::::escherichia Coli:::: and ::::salmonella Typhimurium:::: Using Promoter-search Algorithm Platprom
455 -- 468Anatoly A. Sorokin, Alexandr A. Osypov, Timur R. Dzhelyadin, Petr M. Beskaravainy, Svetlana G. Kamzolova. Electrostatic Properties of Promoter Recognized by ::::e. Coli:::: Rna Polymerase Esigma:::70:::
469 -- 482Natalia Polouliakh, Tohru Natsume, Hajime Harada, Wataru Fujibuchi, Paul Horton. Comparative Genomic Analysis of Transcription Regulation Elements Involved in Human Map Kinase G-protein Coupling Pathway
483 -- 502Björn Olsson, Barbara Gawronska, Björn Erlendsson. Deriving Pathway Maps from Automated Text Analysis Using a Grammar-based Approach
503 -- 514Daisuke Tominaga, Paul Horton. Inference of Scale-free Networks from Gene Expression Time Series
515 -- 522Dmitry Klimov, Mikhail Skoblov, Andrei Ryazantzev, Tatiana Tiazhelova, Ancha Baranova. ::::in Silico:::: Search for Natural Antisense Transcripts Reveals their Differential Expression in Human Tumors
523 -- 536Yuriy L. Orlov, Rene te Boekhorst, Irina I. Abnizova. Statistical Measures of the Structure of Genomic Sequences: Entropy, Complexity, and Position Information
537 -- 552Mireille Régnier, Mathias Vandenbogaert. Comparison of Statistical Significance Criteria
553 -- 570Gregory Kucherov, Laurent Noé, Mikhail A. Roytberg. A Unifying Framework for Seed Sensitivity and its Application to Subset Seeds
589 -- 596Ludmila V. Danilova, Dmitri D. Pervouchine, Alexander V. Favorov, Andrey A. Mironov. Rnakinetics: a Web Server that Models Secondary Structure Kinetics of an Elongating RNA
597 -- 608Natalya S. Bogatyreva, Alexei V. Finkelstein, Oxana V. Galzitskaya. Trend of Amino Acid Composition of Proteins of Different Taxa
609 -- 620Swetlana Nikolajewa, Maik Friedel, Andreas Beyer, Thomas Wilhelm. The New Classification Scheme of the Genetic Code, its Early Evolution, and Trna Usage

Volume 4, Issue 1

19 -- 42K. C. Dukka Bahadur, Etsuji Tomita, Jun ichi Suzuki, Katsuhisa Horimoto, Tatsuya Akutsu. Protein Threading with Profiles and Distance Constraints Using Clique Based Algorithms
43 -- 58Henry C. M. Leung, Francis Y. L. Chin. Algorithms for Challenging Motif Problems
59 -- 74Ying-Jun He, Trinh N. D. Huynh, Jesper Jansson, Wing-Kin Sung. Inferring Phylogenetic Relationships Avoiding Forbidden Rooted Triplets
75 -- 92Tun-Wen Pai, Bo-Han Su, Pei-Chih Wu, Margaret Dah-Tsyr Chang, Hao-Teng Chang, Tan-Chi Fan, Shi-Hwei Liu. Unique Peptide Identification of Rnasea Superfamily Sequences Based on Reinforced Merging Algorithms
93 -- 108Lei Huang, Yang Dai. Direct Prediction of T-cell Epitopes Using Support Vector Machines with Novel Sequence Encoding Schemes
109 -- 124Emily W. Xu, Paul Kearney, Daniel G. Brown. The Use of Functional Domains to Improve Transmembrane Protein Topology Prediction
125 -- 138Jian Liu, Bin Ma, Ming Li. Prima: Peptide Robust Identification from Ms/ms Spectra
139 -- 154Hiroshi Matsuno, Shin-Ichi T. Inouye, Yasuki Okitsu, Yasushi Fujii, Satoru Miyano. A New Regulatory Interaction Suggested by Simulations for Circadian Genetic Control Mechanism in Mammals
155 -- 168Naomi L. Haworth, Lina L. Feng, Merridee A. Wouters. High Torsional Energy Disulfides: Relationship between Cross-strand Disulfides and Right-handed Staples
169 -- 0Eli Kaminuma, Naohiko Heida, Takeshi Yoshizumi, Miki Nakazawa, Minami Matsui, Tetsuro Toyoda. Erratum: ::::In Silico:::: Phenotypic Screening Method of Mutants Based on Statistical Modeling of Genetically Mixed Samples