Journal: Kybernetes

Volume 36, Issue 9/10

1153 -- 1157Ranulph Glanville. Introduction: special double issue of Kybernetes on cybernetics and design
1173 -- 1206Ranulph Glanville. Try again. Fail again. Fail better: the cybernetics in design and the design in cybernetics
1207 -- 1224Argyris Arnellos, Thomas Spyrou, John Darzentas. Cybernetic embodiment and the role of autonomy in the design process
1225 -- 1237Phil Ayres. The origin of modelling
1238 -- 1254Ana Paula Baltazar. Towards a virtual architecture: pushing cybernetics from government to anarchy
1255 -- 1265Gary Boyd, Vladimir Zeman. Designing cybersystemically for symviability
1266 -- 1276Jose dos Santos Cabral Filho. An indeterminate project for architecture in Brazil
1277 -- 1285D. P. Dash. Self-observing collective: An exemplar for design research?
1286 -- 1300Simon Downs. It's all about communication: graphics and cybernetics
1301 -- 1317Hugh Dubberly, Paul Pangaro. Cybernetics and service-craft: language for behavior-focused design
1318 -- 1328Natalie Ebenreuter. The dynamics of design
1329 -- 1339Stephen Gage. How to design a black and white box
1340 -- 1361Ray Ison, Chris Blackmore, Kevin Collins, Pam Furniss. Systemic environmental decision making: designing learning systems
1362 -- 1380Wolfgang Jonas. Research through DESIGN through research: A cybernetic model of designing design foundations
1381 -- 1392Klaus Krippendorff. The cybernetics of design and the design of cybernetics
1393 -- 1405Ted Krueger. Design and prosthetic perception
1406 -- 1421Christopher Kian Teck Kueh. A sociocybernetic approach to wayfinding map studies: The systems of people-map-space interactions
1422 -- 1435Terence Love, Trudi Cooper. Complex built-environment design: four extensions to Ashby
1436 -- 1457Johann van der Merwe. The magic of three
1458 -- 1470Anja Pratschke. Architecture as a verb: cybernetics and design processes for the social divide
1471 -- 1485Mette Ramsgard Thomsen. Drawing a live section: explorations into robotic membranes
1486 -- 1496Peg Rawes. Second-order cybernetics, architectural drawing and monadic thinking
1497 -- 1514Bernard Scott, Simon Shurville, Piers Maclean, Chunyu Cong. Cybernetic principles for learning design
1515 -- 1528Kaye Shumack. Conversations with the self-knowledge creation for designing
1529 -- 1542Aukje Thomassen. Design of the netgeneration: Streaming the flow of design and science in the educational practice of the creative industry
1543 -- 1557Shann Turnbull. A framework for designing sustainable urban communities
1558 -- 1569Randall Whitaker. Informing design praxis via 2nd-order cybernetics
1570 -- 1589Theodore Zamenopoulos, Katerina Alexiou. Rethinking the cybernetic basis of design: the concepts of control and organization

Volume 36, Issue 7/8

847 -- 851Georg Ivanovas. Still not paradigmatic
855 -- 858Gregory Bateson. Adaptation, acclimation, addiction, remedy, etc
859 -- 870Wendel A. Ray. Bateson's cybernetics: the basis of MRI brief therapy: prologue
871 -- 883Frank N. Thomas, Rebekah A. Waits, Gail L. Hartsfield. The influence of Gregory Bateson: legacy or vestige?
884 -- 904Bradford Keeney. Batesonian epistemology, Bushman n/om-kxaosi, and rock art
905 -- 914Phillip Guddemi. Toward Batesonian sociocybernetics: from Naven to the mind beyond the skin
915 -- 925Inga-Britt Krause. Gregory Bateson in contemporary cross-cultural systemic psychotherapy
926 -- 931Giorgio Nardone, Claudette Portelli. Caught in the middle of a double-bind: the application of non-ordinary logic to therapy
932 -- 935Giovanni Madonna. Practicising psychotherapy employing Gregory Bateson's epistemological models
936 -- 945Andy Bilson, David Thorpe. Towards aesthetic seduction using emotional engagement and stories
946 -- 948Martin Rudolph. Still disturbing
949 -- 955Dmitry Fedotov. Struggling for a Russian Bateson
956 -- 971Pavel Luksha, Anatoly Tkachev. Batesonian analysis of value hierarchies and the transformation of Russia
972 -- 984Georg Ivanovas, Vlassis Tomaras, Vasiliki Papadioti, Nikolaos Paritsis. Human robustness and conscious purpose in contemporary medicine
985 -- 999Gregory Bateson. Reflections on learning and addiction: porpoises and palm trees
1000 -- 1011Eberhard von Goldammer, Joachim Paul. "The logical categories of learning and communication": reconsidered from a polycontextural point of view: Learning in machines and living systems
1012 -- 1021Leone Montagnini. Looking for "scientific" social science: The Macy Conferences on Cybernetics in Bateson's itinerary
1022 -- 1025Wolfram Lutterer. The two beginnings of communication theory
1026 -- 1036Wendel A. Ray, Molly R. Govener. Legacy: lessons from the Bateson team meetings
1037 -- 1046Hans Rudi Fischer. Language games and (hi)stories: Wittgenstein, Bateson and Schapp on the role of language in therapy
1047 -- 1054Hans Günter Holl. Second thoughts on Gregory Bateson and Alfred Korzybski
1055 -- 1069John J. Kineman, K. Anil Kumar. Primary natural relationship: Bateson, Rosen, and the Vedas
1070 -- 1080Tyler Volk, Jeffrey W. Bloom, John Richards. Toward a science of metapatterns: building upon Bateson's foundation
1081 -- 1088Michael Klien. Choreography: a pattern language
1089 -- 1097Rolf Todesco. How G. Bateson informs dogs
1100 -- 1105Vincent Kenny, Laura Scarino. Metalogue: "less than one and more than two: developing a partiality for whole(some)ness"
1106 -- 1112Lucas Marian Pawlik. How to understand giants?
1113 -- 1121Christine Angela Knoop. Fictional communication: developing Gregory Bateson's "Theory of Play and Fantasy"
1122 -- 1133Stephen Nachmanovitch. Bateson and the Arts
1134 -- 1140Gordon Feller. What would Bateson's work look like today?: Inside one of the world's most violent nations, now a model for peacemaking and sustainability
1141 -- 1142Nora Bateson. Slippery rigor

Volume 36, Issue 5/6

571 -- 582Allenna Leonard. Symbiosis and the viable system model
583 -- 595Heiko Gebauer, Elgar Fleisch. Managing sustainable service improvements in manufacturing companies
596 -- 606James Rowe. Cybernetics of culture
607 -- 621Nen-Ting Huang, Chiu-Chi Wei, Wei-Kou Chang. Knowledge management: modeling the knowledge diffusion in community of practice
622 -- 635Annika Granebring, Péter Révay. Service-oriented architecture is a driver for daily decision support
636 -- 651Chyan Yang, Hsueh-Chuan Yen. A viable systems perspective to knowledge management
652 -- 670Ralf Östermark. A flexible platform for mixed-integer non-linear programming problems
672 -- 679Brian H. Rudall, C. J. H. Mann. Emerging innovative systems
680 -- 682Alex M. Andrew. Newlook ASC, new WOSC address, machine translation
683 -- 696Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Feran Verdú, A. Pérez-Carrió. A stability theory for model systems
697 -- 708Daniel Lesnic. A reliable technique for solving third-order dispersion equations
709 -- 720Witold Pedrycz. Reconciliation of perception of information granules and granular mappings
721 -- 735Idris Dag, Ali Sahin. Numerical solution of the Burgers' equation over geometrically graded mesh
736 -- 748Svetlana Novikava, Kanstantsin Miatliuk. Hierarchical system of natural grammars and the process of innovations exchange in polylingual fields
749 -- 753Francisco Gallego Lupiáñez. Covering properties in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces
754 -- 767Dwijesh K. Dutta Majumder, Swapan K. Dutta. A new look at the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: A cybernetics and general dynamical systems approach
768 -- 775S. R. Chaudhari. Homomorphisms of fuzzy recognizers
776 -- 790J. Korn. Systems view, emergence and complexity
791 -- 805Mehdi Dehghan. Time-splitting procedures for the solution of the two-dimensional transport equation
806 -- 816Julio Angel Pardo, Maria del Carmen Pardo. A simulation study of a new family of test statistics for the Behrens-Fisher problem

Volume 36, Issue 3/4

291 -- 306Raul Espejo. The RISCOM model: dialogues and requisite organisation
307 -- 318Markus Schwaninger. Optimal structures for social systems
319 -- 332Matjaz Mulej, Vojko Potocan. Requisite holism - precondition of reliable business information
333 -- 347Angela Espinosa, R. Harnden, J. Walker. Beyond hierarchy: a complexity management perspective
348 -- 363Clas-Otto Wene. Technology learning systems as non-trivial machines
364 -- 377Roberto Zarama, Alfonso Reyes, Eduardo Aldana, Jorge Villalobos, Juan C. Bohorquez, Juan P. Calderón, Alonso Botero, Nelson L. Lammoglia, José-Luis Villaveces, Luis A. Pinzón, Ricardo Bonilla, Andres Mejia, José David Bermeo, Isaac Dyner, Neil F. Johnson 0002, Juan A. Valdivia. Rethinking research management in Colombia
378 -- 405M. I. Yolles. From sociohistory to psychohistory
406 -- 419Miroslav Rebernik, Karin Sirec. Fostering innovation by unlearning tacit knowledge
420 -- 436Paul A. Stokes. From management science to sociology: Cybernetics, finalization and the possibility of a social science
437 -- 450Denis Adams, Doug Haynes. Stafford Beer's contribution to management science - renewal and development
456 -- 464Brian H. Rudall, C. J. H. Mann. Smart systems and environments
465 -- 468Alex M. Andrew. Global warming and nuclear power
469 -- 475Miguel Lloret-Climent, Pasqual Francesc Esteve-Calvo. A systemic theory of orbits in ecological networks
476 -- 483Frank Rickett. AXSYS: an intelligent system for e-learning
484 -- 516Yi Lin. Systemic yoyo model and applications in Newton's, Kepler's laws, and others
517 -- 530Francisco Gallego, Faraón Llorens, Mar Pujol, Ramón Rizo. Boosting human-level AI with videogames: Mad University
531 -- 547Giovanni Bortolan, Witold Pedrycz. Hyperbox classifiers for arrhythmia classification

Volume 36, Issue 2

137 -- 143Brian H. Rudall, C. J. H. Mann. Next generation grids for science and industry
144 -- 156Sonja Treven, Matjaz Mulej. The systemic approach to the encouragement of innovativeness through employee diversity management
157 -- 174Helmut Nechansky. Elements of a cybernetic epistemology: The four modes of coexistence of goal-orientated systems
175 -- 191Amarendra Nath Sinha, Nibedita Das, Gadadhar Sahoo. Ant colony based hybrid optimization for data clustering
192 -- 224Vladimir S. Lerner. Systems science, information systems theory, and informational macrodynamics: review
225 -- 235M. Barufaldi, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Patricia Sastre-Vázquez, Feran Verdú. A systems study of lotus's leaf area
236 -- 252Abdelouahab Kadem. Solution of the three-dimensional transport equation using the spectral methods
253 -- 256Alex M. Andrew. An anti-spam scheme
257 -- 266Gaspar Mora, Yves Cherruault. Integer optimization by a-dense curves
267 -- 269Francisco Gallego Lupiáñez. On some fuzzy maps

Volume 36, Issue 1

6 -- 12Brian H. Rudall, C. J. H. Mann. New initiatives in building human-computer interfaces
13 -- 16Alex M. Andrew. Investment spam, digital libraries, video tours, solid-state PC
17 -- 31Carl A. Rodrigues. Cybernetic-scanning management: Utilizing people's and organizations' energies to attain greater efficiency
32 -- 41Ludger Overmeyer, Andreas Stock. Decision - information - time/space
42 -- 51Pilar Arques, Francisco Antonio Pujol López, Faraón Llorens, Mar Pujol, Ramón Rizo. Applying distance histograms for robust object recognition
52 -- 64Joseph P. Noonan, Prabahan Basu. On estimation error using maximum entropy density estimates
65 -- 75Peter P. Kuvyrkov, Sergei K. Naidenov. General aspects of the advancement of theory and practices of information systems
76 -- 88Jean Claude Mazza, Yves Cherruault, Gaspar Mora, Balira O. Konfé, Titem Benneouala. A new universal method for solving all problems of operational research
89 -- 97Yi Lin, Sifeng Liu. National economic strength as evaluated using grey systems theory
98 -- 115Mehdi Dehghan, Reza Mazrooei-Sebdani. On a recursive sequence