Journal: Library Trends

Volume 65, Issue 4

467 -- 472Alistair Black, Emily J. M. Knox. Introduction
473 -- 490Noah Lenstra, Karen S. Baker. The Intermediation of Community and Infrastructure
491 -- 507Emily Lawrence. Is Contemporary Readers' Advisory Populist?: Taste Elevation and Ideological Tension in the Genreflecting Series
508 -- 522Cass Mabbott. The We Need Diverse Books Campaign and Critical Race Theory: Charlemae Rollins and the Call for Diverse Children's Books
523 -- 539Katrina Fenlon. Thematic Research Collections: Libraries and the Evolution of Alternative Digital Publishing in the Humanities
540 -- 554LaTesha Velez, Melissa Villa-Nicholas. Mapping Race and Racism in U.S. Library History Literature, 1997-2015
555 -- 562Michael R. Gryk, Bertram Ludäscher. Workflows and Provenance: Toward Information Science Solutions for the Natural Sciences
563 -- 588Mikki Smith, Christine D'Arpa. What's History Got to Do with It?: Seventy Years of Historical Dissertation Research at the School of Information Sciences of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
589 -- 613Paige D. Cunningham. Bridging the Distance: Using Interactive Communication Tools to Make Online Education More Social
615 -- 638Claudia Serbanuta. Public Librarianship in Communist Romania: Creating a Profession to Serve the Socialist Propaganda Cause
639 -- 657Steven W. Witt. The Evolution of Privacy within the American Library Association, 1906-2002
659 -- 683Margaret H. Buck, Rachel M. Magee. Teens Becoming Researchers: Pedagogical Considerations When Designing Coresearch

Volume 65, Issue 3

251 -- 252Sarah C. Williams, Christine D'Arpa. Introduction
253 -- 278Antoinette Paris Greider, Barbara S. Hutchinson. The United States Agricultural Information Network: Accomplishments through Strategic Collaboration
279 -- 292Livia Olsen, Julie Kelly, Noël Kopriva. The Agriculture Network Information Collaborative (AgNIC): Building on the Past, Looking to the Future
293 -- 315Cristina Caminita, Michael Cook, Amy Paster. Thirty Years of Preserving, Discovering, and Accessing U.S. Agricultural Information: Past Progress and Current Challenges
316 -- 338Kyrille Goldbeck Debose, Inga Haugen, Rebecca K. Miller. Information Literacy Instruction Programs: Supporting the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Community at Virginia Tech
339 -- 358Neyda V. Gilman, Jimena Sagàs, Matt Camper, Andrew P. Norton. A Faculty-Librarian Collaboration Success Story: Implementing a Teach-the-Teacher Library and Information Literacy Instruction Model in a First-Year Agricultural Science Course
359 -- 377Suzanne Stapleton, Christine Fruin, Christy Shorey, Laurie N. Taylor, Chelsea Dinsmore. Partnerships in Agricultural Publications: University of Florida's Marston Science Library and the Florida State Horticultural Society
378 -- 395Inga Haugen, Kristen Mastel, Jeanne Pfander. Librarians at Land-Grant Universities Working with Extension: Three Case Reports
396 -- 413Gracian Chimwaza, Kristin Kolshus, Jim Morris-Knower, Holly Mistlebauer, Mary Ochs, Joy Paulson. TEEAL and AGORA: Off-and Online Access to the Scientific Literature of Agriculture for the Developing World
414 -- 428Bruce Godfrey, Jeremy Kenyon. The USDA's NAIP Imagery in Idaho: A Decade of Evolving Partnerships to Improve Access
429 -- 447Ricardo L. Punzalan, Adam Kriesberg. Library-Mediated Collaborations: Data Curation at the National Agricultural Library
448 -- 466Marianne Stowell Bracke. Agricultural Librarians Becoming Informationists: A Paradigm Shift

Volume 65, Issue 2

93 -- 107Christine Stilwell, Raphaëlle Bats, Peter Johan Lor. Introduction: Redefining the Role of Libraries in the Political Process and in Conflict Situations
108 -- 127Peter Johan Lor. Risks and Benefits of Visibility: Librarians Navigating Social and Political Turbulence
128 -- 142Raphaëlle Bats. Libraries after Charlie: From Neutrality to Action
143 -- 153Denis Merklen. Is the Library a Political Institution?: French Libraries Today and the Social Conflict between Démocratie and République
154 -- 164Joseph Belletante, Patricia M. Phillips-Batoma. Putting Crises behind Us: A New Opportunity for Libraries
165 -- 179Mary Kandiuk. The Rhetoric of Digitization and the Politicization of Canadian Heritage
180 -- 197Hasan S. Keseroglu. Politics and Public Libraries in the Republic of Turkey
198 -- 216Genevieve Hart, Mary Nassimbeni. Libraries and a "Better Life for All": The Politics, Processes, and Promises of the South African LIS Transformation Charter
217 -- 250Ian M. Johnson. Under-Resourced, Inadequately Staffed, and Little Used: Some Issues Facing Many School Libraries, Seen through the Lens of an Exploration of the Situation in Iraq

Volume 65, Issue 1

1 -- 4Carolynn Rankin. Introduction: Library Services for the Early Years
5 -- 18Carolynn Rankin. Library Services for the Early Years: Policy, Practice, and the Politics of the Age
19 -- 39Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Mary Rohl. Evaluation of Family Literacy Programs: A Case Study of Better Beginnings, a Library-Initiated Family Literacy Bookgifting Program in Western Australia
41 -- 63Jessica Ralli, Rachel G. Payne. Let's Play at the Library: Creating Innovative Play Experiences for Babies and Toddlers
65 -- 91Tess Prendergast. Seeking Early Literacy for All: An Investigation of Children's Librarians and Parents of Young Children with Disabilities' Experiences at the Public Library