Journal: Learned Publishing

Volume 29, Issue 2

75 -- 76Judy Luther. Discovery in an age of artificial intelligence
77 -- 82Mohammad Reza Ghane. How accurate are cited references in Iranian peer-reviewed journals?
83 -- 88Heather Morrison. Small scholar-led scholarly journals: Can they survive and thrive in an open access future?
89 -- 94Candela Ollé Castellà, Alexandre López Borrull, Ernest Abadal. The challenges facing library and information science journals: Editors' opinions
97 -- 101Albert N. Greco, Robert Michael Wharton, Amy Brand. Demographics of scholarly publishing and communication professionals
103 -- 111Ali Gazni, Zahra Ghaseminik. Internationalization of scientific publishing over time: Analysing publishers and fields differences
113 -- 117Katie Foxall, Audrey Nailor. ecancer case study
119 -- 123Jonathan Griffin. Access to Research: An innovative and successful initiative by the UK publishing industry
125 -- 129Paul Kudlow, Alan Rutledge, Aviv Shachak, Roger S. McIntyre, Gunther Eysenbach. TrendMD: Helping scholarly content providers reach larger and more targeted audiences
131 -- 134Bo-Christer Björk. The open access movement at a crossroad: Are the big publishers and academic social media taking over?
135 -- 138Lauren Kane, Alice Meadows. From the podium to the boardroom: Encouraging gender parity in scholarly publishing