Journal: Neural Computation

Volume 5, Issue 1

1 -- 17M. Griniasty, M. V. Tsodyks, Daniel J. Amit. Conversion of Temporal Correlations Between Stimuli to Spatial Correlations Between Attractors
18 -- 20Ji-Nan Lin, Rolf Unbehauen. On the Realization of a Kolmogorov Network
21 -- 31Leonid Kruglyak, William Bialek. Statistical Mechanics for a Network of Spiking Neurons
32 -- 44Michael E. Hasselmo. Acetylcholine and Learning in a Cortical Associative Memory
45 -- 60Joseph J. Atick, A. Norman Redlich. Convergent Algorithm for Sensory Receptive Field Development
61 -- 74Nathan Intrator, Joshua I. Gold. Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using an Unsupervised BCM Network: The Usefulness of Distinguishing Features
75 -- 88Joachim M. Buhmann, Hans Kühnel. Complexity Optimized Data Clustering by Competitive Neural Networks
89 -- 104Yiu-Fai Wong. Clustering Data by Melting
105 -- 114Gustavo Deco, Jürgen Ebmeyer. Coarse Coding Resource-Allocating Network
115 -- 131James A. Kottas. Training Periodic Sequences Using Fourier Series Error Criterion
132 -- 139Yoshikane Takahashi. Generalization and Approximation Capabilities of Multilayer Networks
140 -- 153Shun-ichi Amari, Noboru Murata. Statistical Theory of Learning Curves under Entropic Loss Criterion
154 -- 164Erol Gelenbe. Learning in the Recurrent Random Neural Network