Journal: Theory in Biosciences

Volume 130, Issue 4

247 -- 258Nicholas D. Holland. Walter Garstang: a retrospective
259 -- 276Onofrio Gigliotta, Giovanni Pezzulo, Stefano Nolfi. Evolution of a predictive internal model in an embodied and situated agent
277 -- 0Onofrio Gigliotta, Giovanni Pezzulo, Stefano Nolfi. Erratum to: Evolution of a predictive internal model in an embodied and situated agent
279 -- 287Miguel Angel Freire. Polymer phosphorylases: clues to the emergence of non-replicative and replicative polymers
289 -- 298Claver P. Bhunu, Steady Mushayabasa. Chancroid transmission dynamics: a mathematical modeling approach
299 -- 312Georgy S. Levit, Uwe Hoßfeld. Darwin without borders? Looking at 'generalised Darwinism' through the prism of the 'hourglass model'
313 -- 336Markus E. Nebel, Anika Scheid. Evaluation of a sophisticated SCFG design for RNA secondary structure prediction

Volume 130, Issue 3

153 -- 0Markus Kirkilionis, François Képès. Introduction to special issue ECCS'09 in Theory in Biosciences
155 -- 163R. Barraco, D. Persano Adorno, M. Brai. ERG signal analysis using wavelet transform
165 -- 182Markus Kirkilionis, Ulrich Janus, Luca Sbano. Multi-scale genetic dynamic modelling I : an algorithm to compute generators
183 -- 201Markus Kirkilionis, Ulrich Janus, Luca Sbano. Multi-scale genetic dynamic modelling II: application to synthetic biology
203 -- 210Nicola Pizzolato, Dominique Persano Adorno, Davide Valenti, Bernardo Spagnolo. Stochastic dynamics of leukemic cells under an intermittent targeted therapy
211 -- 228Vic Norris, Abdallah Zemirline, Patrick Amar, Jean Nicolas Audinot, Pascal Ballet, Eshel Ben-Jacob, Gilles Bernot, Guillaume Beslon, Armelle Cabin, Eric Fanchon, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Nicolas Glade, Patrick Greussay, Yohann Grondin, James A. Foster, Guillaume Hutzler, Jürgen Jost, François Képès, Olivier Michel, Franck Molina, Jacqueline Signorini, Pasquale Stano, Alain R. Thierry. Computing with bacterial constituents, cells and populations: from bioputing to bactoputing
229 -- 245Dominique Chu. Complexity: against systems

Volume 130, Issue 2

91 -- 100Hao Lin, Qian-Zhong Li. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic promoter prediction using hybrid approach
101 -- 106Chrysline Margus Piñol, Ronald Banzon. Catastrophic senescence and semelparity in the Penna aging model
107 -- 117Giuseppe Longo, Maël Montévil. Protention and retention in biological systems
119 -- 125Wentao Ma, Chunwu Yu, Wentao Zhang, Ping Zhou, Jiming Hu. Self-replication: spelling it out in a chemical background
127 -- 134Elias Zintzaras, Axel Kowald. A mathematical model of HIV dynamics in the presence of a rescuing virus with replication deficiency
135 -- 143Stanislaw Cebrat, Dietrich Stauffer, Jorge S. Sá Martins, Suzana Moss de Oliveira, Paulo Murilo C. de Oliveira. Modelling survival and allele complementation in the evolution of genomes with polymorphic loci
145 -- 152Osei M. Bonsu, Christopher D. Ellingwood, James P. Hoffmann, Daniel E. Bentil. Modeling invasive species spread in Lake Champlain via evolutionary computations

Volume 130, Issue 1

1 -- 3Jamie Davies, Michael Grinfeld, Steven D. Webb. Introduction to the special issue
5 -- 18Britta Göbel, Dirk Langemann. Systemic investigation of a brain-centered model of the human energy metabolism
19 -- 29Chris McCaig, Mike Begon, Rachel Norman, Carron Shankland. A rigorous approach to investigating common assumptions about disease transmission
31 -- 43Hugh R. MacMillan, Michael J. McConnell. Seeing beyond the average cell: branching process models of cell proliferation, differentiation, and death during mouse brain development
45 -- 54Oliver Ruebenacker, Michael L. Blinov. Using views of Systems Biology Cloud: application for model building
55 -- 69Svetoslav Nikolov, Julio Vera, Ulf Schmitz, Olaf Wolkenhauer. microRNA regulation in cancer signalling networks
71 -- 89Peter Schuster. Mathematical modeling of evolution. Solved and open problems