Abstract is missing.
- ForewordMadan G. Singh. [doi]
- Preface [doi]
- Abstract Realization TheoryYves Rouchaleau. 1-5 [doi]
- Aeronautics and Space SystemsM. Pélegrin. 5-21 [doi]
- AggregationPierre Borne. 21 [doi]
- Aggregation, ChainedWilliam R. Perkins. 21-23 [doi]
- Aggregation: Model ReductionP. Bertrand. 23-27 [doi]
- Aircraft Dynamics: State EquationsR. Brockhaus. 27-34 [doi]
- AlgorithmsAndrew P. Sage. 34 [doi]
- Approximate Realization Theory: Comparison of Optimal MethodsJean-Paul Marmorat. 34-36 [doi]
- Automatic Modelling of Three-Dimensional ObjectsJean-Daniel Boissonnat. 36-40 [doi]
- Balanced Realization of Linear Stationary Dynamic SystemsJean-Paul Marmorat. 41-42 [doi]
- Bayes' RuleAndrew P. Sage. 42 [doi]
- Biological and Biomedical SystemsP. A. Payne. 42-47 [doi]
- Chemical Engineering SimulationR. G. E. Franks. 49-50 [doi]
- Chaotic BehaviorPierre Borne. 49-50 [doi]
- CausalityPierre Borne. 49 [doi]
- Chemical Reactor ModellingOdd Andreas Asbjornsen. 50-58 [doi]
- Closed-Loop SystemsPierre Borne. 58 [doi]
- Closed SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 58 [doi]
- CognitionAndrew P. Sage. 59 [doi]
- Combined Discrete and Continuous Models: FirmwareM. Elzas. 59-62 [doi]
- Comparison SystemsLjubomir T. Grujic. 62-67 [doi]
- Composite SystemsH. H. Rosenbrock. 67-69 [doi]
- ConstraintsAndrew P. Sage. 69 [doi]
- CouplingAndrew P. Sage. 69 [doi]
- CorrelationAndrew P. Sage. 69 [doi]
- ControlsPierre Borne. 69 [doi]
- Difference Equations, OrdinaryAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- Differential EquationsAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- Deterministic SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- Discrete VariablesAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- DataAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- DigraphsAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- DatabasesAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- DecompositionAndrew P. Sage. 71 [doi]
- Distillation Columns: Bilinear ModelsMartín D. España. 72-77 [doi]
- Distributed Model Simulation SoftwareM. B. Carver. 77-79 [doi]
- Distributed Parameter SystemsViorel Barbu. 79-84 [doi]
- Distributed Parameter Systems: Space and Time DecompositionsIrène Zambettakis, Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy, Pierre Borne. 84-91 [doi]
- Dynamic Systems Modelling: Basic Principles of Lumped Parameter SystemsKarl Heinz Fasol, H. Peter Jörgl. 91-96 [doi]
- Dynamic SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 91 [doi]
- Dynamic Systems Modelling: Distributed Parameter Models and DiscretizationKarl Heinz Fasol, H. Peter Jörgl. 97-102 [doi]
- Effective SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 103 [doi]
- Emulation and MicroprogrammingHarrison R. Burris. 103-104 [doi]
- EntropyJ. P. Richard. 104-105 [doi]
- ExtrapolationAndrew P. Sage. 105 [doi]
- Exogenous VariablesAndrew P. Sage. 105 [doi]
- EventsAndrew P. Sage. 105 [doi]
- EstimationPierre Borne. 105 [doi]
- Finite-Difference MethodMichel Bernadou, Philippe G. Ciarlet. 107-109 [doi]
- Feedback LoopsAndrew P. Sage. 107 [doi]
- Finite-Element MethodMichel Bernadou, Philippe G. Ciarlet. 109-111 [doi]
- Flexible Manufacturing SystemsGérard Bel, Jean Bernard Cavaillé, Didier Dubois. 111-118 [doi]
- Flexible Spacecraft DynamicsH. Schubele, R. Singh, D. Sciacovelli. 118-123 [doi]
- Fluid Flow ControlT. Kuusisto. 123-127 [doi]
- ForecastsAndrew P. Sage. 127 [doi]
- Fuzzy ModelsMadan M. Gupta, Peter N. Nikiforuk, Jerzy B. Kiszka. 128 [doi]
- Heating, Ventilation and Cooling Systems: Digital SimulationR. Benton. 129-134 [doi]
- Hybrid Analog-Digital ComputersRomane Mezencev. 134-137 [doi]
- HypothesesAndrew P. Sage. 137 [doi]
- Identification: Basic ProblemLennart Ljung. 139-145 [doi]
- IdentificationPierre Borne. 139 [doi]
- Identification: Correlation MethodsKeith R. Godfrey. 145-154 [doi]
- Identification: Experiment DesignGraham C. Goodwin. 154-161 [doi]
- Identification: Frequency-Domain MethodsKeith Glover. 161-168 [doi]
- Identification: Least-Squares MethodLennart Ljung. 168-175 [doi]
- Identification: Maximum Likelihood MethodLennart Ljung. 175-178 [doi]
- Identification: Model Structure DeterminationT. Söderström. 178-184 [doi]
- Identification: Practical AspectsTorsten Bohlin. 184-190 [doi]
- Identification: Pseudorandom Signal MethodG. S. Hope, Om P. Malik. 190-193 [doi]
- Identification: Recursive MethodsLennart Ljung. 193-198 [doi]
- Identification: Time-Domain MethodsLennart Ljung. 198-203 [doi]
- Identification: Transient- and Frequency-Response MethodsHeinrich Rake. 204-209 [doi]
- Information ProcessingAndrew P. Sage. 209-216 [doi]
- InputsAndrew P. Sage. 216 [doi]
- Integrodifferential SystemsRémi Sentis. 216-222 [doi]
- Interactive Simulation Model and Program GenerationS. Mathewson. 222-225 [doi]
- International Association for Mathematics and Computers in SimulationRobert Vichnevetsky. 225-227 [doi]
- International Federation of Automatic ControlB. Tamm. 227-229 [doi]
- IterationAndrew P. Sage. 229 [doi]
- Knowledge BasesAndrew P. Sage. 231 [doi]
- Kalman FiltersDerek P. Atherton. 231 [doi]
- Laplace TransformsM. Artola. 231-237 [doi]
- Laplace Transforms and Bode DiagramsPierre Borne. 237-239 [doi]
- Large Stochastic SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 239-247 [doi]
- Linear SystemsDerek P. Atherton. 248 [doi]
- Linear Systems: Kronecker Canonical Forms and InvariantsNicos Karcanias. 248-253 [doi]
- LinearizationDerek P. Atherton. 253 [doi]
- Matrix Triangularization: Givens TransformationsThomas Kailath. 255-256 [doi]
- Markov ProcessesAndrew P. Sage. 255 [doi]
- Matrix Triangularization: Householder TransformationsThomas Kailath. 256-257 [doi]
- Mechanical Systems SimulationS. Sankar. 257-261 [doi]
- MethodologyAndrew P. Sage. 261 [doi]
- Model-Based Fault DiagnosisPaul M. Frank. 262-269 [doi]
- Model Simplification: Frequency-Domain ApproachSurrinder S. Lamba. 269-276 [doi]
- Modelling of Industrial RobotsP. M. Taylor, G. E. Taylor, K. Dyer. 276-282 [doi]
- ModelsAndrew P. Sage. 282 [doi]
- Multibond GraphsM. Lebrun. 282-285 [doi]
- Multidimensional Systems ModellingN. K. Bose. 285-288 [doi]
- Multitimescale SystemsAndré J. Fossard. 288-294 [doi]
- Multitimescale Systems: Dynamical LocationGeneviève Dauphin-Tanguy. 294-296 [doi]
- Multivariable SystemsPierre Borne. 296 [doi]
- Nonlinear Effects and Their ModellingDerek P. Atherton. 297-300 [doi]
- Nonlinear SystemsDerek P. Atherton. 300 [doi]
- Nonlinear Systems: Approximation by Simple State-Space ModelsMichel Fliess, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot. 301-303 [doi]
- Nuclear Reactor ModellingJ. H. Hope. 303-308 [doi]
- Object-Oriented SimulationGeoffrey F. Butler, Malcolm J. Corbin. 309-313 [doi]
- Ordinary Differential Equation Models: Numerical Integration of Initial-Value ProblemsFrançois E. Cellier. 313-317 [doi]
- Open-Loop SystemsPierre Borne. 313 [doi]
- ObservabilityPierre Borne. 313 [doi]
- ObserversPierre Borne. 313 [doi]
- Ordinary Differential Equation Models: Symbolic ManipulationBruce W. Char. 317-319 [doi]
- Ordinary Differential EquationsA. Bensoussan. 319-322 [doi]
- OutputsAndrew P. Sage. 322 [doi]
- ParametersAndrew P. Sage. 323 [doi]
- Partial Differential Equation Models: Numerical SolutionSpyros G. Tzafestas. 323-328 [doi]
- PerturbationsPierre Borne. 328 [doi]
- Petri NetsT. Murata. 328-333 [doi]
- PartitionAndrew P. Sage. 328 [doi]
- Petri Nets for the Design of Control of Discrete Production SystemsJean Pierre Bourey, Emmanuel Castelain, Etienne Craye, Jean-Claude Gentina. 333-341 [doi]
- Polynomial Matrices in Systems TheoryH. H. Rosenbrock. 341-348 [doi]
- Power Electronics Systems: Petri-Net ModellingG. Manesse, J. P. Hautier. 348-352 [doi]
- Power Plants: ModellingJ. H. Hope. 352-358 [doi]
- Power Plants: Nonlinear ModellingP. Bourdon, Henri Dang Van Mien, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot. 358-363 [doi]
- Power System Component Identification: Pseudorandom Signal MethodG. S. Hope, Om P. Malik. 363-366 [doi]
- Power Systems: Steady-State Power Flow ModellingB. Stott. 366-371 [doi]
- ProcessesPierre Borne. 371 [doi]
- Project Management: Network ModelsK. P. White. 371-377 [doi]
- RobustnessPierre Borne. 379 [doi]
- Robustness in Model-Based Fault DiagnosisRon John Patton, Jie Chen 0016. 379-392 [doi]
- ReliabilityPierre Borne. 379 [doi]
- Random VariablesAndrew P. Sage. 379 [doi]
- SamplesAndrew P. Sage. 393 [doi]
- Sampled Data SystemsPierre Borne. 393 [doi]
- Servovalves, ElectrohydraulicM. Hamy. 393-397 [doi]
- Ship Dynamics Identification and ModellingA. Kountzeris. 398-409 [doi]
- Simulation LanguagesRomane Mezencev. 409-415 [doi]
- SimilarityPierre Borne. 409 [doi]
- Simulation Modelling Formalism: Bond GraphsD. L. Margolis. 415-420 [doi]
- Simulation Modelling Formalism: Ordinary Differential EquationsFrançois E. Cellier. 420-423 [doi]
- Simulation Modelling Formalism: Partial Differential EquationsSpyros G. Tzafestas. 423-428 [doi]
- Singular Perturbations: Boundary Layer ProblemPierre Borne, Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy. 428-433 [doi]
- Singular Perturbations: Discrete VersionM. S. Mahmoud. 433-435 [doi]
- Singular SystemsF. Rotella. 435-442 [doi]
- Smith-McMillan Canonical Forms for Rational MatricesAntonis-Ioannis G. Vardulakis. 442-445 [doi]
- Spectral MethodsRoland Glowinski. 445-447 [doi]
- StabilityAndrew P. Sage. 447 [doi]
- State-Space Modelling and TransformationsJ. P. Richard, Pierre Borne. 448-455 [doi]
- State-Space Modelling: Square Root AlgorithmsThomas Kailath. 455-461 [doi]
- State VariablesAndrew P. Sage. 461 [doi]
- Stochastic ProcessesAndrew P. Sage. 461 [doi]
- Structural Analysis: Graph RepresentationMarc Richetin. 462-467 [doi]
- Structural AnalysisPierre Borne. 462 [doi]
- Structure and Parameter Identification by Simulation ExperimentationGhislain C. Vansteenkiste, J. A. Spriet. 467-470 [doi]
- SystemsAndrew P. Sage. 470 [doi]
- Traffic and Transportation SystemsM. Papageorgiou. 471-475 [doi]
- Time HorizonsAndrew P. Sage. 471 [doi]
- TaxonomyPierre Borne. 471 [doi]
- Transport EquationsPierre Borne. 475 [doi]
- TruncationPierre Borne. 475 [doi]
- Transfer FunctionsPierre Borne. 475 [doi]
- TransientsAndrew P. Sage. 475 [doi]
- ValidationAndrew P. Sage. 477 [doi]
- Validation of Identified ModelsTorsten Bohlin. 477-482 [doi]
- Validation of Simulation Models: General ApproachRobert G. Sargent. 482-485 [doi]
- Validation of Simulation Models: Statistical ApproachRobert G. Sargent. 485-488 [doi]
- VariablesAndrew P. Sage. 488 [doi]
- Vibrations and Vehicle DynamicsJ. B. Roberts. 489-495 [doi]
- VerificationAndrew P. Sage. 489 [doi]
- Water Distribution Systems: Steady-State AnalysisK. R. Stimson. 497-501 [doi]
- Wave Propagation in Periodic StructuresRobert Vichnevetsky. 501-508 [doi]
- Workshop Dynamic ModellingK. Preston White Jr.. 508-514 [doi]
- z-Transform MethodGeneviève Dauphin-Tanguy. 515-518 [doi]