Deep Reinforcement Learning Applied to IEEE Very Small Size Soccer Strategy**This work was supported by ITAndroids' sponsors: Altium Cenic, Intel, ITAEx, MathWorks, Metinjo, Micropress, Polimold, Rapid, SolidWorks, STMicroelectronics, Wildlife Studios and Vir-tual. PYXIS. Also, Thiago Filipe de Medeiros would like to thank Capes for the master's scholarship grant 88882.446989/2019-01 and Takashi Yoneyama would like to thank CNPq - National Research Council of Brazil for the grant 304134/2018-0

Thiago Filipe de Medeiros, Marcos R. O. de A. Máximo, Takashi Yoneyama. Deep Reinforcement Learning Applied to IEEE Very Small Size Soccer Strategy**This work was supported by ITAndroids' sponsors: Altium Cenic, Intel, ITAEx, MathWorks, Metinjo, Micropress, Polimold, Rapid, SolidWorks, STMicroelectronics, Wildlife Studios and Vir-tual. PYXIS. Also, Thiago Filipe de Medeiros would like to thank Capes for the master's scholarship grant 88882.446989/2019-01 and Takashi Yoneyama would like to thank CNPq - National Research Council of Brazil for the grant 304134/2018-0. In Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalves, Paulo Lilles Jorge Drews Junior, Bruno Marques Ferreira da Silva, Davi Henrique dos Santos, Julio César Paulino de Melo, Carla da Costa Fernandes Curvelo, João Alberto Fabro, editors, Latin American Robotics Symposium, Brazilian Symposium on Robotics, and Workshop on Robotics in Education, LARS/SBR/WRE 2020, Natal, Brazil, November 9-12, 2020. pages 1-6, IEEE, 2020. [doi]

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