Abstract is missing.
- Mixing Formal Methods, Machine Learning, and Human Interaction Through an Autonomics FrameworkBraulio Coronado, Eric Gustafson, John Reeder, Douglas S. Lange. [doi]
- Me and You Together: A Study on Collaboration in Manipulation TasksMiguel Faria, Rui Silva, Francisco S. Melo, Ana Paiva. [doi]
- Human-Planned Robotic Grasp Ranges: Capture and ValidationBrendan John, Jackson Carter, Javier Ruiz, Sai Krishna Allani, Saurabh Dixit, Cindy Grimm, Ravi Balasubramanian. [doi]
- Applying Adaptive Control in Modeling Human Motion Behaviors in Reinforcement Robotic Learning from DemonstrationsHuan Tan, Yang Zhao, Balajee Kannan. [doi]
- From Demonstrations to Skills for High-Level Programming of Industrial RobotsMaj Stenmark, Elin Anna Topp. [doi]
- Privacy in Cloud-Based Data Collection Practices for Commercial Dialogue SystemsChristine Doran, Beth Ann Hockey, Esther Horowitz. [doi]
- Persuasive AI Technologies for Healthcare SystemsDaniel Sonntag. [doi]
- Automated Analysis of Privacy Requirements for Mobile AppsSebastian Zimmeck, Ziqi Wang, Lieyong Zou, Roger Iyengar, Bin Liu, Florian Schaub, Shomir Wilson, Norman M. Sadeh, Steven M. Bellovin, Joel R. Reidenberg. [doi]
- Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning of Science with Cognitive AssistantsMihai Boicu, Gheorghe Tecuci, Dorin Marcu, James Trefil, Nancy Holincheck. [doi]
- Smart FormsSudhir Agarwal 0001, Abhijeet Mohapatra, Michael R. Genesereth. [doi]
- Using General-Purpose Planning for Action Selection in Human-Robot InteractionRonald P. A. Petrick, Mary Ellen Foster. [doi]
- Safelog: Supporting Web Search and Mining by Differentially-Private Query LogsSicong Zhang, Grace Hui Yang, Lisa Singh, Li Xiong 0001. [doi]
- Reasoning with Grounded Self-Symbols for Human-Robot InteractionJustin Brody, Samuel Barham, Yue Dai, Christopher Maxey, Donald Perlis, David Sekora, Jared Shamwell. [doi]
- Courses of Action Display for Multi-Unmanned Vehicle Control: A Multi-Disciplinary ApproachMichael Hansen, Gloria Calhoun, Scott Douglass, Dakota Evans. [doi]
- Safety in AI-HRI: Challenges Complementing User Experience QualityRichard G. Freedman, Shlomo Zilberstein. [doi]
- Predicting User Intent Through Eye Gaze for Shared AutonomyHenny Admoni, Siddhartha Srinivasa. [doi]
- A Novel Software Combining Task and Motion Planning for Human-Robot InteractionJules Waldhart, Mamoun Gharbi, Rachid Alami. [doi]
- Examiner Assisted Automated Patents SearchArthi M. Krishna, Brian Feldman, Joseph Wolf, Greg Gabel, Scott Beliveau, Thomas Beach. [doi]
- Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Choices from Privacy PoliciesKanthashree Mysore Sathyendra, Florian Schaub, Shomir Wilson, Norman M. Sadeh. [doi]
- Appraisal of Statistical Practices in HRI vis-a-vis the T-Test for Likert Items/ScalesMatthew C. Gombolay, Ankit Shah. [doi]
- Trust-Based Symbolic Robot Motion Planning with Human-in-the-LoopYue Wang. [doi]
- Lexical Similarity of Information Type Hypernyms, Meronyms and Synonyms in Privacy PoliciesMitra Bokaei Hosseini, Sudarshan Wadkar, Travis D. Breaux, Jianwei Niu 0001. [doi]
- An HRI Approach to Feature SelectionKalesha Bullard, Sonia Chernova, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz. [doi]
- Learning and Predicting Sequential Tasks Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Multiple Model FilteringHarish Chaandar Ravichandar, Avnish Kumar, Ashwin P. Dani, Krishna R. Pattipati. [doi]
- Detecting User Intention Changes Using the Kullback-Leibler DistanceEric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann. [doi]
- Analyzing Vocabulary Intersections of Expert Annotations and Topic Models for Data Practices in Privacy PoliciesFrederick Liu, Shomir Wilson, Florian Schaub, Norman M. Sadeh. [doi]
- An Analysis of Blocking Methods for Private Record LinkageBrian Etienne, Michelle Cheatham, Pawel Grzebala. [doi]
- SLIRS: Sign Language Interpreting System for Human-Robot InteractionNazgul Tazhigaliyeva, Yerniyaz Nurgabulov, German Ignacio Parisi, Anara Sandygulova. [doi]
- From Bot to Bot: Using a Chat Bot to Synthesize Robot MotionMichael Fischer, Samir Menon, Oussama Khatib. [doi]
- Extended Abstract: Formal Design of Cooperative Multi-Agent SystemsRafael Rodrigues da Silva, Bo Wu 0005, Jin Dai, Hai Lin 0002. [doi]
- ALDA: Cognitive Assistant for Legal Document AnalyticsKaruna P. Joshi, Aditi Gupta 0003, Sudip Mittal, Claudia Pearce, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin. [doi]
- Early Turn-Taking Prediction in the Operating RoomTian Zhou, Juan P. Wachs. [doi]
- Psychological Science in HRI: Striving for a More Integrated Field of ResearchPatricia Alves-Oliveira, Dennis Küster, Arvid Kappas, Ana Paiva. [doi]
- Cognitive Cyber Security Assistants - Computationally Deriving Cyber Intelligence and Course of ActionsCharles Palmer, Lee A. Angelelli, Jeb Linton, Harmeet Singh, Michael Muresan. [doi]
- Socially-Aware Navigation: Action Discrimination to Select Appropriate BehaviorSantosh Balajee Banisetty, Meera Sebastian, David Feil-Seifer. [doi]
- Privacy Policies and Their Lack of Clear Disclosure Regarding the Life Cycle of User InformationPriya Kumar. [doi]
- Human-Initiative Variable Autonomy: An Experimental Analysis of the Interactions Between a Human Operator and a Remotely Operated Mobile Robot which also Possesses Autonomous CapabilitiesManolis Chiou, Goda Bieksaite, Nick Hawes, Rustam Stolkin. [doi]
- Automatic Arguments Construction - From Search Engine to Research EngineDan Gutfreund, Yoav Katz, Noam Slonim. [doi]
- Dimensionality Reduced Reinforcement Learning for Assistive RobotsWilliam Curran, Tim Brys, David W. Aha, Matthew E. Taylor, William D. Smart. [doi]
- ActorSim, A Toolkit for Studying Cross-Disciplinary Challenges in AutonomyMark Roberts, Laura M. Hiatt, Alexandra Coman, Dongkyu Choi, Benjamin Johnson, David W. Aha. [doi]
- Trust and Cooperation in Human-Robot Decision MakingJane Wu, Erin Paeng, Kari Linder, Piercarlo Valdesolo, James C. Boerkoel. [doi]
- Automated Surveillance from a Mobile RobotWallace Lawson, Keith Sullivan, Esube Bekele, Laura M. Hiatt, Robert Goring, J. Gregory Trafton. [doi]
- Towards Behavior-Aware Model Learning from Human-Generated TrajectoriesRobert Tyler Loftin, James MacGlashan, Bei Peng, Matthew E. Taylor, Michael L. Littman, David L. Roberts. [doi]
- The Pragmatic Social Robot: Toward Socially-Sensitive Utterance Generation in Human-Robot InteractionsGordon Briggs, Matthias Scheutz. [doi]
- Towards A Multidimensional Perspective on Shared AutonomyMalte Schilling, Stefan Kopp, Sven Wachsmuth, Britta Wrede, Helge J. Ritter, Thomas Brox, Bernhard Nebel, Wolfram Burgard. [doi]
- Seeking Human-Centered Autonomous Systems Capabilities in a Machine-Centered Development EnvironmentShu-Chieh Wu. [doi]
- Modeling Language Vagueness in Privacy Policies Using Deep Neural NetworksFei Liu 0004, Nicole Lee Fella, Kexin Liao. [doi]
- Resolution of Referential Ambiguity Using Dempster-Shafer Theoretic PragmaticsTom Williams 0001, Matthias Scheutz. [doi]
- Probabilistic Verification for Cognitive ModelsSebastian Junges, Nils Jansen 0001, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Ufuk Topcu. [doi]
- POMDPs for Risk-Aware AutonomyWilliam Curran, Cameron Bowie, William D. Smart. [doi]
- Trilateral Large-Scale OSN Account Linkability StudyMishari Almishari, Ekin Oguz, Gene Tsudik. [doi]
- Reduction of the State Observation Problem to an Identifiability ProblemMasataka Nishi. [doi]
- Social Trust: A Major Challenge for the Future of Autonomous SystemsMorteza Lahijanian, Marta Kwiatkowska. [doi]
- Anticipative Interaction Primitives for Human-Robot CollaborationGuilherme Maeda, Aayush Maloo, Marco Ewerton, Rudolf Lioutikov, Jan Peters 0001. [doi]
- Digital Copilot: Cognitive Assistance for PilotsSteven Estes, Kevin Burns, John Helleberg, Kevin Long, Jeffrey Stein, Matthew Pollack. [doi]
- Responding to Challenges in the Design of Moral Autonomous VehiclesHelen Zhao, Kirsten Dimovitz, Brooke Staveland, Larry Medsker. [doi]
- Robot Perception of Human Groups in the Real World: State of the ArtAngelique Taylor, Laurel D. Riek. [doi]