Abstract is missing.
- Modelling and Verification of Robotic Platforms for Simulation Using RoboStar TechnologyAna Cavalcanti. 3-5 [doi]
- Adding Concurrency to a Sequential Refinement TowerGerhard Schellhorn, Stefan Bodenmüller, Jörg Pfähler, Wolfgang Reif. 6-23 [doi]
- Diverse Scenario Exploration in Model Finders Using Graph Kernels and ClusteringRobert Clarisó, Jordi Cabot. 27-43 [doi]
- Formal Verification of Interoperability Between Future Network Architectures Using AlloyMohammad Jahanian, Jiachen Chen, K. K. Ramakrishnan. 44-60 [doi]
- Experiences on Teaching Alloy with an Automated Assessment PlatformNuno Macedo, Alcino Cunha, José Pereira, Renato Carvalho, Ricardo Silva, Ana C. R. Paiva, Miguel Sozinho Ramalho, Daniel Castro Silva. 61-77 [doi]
- A Characterization of Distributed ASMs with Partial-Order RunsEgon Börger, Klaus-Dieter Schewe. 78-92 [doi]
- A Logic for Reflective ASMsKlaus-Dieter Schewe, Flavio Ferrarotti. 93-106 [doi]
- Analysing ProB's Constraint Solving Backends - What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!Jannik Dunkelau, Joshua Schmidt, Michael Leuschel. 107-123 [doi]
- Programming the CLEARSY Safety Platform with BThierry Lecomte. 124-138 [doi]
- Modelling Hybrid Programs with Event-BMeryem Afendi, Régine Laleau, Amel Mammar. 139-154 [doi]
- Event-B-Supported Choreography-Defined Communicating Systems - Correctness and CompletenessSarah Benyagoub, Yamine Aït Ameur, Klaus-Dieter Schewe. 155-168 [doi]
- Formally Verified Architecture Patterns of Hybrid Systems Using Proof and Refinement with Event-BGuillaume Dupont, Yamine Aït Ameur, Marc Pantel, Neeraj Kumar Singh. 169-185 [doi]
- Integration of iUML-B and UPPAAL Timed Automata for Development of Real-Time Systems with Concurrent ProcessesFatima Shokri-Manninen, Leonidas Tsiopoulos, Jüri Vain, Marina Waldén. 186-202 [doi]
- Formal Distributed Protocol Development for Reservation of Railway SectionsPaulius Stankaitis, Alexei Iliasov, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Yamine Aït Ameur, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Alexander B. Romanovsky. 203-219 [doi]
- Verifying SGAC Access Control Policies: A Comparison of ProB, Alloy and Z3Diego de Azevedo Oliveira, Marc Frappier. 223-229 [doi]
- Account and Transaction Protocol of the Open Banking StandardAbdulaziz Almehrej, Leo Freitas, Paolo Modesti. 230-236 [doi]
- Structuring the State and Behavior of ASMs: Introducing a Trait-Based Construct for Abstract State Machine LanguagesPhilipp Paulweber, Emmanuel Pescosta, Uwe Zdun. 237-243 [doi]
- Exploring the Concept of Abstract State Machines for System Runtime EnforcementElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra. 244-247 [doi]
- ProB and Jupyter for Logic, Set Theory, Theoretical Computer Science and Formal MethodsDavid Geleßus, Michael Leuschel. 248-254 [doi]
- Existence Proof Obligations for Constraints, Properties and Invariants in Atelier BHéctor Ruíz Barradas, Lilian Burdy, David Déharbe. 255-259 [doi]
- VisB: A Lightweight Tool to Visualize Formal Models with SVG GraphicsMichelle Werth, Michael Leuschel. 260-265 [doi]
- Towards a Shared Specification RepositoryPhilipp Körner, Michael Leuschel, Jannik Dunkelau. 266-271 [doi]
- Refinement and Verification of Responsive Control SystemsKarla Morris, Colin F. Snook, Thai Son Hoang, Geoffrey C. Hulette, Robert Armstrong, Michael J. Butler. 272-277 [doi]
- Adaptive Exterior Light and Speed Control SystemFrank Houdek, Alexander Raschke. 281-301 [doi]
- Modelling an Automotive Software-Intensive System with Adaptive Features Using ASMETAPaolo Arcaini, Silvia Bonfanti, Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra. 302-317 [doi]
- Validating Multiple Variants of an Automotive Light System with ElectrumAlcino Cunha, Nuno Macedo, Chong Liu. 318-334 [doi]
- Modelling and Validating an Automotive System in Classical B and Event-BMichael Leuschel, Mareike Mutz, Michelle Werth. 335-350 [doi]
- An Event-B Model of an Automotive Adaptive Exterior Light SystemAmel Mammar, Marc Frappier, Régine Laleau. 351-366 [doi]
- Modeling of a Speed Control System Using Event-BAmel Mammar, Marc Frappier. 367-381 [doi]
- A Verified Low-Level Implementation of the Adaptive Exterior Light and Speed Control SystemSebastian Krings, Philipp Körner, Jannik Dunkelau, Chris Rutenkolk. 382-397 [doi]
- A Correct by Construction Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems in Event-BMeryem Afendi. 401-404 [doi]
- Improving Trustworthiness of Self-driving SystemsFahad Alotaibi. 405-408 [doi]
- A Formal Approach for the Modeling of High-Level Architectures Aligned with System RequirementsRacem Bougacha. 409-413 [doi]
- Automatic Generation of DistAlgo Programs from Event-B ModelsAlexis Grall. 414-417 [doi]
- Event-B: From Systems to Sub-systems ModelingKenza Kraibi. 418-422 [doi]
- A Framework for Critical Interactive System Formal Modelling and AnalysisIsmaïl Mendil. 423-426 [doi]