Abstract is missing.
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- High-performance computing framework for predictive simulation of healthcare delivery innovationByung H. Park, Ozgur Ozmen, Gil Weigand, Mallikarjun Shankar. 517-520 [doi]
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- On the limits of data-driven cancer prognosis predictionMohammadmahdi R. Yousefi, Lori A. Dalton. 537-540 [doi]
- Integration of 3D gene expression patterns and gene regulatory networks for clinical applications in epithelial ovarian cancerAlain B. Tchagang, François Fauteux, Youlian Pan. 541-544 [doi]
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- Investigating the association between sociodemographic factors and lung cancer risk using cyber informaticsHong-Jun Yoon, Georgia D. Tourassi. 557-560 [doi]
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