Abstract is missing.
- ASMesh: Anonymous and Secure Messaging in Mesh Networks Using Stronger, Anonymous Double RatchetAlexander Bienstock, Paul Rösler, Yi Tang. 1-15 [doi]
- Lattice-Based Blind Signatures: Short, Efficient, and Round-OptimalWard Beullens, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen 0001, Gregor Seiler. 16-29 [doi]
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- Deciding Differential Privacy of Online Algorithms with Multiple VariablesRohit Chadha, A. Prasad Sistla, Mahesh Viswanathan 0001, Bishnu Bhusal. 1761-1775 [doi]
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- Group and Attack: Auditing Differential PrivacyJohan Lokna, Anouk Paradis, Dimitar I. Dimitrov, Martin T. Vechev. 1905-1918 [doi]
- Interactive Proofs For Differentially Private CountingAri Biswas, Graham Cormode. 1919-1933 [doi]
- Concentrated Geo-PrivacyYuting Liang, Ke Yi 0001. 1934-1948 [doi]
- Concurrent Composition for Interactive Differential Privacy with Adaptive Privacy-Loss ParametersSamuel Haney, Michael Shoemate, Grace Tian, Salil P. Vadhan, Andrew Vyrros, Vicki Xu, Wanrong Zhang 0001. 1949-1963 [doi]
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- Amplification by Shuffling without ShufflingBorja Balle, James Bell 0001, Adrià Gascón. 2292-2305 [doi]
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- Improving Security Tasks Using Compiler Provenance Information Recovered At the Binary-LevelYufei Du, Omar Alrawi, Kevin Z. Snow, Manos Antonakakis, Fabian Monrose. 2695-2709 [doi]
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- Do Users Write More Insecure Code with AI Assistants?Neil Perry, Megha Srivastava, Deepak Kumar 0006, Dan Boneh. 2785-2799 [doi]
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- On the Security of Rate-limited Privacy PassHien Chu, Khue Do, Lucjan Hanzlik. 2871-2885 [doi]
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- CookieGraph: Understanding and Detecting First-Party Tracking CookiesShaoor Munir, Sandra Siby, Umar Iqbal, Steven Englehardt, Zubair Shafiq, Carmela Troncoso. 3490-3504 [doi]
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- Poster: Using CodeQL to Detect Malware in npmMatías F. Gobbi, Johannes Kinder. 3519-3521 [doi]
- Poster: Data Minimization by Construction for Trigger-Action ApplicationsMohammad M. Ahmadpanah, Daniel Hedin, Andrei Sabelfeld. 3522-3524 [doi]
- Poster: Verifiable Encodings for Maliciously-Secure Homomorphic Encryption EvaluationSylvain Chatel, Christian Knabenhans, Apostolos Pyrgelis, Carmela Troncoso, Jean-Pierre Hubaux. 3525-3527 [doi]
- Poster: Circumventing the GFW with TLS Record FragmentationNiklas Niere, Sven Hebrok, Juraj Somorovsky, Robert Merget. 3528-3530 [doi]
- Poster: Generating Experiences for Autonomous Network DefenseAndres Molina-Markham, Luis F. Robaina, Akash H. Trivedi, Derek G. Tsui, Ahmad Ridley. 3531-3533 [doi]
- Poster: From Hashes to Ashes - A Comparison of Transcription ServicesRudolf Siegel, Rafael Mrowczynski, Maria Hellenthal, Michael Schilling 0001. 3534-3536 [doi]
- Poster: Mujaz: A Summarization-based Approach for Normalized Vulnerability DescriptionHattan Althebeiti, Brett Fazio, William Chen, David Mohaisen. 3537-3539 [doi]
- Poster: Boosting Adversarial Robustness by Adversarial Pre-trainingXiaoyun Xu, Stjepan Picek. 3540-3542 [doi]
- Poster: Vulcan - Repurposing Accessibility Features for Behavior-based Intrusion Detection Dataset GenerationChristian van Sloun, Klaus Wehrle. 3543-3545 [doi]
- Poster: Computing the Persistent Homology of Encrypted DataDominic Gold, Koray Karabina, Francis C. Motta. 3546-3548 [doi]
- Poster: Attestor - Simple Proof-of-Storage-TimeArup Mondal. 3549-3551 [doi]
- Poster: Query-efficient Black-box Attack for Image Forgery Localization via Reinforcement LearningXianbo Mo, Shunquan Tan, Bin Li, Jiwu Huang. 3552-3554 [doi]
- Poster: Membership Inference Attacks via Contrastive LearningDepeng Chen, Xiao Liu, Jie Cui 0004, Hong Zhong 0001. 3555-3557 [doi]
- Poster: Ethics of Computer Security and Privacy Research - Trends and Standards from a Data PerspectiveKevin Li, Zhaohui Wang, Ye Wang, Bo Luo, FengJun Li. 3558-3560 [doi]
- Poster: RPAL-Recovering Malware Classifiers from Data Poisoning using Active LearningShae McFadden, Zeliang Kan, Lorenzo Cavallaro, Fabio Pierazzi. 3561-3563 [doi]
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- Poster: Efficient AES-GCM Decryption Under Homomorphic EncryptionEhud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Gilad Ezov, Eyal Kushnir, Hayim Shaul, Omri Soceanu. 3567-3569 [doi]
- Poster: Multi-target & Multi-trigger Backdoor Attacks on Graph Neural NetworksJing Xu, Stjepan Picek. 3570-3572 [doi]
- Poster: Longitudinal Analysis of DoS AttacksFabian Kaiser, Haya Schulmann, Michael Waidner. 3573-3575 [doi]
- Poster: The Risk of Insufficient Isolation of Database Transactions in Web ApplicationsSimon Koch, Malte Wessels, David Klein, Martin Johns. 3576-3578 [doi]
- Poster: Privacy Risks from Misconfigured Android Content ProvidersChristopher Lenk, Johannes Kinder. 3579-3581 [doi]
- Poster: Bridging Trust Gaps: Data Usage Transparency in Federated Data EcosystemsJohannes Lohmöller, Eduard Vlad, Markus Dahlmanns, Klaus Wehrle. 3582-3584 [doi]
- Poster: Panacea - Stateless and Non-Interactive Oblivious RAMKelong Cong, Debajyoti Das 0001, Georgio Nicolas, Jeongeun Park 0001. 3585-3587 [doi]
- Poster: Backdoor Attack on Extreme Learning MachinesBehrad Tajalli, Gorka Abad, Stjepan Picek. 3588-3590 [doi]
- Poster: Accountable Processing of Reported Street ProblemsRoman Matzutt, Jan Pennekamp, Klaus Wehrle. 3591-3593 [doi]
- Poster: WIP: Account ZK-Rollups from Sumcheck ArgumentsRex Fernando, Arnab Roy. 3594-3596 [doi]
- Poster: Signer Discretion is Advised: On the Insecurity of Vitalik's Threshold Hash-based SignaturesMario Yaksetig, Alexander Havlin. 3597-3599 [doi]
- Poster: Longitudinal Measurement of the Adoption Dynamics in Apple's Privacy Label EcosystemDavid G. Balash, Mir Masood Ali, Monica Kodwani, Xiaoyuan Wu, Chris Kanich, Adam J. Aviv. 3600-3602 [doi]
- Poster: Towards a Dataset for the Discrimination between Warranted and Unwarranted EmailsEric Burton Samuel Martin, Hossein Shirazi, Indrakshi Ray. 3603-3605 [doi]
- Poster: Cybersecurity Usage in the Wild: A look at Deployment Challenges in Intrusion Detection and Alert HandlingWyatt Sweat, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao. 3606-3608 [doi]
- Poster: Towards Lightweight TEE-Assisted MPCWentao Dong, Cong Wang. 3609-3611 [doi]
- Poster: Fooling XAI with Explanation-Aware BackdoorsMaximilian Noppel, Christian Wressnegger. 3612-3614 [doi]
- Poster: Metadata-private Messaging without CoordinationPeipei Jiang 0002, Qian Wang, Yihao Wu, Cong Wang. 3615-3617 [doi]
- Poster: Control-Flow Integrity in Low-end Embedded DevicesSashidhar Jakkamsetti, Youngil Kim, Andrew Searles, Gene Tsudik. 3618-3620 [doi]
- Poster: Generic Multidimensional Linear Cryptanalysis of Feistel CiphersBetül Askin Özdemir, Tim Beyne. 3621-3623 [doi]
- Poster: Secure and Differentially Private kth Ranked ElementGowri R. Chandran, Philipp-Florens Lehwalder, Leandro Rometsch, Thomas Schneider 0003. 3624-3626 [doi]
- Poster: Towards Practical Brainwave-based User AuthenticationMatin Fallahi, Patricia Arias Cabarcos, Thorsten Strufe. 3627-3629 [doi]
- Poster: A Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Framework for Permissioned BlockchainWensheng Tian, Lei Zhang, Shuangxi Chen, Hu Wang, Xiao Luo. 3630-3632 [doi]
- Poster: The Unknown Unknown: Cybersecurity Threats of Shadow IT in Higher EducationJan-Philip van Acken, Joost F. Gadellaa, Slinger Jansen, Katsiaryna Labunets. 3633-3635 [doi]
- Poster: Detecting Adversarial Examples Hidden under Watermark Perturbation via Usable Information TheoryZiming Zhao 0008, Zhaoxuan Li, Tingting Li, Zhuoxue Song, Fan Zhang, Rui Zhang 0016. 3636-3638 [doi]
- Poster: Unveiling the Impact of Patch Placement: Adversarial Patch Attacks on Monocular Depth EstimationGyungeun Yun, Kyungho Joo, Wonsuk Choi, Dong-Hoon Lee. 3639-3641 [doi]
- Poster: Verifiable Data Valuation with Strong Fairness in Horizontal Federated LearningRuei-Hau Hsu, Hsuan-Cheng Su, Yi-An Yu. 3642-3644 [doi]
- WPES '23: 22nd Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic SocietyBart P. Knijnenburg, Panagiotis Papadimitratos. 3645-3647 [doi]
- CPSIoTSec'23: Fifth Workshop on CPS & IoT Security and PrivacyMagnus Almgren, Earlence Fernandes. 3648-3650 [doi]
- WAHC '23: 11th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic CryptographyMichael Brenner 0003, Anamaria Costache, Kurt Rohloff. 3651-3652 [doi]
- MTD '23: 10th ACM Workshop on Moving Target DefenseNing Zhang, Qi Li. 3653-3654 [doi]
- SaTS'23: The 1st ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy SuperappsZhiqiang Lin, Xiaojing Liao. 3655-3656 [doi]
- CCSW '23: Cloud Computing Security WorkshopFrancesco Regazzoni 0001, Apostolos P. Fournaris. 3657-3658 [doi]
- PLAS: The 18th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for SecurityFraser Brown, Klaus von Gleissenthall. 3659 [doi]
- DeFi '23: Workshop on Decentralized Finance and SecurityKaihua Qin, Fan Zhang. 3660-3661 [doi]
- ARTMAN '23: First Workshop on Recent Advances in Resilient and Trustworthy ML Systems in Autonomous NetworksGregory Blanc, Takeshi Takahashi 0001, Zonghua Zhang. 3662-3663 [doi]
- ASHES '23: Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware SecurityLejla Batina, Chip-Hong Chang, Domenic Forte, Ulrich Rührmair. 3664-3665 [doi]
- AISec '23: 16th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and SecurityMaura Pintor, Florian Simon Tramèr, Xinyun Chen. 3666-3668 [doi]
- Tutorial-HEPack4ML '23: Advanced HE Packing Methods with Applications to MLEhud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Hayim Shaul. 3669-3670 [doi]
- SCORED '23: Workshop on Software Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem DefensesMarcela S. Melara, Santiago Torres-Arias, Laurent Simon. 3671-3672 [doi]
- Demo: Certified Robustness on ToolformerYue Xu, Wenjie Wang. 3673-3675 [doi]
- Demo: Data Minimization and Informed Consent in Administrative FormsNicolas Anciaux, Sabine Frittella, Baptiste Joffroy, Benjamin Nguyen. 3676-3678 [doi]
- Demo: Image Disguising for Scalable GPU-accelerated Confidential Deep LearningYuechun Gu, Sagar Sharma, Keke Chen. 3679-3681 [doi]