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- TIMER: Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic RegistrationPew-Thian Yap, Guorong Wu, Hongtu Zhu, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen. 1-8 [doi]
- Generative hierarchical models for image analysisStuart Geman. 1 [doi]
- Egocentric recognition of handled objects: Benchmark and analysisXiaofeng Ren, Matthai Philipose. 1-8 [doi]
- Finding iconic imagesTamara L. Berg, Alexander C. Berg. 1-8 [doi]
- The HFB Face Database for Heterogeneous Face Biometrics researchStan Z. Li, Zhen Lei, Meng Ao. 1-8 [doi]
- Synchronization and rolling shutter compensation for consumer video camera arraysDerek Bradley, Bradley Atcheson, Ivo Ihrke, Wolfgang Heidrich. 1-8 [doi]
- Adaptive object classification in surveillance system by exploiting scene contextJitao Sang, Zhen Lei, ShengCai Liao, Stan Z. Li. 1-7 [doi]
- Human action recognition with extremities as semantic posture representationElden Yu, Jake K. Aggarwal. 1-8 [doi]
- Lonely but attractive: Sparse color salient points for object retrieval and categorizationJulian Stöttinger, Allan Hanbury, Theo Gevers, Nicu Sebe. 1-8 [doi]
- Use of Active Appearance Models for analysis and synthesis of naturally occurring behaviorJeffrey F. Cohn. 1-3 [doi]
- Impact of involuntary subject movement on 3D face scansChris Boehnen, Patrick J. Flynn. 1-6 [doi]
- Learning a hierarchical compositional representation of multiple object classesAles Leonardis. 2 [doi]
- A bottom-up and top-down optimization framework for learning a compositional hierarchy of object classesSanja Fidler, Marko Boben, Ales Leonardis. 3 [doi]
- Is there a general structure for grammars?David Mumford. 4 [doi]
- Robust facial action recognition from real-time 3D streamsFilareti Tsalakanidou, Sotiris Malassiotis. 4-11 [doi]
- Recursive compositional models: Representation, learning, and inferenceLong Zhu, Alan L. Yuille. 5 [doi]
- Inference and learning with hierarchical compositional modelsIasonas Kokkinos, Alan L. Yuille. 6 [doi]
- Predicate logic based image grammars for complex pattern recognitionVinay D. Shet, Maneesh Singh, Claus Bahlmann, Visvanathan Ramesh. 7 [doi]
- A case for the average-half-face in 2D and 3D for face recognitionJoshua Harguess, Jake K. Aggarwal. 7-12 [doi]
- Image parsing with stochastic grammar: The Lotus Hill dataset and inference schemeBenjamin Z. Yao, Xiong Yang, Tianfu Wu. 8 [doi]
- Multiple label prediction for image annotation with multiple Kernel correlation modelsOksana Yakhnenko, Vasant Honavar. 8-15 [doi]
- Illustrating motion through DLP photographySanjeev J. Koppal, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan. 9-16 [doi]
- Towards automated large scale discovery of image familiesMohamed Aly, Peter Welinder, Mario E. Munich, Pietro Perona. 9-16 [doi]
- A syntax for image understandingNarendra Ahuja. 9-10 [doi]
- An optimal control approach for deformable registrationGabriel L. Hart, Christopher Zach, Marc Niethammer. 9-16 [doi]
- EYEWATCHME - 3D Hand and object tracking for inside out activity analysisLi Sun, Ulrich Klank, Michael Beetz. 9-16 [doi]
- Incremental on-line semantic indexing for image retrieval in dynamic databasesS. Karthik, Chandrika Pulla, C. V. Jawahar. 9-16 [doi]
- SUSurE: Speeded Up Surround Extrema feature detector and descriptor for realtime applicationsMosalam Ebrahimi, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas. 9-14 [doi]
- Object recognition in 3D lidar data with recurrent neural networkDanil V. Prokhorov. 9-15 [doi]
- Stochastic representation and recognition of high-level group activities: Describing structural uncertainties in human activitiesMichael S. Ryoo, Jake K. Aggarwal. 11 [doi]
- Beyond one-to-one feature correspondence: The need for many-to-many matching and image abstractionSven J. Dickinson. 12 [doi]
- Automatically detecting action units from faces of pain: Comparing shape and appearance featuresPatrick Lucey, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Simon Lucey, Sridha Sridharan, Kenneth M. Prkachin. 12-18 [doi]
- Evaluation of spatio-temporal regional features For 3D face analysisYi Sun, Lijun Yin. 13-19 [doi]
- Robust feature matching in 2.3µsSimon Taylor, Edward Rosten, Tom Drummond. 15-22 [doi]
- Fusion of a camera and a laser range sensor for vehicle recognitionS. Mohottala, Shintaro Ono, Masataka Kagesawa, Katsushi Ikeuchi. 16-23 [doi]
- HANOLISTIC: A Hierarchical Automatic Image Annotation System Using Holistic ApproachÖzge Öztimur Karadag, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural. 16-21 [doi]
- Page frame segmentation for contextual advertising in print on demand booksHanning Zhou, Zongyi Liu. 17-22 [doi]
- A level set-based global shape prior and its application to image segmentationLei Zhang 0011, Qiang Ji. 17-22 [doi]
- Temporal segmentation and activity classification from first-person sensingEkaterina H. Spriggs, Fernando De la Torre, Martial Hebert. 17-24 [doi]
- Image registration by minimization of Mapping ComplexityAndriy Myronenko, Xubo B. Song. 17-24 [doi]
- A projector-camera system for creating a display with water dropsPeter C. Barnum, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Takeo Kanade. 17-23 [doi]
- Physiological modelling for improved reliability in silhouette-driven gradient-based hand trackingParis Kaimakis, Joan Lasenby. 19-26 [doi]
- In between 3D Active Appearance Models and 3D Morphable ModelsJingu Heo, Marios Savvides. 20-26 [doi]
- Combining appearance and motion for human action classification in videosP. S. Dhillon, Sebastian Nowozin, Christoph H. Lampert. 22-29 [doi]
- Cutout-search: Putting a name to the pictureDhruv Batra, Adarsh Kowdle, Devi Parikh, Tsuhan Chen. 23-30 [doi]
- Fast features for time constrained object detectionGary Overett, Lars Petersson. 23-30 [doi]
- Data handling displaysMaxim Lazarov, H. Pirsiavash, Behzad Sajadi, U. Mukherjee, Aditi Majumder. 24-30 [doi]
- Vehicle matching and recognition under large variations of pose and illuminationTingbo Hou, Sen Wang, Hong Qin. 24-29 [doi]
- High level activity recognition using low resolution wearable visionSudeep Sundaram, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas. 25-32 [doi]
- Automatic detection of body parts in x-ray imagesVincent Jeanne, Devrim Ünay, Vincent Jacquet. 25-30 [doi]
- Face recognition at-a-distance based on sparse-stereo reconstructionHam M. Rara, Shireen Y. Elhabian, Asem Ali, Mike Miller, Thomas L. Starr, Aly A. Farag. 27-32 [doi]
- An implicit spatiotemporal shape model for human activity localization and recognitionAntonios Oikonomopoulos, Ioannis Patras, Maja Pantic. 27-33 [doi]
- Using closed captions to train activity recognizers that improve video retrievalSonal Gupta, Raymond J. Mooney. 30-37 [doi]
- Feature based person detection beyond the visible spectrumKai Jüngling, Michael Arens. 30-37 [doi]
- Transparent watermarking using bidirectional imagingKristin J. Dana, G. Livescu, R. Makonahalli. 31-38 [doi]
- Computer vision on tapKevin Chiu, Ramesh Raskar. 31-38 [doi]
- Automatic Multiple Sclerosis detection based on integrated square estimationJundong Liu, Charles D. Smith, Hima Chebrolu. 31-38 [doi]
- HALF-SIFT: High-Accurate Localized Features for SIFTKai Cordes, Oliver Müller, Bodo Rosenhahn, Jörn Ostermann. 31-38 [doi]
- Image matching in large scale indoor environmentHongwen Kang, Alexei A. Efros, Martial Hebert, Takeo Kanade. 33-40 [doi]
- Posture invariant gender classification for 3D human modelsStefanie Wuhrer, Chang Shu 0001, Marc Rioux. 33-38 [doi]
- Modeling and exploiting the spatio-temporal facial action dependencies for robust spontaneous facial expression recognitionYan Tong, Jixu Chen, Qiang Ji. 34-41 [doi]
- Event detection using local binary pattern based dynamic texturesYunqian Ma, Petr Císar. 38-44 [doi]
- Pedestrian association and localization in monocular FIR video sequenceMayank Bansal, Shunguang Wu, Jayan Eledath. 38-45 [doi]
- Cortical enhanced tissue segmentation of neonatal brain MR images acquired by a dedicated phased array coilFeng Shi, Pew-Thian Yap, Yong Fan, Jie-Zhi Cheng, Lawrence L. Wald, Guido Gerig, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen. 39-45 [doi]
- Incremental Bayesian learning of feature points from natural imagesMiika Toivanen, Jouko Lampinen. 39-46 [doi]
- Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric verificationVivek Kanhangad, Ajay Kumar, David Zhang. 39-44 [doi]
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- Geometric video projector auto-calibrationJamil Draréni, Sébastien Roy, Peter F. Sturm. 39-46 [doi]
- Learning texton models for real-time scene contextAlex Flint, Ian D. Reid 0001, David W. Murray. 41-48 [doi]
- Social Signal Processing: Understanding social interactions through nonverbal behavior analysisAlessandro Vinciarelli, Hugues Salamin, Maja Pantic. 42-49 [doi]
- Nonparametric bottom-up saliency detection by self-resemblanceHae Jong Seo, Peyman Milanfar. 45-52 [doi]
- Recognition of walking humans in 3D: Initial resultsKoichiro Yamauchi, Bir Bhanu, Hideo Saito. 45-52 [doi]
- Appearance learning by adaptive Kalman filters for FLIR trackingVijay Venkataraman, Guoliang Fan, Xin Fan, Joseph P. Havlicek. 46-53 [doi]
- Echocardiographic contour extraction with local and global priors through boosting and level setsAyse Betül Oktay, Yusuf Sinan Akgül. 46-51 [doi]
- Towards unlocking web video: Automatic people tracking and clusteringAlex Holub, Pierre Moreels, A. Islam, A. Makhanov, Rui Yang. 47-54 [doi]
- A user-friendly method to geometrically calibrate projector-camera systemsSamuel Audet, Masatoshi Okutomi. 47-54 [doi]
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- Dual domain auxiliary particle filter with integrated target signature updateColin M. Johnston, Nick A. Mould, Joseph P. Havlicek, Guoliang Fan. 54-59 [doi]
- Color calibration of multi-projector displays through automatic optimization of hardware settingsR. M. Steele, Mao Ye, Ruigang Yang. 55-60 [doi]
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- Action recognition via local descriptors and holistic featuresXinghua Sun, Ming-Yu Chen, Alexander G. Hauptmann. 58-65 [doi]
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- Estimating object region from local contour configurationT. Suzuki, Martial Hebert. 69-76 [doi]
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- Effect of plastic surgery on face recognition: A preliminary studyRicha Singh, Mayank Vatsa, Afzel Noore. 72-77 [doi]
- A framework for automated measurement of the intensity of non-posed Facial Action UnitsMohammad H. Mahoor, Steven Cadavid, Daniel S. Messinger, Jeffrey F. Cohn. 74-80 [doi]
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- An alignment based similarity measure for hand detection in cluttered sign language videoAshwin Thangali, Stan Sclaroff. 89-96 [doi]
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- Scenes vs. objects: A comparative study of two approaches to context based recognitionAndrew Rabinovich, Serge J. Belongie. 92-99 [doi]
- A coding scheme for indexing multimodal biometric databasesAglika Gyaourova, Arun Ross. 93-98 [doi]
- 3D segmentation of rodent brains using deformable models and variational methodsShaoting Zhang, Jinghao Zhou, Xiaoxu Wang, Sukmoon Chang, Dimitris N. Metaxas, George J. Pappas, Foteini Delis, Nora D. Volkow, Gene-Jack Wang, Panayotis K. Thanos, Chandra Kambhamettu. 94-100 [doi]
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- Square Loss based regularized LDA for face recognition using image setsYanlin Geng, Caifeng Shan, Pengwei Hao. 99-106 [doi]
- Mining discriminative adjectives and prepositions for natural scene recognitionBangpeng Yao, Juan Carlos Niebles, Fei-Fei Li. 100-106 [doi]
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