Abstract is missing.
- Representing provenance and track changes of cultural heritage metadata in RDF: a survey of existing approachesArcangelo Massari, Silvio Peroni, Francesca Tomasi, Ivan Heibi. [doi]
- Visiting Vienna - digital approaches to the (semi-)automatic analysis and mapping of the arrival lists found in the "Wien[n]erisches Diarium"Nina Claudia Rastinger. [doi]
- Finding Haiku - Enhancing Findability and Accessibility of Poetry Resources in Multi-genre Collections across Different LanguagesMichal Mrugalski, Vera Maria Charvat, Ingo Börner, Matej Durco, Sabine Laszakovits, Stefan Resch. [doi]
- Bee-ing HumanBalu G. S, Bennett Hogg, Vivek Nityananda, Olivia Smith, Tiago Sousa Garcia, Jennifer Richards, Magnus Williamson. [doi]
- Collaboration as Necessity: Institutional Support for Digital Humanities ResearchJonathan Blumtritt, Tessa Gengnagel, Jan Horstmann, Claes Neuefeind. [doi]
- Mapping spatial named entities from noisy OCR output: Epimetheus from OCR to mapCaroline Koudoro-Parfait, Motasem Alrahabi, Yoann Dupont, Gaël Lejeune, Glenn Roe. [doi]
- "Money Can't Buy Love?" Creating a Historical Sentiment Index for the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1872-1930Janos Borst, Lino Wehrheim, Manuel Burghardt. [doi]
- DIGIPHILZsófia Fellegi, Gábor Palkó. [doi]
- Linking (In)Completeness: A Collaborative Approach to Representing People in Art Provenance DataLynn Rother, Fabio Mariani, Max Koss. [doi]
- From Sketching to Coding: Visualization as a Thinking ProcessUta Hinrichs, Florian Windhager, Mennatallah El-Assady, Eric C. Alexander, Adam James Bradley, Mark-Jan Bludau. [doi]
- "With the 5ame name and adrvocation of S.Juan there is another one, in the sámeprovince"- towards a digital edition of the historical-geographical dictionary of the Indies by Antonio de AlcedoWerner Stangl, Carmen Brando 0001, Jean-Paul Zúñiga, Anahi Haedo. [doi]
- Towards a common data model for semantic annotation of digital media: A new FOSS toolchainLozana Rossenova, Lucia Sohmen, Paul Duchesne, Lukas Günther, Zoe Schubert, Ina Blümel. [doi]
- A Model for Modeling Problems - Game Design as an Exercise in Formal AbstractionSteffen Pielström, Jorit Wintjes. [doi]
- Towards a computationally aware approach to humanistic data interfacesAnna Sollazzo. [doi]
- Creating user profiles based on citizen scientists' engagement patternsCoen Van Galen, Thunnis van Oort, Montserrat Prats Lopez, Ganzevoort Wessel, Rick Mourits. [doi]
- Pose Annotation Project for Artworks. A participatory annotation platform for automated body pose estimation in artValentine Bernasconi, Dario Negueruela del Castillo. [doi]
- Graph schema validation at last? Revisiting the Stemmarest data model with Neo4J and SHACLTara Lee Andrews. [doi]
- Multilingual taxonomy initiative - TaDiRAH as community of practiceLuise Borek, Canan Hastik, Quinn Dombrowski, Daan Broeder, Annika Rockenberger, Kiyonori Nagasaki, Ryo Mochizuki, Shumpei Katakura, Drahomira Cupar, Ikki Ohmukai. [doi]
- Precision Archaeology: a computational approach to archeological risk assessmentRoberto Pierdicca, Tiberio Uricchio, Matteo Tadolti, Marina Paolanti, Emanuele Frontoni, Roberto Perna. [doi]
- Fragmentation and Disruption: Ranking Cut-Points in Epistolary Networks at the Court of Henry VIIICaitlin Rose Burge. [doi]
- Studying Parliamentary Economization using Topic Burstiness and EntropyRuben Ros. [doi]
- Community-centric factors in sustaining digital scholarshipKatrina Fenlon, Alia Reza, Jessica H. Grimmer, Travis L. Wagner. [doi]
- Artificial Intelligence for the analysis of Cultural Heritage point cloudsMarina Paolanti, Francesca Matrone, Tiberio Uricchio, Benedetta Giovanola, Emanuele Frontoni, Andrea Maria Lingua, Roberto Pierdicca. [doi]
- Linked Open Data for Tibetan-Himalayan Researchers:Opportunities for Collaboration in User Experience StudiesRennie Mapp, Stan Gunn, Yuji Shinozaki, Andres Montano. [doi]
- Communication Landscapes of the 19th Century: The Speed, Geographical Coverage and Content of News in the Rigasche ZeitungKrister Kruusmaa. [doi]
- MEHDIE: The Middle East Heritage Data Integration EndeavorSinai Rusinek, Tomer Sagi, Moran Zaga, Efraim Lev, Lavee Moshe. [doi]
- There is no "I" in "Infrastructure": Creating a shared data-centric DH Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Research in Saxony/GermanyDirk Goldhahn, Peter Mühleder, Franziska Naether. [doi]
- Metadata Enrichment in the Living with Machines Project: User-focused Collaborative Database Development in a Digital Humanities ContextKalle Westerling, David Beavan, Kaspar Beelen, Mariona Coll Ardanuy, Timothy Hobson, Christina Last, Nilo Pedrazzini, Griffith Reese, Luke Hare. [doi]
- Hand in Hand: Strauss' Kaiser Walzer as a case study of interdisciplinary collaboration in digital musicologyChanda VanderHart, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, David M. Weigl. [doi]
- Scholarly Digital Editions: APIs and Reuse ScenariosElena Spadini, José Luis Losada Palenzuela. [doi]
- Bringing the New Variorum Shakespeare OnlineLaura Mandell, Katayoun Torabi, Bryan Tarpley. [doi]
- How can you trust your code?Julia L. Damerow, Malte Vogl, Rebecca Sutton Koeser, Robert Casties. [doi]
- Automatic Word Segmentation for Egyptian Hieroglyphic TextsHeidi Jauhiainen, Tommi Jauhiainen. [doi]
- Named Entity Recognition for a Text-Based Catalog of Ancient Greek Authors and WorksMonica Berti. [doi]
- Semantic Web and Linked Open Data in Historical SciencesBärbel Kröger, Johanna Sophia Störiko, Jörg Wettlaufer. [doi]
- Cross-Cultural Classics: Preliminary Findings from Goodreads Based in the U.S. and Douban Based in ChinaYuerong Hu, Ted Underwood, Glen Layne-Worthey, J. Stephen Downie. [doi]
- Connecting Places In the World Historical GazetteerKarl E. Grossner, Ruth Mostern, Nathan Michalewicz, Alexandra Straub. [doi]
- The Yugoslavian Interwar Business NetworkBojan Evkoski, Zarko Lazarevic, Andrej Pancur, Darja Fiser. [doi]
- Nestroy Corpus Analysis (NestroyCA): NLP for 19th century Austrian DramaSabine Laszakovits, Christina Katsikadeli. [doi]
- How to Be Non-Assertive in the 'Assertive Edition': Encoding Doubt in the Auden Musulin PapersMassimiliano Carloni, Daniel Elsner, Timo Frühwirth, Dimitra Grigoriou, Sandra Mayer. [doi]
- Transformer-Based Named Entity Recognition for Ancient GreekTariq Yousef, Chiara Palladino, Stefan Jänicke. [doi]
- Workshop CATMA featuring GitMA and Vis-A-VisMareike Schumacher, Dominik Gerstorfer, Evelyn Gius, Malte Meister, Ophir Münz-Manor. [doi]
- From Tapestry to Data Visualisation: Networks of Collaboration in Project CorneliaHouda Lamqaddam, Rudy Jos Beerens, Koenraad Brosens, Bruno Cardoso, Inez De Prekel, Frederik Truyen, Katlijne Van der Stighelen, Katrien Verbert, Margherita Fantoli. [doi]
- Constructing the GOLEM: Graphs and Ontologies for Literary Evolution ModelsFederico Pianzola, Xiaoyan Yang, Noa Visser, Michiel van der Ree, Andreas van Cranenburgh. [doi]
- English Literature and Network Analysis: Toward Networked Digital Humanities Pedagogy in the South Korean Higher Education SystemYongSoo Kim. [doi]
- Zero-shot keyword spotting, using CLIP for modern manuscriptsLoren Verreyen. [doi]
- Creating a collaborative research platform for Vedic Sanskrit textsAnna Fischer, Börge Kiss, Antje Casaretto, Daniel Kölligan, Natalie Korobzow, Claes Neuefeind, Uta Reinöhl, Patrick Sahle. [doi]
- Readers, Tropes, and Translations: Directions for Digital Research into Youth LiteratureAgnieszka Backman, Joanna Byszuk, Quinn Dombrowski, Anouk Lang, Antonia Murath, Nichole Nomura. [doi]
- From Atoms to Eternity: Visualizing Space and Scale in Emily DickinsonAnouk Lang. [doi]
- Augmenting the Metadata of Audiovisual Archives with NLP Techniques: Challenges and SolutionsGiacomo Alliata, Yuchen Yang, Sarah Kenderdine. [doi]
- TwinTalks 4: Understanding and Facilitating Remote Collaboration in DHDarja Fiser, Steven Krauwer, Sally Chambers, Agiatis Bernadou, Iulianna Van der Lek-Ciudin. [doi]
- "Together" : interdisciplinarity, collaboration and participation in digital cultural heritage research. The case of the Congruence Engine projectAnna-Maria Sichani, Arran Rees, Stefania Zardini. [doi]
- AudiAnnotate Workshop with Radio Venceremos, Rebel Radio Station and SpokenWeb: Using IIIF with AV to Build Editions and ExhibitsTanya Clement, Zoe Bursztajn-Illingworth, Trent Wintermeier, Vera Burrows. [doi]
- Using Github Issues to facilitate the project communication between developers and humanists. Case studyAgnieszka Szulinska. [doi]
- Towards a Dynamic Knowledge Graph of a Non-Western Book TraditionDaniel Kinitz, Thomas Efer. [doi]
- Looking back to build future shared collections: reports from the Sloane LabMarco Humbel, Foteini Valeonti, Daniele Metilli, Jawad Sadek, Alda Terracciano, Victoria Pickering, Alicia Hughes, Andreas Vlachidis, Nina Pearlman, Andrew Flinn, Mark Carine, Kim Sloan, Julianne Nyhan. [doi]
- Frameworks for User-Focused Digital Humanities Projects: Half-day workshop proposalRennie Mapp, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Roberto Therón. [doi]
- Quick TEI (QTEI) - a lightweight tool for TEI documentsMoritz Schepp, Thorsten Wübbena. [doi]
- More Social, Less Religious: Trends of Hardcover Fiction Titles on the New York Times Bestseller List 2000-2020Gesa Bei der Wieden, Taylor Bathurst, Thomas Nikolaus Haider. [doi]
- CreoPhonPt: a collaborative database saving Portuguese creoles from digital obliterationCarlos Rogério Sousa e Silva, Luís Manuel Pimentel Trigo. [doi]
- Change Agents out of place Organizational Ambidexterity and Embeddedness as Key Concepts for DH Units in Humanities InstitutionsFabian Cremer, Thorsten Wübbena. [doi]
- Archives and Database: The Chronicle of Modern Translation Literature in Chinese (Periodicals, 1896-1949)Jin Li, Cuiping Zhu, Huan Li. [doi]
- Pose Annotation Project for Artworks: A participatory annotation platform for automated body pose estimation in artValentine Bernasconi, Dario Negueruela del Castillo. [doi]
- They're veGAN but they almost taste the same: generating simili-manuscripts with artificial intelligenceJean-Baptiste Camps, Chahan Vidal-Gorène. [doi]
- SemanaHD. Bringing together the Latin American digital humanities communityErnesto Priani Saisó, Maria José Afanador, Gimena del Rio Riande. [doi]
- Toward establishing the standard digital public history framework: information platform for Japanese historical materialsAkihiro Kameda, Makoto Goto. [doi]
- What's the Use? Exploring Non-academic Applications of (Computational) Literary StudiesJennifer Edmond, Vera Yakupova. [doi]
- Finding Fascists, Efficiently! Comparing methods for mapping attitudes in Dutch and Belgian historical newspaper corpora (1920-1940)Pieter van den Heede, Milan van Lange, Ralf Futselaar. [doi]
- Word Clouds with Spatial Stable Word Positions across Multiple Text WitnessesJanis Dähne, Marcus Pöckelmann, Jörg Ritter 0002. [doi]
- Growing and Pruning the Republic of Letters: An Agent-Based Model to Build Letter Correspondence NetworksBernardo Buarque, Malte Vogl. [doi]
- The 'Environmental Scan' at work: radical contextualisation of newspaper collections for new historical researchKaspar Beelen, Jon Lawrence, Katherine McDonough, Kalle Westerling, Daniel C. S. Wilson. [doi]
- Exploring Moravian (Text) WorldsAlexander Lasch. [doi]
- Shanghai Memory as a case study of ideological impact on storytelling: the interplay between memory, language, and storiesYaming Fu, Simon Mahony. [doi]
- Visualizing and Analyzing Voting Records from Historical DocumentsGabriel Dias Cantareira, Nicholas Cole, Alfie Abdul-Rahman. [doi]
- imgs.ai. A Deep Visual Search Engine for Digital Art HistoryFabian Offert, Peter Bell 0007. [doi]
- From a single-use script to a reusable Python package: assisting researchers in creating FAIR softwareJelte van Boheemen, Tijmen Christiaan Baarda. [doi]
- Visualization as an epistemic tool for multimodal sources in the history of educationLinda Freyberg. [doi]
- The COVID-19 pandemic in two Austrian media corpora: methods, analyses, and examples from a lexical and a morpho-pragmatic perspectiveAmelie Dorn, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Theresa Ziegler, Jan Höll, Alexandra N. Lenz. [doi]
- Fostering a Culture of Inclusive and Fair Open Science Infrastructure in the Asia PacificEliko Akashi, Goki Miyakita, Keiko Okawa. [doi]
- Where do they go? 10 years of professional choices by Digital Humanities Masters graduates (and what we might learn from them)Jennifer Edmond. [doi]
- Systematic Gender Asymmetries in Aesthetic Judgments: An Observational Study of Book Reviewer PreferencesIda Marie Schytt Lassen, Yuri Bizzoni, Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Kristoffer L. Nielbo. [doi]
- Are Ret Marut and B. Traven the same person? Fine tuning the impostors methodSimone Rebora, Massimo Salgaro, Paul Sopcak. [doi]
- Datafication and reuse of the descriptions of the incunabula collection at the British LibraryRossitza Atanassova. [doi]
- Using Github Issues to facilitate the project communication between developers and humanists. Case studyAgnieszka Szulinska. [doi]
- Building a digital edition from archived social media contentMichael Kurzmeier, James O'Sullivan, Michael Pidd, Órla Murphy, Bridgette Wessels, Sophie Whittle. [doi]
- It's not in the text: creating meaning through graph-based digital commentariesMassimiliano Carloni. [doi]
- Towards Diachronic Corpus of Polish LatinJagoda Marszalek, Krzysztof Nowak, Iwona Krawczyk. [doi]
- Werner Kofler radio plays - 2 audio editions and their disseminationElisabeth Raunig, Helmut W. Klug. [doi]
- Let data sing the Uyghur Twelve Muqam: A text mining on lyricsLimai Kai, Zekun Yang, Huiling Feng, Yuenan Liu, Jihong Liang, Huilin Yang, Jin Yan, Yanfen Huang, Kongwen Guan. [doi]
- Tell Me the Truth. Validating the Semantic Alignment between the Annotation User Interface and the Knowledge BasePaolo Bonora, Martina Dello Buono, Francesca Giovannetti, Francesca Tomasi. [doi]
- ÚRSCÉAL: Building and Analysing a Corpus of the early Irish-language NovelJustin Tonra. [doi]
- History as a visual concept: editing Peter of Poitiers' "Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi"Roman Bleier, Laura Cleaver, Franz Fischer, Patrick Sahle, Andrea Worm, Sina Krottmaier, Agnese Macchiarelli, Elisa Cugliana, Eleanor Goerss, Maria Streicher, Lennart Rouxel. [doi]
- Colette, Curnonsky, and the Willy workshop. Assessing relative contributions and influences beyond "collaborative authorship"Florian Cafiero, Marie Puren. [doi]
- Exploring topics surrounding migration in Austrian historical newspapersLucija Krusic. [doi]
- A Gateway to Science: Fostering Access, Exchange, and Use of Social Science and Humanities Research Through a Digital Discovery PlatformEmilie Blotière, Leonie Disch, Gert Breitfuss, Drahomira Cupar, Jadranka Stojanovski. [doi]
- Collaboration with citizens and its revolutionary potential in the digital humanitiesBarbara Heinisch. [doi]
- Using Digital Tools to Map the Movement of Capital, People and Culture from Slave-owning Britain to Western AustraliaPaul Arthur, Isabel Smith, Jane Lydon, Jeremy Martens, Zoë Laidlaw. [doi]
- Collaboration within a shared digital paradigm: opportunities and outcomesChiara De Bastiani, Giulia Fabbris. [doi]
- Modeling Prototypicality and Uncertainty in Genre ConceptsJulian Schröter 0002. [doi]
- Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road. A Follow Up on Semi Automated Annotation Using RCNNsErik Radisch. [doi]
- The Pelagios Network: Collaboration as a Community of PracticeElton T. E. Barker, Tom Gheldof, Shai Gordin, Orly Lewis, Elisa Nury, Valeria Vitale, Rainer Simon, Katherine McDonough, Anne Chen, Miranda Williams, Adnan Almohamad, Sarah Middle, Duncan Hay, Alex Butterworth. [doi]
- UK Digital Comics: Challenges and Opportunities of a Collaborative Doctoral Partnership. A Co-designed Comic PosterErnesto Priego, Linda Berube, Francisco de la Mora, Ian Cooke, Stephann Makri, Stella Wisdom. [doi]
- Maze of Garfinkel: Making sense of formulations in ethnomethodologyEnes Türkoglu, Andreas Mertgens. [doi]
- Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art WorkflowJulien Antoine Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page. [doi]
- Proto-editions: Historians and the "Something between digital image and digital scholarly edition"Georg Vogeler. [doi]
- Exploring genderlect markers in a corpus of Nineteenth century Spanish novelsHelena Bermúdez-Sabel. [doi]
- Shanghai Memory as a case study of ideological impact on storytelling: the interplay between memory, language, and storiesYaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu 0046. [doi]
- Disentangling scientific fields using temporal clusteringMalte Vogl, Roberto Lalli. [doi]
- Challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for the future of crowdsourcing in cultural heritage: a White PaperMia Ridge, Meghan Ferriter, Samantha Blickhan. [doi]
- Amplifying unheard voices in Digital Humanities: an OpenMethods edit-a-thonErzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Ulrike Wuttke, Aliz Horvath, Christopher Nunn. [doi]
- Characters, names and referenceLars Johnsen, Andre Kåsen. [doi]
- Revolution through collaboration? An attempt to familiarize "old guards" with DHChristopher Alexander Nunn, Frederike van Oorschot, Selina Fucker. [doi]
- Observing semantic change in the representation of ethnic minorities through distant reading of museum cataloguesInna Kizhner, Yael Netzer, Daniil Skorinkin, Melissa Terras, Moshe Lavee. [doi]
- Short texts with fewer authors. Revisiting the boundaries of stylometrySimone Rebora. [doi]
- Sibiriana: designing a platform for aggregation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Angara-Yenisei macroregionAndrey Volodin, Polina Senotrusova, Oleslav Antamoshkin, Inna Kizhner, Maksim Rumyantzev, Nikita Pikov, Andrey Gruzdev. [doi]
- Slides: Improving publication processes of the Association for Digital Humanities in the German Speaking Areas (DHd) - The DHd Data Steward and the community-driven Task Force "DHd Abstracts"Patrick Helling. [doi]
- Read All About It: Digital Participation in Australian Literary HistoryKatherine Bode, Galen Cuthbertson, Roger Osborne. [doi]
- Open Research Practices with the OntoME-Geovistory environmentVincent Alamercery, Francesco Beretta, François-Joseph Favey, Djamel Ferhod, David Knecht, Gaétan Muck, Alexandre Perraud, Morgane Pica, Jonas Schneider 0005, Andreas Stebler. [doi]
- Humanistic NLP: Bridging the Gap Between Digital Humanities and Natural Language ProcessingToma Tasovac, Natalia Ermolaev, Andrew Janco, David Lassner, Nick Budak. [doi]
- A Proposal for the Demarcation of Digital HumanitiesCesar Gonzalez-Perez, Antonio Rojas Castro, Carlota Fernández Travieso, David Merino Recalde, Fátima Díez-Platas, María Luisa Alvite Díez, M. Luisa Díez-Platas, Pedro Luengo, Martin Pereira-Fariña. [doi]
- Localizing Community Resilience within the Digital Humanities: Examples from the Penghu ArchipelagoOliver Streiter, Yaqing Zhang, Yoann Goudin. [doi]
- Collaboration and Professionalization. The role of software and Research Software Engineers in the Digital HumanitiesAlexander Czmiel, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Daniel Jettka. [doi]
- Drafting Standards for StylometryPatrick Juola, Joanna Byszuk. [doi]
- OstData - Building a Research Data Service for Enabling Interdisciplinarity and Regional Collaboration in Central, East, and Southeast European StudiesIngo Frank. [doi]
- Manu McFrench, from zero to hero: impact of using a generic handwriting model for smaller datasetsAlix Chagué, Thibault Clérice, Jade Norindr, Maxime Humeau, Baudouin Davoury, Elsa Van Kote, Anaïs Mazoue, Margaux Faure, Soline Doat. [doi]
- Index of Middle English Prose: A search tool based on language modellingAlpo Honkapohja, Jacob Thaisen, Anders Nøklestad. [doi]
- Human, Technology, and Culture Interaction? Mapping the Landscape of Technological 'Sister' DisciplinesJennifer Edmond, Pat Treusch. [doi]
- Implementation of data-driven historical informatics research on Kao (Stylized Signature)Satoru Nakamura, Guanwei Liu, Hajime Miyazaki, Satoshi Inoue, Wataru Ohyama, Taizo Yamada. [doi]
- Image Classification of Paris Bible DataYasmin Hawar Abo Bakir Shuan, Christofer Meinecke, Stefan Jänicke. [doi]
- Accented DH: Assessing Fairness of Multilingual Speech Recognition SystemsSetsuko Yokoyama, Sai Sathiesh Rajan, Sudipta Chattopadhyay 0001. [doi]
- Developing a New Research Data Infrastructure for Japanese Historical MaterialsAyako Shibutani, Satoru Nakamura, Kanako Hirasawa, Honami Inukai, Toshiyuki Yamada, Airu Adachi, Ikki Ohmukai, Taizo Yamada. [doi]
- How to be flexible - OpenAtlas as Highly Adaptable Database Software in the Scope of Digital HumanitiesAlexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschicek-Krombholz, Andreas Olschnögger, Christoph Hoffmann, Moritz Großfurtner. [doi]
- Using Digital Tools to Create Modern Multi-Search Engine for Polish Historical DictionariesEwa Rodek. [doi]
- Leading collaborative research on video corpora. CANEVAS tools and methodsLaurent Tessier, Michael Bourgatte. [doi]
- SylLab - software for semi-automatic stylometric analysis for poetryAleksandra Rykowska. [doi]
- Revisiting connotations of digital humanists: Exploration based on semi-structured interviews and surveyRongqian Ma. [doi]
- I-Analyzer: a flexible interface for full-text search, filtering and visualizationBerit Janssen, Mees Stiphout, Luka van der Plas. [doi]
- Content providers, Researchers, Technology and the Crowd: Discovering the Best Possible Collaborative Strategies for Datafication and Publication of a Dutch Historical Newspaper CorpusKatrien Depuydt, Nicoline van der Sijs, Jesse de Does, Ruud de Jong, Roland de Bonth, Mathieu Fannee, Annemieke Romein, Joris van Zundert. [doi]
- Student Scientometrics - What do German Students of the Humanities Cite in their Term Papers?Tim Henning, Silvia Eunice Gutiérrez De la Torre, Manuel Burghardt. [doi]
- Developing a Pipeline for Automatic Linguistic Analysis of Historical Manuscripts and Early Printings: The Pre-Modern Slavic CaseAchim Rabus, Eckhart Arnold, Anna Jouravel, Piroska Lendvai, Martin Meindl, Vladimir Polomac, Elena Renje. [doi]
- Cuban digital collections: an approach for collaboration and innovationGrisel Terrón Quintero, Eritk Guerra Figueredo, Alaina Solernou Ferrer, Bryan Echarri Ramirez. [doi]
- Representation of critical discourses in the humanities within WikidataAlessio Di Pasquale, Valentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi, Fabio Vitali. [doi]
- The Programming Historian: Developing a Digital Humanities TutorialScott Kleinman, Alex Wermer-Colan, Joana Vieira Paulino, Nabeel Siddiqui, Zoe LeBlanc. [doi]
- Documenting Workflows for HTR to TEI Conversions for Cultural Institutions: The Evolving Hands ProjectJames Cummings 0003, Alexandra Healey, Diane Jakacki, Ian Johnson, Carrie Pirmann, Valentina Flex, Evie Jeffrey. [doi]
- correspSearch v2.2 - Search historical correspondenceStefan Dumont, Sascha Grabsch, Jonas Müller-Laackman, Ruth Sander. [doi]
- Enhancing research and teaching capacity through collaboration: building a UK-Ireland Digital Humanities AssociationJane Winters, Michael Donnay, Jennifer Edmond, Órla Murphy, Charlotte Tupman, Paul Gooding, Kristen Schuster, Arianna Ciula, Justin Tonra. [doi]
- On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John BradleyAlexandra Ortolja-Baird, Geoffrey Rockwell, Julianne Nyhan, John Bradley 0001, Ariana Ciula, Dauvit Broun. [doi]
- Cultural Motifs on #bigdata - A Semi-Automated Topic Modeling from a Socio-Cultural Constructionist PerspectiveCharlotte Knorr, Andreas Niekler, Marius Behret, Christian Pentzold. [doi]
- Dockerizing DraCor - A Container-based Approach to Reproducibility in Computational Literary StudiesIngo Börner, Peer Trilcke, Carsten Milling, Frank Fischer 0005, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje. [doi]
- On the Relation of Sound and Suspense in Literary FictionSvenja Simone Guhr, Mark Andrew Algee-Hewitt. [doi]
- Legal Issues in Digital Humanities: Analysis of Recent Advocacy and Continuing and Emerging IssuesErik Ketzan, Kim Nayyer, Quinn Dombrowski, Lauren Tilton, Koenraad De Smedt, Pawel Kamocki, Benito Trollip, Kiyonori Nagasaki. [doi]
- (Re)Visual(izing) Archive Southeastern Europe: A data model and interface redesignSelina Galka, Suzana Sagadin, Martina Scholger. [doi]
- Access & Discovery of Documentary Images (ADDI): A Platform for the Exploration and Critique of Computer Vision AlgorithmsTaylor B. Arnold, Lauren Tilton. [doi]
- Digital Pathways Through Newspaper Advertisements: Workflows from Printed Page to Digital Analysis with the Avisblatt R-PackageIna Serif, Lars Dickmann. [doi]
- Marco Polo's Travels Revisited: From Motion Event Detection to Optimal Path Computation in 3D MapsAndreas Niekler, Magdalena Wolska, Marvin Thiel, Matti Wiegmann, Benno Stein 0001, Manuel Burghardt. [doi]
- Labs for Labs: a participatory workshop on digital lab practices in the humanities and social sciencesAodhán Kelly, Arianna Ciula, Ginestra Ferraro, Thom Frissen, Costas Papadopoulos 0002, Claartje Rasterhoff, Pam Mellen, Geoffroy Noël. [doi]
- "I'm here to fight for ground truth": HTR-United, a solution towards a common for HTR training dataAlix Chagué, Thibault Clérice. [doi]
- Mapping Memes in the Napoleonic Cadastre: Expanding Frontiers in MemeticsRémi Petitpierre. [doi]
- D or H - What leads in DH? Envisaging the Digital Humanities Space in IndiaSharanya Ghosh, Vasundhra Dahiya, Lavanya Dahiya, Aanya Chadha. [doi]
- Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art WorkflowJulien A. Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page. [doi]
- Feature Engineering for US State Legislative Hearings: Stance, Affiliation, Engagement and AbsenteesJoshua Grace, Foaad Khosmood. [doi]
- Named Entity Recognition in Pre-modern Arabic Biographical TextsYuri Ishida, Kensuke Baba, Takahiro Baba. [doi]
- Rhythmic, Melodic and Vertical N-Gram Features as a Means of Studying Symbolic Music ComputationallyCory McKay, Julie Cumming, Ichiro Fujinaga. [doi]
- Distributed Corpus Building in Literary Studies: The DraCor ExampleLuca Giovannini, Daniil Skorinkin, Peer Trilcke, Ingo Börner, Frank Fischer 0005, Julia Dudar, Carsten Milling, Petr Porízka. [doi]
- Three rings, one story? Reconstructing the historical connectivity of religious encounters within the OTRA project (Ontology for the Transmission and Re-Use of Argumentative Patterns)Jacob Langeloh. [doi]
- Fostering collaboration for open access publishing models: a study of the Polish ecosystem in the area of open access monographs in the humanitiesMagdalena Wnuk, Marta Blaszczynska, Marta M. Swietlik. [doi]
- Digital Edition of Roman Inscriptions from Serbia: A Work in ProgressDragana Nikolic. [doi]
- Age, Sex, and Diseases of Dead People - Integrating Anthropological Analysing Methods into DH ToolsNina Richards, Stefan Eichert, Alexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschicek-Krombholz, Andreas Olschnögger, Christoph Hoffmann, Moritz Großfurtner. [doi]
- Digital Humanities Applications of spaCy's Span CategorizerAdriane Boyd, Ákos Kádár, Andrew Janco, David Lassner, Nick Budak, Toma Tasovac, Natalia Ermolaev, Jajwalya Karajgikar. [doi]
- SIG-DLS Seven Years onSimone Rebora, Joanna Byszuk, Francesca Frontini, J. Berenike Herrmann, Suzanne Mpouli, Pablo Ruiz Fabo. [doi]
- Proto-editions: Historians and the "Something between digital image and digital scholarly edition"Georg Vogeler. [doi]
- Re-navigating the Vernacular Language Movement and Chinese Translation Literature, 1898-1938: An Examination of Prefaces Using Topic ModelingSixing Chen, Keli Du, Jin Li. [doi]
- Kaleidoscopic Patterns of Protest: Qualifying and Quantifying Visual and Textual (Self-)Representations in Eastern European Protest CulturesGernot Howanitz, Magdalena Kaltseis. [doi]
- ADHO Community Forum: Transparency, Trust, Engagement, DiversityGlen Layne-Worthey, Diane Jakacki, Susan Brown, Christof Schöch. [doi]
- SPARQL for (Digital) Humanists - Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBaseJulia Röttgermann, Tinghui Duan, Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Christof Schöch, Moritz Steffes. [doi]
- Investigating Constructivist Paradigms in Digital Humanities ScholarshipRabea Kleymann. [doi]
- Intersectional Feminist Revolutions in Digital Humanities - approaches, histories, and methodsSharon Webb, Cecile Chevalier, Jeneen Naji, Irene Fubara-Manuel, Izzy Fox, Laurence Hill. [doi]
- FigureOut - Automatic Detection of Metaphors in Hebrew Across the ErasOphir Münz-Manor, Michael Toker, Oren Mishali, Benny Kimelfeld, Yonatan Belinkov, Adir Cohen. [doi]
- Revolution or Evolution? AI-Driven Image Classification of Historical PrintsMichela Vignoli, Doris Gruber, Rainer Simon. [doi]
- GitMA PosterMalte Meister, Dominik Gerstorfer, Mareike Schumacher, Evelyn Gius. [doi]
- Digital Edition of Complete Tolstoy's Heritage: OCR Crowd Sourcing Initiative, Literary Scholarship and User ScenariosAnastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Boris Orekhov, Fekla Tolstoy. [doi]
- Digitization of the Inscriptions on the Monuments of Armenian Cultural Heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh RegionHamest Tamrazyan. [doi]
- Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online: Responsive Emergency DH at ScaleQuinn Dombrowski, Anna Kijas, Anna Rakityanskaya, Alex Wingate. [doi]
- A Study on the Emotional Measurements of Literary Geography from a Digital Humanities PerspectiveJing Chen, Jiajie Wang, Yuning Zheng. [doi]
- Link Visions Together: Visualizing Geographies of Late Qing and Republican ChinaQun Che, Nungyao Lin, Shih-Pei Chen, Calvin Yeh. [doi]
- Meet PUDEL - A New Service for Sharing and Documenting Data ModelsAnja Becker 0003, Cecilia Graiff, Dirk Goldhahn, Uwe Kretschmer, Peter Mühleder, Franziska Naether. [doi]
- Exploring the Evolution of Curatorial Diversity: a Methodological Framework with a Case Study of Book ReviewsEmilio Calderon Reyes. [doi]
- Digitizing the (post-)Byzantine iconographic and inscriptional heritage in BulgariaDimitar Iliev, Tsvetan Vasilev. [doi]
- Digital Maternal Cultures: The Politics of Collaboration in/and Indian Mommy BlogsDibyadyuti Roy, Madhurima Das. [doi]
- An Undue Burden: Race, Gender, and Mobility in Digital Humanities ConferencesNabeel Siddiqui. [doi]
- Providing Digital Answers to Disciplinary Questions with Graph Literary Exploration MachineMaciej Maryl, Agnieszka Karlinska, Wiktor Walentynowicz, Tomasz Walkowiak. [doi]
- Preserving the Early Born-Digital Heritage of Floppy Disk MagazinesTorsten Roeder, Yannik Herbst, Johannes Leitgeb, Madlin Marenec, Tomash Shtohryn. [doi]
- Collaborative Visualizations and Visualizing CollaborationSerenity Sutherland, David Ragnar Nelson, Christopher Ohge, Joanne Bernardi, Candis Haak. [doi]
- Supervised vs. unsupervised deep learning for medieval Hebrew manuscriptsDaria Vasyutinsky Shapira, Irina Rabaev, Reem Alaasam, Jihad El-Sana. [doi]
- Few Shot Classification for Labeling of Medieval and Early Modern Charter TextsTamás Kovács, Sandy Aoun, Georg Vogeler, Anguelos Nicolaou, Daniel Luger, Florian Atzenhofer-Baumgartner, Florian Lamminger, Franziska Decker. [doi]
- Giorgio Bassani's notes between tradition and innovationAngela Siciliano, Angelo Mario Del Grosso. [doi]
- More than Meets the (Artificial) Eye: Exploring Historical Photographs from Ireland with Computer Vision MethodsGiulia Osti, Amber L. Cushing, Suzanne Little. [doi]
- Innovators of the Past: Modelling Novelty and Resonance in Dutch Historical Language RecordsAlie Lassche, Ruben Ros. [doi]
- Towards a Conflict Heuristic. Detecting Conflict in Literary Texts By Adapting Word Embedding Based Sentiment AnalysisJulian Häußler, Evelyn Gius. [doi]
- The networked edition humboldt digitalStefan Dumont, Tobias Kraft, Christian Thomas. [doi]
- Our Heritage, Our Stories: Democratising the UK national collectionEwan David Hannaford, Marc Alexander, Lorna M. Hughes, Rhiannon Lewis. [doi]
- LEAF: Developing Streamlined Digital Scholarly Workflows with the Linked Editing Academic FrameworkDiane K. Jakacki, Susan Brown, James Cummings 0003, Mihaela Ilovan, Rachel Milio. [doi]
- Can Machine Translation of Literary Texts Fool Stylometry?Jan Rybicki. [doi]
- Planning for Uncertainty: Collaborating to Build Trust in the Midst of Uncertainty in Digital Humanities ProjectsAshley Champagne. [doi]
- Exploring legacies of race and slavery in our historical information environment: text analysis of the Encyclopaedia BritannicaAsh Charlton. [doi]
- Piloting A Machine Learning Approach to Identify English-Language Fiction in the HathiTrust Digital LibraryRyan Dubnicek, Ted Underwood. [doi]
- The use of digital tools for the characterisation of archaeological sites by surface archaeological surveyLeticia Tobalina Pulido. [doi]
- DH4MA - (Digital Humanities for Marginal Areas). Tangible and Intangible heritage digitalization to promote marginal areas and rural developmentAntonio Pascucci, Carola Carlino, Johanna Monti, Raffaele Manna. [doi]
- Topo-biographies of Women, "Austria," and Textual and Spatial MethodsAlison Booth. [doi]
- Presentation of "Representing provenance and track changes of cultural heritage metadata in RDF: a survey of existing approaches"Arcangelo Massari, Silvio Peroni, Francesca Tomasi, Ivan Heibi. [doi]
- A Model of Heaven: Tracing Images of Holiness in a Collection of 63.000 Lantern Slides (1880-1940)Eleonora Paklons, Thomas Smits. [doi]
- Slides: Building Digital Capacities through Collaboration. The case of Proyecto Humboldt Digital (Havana/Berlin)Tobias Kraft, Antonio Rojas Castro, Grisel Terrón, Alaina Solernou, Eritk Guerra, Linda Kirsten. [doi]
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- African Californios: Uncovering the African past of Spanish and Mexican California using Data Science MethodsCameron-Jones, Evan Witulski, Foaad Khosmood. [doi]
- Tracing the Shift to "Objectivity" in German Encyclopedias of the Long Nineteenth CenturyThora Hagen, Leonard Konle, Erik Ketzan, Fotis Jannidis, Andreas Witt. [doi]
- Co-encoding embodied knowledge in Southern Chinese martial arts: a collaboration between computists, experts, and digital modelsYumeng Hou. [doi]
- A Statistical Exploration of the Hypothesized Partition of the Books of Genesis and Exodus into Priestly and non-Priestly ComponentsGideon Yoffe, Axel Bühler, Thomas Römer, Nachum Dershowitz, Eli Piasetzky, Israel Finkelstein, Barak Sober. [doi]
- A Feminist Approach to Linked Open Data: Making the Women Film Pioneers Project FAIRPauline Junginger. [doi]
- Analysis of Cyber Threats Affecting the Survivability of Online Digital ProjectsLuis Meneses, Jonathan Martin. [doi]
- Collaboration, Preservation and Sustainability in Digital Humanities: a question of timeOlivier Aubert, Jasper Stratil. [doi]
- Publishing Parallels: Author-Publisher Collaboration in Digital Projects vs Print MonographsJasmine Mulliken, Catherine Nicole Coleman. [doi]
- Three Is the Charm: A New Architecture, New Features and New Projects in EVT 3Livio Bioglio, Giacomo Cerretini, Giulia D'Agostino, Elisabetta Magnanti, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco. [doi]
- Let Everything be of Use?: Data Issues in Exploring the Publications and Networks of the Members of the Fruitbearing Society in the VD17Narges Azizifard, Maciej Janicki, Thea Lindquist, Eetu Mäkelä, Erik Radio. [doi]
- Developing criteria and collaborative work on inclusion in cultural heritage digitization projectsErnesto Priani Saisó, Isabel Galina Russell. [doi]
- Building a digital edition from archived social media contentMichael Kurzmeier, James O'Sullivan, Mike Pidd, Órla Murphy, Bridgette Wessels, Sophie Whittle. [doi]
- Interchangeability of ngrams models between heterogeneous datasetMirjam Cuper. [doi]
- To accuse or not to accuse: a network analysis of incriminations in a medieval inquisition registerKatia Riccardo, David Zbíral. [doi]
- On Burgundian (di)vine orators and other impostors: Stylometry of Late Medieval RhetoriciansJean-Baptiste Camps, Benedetta Salvati. [doi]
- A Knowledge Graph for Humanities ResearchVayianos Pertsas, Panagiotis Leontaridis, Marialena Kasapaki, Panos Constantopoulos. [doi]
- Putting to test the Affective-Aesthetic PotentialPeter Boot, Marijn Koolen, Ole Mussmann, Carsten Schnober, Willem Van Hage, Joris van Zundert. [doi]
- Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art WorkflowJulien A. Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page. [doi]
- Multimodal genre recognition of Chinese operas with hybrid fusionTao Fan, Hao Wang, Tobias Hodel. [doi]
- Digitizing the Messkataloge: Revealing the History of German Publishers, Authors and TranslatorsJeffrey Tharsen, David Kretz. [doi]
- Collecting Strike Data from Historical Newspapers (19th Century): A Digital WorkflowJens Aurich. [doi]
- Proto-editions: Historians and the "Something between digital image and digital scholarly edition"Georg Vogeler. [doi]
- Collecting Pieces of Historical Knowledge from Documents: Introduction of HIMIKO (Historical Micro Knowledge and Ontology)Jun Ogawa, Ikki Ohmukai, Satoru Nakamura, Asanobu Kitamoto. [doi]
- Digital Pathways Through Newspaper Advertisements: Workflows from Printed Page to Digital Analysis with the Avisblatt-R-PackageLars Dickmann, Anna Reimann, Ina Serif. [doi]
- Presence and Absence of Women in Early Modern Handwritten News: Random Walks in the Medici ArchiveGábor Mihály Tóth. [doi]
- Maps and parish sketches of Karol Perthées - data model and processingArkadiusz Borek. [doi]
- Zoetrope - Interactive Feature Exploration in News VideosBernhard Liebl, Manuel Burghardt. [doi]
- Towards a distant viewing of depicted materials in medieval paintingsIsabella Nicka, Andreas Uhl, Miriam Landkammer, Michael Linortner, Johannes Schuiki. [doi]
- Nineteenth-century adaptations of concert music for domestic use as seen in contemporary periodicals: digital scholarship built on the foundations of IIIF, MEI and Linked DataDavid Lewis 0003, Kevin R. Page. [doi]
- From There to Posterity: Modelling Diverse Itineraries of Scientific InstrumentsSarah Middle, Alex Butterworth, Rebekah Higgitt. [doi]
- From MemoRekall to MemoRekall-IIIF: developing a video annotation web application in the context of citizen science co-creation practicesClarisse Bardiot, David Rouquet, Alexandre Michaan, Irénée Blin, Mei Menassel, Sébastien Hildebrand, Jacob Hart, Stefania Ferrando, Cosetta Graffione, Daniele Marranca. [doi]
- Pre-Modern Data: Applying Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition on Criminal Records in the City of BernTobias Hodel, Ismail Prada Ziegler, Christa Schneider. [doi]
- Using text summarization models to improve digital reading of scientific papersLudovica Mastrobattista, Motasem Alrahabi, Valentina Fedchenko, Oussama Jomaa, James Gawley, Johanna Cordova, Glenn Roe. [doi]
- Casting the net far and wide: Aggregating and harmonizing epistolary metadata in collaboration with cultural heritage institutionsSenka Drobac, Johanna Enqvist, Petri Leskinen, Muhammad Faiz Wahjoe, Heikki Rantala, Mikko Koho, Ilona Pikkanen, Iida Jauhiainen, Jouni Tuominen, Hanna-Leena Paloposki, Matti La Mela, Eero Hyvönen. [doi]
- Put Them In to Get Them Out: the ParlaMint Corpora for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences ResearchDarja Fiser, Anna Kryvenko, Petya Osenova, Kristina Pahor de Maiti. [doi]
- Visiting Vienna - digital approaches to the (semi-)automatic analysis and mapping of the arrival lists found in the "Wien[n]erisches Diarium"Nina Claudia Rastinger. [doi]
- Towards Metadata-enriched Literary Corpora in Line with FAIR Principles: 19/20MetaPNCCezary Rosinski, Agnieszka Karlinska, Marek Kubis, Patryk Hubar, Jan Wieczorek. [doi]
- Machine Learning and Digital Classical Chinese Texts: Collaboration between the UC Computing Platform and Peking University's Big-Data databasesMinghui Hu 0006, Xiao Li, Jeffrey D. Weekley. [doi]
- Crowdsourcing in History. New participatory and inclusive methodological challenges for research in History in Spain (CrowdHistory)Lidia Bocanegra-Barbecho, Antonio Ortega Santos. [doi]
- Russian-Ukrainian War Art: Data Collection and AnalysisDinara Gagarina. [doi]
- A Digital Humanities Climate Coalition Toolkit for Researchers and InstitutionsChristopher Ohge, James Baker, Lisa Otty, Jo Lindsay Walton. [doi]
- "The research is happening in the text fields" - Are Linked Open Data and Art History a good match?Giacomo Nanni, Linda Freyberg, Sabine de Günther, Marian Dörk. [doi]
- Gloss-ViBe: Early Medieval Glosses and the Digital HumanitiesBernhard Bauer. [doi]
- SPARQL for (digital) Humanists - Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBaseJulia Röttgermann, Tinghui Duan, Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Johanna Konstanciak, Christof Schöch. [doi]
- The Dots and the Line. How to Visualize the Argumentative Structure of an EssayMargherita Parigini, Michele Mauri. [doi]
- A Catalogue of the Hebrew SoundsVered Silber-Varod, Evyatar Cohen, Inbar Strull, Evan-Gary Cohen. [doi]
- Similarity-Based Clustering of Pre-Modern Arabic NamesTariq Yousef, Daniel Kinitz. [doi]
- Creating, storing, and sharing your own web archives with open source Webrecorder toolsJasmine Tiffany Mulliken, Ilya Kreymer. [doi]
- Using Multimodal Machine Learning to Distant View the Illustrated World of the Illustrated London News, 1842-1900Thomas Smits, Ben Lee, Paul Fyfe. [doi]
- Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art WorkflowJulien A. Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page. [doi]
- Software Citation in the Digital HumanitiesDaniel Jettka, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Anne Ferger, Fernanda Alvares Freire. [doi]
- Digital Edition of Philipp Gumpenhuber's Chronicle of the Viennese Theatrical Life Between 1758 and 1763Ingeborg Zechner, Mirijam Beier, Selina Galka. [doi]
- Collaboration practices between people and tools: the case of "Snorra Edda. A collaborative bibliography (SnECB)"Maria Adele Cipolla, Anna Cappellotto, Marco Rospocher. [doi]
- TEITOK API - Programmable DH CorporaMaarten Janssen. [doi]
- A speculative design for future handwritten text recognition: HTR use, and its impact on historical research and the digital recordJoe Nockels, Melissa Terras, Paul Gooding. [doi]
- From unstructured texts to RDF-star-based open research data queryable by referencesSepideh Alassi. [doi]
- Jacob Bernoulli's Reisbüchlein an RDF-star-based EditionNora Olivia Ammann, Sepideh Alassi, Lukas Rosenthaler. [doi]
- Data & Community: Building a Virtual Lab at the National Library of EstoniaPeeter Tinits, Urmas Sinisalu, Marianne Meiorg. [doi]
- Modeling the evolving social dynamics of political figures with chronological historical recordsYou-jun Chen, Hsin-Yi Hsieh, Yu-Tung Lin, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai. [doi]
- Contact zones / Third spaces European Summer University in Digital Humanities "Culture & Technology" (ESU DH C&T)Elisabeth Burr, Ulrike Fußbahn. [doi]
- Linking Epic SpeechesChristopher W. Forstall, Wyatt Stagg. [doi]
- Constrained. A Computational Study of the Influence of Formal Characteristics on the Transmission of the Middle Dutch Martijn trilogy by Jacob van MaerlantSofie Moors. [doi]
- New pathways to research and library collaboration through remote technologiesChristina Kamposiori. [doi]
- Collaboration as Necessity: Institutional Support for Digital Humanities ResearchJonathan Blumtritt, Tessa Gengnagel, Jan Horstmann, Claes Neuefeind. [doi]
- Magnetic Margins. A Census and Reader Annotations DatabaseChristoph Sander, Hassan El-Hajj, Alessandro Adamou. [doi]
- OCR4all - Open-Source OCR and HTR Across the CenturiesFlorian Langhanki, Maximilian Wehner, Torsten Roeder, Christian Reul. [doi]
- The digital edition as a nexus of documents and data for historical research: the example of the Imperial Diet records of 1576Roman Bleier, Eva Ortlieb, Florian Zeilinger. [doi]
- From Theoretical Texts to Concept Maps. An Annotation Approach for a Distant Reading of Argumentative Text StructuresRadu Tulai, Gabriel Viehhauser, Jan Angermeier, Gökce Taban. [doi]
- "It's as simple as asking for it". How do archaeologists collaborate - and how can open data improve it (or not)Sabina Batlle Baró. [doi]
- Exploring the practicalities and processes of developing a collaborative group space in a platform for text mining: Gale Digital Scholar LabSarah Ketchley, Rebecca Bowden. [doi]
- iPBL - supplementing literary bibliography with internet sources. Collaborative cataloguingBeata Koper, Cezary Rosinski, Barbara Wachek, Maciej Maryl, Tomasz Umerle. [doi]
- Mapping German Fiction in Translation Visualizing Translationalism in the German National Library CatalogueLisa Teichmann. [doi]
- Towards Building an Infrastructure to Keeping Alive and Conveying the Memories of Victims of Nazi PersecutionStefan Jänicke. [doi]
- Computing Angel Names in Jewish MagicOrtal-Paz Saar, Joris van Eijnatten. [doi]
- Workflows for Innovative Scholarly Outputs in Social Sciences and HumanitiesMaciej Maryl, Marta Blaszczynska. [doi]
- Fostering Collaboration to Enable Bibliodata-driven Research in the HumanitiesVojtech Malínek, Tomasz Umerle, Mikko Tolonen, Agnieszka Karlinska, Matteo Romanello, Giovanni Colavizza, Silvio Peroni, Dorota Siwecka, Jakub Lubocki, Nanette Rißler-Pipka, David Lindemann, Penny Labropoulou, Christiane Klaes. [doi]
- Pre-Modern Data: Applying Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition on Criminal Records in the City of BernZiegler Ismail Prada, Christa Schneider, Tobias Hodel. [doi]
- It Takes a Village: Building an Infrastructure for 3D Scholarly EditionsConstantinos Papadopoulos 0001, Susan Schreibman, Kelly Gillikin Schoueri, Jamie Cope, Jon Blundell, Jun Ogawa, Kiyonori Nagasaki. [doi]
- Genre Identification and Network Analysis on Modern Chinese Prose PoetryCheng Ning 0003, Zhao Wei. [doi]
- VR in the Classroom: From Immersion Experiences to Creating 360º VideoMax Renner, Sarah Evans, Matt Applegate. [doi]
- The creation of 'Uvira's Pot', a virtual reality puzzle to promote engagement with archaeological researchKristine Hardy. [doi]
- Connecting Art and Science for Humanities Research: Mapping Color in HistoryJinah Kim, Cole Crawford, Rashmi Singhal, Jeff Steward. [doi]
- Visualizing Cities: H.P. Lovecraft's Providence, Rhode IslandVictoria Szabo, Cosimo Monteleone. [doi]
- Mapping Antiquity in Collaboration: The Digital Periegesis ProjectAnna Foka, Elton T. E. Barker, Kyriaki Konstantinidou, Brady Kiesling. [doi]
- Reception History in Many Dimensions: New Research on Book ReviewsMatthew J. Lavin, Melanie Walsh, Maria Antoniak, Yuerong Hu, Ted Underwood, David Bishop, Liza Senatorova, Wenyi Shang. [doi]
- Data Problems in the Humanities, or "When everybody is special, no one is"?Nathan D. Woods, Barbara Bordalejo, Daniel Paul O'Donnell. [doi]
- Documenting Workflows for HTR to TEI Conversions for Cultural Institutions: The Evolving Hands ProjectJames Cummings 0003, Alexandra Healey, Diane Jakacki, Valentina Flex, Evie Jeffrey, Carrie Pirmann, Ian Johnson. [doi]
- The Journal of Computational Literary Studies (JCLS): Community, review, and editorial workflow in an Open Access JournalEvelyn Gius, Christof Schöch, Peer Trilcke, Dominik Gerstorfer, Svenja Guhr, Elodie Ripoll, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje. [doi]
- Word2Vec-Based Literary Networks - Challenges and OpportunitiesItay Marienberg-Millikowsky, Dan Vilenchick. [doi]
- The Skin of Venice: Automatic Facade Extraction from Point CloudsPaul Guhennec, Isabella di Lenardo. [doi]
- Creating a DH workflow in the SSH Open MarketplaceLaure Barbot, Elena Battaner Moro, Stefan Buddenbohm, Cesare Concordia, Maja Dolinar, Matej Durco, Edward Gray, Cristina Grisot, Klaus Illmayer, Martin Kirnbauer, Mari Kleemola, Alexander König, Michael Kurzmeier, Barbara McGillivray, Clara Parente Boavida, Christian Schuster, Irena Vipavc Brvar, Magdalena Wnuk. [doi]
- "... ich würde keinen Teufel schonen, möcht' er laborieren oder kollaborieren" - Jean Paul's Letters as Data for Various Research Domains in the Context of the National Research Data Infrastructure Text+Frederike Neuber, Marius Hug, Frank Wiegand. [doi]
- Misrepresentations of online engagement: re-examining online audiences in the UK museum sectorEllen Charlesworth, Andrew M. Beresford, Claire Warwick, Leonardo Impett. [doi]
- Student-Focused Digital Projects in Short-Term Study Abroad ExperiencesMatt Applegate, Sarah Evans, Katherine Schmidt. [doi]
- MemoRekall-IIIF, an open source and versatile web application for video and digital document annotationJacob Hart, Clarisse Bardiot, David Rouquet. [doi]
- Digitization as an opportunity for collaboration: digitizing personal correspondence from World War II at the intersection of history, archival science, and the digital humanitiesMilan Mikolaj van Lange, Annelies van Nispen, Carlijn Keijzer. [doi]
- Turning the Carniolan regional assembly proceedings into an enriched historical corpusMatija Marolt, Jure Gasparic, Aleksander Mundjar, Alenka Kavcic, Darja Fiser, Andrej Pancur. [doi]
- Building Digital Capacities through Collaboration. The case of Proyecto Humboldt Digital (Havana/Berlin)Tobias Kraft, Antonio Rojas Castro, Grisel Terrón, Alaina Solernou, Eritk Guerra, Linda Kirsten. [doi]
- Non-representational approaches to visualise complex information in the Cultural Heritage domainValentina Pasqual, Carlo Teo Pedretti, Andrea Schimmenti, Francesca Tomasi, Fabio Vitali. [doi]
- Digitizing Suzette: Creating a Framework for the Collaborative Analysis of an Historical French TextbookJohn D. Westbrook, Diane Jakacki, Rebecca Heintzelman, Juliya Harnood. [doi]
- Change Agents out of place. Organizational Ambidexterity and Embeddedness as Key Concepts for DH Units in Humanities InstitutionsFabian Cremer, Thorsten Wübbena. [doi]
- A Philosophical View of the Digital History of Concepts: Four Theses And a PostscriptStefan Heßbrüggen-Walter. [doi]
- Putting (Linguistic) Research Data on a Map - The DiÖ Sprachatlas ToolMarkus Pluschkovits, Jakob Bal. [doi]
- Replicating a Data-Driven Corpus Analysis: The Example of Academic LanguageMelanie Andresen, Axel Pichler. [doi]
- Exploring topics surrounding migration in Austrian historical newspapers. Topic modelling of historical newspapersLucija Krusic. [doi]
- Factors of Literary History: The Case of German-language Poetry (1850-1920)Leonard Konle, Merten Kröncke, Fotis Jannidis, Simone Winko. [doi]
- Large Language Models and NER: better results with less workRosamond Elizabeth Thalken, Matthew Wilkens, David Mimno. [doi]
- Pandore: a toolbox for digital humanities text-based workflowsMotasem Alrahabi, Valentina Fedchenko, Ljudmila Petkovic, Glenn Roe. [doi]
- Making Hobbes's Bible in the English Political Works Machine-Readable: A TXM-Based WorkflowFrancesca Rebasti, Serge Heiden. [doi]
- Collaboration in Practice: Data Comics in Learning Management SystemsElisabeth Königshofer, Katharina Wünsche. [doi]
- How Corpus Analysis Helps Operationalize Research Questions and Entices Literary Scholars to Learn ProgrammingSilvie Cinková, Václav Cvrcek, Maarten Janssen, Michal Kren. [doi]
- Mapping the (Digital) Linguistic Atlas of ScotlandMarkus Pluschkovits, John Kirk. [doi]
- Uncovering Principles of Sustainability in LiteratureMareike Schumacher, Evelyn Gius. [doi]
- Publication networks in Romanian-German journalsSofie Dobbener. [doi]
- 20 Years of Digital Medievalist - A Reflection on the Development of a CommunityRoman Bleier, Luise Borek, Alberto Campagnolo, Franz Fischer, Tessa Gengnagel, Tobias Hodel. [doi]
- Genetic networks: data model and visualisationsElena Spadini, Alessio Christen, Valentina Pallacci, Tommaso Elli, Andrea Benedetti, Daniel Maggetti, Michele Mauri, Stéphane Pétermann. [doi]
- Workshop HTR-United: metadata, quality control and sharing process for HTR training dataThibault Clérice, Alix Chagué. [doi]
- "... ich würde keinen Teufel schonen, möcht' er laborieren oder kollaborieren" - Jean Paul's Letters as Data for Various Research Domains in the Context of the National Research Data Infrastructure Text+Frederike Neuber, Marius Hug, Frank Wiegand. [doi]
- Who are the Users in Multilingual DH Research?: A Community ExplorationAliz Horvath, Cosima Wagner, David Joseph Wrisley. [doi]
- Rhythmic, Melodic and Vertical N-Gram Features as a Means of Studying Symbolic Music ComputationallyCory McKay, Julie Cumming, Ichiro Fujinaga. [doi]
- Quick TEI (QTEI) - a lightweight tool for TEI documentsMoritz Schepp, Thorsten Wübbena. [doi]
- Towards a datafication of Antwerp street life? Co-creating a dataset of 100.000+ pages of handwritten police reports (1876-1945)Lith Lefranc. [doi]
- Scholarly Digital Editions: APIs and Reuse ScenariosElena Spadini, José Luis Losada Palenzuela. [doi]
- Collaboration Across the Archival and Computational Sciences to Address Legacies of Gender Bias in Descriptive MetadataLucy Havens, Rachel Hosker, Beatrice Alex, Benjamin Bach, Melissa Terras. [doi]
- From Automated Bootstrapping to Collaborative Editing: A Framework for 4D City ReconstructionBeatrice Vaienti, Paul Guhennec, Didier Dupertuis, Rémi Petitpierre. [doi]
- How to detect institutional and regional feature clusters in late medieval charters? Collaboration between more and less digital humanists in the project BeCoReSébastien Barré, Marlene Helias-Baron, Dominique Stutzmann, Niklas Tscherne, Georg Vogeler, Jacqueline Schindler. [doi]
- Becoming the digital humanities as discourse(s) of subjectivationCindarella Petz. [doi]
- Dockerizing DraCor - A Container-based Approach to Reproducibility in Computational Literary Studies [Slides]Ingo Börner, Peer Trilcke, Carsten Milling, Frank Fischer 0005, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje. [doi]
- Genetic networks: data model and visualisationsElena Spadini, Alessio Christen, Valentina Pallacci, Tommaso Elli, Andrea Benedetti, Daniel Maggetti, Michele Mauri, Stéphane Pétermann. [doi]
- Digital contributions to a 300 years old methodology: Diplomatics & DHDaniel Luger, Anguelos Nicolaou, Franziska Decker, Florian Atzenhofer-Baumgartner, Florian Lamminger, Georg Vogeler, Sandy Aoun, Tamás Kovács. [doi]
- A Clash of Colorful Worlds. Distant Viewing Color in Western Visual Representations of the Orient and Occident, 1890-1920Melvin Wevers, Thomas Smits. [doi]
- An introduction to Transkribus: how to use Handwritten Text Recognition in research and teachingSara Mansutti. [doi]
- How to Be Non-Assertive in the 'Assertive Edition':Encoding Doubt in the Auden Musulin PapersTimo Frühwirth, Massimiliano Carloni, Dimitra Grigoriou, Sandra Mayer, Daniel Stoxreiter. [doi]
- Digital Prosopography and Global Irish NetworksThomas O'Connor, Stavros Angelis, Richard Fitzpatrick. [doi]
- Social Justice in the Digital Humanities Community of PracticeSusan Schreibman, Constantinos Papadopoulos 0001, Marianne Ping Huang, Walter Scholger, Koraljka Kuzman Slogar. [doi]
- Deep mapping in digital literary studies - polish experienceKonrad Krzysztof Nicinski, Agnieszka Maria Zalotynska. [doi]
- From a single-use script to a reusable Python package - Assisting researchers in creating FAIR softwareTijmen Christiaan Baarda, Jelte van Boheemen. [doi]
- Revolution through Collaboration? An Attempt to familiarize "old guards" with DHChristopher Nunn, Friederike van Oorschot. [doi]
- AI-supported indexing of handwritten dialect lexis: The pilot study "DWA Austria" as a case studyMarkus Kunzmann. [doi]
- Enlightenment Inflluencers: Networks of Text Reuse in 18th-century FranceGlenn Roe, Valentina Fedchenko, Dario Nicolosi. [doi]
- Measuring the Uneven Digitization of Historical LiteratureLawrence Isaac Evalyn. [doi]
- Slides: Fostering collaboration for open access publishing models: a study of the Polish ecosystem in the area of open access monographs in the humanitiesMagdalena Wnuk, Marta M. Swietlik, Marta Blaszczynska. [doi]
- Learning from the Experts On-Site: A Short Term Digital Humanities Study Abroad FrameworkKristen Mapes. [doi]
- Distortion: Authority, Authenticity, and Agency in Zora Neale Hurston's Black Folk RecordingsTanya Clement. [doi]
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- Revolution or Evolution? AI-Driven Image Classification of Historical PrintsMichela Vignoli, Doris Gruber, Rainer Simon. [doi]
- Creating digital collections of the ancient epigraphic heritage in Bulgaria through collaborationDimitar Iliev, Nicolay Sharankov. [doi]
- Exploring Moravian (Text) WorldsAlexander Lasch. [doi]
- Visualizing connections between Egypt and Southern Levant, using mapping and network analysisEvgenia Filimonov, Inna Kizhner, Shirly Ben-Dor Evian, Guy Bar-Oz. [doi]
- Exil:Trans - a blueprint for research data reuseStefanie Kremmel, Christian Steiner, Christopher Pollin. [doi]
- GIS application to determine settlement patterns in the Late Roman and Late Antique periodLeticia Tobalina Pulido. [doi]
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- Reading Machines: promoting reading with computational text analysisFabio Ciotti, Alberto Baldi. [doi]
- Comparing Perceptions of Literary QualityKarina van Dalen-Oskam, Bas Groes, Aidan Byrne, Peter Harvey, Adrian Leguina, Tom Mercer, Demi-Mae Wilton. [doi]
- Data narratives with Linked Open Data, the case of mythLOD storytellingValentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi. [doi]
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- Tutorial - Collaborative approaches to discourse: Music scholarship using performance recordings and Linked Data annotationsDavid Lewis 0003, Kevin R. Page, Chanda VanderHart, David M. Weigl. [doi]
- Making Digital Humanities teaching responsive to specificity of local contextSayan Bhattacharyya. [doi]
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- Data Remediation as Collaborative ProcessKim Martin, Susan Brown. [doi]
- WebChamame: An Online Tool for Morphological Analysis of Various Historical Japanese Texts using UniDic DictionariesToshinobu Ogiso, Tomoaki Tsutsumi. [doi]
- Standards-based Digital Platform for Annotating Translations Seeks CollaboratorsAlan K. Melby, Jeremy Browne, Catherine Marshall. [doi]
- Migration Novel as a Conversional GenreParham Aledavood, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, Dominic Forest. [doi]
- Transhistorical Resonance: Medieval Chinese Scholarship as DataNicholas Andrew Budak, Gian Duri Rominger. [doi]
- contextualize - connect - collaborate: The Architecture Research Stage as an Experimental Pilot ProjectMichael Dürfeld, Ferdinand List, Christian Stein, Zead Rahman, Renata Dias. [doi]
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- Computing Angel Names in Jewish MagicOrtal-Paz Saar, Joris van Eijnatten. [doi]
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- Polyphemus, a lexical database of the Ancient Greek papyri, and the Madrid Wordlist of Ancient GreekDaniel Riaño Rufilanchas. [doi]
- Investigating Decentralized Alternatives to Collaborative Long-term Research Data Preservation InfrastructurePascal Belouin, Kim Pham, Steffen Hennicke. [doi]
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- Results of Emotion Annotation in German Drama from 1650-1815Thomas Schmidt, Katrin Dennerlein, Christian Wolff 0001. [doi]
- Implicit Gender Inequality in Children's Picture Books: Evidence from a Text Mining Analysis of 200 Bestselling Chinese and British TitlesYi Li, Melissa Terras, Yongning Li. [doi]
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- Investigating multisemiotic persuasive practices by integrating computational methods and complementary theoretical frameworks. A Data-driven Approach to Digital Tourism Discourse Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics and Empirical MultimodalityElena Mattei. [doi]
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- Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLS INFRA): Initial Findings and Conclusions for the FieldJulie M. Birkholz, Ingo Börner, Joanna Byszuk, Sally Chambers, Vera Maria Charvat, Silvie Cinková, Tess Dejaeghere, Julia Dudar, Matej Durco, Maciej Eder, Jennifer Edmond, Evgeniia Fileva, Frank Fischer 0005, Vicky Garnett, Serge Heiden, Michal Kren, Bartlomiej Kunda, Sabine Laszakovits, Michal Mrugalski, Eliza Papaki, Marco Raciti, Stefan Resch, Salvador Ros 0001, Christof Schöch, Artjoms Sela, Toma Tasovac, Justin Tonra, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Peer Trilcke, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Lisanne van Rossum. [doi]
- Handwritten text recognition applied to the manuscript production of the Carthusian Monastery of Herne in the Fourteenth CenturyWouter Haverals, Mike Kestemont. [doi]
- Probabilistic Modeling of Chronological Dates to Serve Machines and ScholarsAndreas Habring, Anguelos Nicolaou, Daniel Luger, Florian Atzenhofer-Baumgartner, Florian Lamminger, Franziska Decker, Sandy Aoun, Tamás Kovács, Georg Vogeler, Martin Holler. [doi]