Abstract is missing.
- Blue-c: A Spatially Immersive Display and 3D Video PortalMarkus H. Gross. 9-10 [doi]
- Towards Virtual Reality for the Masses: 10 Years of Research at Disney s VR StudioMark Mine. 11-18 [doi]
- Interactive Augmented Reality Techniques for Construction at a Distance of 3D GeometryWayne Piekarski, Bruce H. Thomas. 19-28 [doi]
- The Invisible Person - Advanced Interaction Using an Embedded InterfaceThomas Psik, Kresimir Matkovic, Reinhard Sainitzer, Paolo Petta, Zsolt Szalavári. 29-38 [doi]
- The ToolFinger: Supporting Complex Direct Manipulation in Virtual EnvironmentsGerold Wesche. 39-46 [doi]
- Advancements in 3D Interactive Devices for Virtual EnvironmentsDean Wormell, Eric Foxlin. 47-56 [doi]
- A Virtual Environment for Conceptual Design in ArchitectureLee Anderson, James Esser, Victoria Interrante. 57-64 [doi]
- Real-Time Representation of Complex Lighting Data in a Nightdrive SimulationJan Berssenbrügge, Jürgen Gausemeier, Michael Grafe, Carsten Matysczok, K. Pöhland. 65-70 [doi]
- Augmented Reality for manufacturing planningFabian Doil, W. Schreiber, T. Alt, C. Patron. 71-76 [doi]
- ViSTA FlowLib - A Framework for Interactive Visualization and Exploration of Unsteady Flows in Virtual EnvironmentsMarc Schirski, Andreas Gerndt, Thomas van Reimersdahl, Torsten Kuhlen, Philipp Adomeit, Oliver Lang, Stefan Pischinger, Christian H. Bischof. 77-86 [doi]
- The Virtual Showcase as a new Platform for Augmented Reality Digital Storytelling veOliver Bimber, L. Miguel Encarnação, Dieter Schmalstieg. 87-96 [doi]
- Immersive VR Decision Training: Telling Interactive Stories Featuring Advanced Virtual Human Simulation TechnologiesMichal Ponder, Bruno Herbelin, Tom Molet, Sebastien Schertenlieb, Branislav Ulicny, George Papagiannakis, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann. 97-106 [doi]
- Automated Testing of Virtual Reality Application InterfacesAllen Bierbaum, Patrick Hartling, Carolina Cruz-Neira. 107-114 [doi]
- The Metaverse - A networked collection of inexpensive, self-configuring, immersive environmentsChristopher O. Jaynes, Williams B. Seales, Kenneth L. Calvert, Zongming Fei, Jim Griffioen. 115-124 [doi]
- The blue-c Distributed Scene GraphMartin Naef, Edouard Lamboray, Oliver G. Staadt, Markus H. Gross. 125-134 [doi]
- Immersive Sound Field Simulation in Multi-screen Projection DisplaysTetsuro Ogi, Takuro Kayahara, Masafumi Kato, Hiroshi Asayama, Michitaka Hirose. 135-142 [doi]
- An Innovative Design Approach to Build Virtual Environment SystemsManuel M. Oliveira, Jon Crowcroft, Mel Slater. 143-152 [doi]
- Detecting Dynamic Occlusion in front of Static Backgrounds for AR ScenesJan Fischer, Holger Regenbrecht, Gregory Baratoff. 153-162 [doi]
- Fast Approximate Visible Set Determination for Point Sample CloudsStephan Mantler, Anton L. Fuhrmann. 163-168 [doi]
- A Panoramic Walkthrough System with Occlusion CullingLining Yang, Roger Crawfis. 169-178 [doi]
- A vision-based head tracking system for fully immersive displaysAndrew Hogue, Matt Robinson, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Robert S. Allison. 179-188 [doi]
- A Testbed for Studying and Choosing Predictive Tracking Algorithms in Virtual EnvironmentsJoseph J. LaViola Jr.. 189-198 [doi]
- Double Exponential Smoothing: An Alternative to Kalman Filter-Based Predictive TrackingJoseph J. LaViola Jr.. 199-206 [doi]
- Search Space Reduction in Optical TrackingRobert van Liere, Arjen van Rhijn. 207-214 [doi]
- An Affordable Optical Head Tracking System for Desktop VR/AR SystemsJurriaan D. Mulder, Jack Jansen, Arjen van Rhijn. 215-224 [doi]
- PHANToM Haptic Device Implemented in a Projection Screen Virtual EnvironmentAndrew Fischer, Judy M. Vance. 225-230 [doi]
- Haptic Rendering of Complex Force FieldsAles Krenek. 231-240 [doi]
- Haptic Rendering Techniques for the Interactive Exploration of CFD Datasets in Virtual EnvironmentsThomas van Reimersdahl, Florian Bley, Torsten Kuhlen, Christian H. Bischof. 241-246 [doi]
- A Comprehensive Calibration and Registration Procedure for the Visual HapticWorkbenchMilan Ikits, Charles D. Hansen, Christopher R. Johnson. 247-254 [doi]
- Softgenlock: Active Stereo and GenLock for PC ClusterJérémie Allard, Valérie Gouranton, Guy Lamarque, Emmanuel Melin, Bruno Raffin. 255-260 [doi]
- A Survey and Performance Analysis of Software Platforms for Interactive Cluster-Based Multi-Screen RenderingOliver G. Staadt, Justin Walker, Christof Nuber, Bernd Hamann. 261-270 [doi]
- Color Consistency for Digital Multi-Projector Stereo Display Systems : The HEyeWall and The Digital CAVEWolfram Kresse, Dirk Reiners, Christian Knöpfle. 271-280 [doi]
- Seamless Multi-Projector Display on Curved ScreensJeroen van Baar, Thomas Willwacher, Srinivas Rao, Ramesh Raskar. 281-286 [doi]
- Extending the Working Volume of Projection-based Mixed Reality SystemsR. C. Splechtna, Anton L. Fuhrmann. 287-292 [doi]
- Color Gamut Matching for Tiled DisplayWallsGrant Wallace, Han Chen, Kai Li. 293-302 [doi]
- Sensing Surfaces - Bringing the Desktop into Virtual EnvironmentsMatthias Bues, Roland Blach, Frank Haselberger. 303-304 [doi]
- Interacting with real time simulations - virtual reality in industry applicationsAnders Jönsson, Jens Bathelt, Göran Broman. 305-306 [doi]
- Comparative Visualization of FEM-Based Cutting Simulations in a Virtual EnvironmentFritz Klocke, Andreas M. Straube. 307-308 [doi]
- Architecture of the virtual training system for buoyancy controlDean Korosec, Mitja Slavinec, Dani Bernad, Primoz Kolaric, Katja Prnaver. 309-310 [doi]
- Virtual Reality in Web-Based Training ProgramsPeter Leibl. 311-312 [doi]
- Gearbox Widget for Fine Adjustments by Hand MotionNoritaka Osawa, Xiangshi Ren. 313-314 [doi]
- CAD/CAE visualization in virtual environment for automotive industryDamien Paillot, Frédéric Mérienne, Stéphane Thivent. 315-316 [doi]
- 3D input devices and interaction concepts for optical tracking in immersive environmentsOliver Stefani, Jörg Rauschenbach. 317-318 [doi]
- Application Scenarios for Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality Using a CAVE InfrastructureChristian Stern, Hansrudi Noser, Jody Weissmann, Peter Stucki. 319-320 [doi]
- Open ActiveWrl - A Middleware Based Software Development Toolkit for Immersive VE SystemsCarsten Winkelholz, Thomas Alexander, Malte Hanno Weiß. 321-322 [doi]