Abstract is missing.
- Design and Implementation of an Autopilot for an UAVJohannes von Eichel-Streiber, Christoph Weber, Jens Altenburg. 3-10 [doi]
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- Automated Load Classification in Smart Micro-grid SystemsThomas Schlechter. 59-66 [doi]
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- From the Discovery of Electro-Magnetism and Electro-Magnetic Induction to the Maxwell EquationsFranz Pichler. 131-140 [doi]
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- Continuous-Time Birth-Death Chains Generate by the Composition MethodVirginia Giorno, Amelia G. Nobile. 158-166 [doi]
- Unimodularity of Network Representations of Time-Series for Unbiased Parameter EstimationFlorian Sobieczky. 167-175 [doi]
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- On the Integration of Fractional Neuronal Dynamics Driven by Correlated ProcessesEnrica Pirozzi. 211-219 [doi]
- Simulation of an α-Stable Time-Changed SIR ModelGiacomo Ascione. 220-227 [doi]
- Some Results on a Growth Model Governed by a Fractional Differential EquationAntonio Di Crescenzo, Alessandra Meoli. 228-235 [doi]
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- Concept for a Technical Infrastructure for Management of Predictive Models in Industrial ApplicationsFlorian Bachinger, Gabriel Kronberger. 263-270 [doi]
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- Casual Employee Scheduling with Constraint Programming and MetaheuristicsNikolaus Frohner, Stephan Teuschl, Günther R. Raidl. 279-287 [doi]
- White Box vs. Black Box Modeling: On the Performance of Deep Learning, Random Forests, and Symbolic Regression in Solving Regression ProblemsMichael Affenzeller, Bogdan Burlacu, Viktoria Dorfer, Sebastian Dorl, Gerhard Halmerbauer, Tilman Königswieser, Michael Kommenda, Julia Vetter, Stephan M. Winkler. 288-295 [doi]
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- The Potential of Restarts for ProbSATJan-Hendrik Lorenz, Julian Nickerl. 352-360 [doi]
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- Identification of Dynamical Systems Using Symbolic RegressionGabriel Kronberger, Lukas Kammerer, Michael Kommenda. 370-377 [doi]
- Data Aggregation for Reducing Training Data in Symbolic RegressionLukas Kammerer, Gabriel Kronberger, Michael Kommenda. 378-386 [doi]
- Genetic Programming Based Evolvement of Models of ModelsMariia Semenkina, Bogdan Burlacu, Michael Affenzeller. 387-395 [doi]
- "Incremental" Evaluation for Genetic CrossoverErik Pitzer, Michael Affenzeller. 396-404 [doi]
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- Approximating Complex Arithmetic Circuits with Guaranteed Worst-Case Relative ErrorMilan Ceska Jr., Milan Ceska 0001, Jirí Matyás, Adam Pankuch, Tomás Vojnar. 482-490 [doi]
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- Modeling of Smart Contracts in Blockchain Solution for Renewable Energy GridTomasz Górski, Jakub Bednarski. 507-514 [doi]