Abstract is missing.
- The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual OrganizationsIan T. Foster. 1-4 [doi]
- Software Component Technology for High Performance Parallel and Grid ComputingDennis Gannon. 5 [doi]
- Macro- and Micro-parallelism in a DBMSMartin L. Kersten, Stefan Manegold, Peter A. Boncz, Niels Nes. 6-15 [doi]
- An Introduction to the Gilgamesh PIM ArchitectureThomas L. Sterling. 16-32 [doi]
- High Performance Computing and Trends: Connecting Computational Requirements with Computing ResourcesJack Dongarra. 33 [doi]
- Topic 01: Support Tools and EnvironmentsMichael Gerndt. 34-35 [doi]
- Dynamic Performance Tuning EnvironmentAnna Morajko, Eduardo César, Tomàs Margalef, Joan Sorribes, Emilio Luque. 36-45 [doi]
- Self-Organizing Hierarchical Cluster TimestampsPaul A. S. Ward, David J. Taylor. 46-56 [doi]
- A Tool for Binding Threads to ProcessorsMagnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Grahn. 57-61 [doi]
- VizzScheduler - A Framework for the Visualization of Scheduling AlgorithmsWelf Löwe, Alex Liebrich. 62-66 [doi]
- A Distributed Object Infrastructure for Interaction and SteeringRajeev Muralidhar, Manish Parashar. 67-74 [doi]
- Checkpointing Facility on a MetasystemYudith Cardinale, Emilio Hernández. 75-79 [doi]
- Optimising the MPI Library for the T3EStephen Booth. 80-83 [doi]
- Topic 02: Performance Evaluation and PredictionAllen D. Malony, Graham D. Riley, Bernd Mohr, J. Mark Bull, Tomàs Margalef. 84-85 [doi]
- Optimal Polling for Latency-Throughput Tradeoffs in Queue-Based Network Interfaces for ClustersDmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, Eugeny Saksonov. 86-95 [doi]
- Performance Prediction of Oblivious BSP ProgramsJesus A. González, Coromoto León, Fabiana Piccoli, Marcela Printista, José L. Roda, Casiano Rodríguez, Francisco de Sande. 96-105 [doi]
- Performance Prediction of Data-Dependent Task Parallel ProgramsHasyim Gautama, Arjan J. C. van Gemund. 106-116 [doi]
- The Tuning Problem on PipelinesLuz Marina Moreno, Francisco Almeida, Daniel González, Casiano Rodríguez. 117-121 [doi]
- The Hardware Performance Monitor ToolkitLuiz De Rose. 122-131 [doi]
- VIA Communication Performance on a Gigabit Ethernet ClusterMark Baker, Paul A. Farrell, Hong Ong, Stephen L. Scott. 132-141 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of Intel s MMX and SSE: A Case StudyAlfred Strey, Martin Bange. 142-147 [doi]
- Group-Based Performance Analysis for Multithreaded SMP Cluster ApplicationsHolger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Hans-Christian Hoppe. 148-153 [doi]
- Topic 03: Scheduling and Load BalancingIshfaq Ahmad, Henri Casanova, Rupert W. Ford, Yves Robert. 154-155 [doi]
- On Minimising the Processor Requirements of LogP SchedulesCristina Boeres, Gerson N. da Cunha, Vinod E. F. Rebello. 156-165 [doi]
- Exploiting Unused Time Slots in List Scheduling Considering Communication ContentionOliver Sinnen, Leonel Sousa. 166-170 [doi]
- An Evaluation of Partitioners for Parallel SAMR ApplicationsSumir Chandra, Manish Parashar. 171-174 [doi]
- Load Balancing on Networks with Dynamically Changing TopologyJacques M. Bahi, Jaafar Gaber. 175-182 [doi]
- A Fuzzy Load Balancing Service for Network Computing Based on JiniLap-Sun Cheung, Yu-Kwong Kwok. 183-190 [doi]
- Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Independent Malleable TasksJacek Blazewicz, Maciej Machowiak, Grégory Mounié, Denis Trystram. 191-197 [doi]
- The Way to Produce the Quasi-workload in a ClusterFumie Costen, John Brooke. 198-203 [doi]
- Topic 04: Compilers for High PerformanceJens Knoop, Manish Gupta, Keshav Pingali, Michael F. P. O Boyle. 204-206 [doi]
- Handling Irreducible Loops: Optimized Node Splitting vs. DJ-GraphsSebastian Unger, Frank Mueller. 207-220 [doi]
- Load Redundancy Elimination on Executable CodeManel Fernández, Roger Espasa, Saumya K. Debray. 221-229 [doi]
- Loop-Carried Code PlacementPeter Faber, Martin Griebl, Christian Lengauer. 230-234 [doi]
- Using a Swap Instruction to Coalesce Loads and StoresApan Qasem, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan, Robert van Engelen. 235-240 [doi]
- Data-Parallel Compiler Support for MultipartitioningDaniel G. Chavarría-Miranda, John M. Mellor-Crummey, Trushar Sarang. 241-253 [doi]
- Cache Models for Iterative CompilationPeter M. W. Knijnenburg, Toru Kisuki, Kyle Gallivan. 254-261 [doi]
- Data Sequence Locality: A Generalization of Temporal LocalityVincent Loechner, Benoît Meister, Philippe Clauss. 262-272 [doi]
- Efficient Dependence Analysis for Java ArraysVivek Sarkar, Stephen J. Fink. 273-277 [doi]
- Topic 05: Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryHarald Kosch, Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio, Abdelkader Hameurlain, Lionel Brunie. 278-279 [doi]
- An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Join Algorithms for Parallel Object DatabasesSandra de F. Mendes Sampaio, Jim Smith, Norman W. Paton, Paul Watson. 280-290 [doi]
- A Classification of Skew Effects in Parallel Database SystemsHolger Märtens. 291-300 [doi]
- Improving Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases with Predeclared TablesAzzedine Boukerche, Terry Tuck. 301-309 [doi]
- Parallel Tree Projection Algorithm for Sequence MiningValerie Guralnik, Nivea Garg, George Karypis. 310-320 [doi]
- Parallel Pruning for K-Means Clustering on Shared Memory ArchitecturesAttila Gürsoy, Ilker Cengiz. 321-325 [doi]
- Experiments in Parallel Clustering with DBSCANDomenica Arlia, Massimo Coppola. 326-331 [doi]
- Topic 06: Complexity Theory and Algorithms332 [doi]
- Beyond External Computing: Analysis of the Cycle Structure of PermutationsJörg Keller, Jop F. Sibeyn. 333-342 [doi]
- Heaps Are Better than Buckets: Parallel Shortest Paths on Unbalanced GraphsUlrich Meyer. 343-351 [doi]
- Efficient Synchronization of Asynchronous ProcessesSandeep Lodha, Punit Chandra, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mayank Rawat. 352-357 [doi]
- Topic 07: Applications on High-Performance ComputersYoichi Muraoka, Randall Bramley, David F. Snelling, Harry A. G. Wijshoff. 358-359 [doi]
- Scanning Biosequence Databases on a Hybrid Parallel ArchitectureBertil Schmidt, Heiko Schröder, Manfred Schimmler. 360-370 [doi]
- A Parallel Computation of Power System EquationsYu-Fai Fung, Muhammet Fikret Ercan, Tin-kin Ho, Wai-leung Cheung. 371-374 [doi]
- Level-3 Trigger for a Heavy Ion Experiment at LHCU. Frankenfeld, H. Helstrup, J. Lien, Volker Lindenstruth, Dieter Röhrich, M. W. Schulz, B. Skaali, Timm M. Steinbeck, K. Ullaland, Anders Strand Vestbø, Arne Wiebalck. 375-379 [doi]
- Experiences in Using MPI-IO on Top of GPFS for the IFS Weather Forecast CodeNicholas K. Allsopp, John F. Hague, Jean-Pierre Prost. 380-384 [doi]
- Topic 08+13: Instruction-Level Parallelism and Computer ArchitectureEduard Ayguadé, Fredrik Dahlgren, Christine Eisenbeis, Roger Espasa, Guang R. Gao, Henk L. Muller, Rizos Sakellariou, André Seznec. 385 [doi]
- Branch Prediction Using Profile DataAlex Ramírez, Josep-Lluis Larriba-Pey, Mateo Valero. 386-393 [doi]
- An Efficient Indirect Branch PredictorYul Chu, Mabo Robert Ito. 394-402 [doi]
- The Behavior of Efficient Virtual Machine Interpreters on Modern ArchitecturesM. Anton Ertl, David Gregg. 403-412 [doi]
- Improving Conditional Branch Prediction on Speculative Multithreading ArchitecturesChitaka Iwama, Niko Demus Barli, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka. 413-417 [doi]
- Instruction Wake-Up in Wide Issue SuperscalarsSoner Önder, Rajiv Gupta. 418-427 [doi]
- Execution Latency Reduction via Variable Latency Pipeline and Instruction ReuseToshinori Sato, Itsujiro Arita. 428-438 [doi]
- Memory Bandwidth: The True Bottleneck of SIMD Multimedia Performance on a Superscalar ProcessorJulien Sébot, Nathalie Drach-Temam. 439-447 [doi]
- Macro Extension for SIMD ProcessingPatricio Bulic, Veselko Gustin. 448-451 [doi]
- Performances of a Dynamic Threads SchedulerSmaïl Niar, Mahamed Adda. 452-456 [doi]
- Topic 09: Distributed Systems and AlgorithmsBertil Folliot, Giovanni Chiola, Peter Druschel, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. 457 [doi]
- Self-stabilizing Neighborhood Unique Naming under Unfair SchedulerMaria Gradinariu, Colette Johnen. 458-465 [doi]
- Event List Management in Distributed SimulationJörgen Dahl, Malolan Chetlur, Philip A. Wilsey. 466-475 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Plausible ClocksFrancisco J. Torres-Rojas. 476-481 [doi]
- Building TMR-Based Reliable Servers Despite Bounded Input LifetimesPaul D. Ezhilchelvan, Jean-Michel Hélary, Michel Raynal. 482-485 [doi]
- Fractional Weighted Reference CountingErik Klintskog, Anna Neiderud, Per Brand, Seif Haridi. 486-490 [doi]
- Topic 10: Parallel Programming: Models, Methods and Programming LanguagesScott B. Baden, Paul H. J. Kelly, Sergei Gorlatch, Calvin Lin. 491-493 [doi]
- Accordion Clocks: Logical Clocks for Data Race DetectionMark Christiaens, Koenraad De Bosschere. 494-503 [doi]
- Partial Evaluation of Concurrent ProgramsMatthieu Martel, Marc Gengler. 504-513 [doi]
- A Transparent Operating System Infrastructure for Embedding Adaptability to Thread-Based Programming ModelsIoannis E. Venetis, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Theodore S. Papatheodorou. 514-523 [doi]
- Nepal - Nested Data Parallelism in HaskellManuel M. T. Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Roman Lechtchinsky, W. Pfannenstiel. 524-534 [doi]
- Introduction of Static Load Balancing in Incremental Parallel ProgrammingJoy Goodman, John O Donnell. 535-539 [doi]
- A Component Framework for HPC ApplicationsNathalie Furmento, Anthony Mayer, Stephen McGough, Steven Newhouse, John Darlington. 540-548 [doi]
- Towards Formally Refining BSP Barrier s into Explicit Two-Sided CommunicationsAlan Stewart, Maurice Clint, Joaquim Gabarró, Maria J. Serna. 549-559 [doi]
- Solving Bi-knapsack Problem Using Tiling Approach for Dynamic ProgrammingBenamar Sidi-Boulenouar. 560-565 [doi]
- Topic 11: Numerical AlgorithmsHenk A. van der Vorst, Rob H. Bisseling, Iain S. Duff, Bernard J. Philippe. 566-567 [doi]
- Parallel Implementation of a Block Algorithm for Matrix 1-Norm EstimationSheung Hun Cheng, Nicholas J. Higham. 568-577 [doi]
- Eigenvalue Spectrum Estimation and Photonic CrystalsKen S. Thomas, Simon J. Cox, Duan H. Beckett, Ben P. Hiett, Jasek Generowicz, Geoffrey J. Daniell. 578-586 [doi]
- Polynomial Preconditioning for Specially Structured Linear Systems of EquationsY. Liang, Jim Weston, Marek Szularz. 587-591 [doi]
- Parallel Application of a Novel Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for the Stable Finite Element Solution of Three-Dimensional Convection-Dominated PDEsPeter K. Jimack, Sarfraz A. Nadeem. 592-601 [doi]
- Performance of High-Accuracy PDE Solvers on a Self-Optimizing NUMA ArchitectureSverker Holmgren, Dan Wallin. 602-610 [doi]
- Topic 12: Routing and Communication in Interconnection NetworksRamón Beivide, Chris R. Jesshope, Antonio Robles, Cruz Izu. 611-612 [doi]
- An Analytical Model of Deterministic Routing in the Presence of Hot-Spot TrafficSamia Loucif, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua. 613-620 [doi]
- Improving the Accuracy of Reliability Models for Direct Interconnection NetworksRosa Alcover, Vicente Chirivella, José Duato. 621-629 [doi]
- On Deadlock Frequency during Dynamic Reconfiguration in NOWsLorenzo Fernández, José M. García, Rafael Casado. 630-638 [doi]
- Analysis of Broadcast Communication in 2D ToriAlireza Shahrabi, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Lewis M. Mackenzie. 639-644 [doi]
- Optimal Many-to-One Routing on the Mesh with Constant QueuesAndrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci. 645-650 [doi]
- Topic 15+20: Multimedia and Embedded SystemsStamatis Vassiliadis, Francky Catthoor, Mateo Valero, Sorin Cotofana. 651-652 [doi]
- A Software Architecture for User Transparent Parallel Image Processing on MIMD ComputersFrank J. Seinstra, Dennis Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek. 653-662 [doi]
- A Case Study of Load Distribution in Parallel View Frustum Culling and Collision DetectionUlf Assarsson, Per Stenström. 663-673 [doi]
- Parallelisable Zero-Tree Image Coding with Significance MapsRade Kutil. 674-677 [doi]
- Performance of the Complex Streamed Instruction Set on Image Processing KernelsDmitri Tcheressiz, Ben H. H. Juurlink, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Harry A. G. Wijshoff. 678-686 [doi]
- A Two Dimensional Vector Architecture for MultimediaAhmed El-Mahdy, Ian Watson. 687-696 [doi]
- Multiprocessor Clustering for Embedded SystemsVida Kianzad, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya. 697-701 [doi]
- Topic 16: Cluster ComputingMark Baker, John Brooke, Kenneth A. Hawick, Rajkumar Buyya. 702-703 [doi]
- Prioritizing Network Event Handling in Clusters of WorkstationsJørgen S. Hansen, Eric Jul. 704-711 [doi]
- Fault Tolerance for Cluster Computing Based on Functional TasksWolfgang Schreiner, Gabor Kusper, Karoly Bosa. 712-716 [doi]
- PAPI Message Passing Library: Comparison of Performance in User and Kernel Level MessagingEric Renault, Pierre David. 717-721 [doi]
- Implementing Java on ClustersYariv Aridor, Michael Factor, Avi Teperman. 722-731 [doi]
- Predictive Coscheduling Implementation in a Non-dedicated Linux ClusterFrancesc Solsona, Francesc Giné, Porfidio Hernández, Emilio Luque. 732-741 [doi]
- Self-Adjusting Scheduling of Master-Worker Applications on Distributed ClustersElisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar, Emilio Luque, Miron Livny. 742-751 [doi]
- Smooth and Efficient Integration of High-Availability in a Parallel Single Level Store SystemAnne-Marie Kermarrec, Christine Morin. 752-763 [doi]
- Optimal Scheduling of Aperiodic Jobs on ClusterLigang He, Hai Jin, Ying Chen, Zongfen Han. 764-772 [doi]
- HMM: A Cluster Membership ServiceFrancesc D. Muñoz-Escoí, Óscar Gomis, Pablo Galdámez, José M. Bernabéu-Aubán. 773-782 [doi]
- Dynamic Processor Allocation in Large Mesh-Connected MulticomputersCésar A. F. De Rose, Hans-Ulrich Heiss. 783-792 [doi]
- A New Communication Mechanism for Cluster ComputingAndres Ibañez, Valentin Puente, José A. Gregorio, Ramón Beivide. 793-800 [doi]
- Isolated Dynamic Clusters for Web HostingMichael H. Kalantar, Jun Fong. 801-804 [doi]
- Topic 17: Metacomputing and Grid ComputingAlexander Reinefeld, Omer F. Rana, Jarek Nabrzyski, David W. Walker. 805-806 [doi]
- Cactus Application: Performance Predictions in Grid EnvironmentsMatei Ripeanu, Adriana Iamnitchi, Ian T. Foster. 807-816 [doi]
- Cactus Grid Computing: Review of Current DevelopmentGabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Hans-Christian Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, André Merzky, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel. 817-824 [doi]
- UNICORE: A Grid Computing EnvironmentDietmar W. Erwin, David F. Snelling. 825-834 [doi]
- Portable Parallel CORBA Objects: An Approach to Combine Parallel and Distributed Programming for Grid ComputingAlexandre Denis, Christian Pérez, Thierry Priol. 835-844 [doi]
- CORBA Lightweight Components : A Model for Distributed Component-BasedHeterogeneous ComputationDiego Sevilla, José M. García, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta. 845-854 [doi]
- Building Computational Communities from Federated ResourcesNathalie Furmento, Steven Newhouse, John Darlington. 855-863 [doi]
- Scalable Causal Message Logging for Wide-Area EnvironmentsKaran Bhatia, Keith Marzullo, Lorenzo Alvisi. 864-873 [doi]
- From Cluster Monitoring to Grid Monitoring Based on GRMZoltán Balaton, Péter Kacsuk, Norbert Podhorszki, Ferenc Vajda. 874-881 [doi]
- Use of Agent-Based Service Discovery for Resource Management in Metacomputing EnvironmentJunwei Cao, Darren J. Kerbyson, Graham R. Nudd. 882-886 [doi]
- Topic 18: Parallel I/O and Storage TechnologyPeter Brezany, Marianne Winslett, Denis A. Nicole, Toni Cortes. 887-888 [doi]
- Optimal Partitioning for Efficient I/O in Spatial DatabasesHakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi. 889-900 [doi]
- Improving Network Performance by Efficiently Dealing with Short Control Messages in Fibre Channel SANsXavier Molero, Federico Silla, Vicente Santonja, José Duato. 901-910 [doi]
- Improving MPI-I/O Performance on PVFSJonathan Ilroy, Cyril Randriamaro, Gil Utard. 911-915 [doi]
- Topic 19: Problem Solving EnvironmentsDavid W. Walker, Kenneth A. Hawick, Domenico Laforenza, Efstratios Gallopoulos. 916-917 [doi]
- Remote Visualization of Distributed Electro-Magnetic SimulationsErik Engquist. 918-925 [doi]
- Solving Initial Value Problems with Parallel Maple ProcessesDana Petcu. 926-934 [doi]
- Design of Problem-Solving Environment for Contingent Claim ValuationF. Oliver Bunnin, Yike Guo, John Darlington. 935-938 [doi]