Abstract is missing.
- Towards a comprehensive theory of monadic effectsAndrzej Filinski. 1 [doi]
- Just do it: simple monadic equational reasoningJeremy Gibbons, Ralf Hinze. 2-14 [doi]
- Lightweight monadic programming in MLNikhil Swamy, Nataliya Guts, Daan Leijen, Michael Hicks. 15-27 [doi]
- Functional programming through deep time: modeling the first complex ecosystems on earthEmily G. Mitchell. 28-31 [doi]
- Monads, zippers and views: virtualizing the monad stackTom Schrijvers, Bruno C. D. S. Oliveira. 32-44 [doi]
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- Pushdown flow analysis of first-class controlDimitrios Vardoulakis, Olin Shivers. 69-80 [doi]
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- Parametric polymorphism and semantic subtyping: the logical connectionNils Gesbert, Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda. 107-116 [doi]
- Balanced trees inhabiting functional parallel programmingAkimasa Morihata, Kiminori Matsuzaki. 117-128 [doi]
- Implicit self-adjusting computation for purely functional programsYan Chen, Joshua Dunfield, Matthew A. Hammer, Umut A. Acar. 129-141 [doi]
- Programming assurance cases in AgdaMakoto Takeyama. 142 [doi]
- On the bright side of type classes: instance arguments in AgdaDominique Devriese, Frank Piessens. 143-155 [doi]
- Functional modelling of musical harmony: an experience reportJosé Pedro Magalhães, Bas de Haas. 156-162 [doi]
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- Temporal higher-order contractsTim Disney, Cormac Flanagan, Jay McCarthy. 176-188 [doi]
- Parsing with derivatives: a functional pearlMatthew Might, David Darais, Daniel Spiewak. 189-195 [doi]
- An efficient non-moving garbage collector for functional languagesKatsuhiro Ueno, Atsushi Ohori, Toshiaki Otomo. 196-208 [doi]
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- Geometry of synthesis iv: compiling affine recursion into static hardwareDan R. Ghica, Alex Smith, Satnam Singh. 221-233 [doi]
- A hierarchy of mendler style recursion combinators: taming inductive datatypes with negative occurrencesKi Yung Ahn, Tim Sheard. 234-246 [doi]
- Typed self-interpretation by pattern matchingC. Barry Jay, Jens Palsberg. 247-258 [doi]
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- Forest: a language and toolkit for programming with filestoresKathleen Fisher, Nate Foster, David Walker, Kenny Qili Zhu. 292-306 [doi]
- Making standard ML a practical database programming languageAtsushi Ohori, Katsuhiro Ueno. 307-319 [doi]
- Nameless, painlessNicolas Pouillard. 320-332 [doi]
- Binders unboundStephanie Weirich, Brent A. Yorgey, Tim Sheard. 333-345 [doi]
- Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitutionAndrei Popescu 0001, Elsa L. Gunter. 346-358 [doi]
- Proving the unique fixed-point principle correct: an adventure with category theoryRalf Hinze, Daniel W. H. James. 359-371 [doi]
- Linearity and PCF: a semantic insight!Marco Gaboardi, Luca Paolini, Mauro Piccolo. 372-384 [doi]
- Generalising and dualising the third list-homomorphism theorem: functional pearlShin-Cheng Mu, Akimasa Morihata. 385-391 [doi]
- Incremental updates for efficient bidirectional transformationsMeng Wang, Jeremy Gibbons, Nicolas Wu. 392-403 [doi]
- Modular verification of preemptive OS kernelsAlexey Gotsman, Hongseok Yang. 404-417 [doi]
- Characteristic formulae for the verification of imperative programsArthur Charguéraud. 418-430 [doi]
- An equivalence-preserving CPS translation via multi-language semanticsAmal Ahmed, Matthias Blume. 431-444 [doi]
- A kripke logical relation for effect-based program transformationsJacob Thamsborg, Lars Birkedal. 445-456 [doi]