Abstract is missing.
- Exploiting the Full Power of Logic Plus Functional ProgrammingPier Giorgio Bosco, C. Cecchi, Corrado Moiso. 3-17
- Improving First-Class Array Expressions Using PrologCarl McCrosky, Anthony J. Kusalik. 18-25
- A Fast Prolog-Based Production System KORE/IEToramatsu Shintani. 26-41
- Solving a Cutting-Stock Problem in Constraint Logic ProgrammingMehmet Dincbas, Helmut Simonis, Pascal Van Hentenryck. 42-58
- A CLP(R) Options Trading Analysis SystemTien Huynh, Catherine Lassez. 59-69
- A VLSI Design Environment in PROLOGPeter B. Reintjes. 70-81
- SAME - A Structured Analysis Tool and its Implementation in PrologThomas W. G. Docker. 82-95
- Constructive Negation Based on the Completed DatabaseDavid Chan. 111-125
- Deduced Relevant Types and Constructive NegationNorman Y. Foo, Anand S. Rao, Andrew Taylor, Adrian Walker. 126-139
- Magic Templates: A Spellbinding Approach to Logic ProgramsRaghu Ramakrishnan. 140-159
- Unification-Free Execution of TYPOL Programs by Semantic Attribute EvaluationI. Attila, Paul Franchi-Zannettacci. 160-177
- Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified DatabasesDavid B. Kemp, Rodney W. Topor. 178-194
- A Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Programs Under the Extended CWAHirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh. 195-211
- Representing Linguistic Knowledge through Logic ProgrammingVerónica Dahl. 249-262
- A Pragmatic Approach to Equational Logic ProgrammingJoseph L. Zachary. 295-310
- Towards a Clean Amalgamation of Logic Programs with External ProceduresStaffan Bonnier, Jan Maluszynski. 311-326
- From Paramodulation to NarrowingSteffen Hölldobler. 327-342
- Meta-Level Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Epsilon Logic Programming EnvironmentPatrizia Coscia, Paola Franceschi, Giorgio Levi, Giuseppe Sardu, Luigia Torre. 359-373
- Implicit Definition of Logic ProgramsChor Sang Kwok, Marek J. Sergot. 374-385
- Composing Prolog Meta-InterpretersLeon Sterling, Arun Lakhotia. 386-403
- Objects as IntensionsWeidong Chen, David Scott Warren. 404-419
- Logical ObjectsJohn S. Conery. 420-434
- Condition GraphsJonas Barklund, Nils Hagner, Malik Wafin. 435-446
- Yet Another Intelligent Backtracking MethodChristian Codognet, Philippe Codognet, Gilberto Filé. 447-465
- Macro Processing in PrologSei-Ichi Kondoh, Takashi Chikayama. 466-480
- A Framework for Prolog DebuggingLuís Moniz Pereira, Miguel Calejo. 481-495
- Coda: An Extended Debugger for PROLOGDave Plummer. 496-511
- Abstract Algorithmic DebuggingYossi Lichtenstein, Ehud Y. Shapiro. 512-531
- Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine TPMMike Brayshaw, Marc Eisenstadt. 532-547
- Gauge: A Workbench for the Performance Analysis of Logic ProgramsMichael M. Gorlick, Carl Kesselman. 548-561
- Abductive Planning with Event CalculusKave Eshghi. 562-579
- Types of TrilogyPaul J. Voda. 580-589
- A Type Inference System for PrologJiyang Xu, David Scott Warren. 604-619
- A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and StreamsDouglas Stott Parker Jr., Richard R. Muntz. 620-650
- An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type and Mode InferencingMaurice Bruynooghe, Gerda Janssens. 669-683
- On the Practicality of Global Flow Analysis of Logic ProgramsRichard Warren, Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Saumya K. Debray. 684-699
- An Implementation Technique for the Abstract Interpretation of PrologAnnika Wærn. 700-710
- Static Analysis of Parallel Logic ProgramsSaumya K. Debray. 711-732
- Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Logic ProgramsKim Marriott, Harald Søndergaard. 733-748
- Transparent And-Parallelism in the Presence of Shared Free VariablesWilliam H. Winsborough, Annika Wærn. 749-764
- Arithmetic Classification of Perfect Models of Stratified ProgramsKrzysztof R. Apt, Howard A. Blair. 765-779
- Algorithmic Complexity of Logic ProgramsS. Kaplan. 780-793
- A Simple Near-Horn Prolog InterpreterBruce T. Smith, Donald W. Loveland. 794-809
- An Overview of Lambda-PROLOGGopalan Nadathur, Dale Miller. 810-827
- Weak Completion Theory for Non-Horn ProgramsJorge Lobo, Jack Minker, Arcot Rajasekar. 828-842
- Subset-Logic Programming: Application and ImplementationBharat Jayaraman, Anil Nair. 843-858
- Automated Inductive Reasoning about Logic ProgramsCharles Elkan, David A. McAllester. 876-892
- Most Specific Logic ProgramsKim Marriott, Lee Naish, Jean-Louis Lassez. 909-923
- Partial Evaluation of GHC Programs Based on the UR-set with ConstraintsHiroshi Fujita, Akira Okumura, Koichi Furukawa. 924-941
- Uses of Higher-Order Unification for Implementing Program TransformersJohn Hannan, Dale Miller. 942-959
- Semantical Equivalences of (Non-Classical) Logic ProgramsAïda Batarekh, V. S. Subrahmanian. 960-977
- Some Remarks on the Completed DatabaseKenneth Kunen. 978-992
- A New Declarative Semantics for Logic LanguagesMoreno Falaschi, Giorgio Levi, Maurizio Martelli, Catuscia Palamidessi. 993-1005
- An Algebra of Logic ProgramsPaolo Mancarella, Dino Pedreschi. 1006-1023
- A Relational Semantics for Logic ProgrammingStan Raatz, Jean H. Gallier. 1024-1035
- Stratified and Three-valued Logic Programming SemanticsMelvin Fitting, Marion Ben-Jacob. 1054-1069
- The Stable Model Semantics for Logic ProgrammingMichael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz. 1070-1080
- Perfect Model SemanticsTeodor C. Przymusinski. 1081-1096
- Pointwise Circumscription is Equivalent to Predicate Completion (Sometimes)Yves Moinard. 1097-1105
- Weakly Perfect Model Semantics for Logic ProgramsHalina Przymusinska, Teodor C. Przymusinski. 1106-1120
- AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor: A Summary of ResultsYow-Jian Lin, Vipin Kumar. 1123-1141
- A Stream AND-Parallel Execution Algorithm with BacktrackingZoltan Somogyi, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Jayen Vaghani. 1142-1159
- A Scalable Abstract Machine Model to Support Limited-OR (LOR) / Restricted-AND Parallelism (RAP) in Logic ProgramsPrasenjit Biswas, Shyh-Chang Su, David Y. Y. Yun. 1160-1179
- The Competition Model for Parallel Execution of Logic ProgramsK. W. Ng, Ho-Fung Leung. 1180-1187
- Fully Distributed, AND/OR-Parallel Execution of Logic ProblemsPrabhakaran Raman, Eugene W. Stark. 1188-1203
- A Data-Driven Parallel Execution Model for Logic ProgramsChien-Chao Tseng, Prasenjit Biswas. 1204-1222
- A Memory Organization Independent Binding Environment for AND and OR Parallel Execution of Logic ProgramsLaxmikant V. Kalé, R. Ramkumar, Wei Shu. 1223-1240
- Lazy Reference Counting: An Incremental Garbage Collection Method for Parallel Inference MachinesAtsuhiro Goto, Yasunori Kimura, T. Nakagawa, Takashi Chikayama. 1241-1256
- Localizing the GHC Suspension TestHamish Taylor. 1257-1271
- An Extended Dataflow Model of FGHCHandong Wu. 1272-1276
- An Architectural Model for a Flat Concurrent Prolog ProcessorLeon Alkalaj, Ehud Y. Shapiro. 1277-1297
- A Somewhat Logical Formulation of CLP Synchronisation PrimitivesVijay A. Saraswat. 1298-1314
- A Decision Tree Compilation Algorithm for FCP(!, : , ?)Shmuel Klinger, Ehud Y. Shapiro. 1315-1336
- Control Structures for Guarded Horn ClausesSven-Olof Nyström. 1351-1370
- Improving the Register Allocation of WAM by Recording UnificationGerda Janssens, Bart Demoen, André Mariën. 1388-1402
- Assertive DemonsJonathan Wayne Mills, Kevin A. Buettner. 1403-1414
- A Hierarchical Associative Memory Architecture for Logic Programming UnificationSubash Shankar. 1428-1447
- A Compiler and Semantic Analyzer Based on Categorial GrammarDavid Hemmendinger. 1474-1489
- Compile Time Garbage Collection for Ground PrologFeliks Kluzniak. 1490-1505
- Instruction Architecture for a High Performance Integrated Prolog Processor IPPKen-ichi Kurosawa, S. Yamaguchi, Shigeo Abe, Tadaaki Bandoh. 1506-1530
- OR-Parallel Execution of Prolog on BC-MachineKhayri A. M. Ali. 1531-1545
- Parallelizing NU-PrologLee Naish. 1546-1564
- A Simplified Approach to the Implementation of AND-Parallelism in an OR-Parallel EnvironmentMats Carlsson, Kenneth J. Danhof, Ross A. Overbeek. 1565-1577
- The Delphi Model and Some Preliminary ExperimentsHiyan Alshawi, Douglas B. Moran. 1578-1589
- Scheduling OR-Parallelism: An Argonne PerspectiveRalph Butler, Terry Disz, Ewing L. Lusk, Robert Olson, Ross A. Overbeek, Rick L. Stevens. 1590-1605
- Multiple Interpretations of the Logical Structure of Legal Rules: Impediment or Boon to Legal Expert Systems?Layman E. Allen, Charles S. Saxon. 1609-1623
- A Broader Interpretation of Logic in Logic ProgrammingAlan Bundy. 1624-1648
- Models, Unfolding Rules and Fixpoint SemanticsGiorgio Levi. 1649-1665
- Design and Implementation of a Logic Based Language for Data Intensive ApplicationsCarlo Zaniolo. 1666-1687