Abstract is missing.
- A Lossless, Click-free, Pitchbend-able Delay Line Loop Interpolation SchemeScott A. Van Duyne, David A. Jaffe, Gregory Pat Scandalis, Timothy Stilson. [doi]
- http: //Web.La.Radia: Comments on the Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of Media Art and Art TechnologyStephen Travis Pope. [doi]
- Psychophysiology of Musical EmotionsCarol Krumhansl. [doi]
- DSP - for childrenJøran Rudi. [doi]
- Nonlinear Commuted Synthesis of Bowed StringsJulius O. Smith III. [doi]
- Synthesis of the trumpet tone based on physical modelsRiccardo Di Federico, Gianpaolo Borin. [doi]
- Music, Media and Technology at McGill University: Studio ReportBruce W. Pennycook. [doi]
- Sample Rate Synchronization across an ATM NetworkGeorge Robertson, Derek R. McAuley. [doi]
- Physical Modeling Simulation of the ancient Greek Elgin AuloiK. Tsahalinas, K. Tzedaki, Perry R. Cook, S. Psaroudakes, Dimitris Kamarotos, T. Rikakis. [doi]
- Modeling piano performance: Physics and cognition of a virtual pianistRichard Pamcutt. [doi]
- CCRMA Studio ReportFernando Lopez-Lezcano. [doi]
- The new MARS workstationPaolo Andrenacci, Fabio Armani, Renato Bessegato, Andrea Paladin, Patrizio Pisani, Angelo Prestigiacomo, Claudio Rosati, Sylviane Sapir, Mauro Vetuschi. [doi]
- Using Java to stream audio over ATMSteve Malloch, Stephen Arnold, Torsten Pflicke. [doi]
- The 1997 Mathews Radio-Baton and Improvisation ModesRichard Boulanger, Max V. Mathews. [doi]
- Composition of Data and Process Models: a Paralogical Approach to Human/Computer InteractionMichael Hamman. [doi]
- Center for New Music & Audio Technologies (CNMAT): Studio ReportRichard Andrews. [doi]
- Siren: Software for Music Composition and Performance in SqueakStephen Travis Pope. [doi]
- Influence of Sensory Interactions between Vision and Audition on the Perceptual Characterisation of Room AcousticsChrysanthy Nathanail, Catherine Lavandier, Jean-Dominique Polack, Olivier Warusfel. [doi]
- Introduction of Computer Music Studio of Sonology Departmen Kunitachi College of MusicTakayuki Rai. [doi]
- TransMIDI: A System for MIDI Sessions Over the Network Using TransisDan Gang, Gregory Chockler, Tal Anker, Alex Kremer, Tomas Winkler. [doi]
- A Toolkit for Interactive Digital ArtHaruhiro Katayose, Hirotsugu Shirakabe, Tsutomu Kanamori, Seiji Inokuchi. [doi]
- Towards a critical theory of (music) technology: Computer music and subversive rationalizationAgostino Di Scipio. [doi]
- Rhythmic RenderingEric D. Lyon. [doi]
- A Continuous Music Keyboard Controlling Polyphonic Morphing Using Bandwidth-Enhanced OscillatorsLippold Haken, Kelly Fitz, Edwin Tellman, Patrick J. Wolfe, Paul Christensen. [doi]
- Impact of MIDI on Electroacoustic Art MusicAlex Lane Igoudin. [doi]
- A New Connectionist Model for Associative Retrieval of Harmonic TunesSeong Won Yeo, Min-Uk Han, Chong-Ho Lee. [doi]
- A survey of agents based real-time interactive systemsPeter Beyls. [doi]
- Psyche: University of Tsukuba, Computer Music ProjectRumi Hiraga, Shigeru Igarashi. [doi]
- Open SoundControl: A New Protocol for Communicating with Sound SynthesizersMatthew Wright, Adrian Freed. [doi]
- Recent work around Modalys and Modal SynthesisFrancisco Iovino, René Caussé, Richard Dudas. [doi]
- NeXTSTEP Graphical Interfaces to Control Sound Processing and Spatialization InstrumentsTodor Todoroff, Caroline Traube, Jean-Marc Ledent. [doi]
- Computer Music Compositional Style Variation Between Genders and the Role of EducationKaren Eliot-Kahn. [doi]
- New Musical Control Structures from Standard Gestural ControllersMatthew Wright, David Wessel, Adrian Freed. [doi]
- VIDI - A Voice Instrument Digital Interface for Byzantine MusicDionysios Politis, Ioannis A. Tsoukalas, Panagiotis Linardis, Alexandros Bakalakos. [doi]
- A Neural Network Model of Metric Perception and Cognition in the Audition of Functional Tonal MusicJonathan Berger, Dan Gang. [doi]
- Two Highly Integrated Real-Time Music and Graphics Performance SystemsRobert Rowe, Eric Singer. [doi]
- Wavetable Acceleration Using Intermediate Buffering and Program Code TrimmingSteven Trautmann. [doi]
- Efficient models for reverberation and distance rendering in computer music and virtual audio realityJean-Marc Jot. [doi]
- Structural Recognition of Music by Pattern MatchingYuzuru Hiraga. [doi]
- About this phasiness businessJean Laroche, Mark Dolson. [doi]
- Neural net Architectures in Modeling Compositional Syntax: Prediction and Perception of Continuity in Minimalist Works by Phillip Glass and Louis AndriessenYayoi Uno, Michael C. Mozer. [doi]
- Evolutionary Based Algorithmic Composition: A Demonstration of Recent Developments in GeNotatorKurt Thywissen. [doi]
- Harmonizing Melodies in Real-Time: the Connectionist ApproachDan Gang, Daniel J. Lehmann, Naftali Wagner. [doi]
- A Stochastic Method of Tracking a Vocal PerformerLorin Grubb, Roger B. Dannenberg. [doi]
- Feel the Music: Narration in Touch and SoundM. Sile O'Modhrain. [doi]
- On Searching the Model Parameters Of Digital Waveguide Filters By Using Error Backpropagation MethodsAlvin W. Y. Su. [doi]
- The Metabone : An interactive sensory control mechanism for virtuoso tromboneMark A. Bromwich. [doi]
- Influence of timbre, presence/absence of tonal hierarchy and musical training on the perception of musical tension and relaxation schemasStella Paraskeva, Stephen McAdams. [doi]
- The Beast's glove: The tactile and the digital in computer musicDominique M. Richard. [doi]
- Applying Root-Locus Techniques to the Analysis of Coupled Modes in Piano StringsTimothy S. Stilson. [doi]
- Classification in Music: A Computational Model for Paradigmatic AnalysisChristina Anagnostopoulou, Gert Westermann. [doi]
- A web interface for a sound database and processing systemRamon Loureiro, Xavier Serra. [doi]
- A Structural Analysis Tool for Expressive PerformanceYuichi Uwabu, Haruhiro Katayose, Seiji Inokuchi. [doi]
- Modelling Chinese Musical Instruments in CsoundAndrew Horner, Lydia Ayers. [doi]
- Integrated Development Environment for Computer Music CompositionJon Drummond. [doi]
- A Realtime MIDI Library for an Inexpensive General-Purpose Microcontroller-Based Interactive Performance SystemColby Leider. [doi]
- Influence of phase effects on roughness modelingDaniel Pressnitzer, Stephen McAdams. [doi]
- A Gesture Interface Controlled by the Oral CavityNicola Orio. [doi]
- On Acoustic Ecology and "Integral Art"Thomas Gerwin. [doi]
- Analysis and Regularization of Inharmonic Sounds via Pitch-Synchronous Frequency Warped WaveletsGianpaolo Evangelista, Sergio Cavaliere. [doi]
- Perception and Critique: Ecological Acoustics, Critical Theory and MusicEric Clarke. [doi]
- SaxEx: a case-based reasoning system for generating expressive musical performancesJosep Lluís Arcos, Ramon López de Mántaras, Xavier Serra. [doi]
- Flexible Sound EffectsLonce Wyse. [doi]
- Multirate Extensions for Model-Based Synthesis of Plucked String InstrumentsVesa Välimäki, Tero Tolonen. [doi]
- Sinusoidal and Residual Decomposition and Residual Modeling of Musical Tones Using the QUASAR Signal ModelYinong Ding, Xiaoshu Qian. [doi]
- Comparison of Real Trumpet Playing, Latex Model of Lips and Computer ModelChristophe Vergez, Xavier Rodet. [doi]
- An Object Oriented Visual Environment For Musical CompositionGérard Assayag, Carlos Agón, Joshua Fineberg, Peter Hanappe. [doi]
- Operating Systems Latency Measurement and Analysis for Sound Synthesis and Processing ApplicationsAdrian Freed, Amar Chaudhary, Brian Davila. [doi]
- Digital Waveguide Modeling of Woodwind ToneholesGary P. Scavone, Julius O. Smith III. [doi]
- 2 - College-Conservatory of Music Center for Computer Music, University of CincinnatiMara Helmuth, Michael Robert Barnhart, Carlos Fernandes, Cheekong Ho, Bonnie Miksch. [doi]
- RTcmix - Using CMIX in Real TimeBrad Garton, David Topper. [doi]
- Synthesis of Transients in Guitar SoundsCern I. Duruöz. [doi]
- CyberBand: A "Hands-On" Music Composition ProgramJames L. Wright, Daniel V. Oppenheim, David Jameson. [doi]
- Distributed Musical RehearsalDimitri Konstantas, Yann Orlarey, Simon Gibbs, Olivier Carbonel. [doi]
- A Physical Piano Model for Music PerformanceGianpaolo Borin, Davide Rocchesso, Francesco Scalcon. [doi]
- The Digital Baton: a Versatile Performance InstrumentTeresa Marrin, Joseph A. Paradiso. [doi]
- Recognition of Isolated Musical Patterns in the context of Greek Traditional Music using Dynamic Time Warping TechniquesAggelos Pikrakis, Sergios Theodoridis, Dimitris Kamarotos. [doi]
- Digital Waveguide Modeling of Flared Acoustical TubesMaarten van Walstijn, Vesa Välimäki. [doi]
- Statistical Modeling of Sound AperiodicitiesShlomo Dubnov, Xavier Rodet. [doi]
- A Visual Programming Environment for Composing Interactive Performance SystemsBernhard Wagner. [doi]
- Studio F at the Czech Radio in Prague: Studio ReportLibor Zajicek. [doi]
- Multimedia Environment for Sound Database SystemHai Qi, Taichi Muramatsu, Shuji Hashimoto. [doi]
- A Machine Learning Approach to Musical Style RecognitionRoger B. Dannenberg, Belinda Thom, David Watson. [doi]
- Preliminary Results on Spectral Shape Perceptions and Discrimination of Musical Sounds by Normal Hearing Subjects and Cochlear ImplanteesThomas Stainsby, Hugh J. McDermott, Colette M. McKay, Graeme M. Clark. [doi]
- Modeling Methods for Sound Synthesis. Network Combinations and Complex Models for Physical Modeling: Application to Modes ClusteringEric Incerti. [doi]
- Real-time Image and Video Processing in GEMMark Danks. [doi]
- Pure DataMiller S. Puckette. [doi]
- Transient Modeling Synthesis: a flexible analysis/synthesis tool for transient signalsTony S. Verma, Scott N. Levine, Teresa H. Y. Meng. [doi]
- Music and emotion: the brain neglected sideIsabelle Peretz, Lise Gagnon, Bernard Bouchard. [doi]
- High-frequency compensation of low sample-rate audio files: A wavelet-based spectral excitation algorithmCorey I. Cheng. [doi]
- A Modal Distribution Study of Violin VibratoMaureen Mellody, Gregory H. Wakefield. [doi]
- Musical Informatics: Curriculum or a New Area of Musicology?Yuri S. Bekhtin. [doi]
- Coupled Mode SynthesisScott A. Van Duyne. [doi]
- The Interactive Multi-media Computer System using SGI and NeXT/ISPW computersOsamu Takashiro, Takayuki Rai. [doi]
- An HTTP Interface to Common MusicHeinrich Taube, Tobias Kunze. [doi]
- Statistical Pattern Recognition for Prediction of Solo Piano PerformanceChris Chafe. [doi]
- Physical model of the plucking process in the classical guitarGuiseppe Cuzzocoli, Vincenzo Lombardo. [doi]
- Integrating complementary spectral models in the design of a musical synthesizerXavier Serra, Jordi Bonada, Perfecto Herrera, Ramon Loureiro. [doi]
- Sounds in Hands: A Sound Modifier Using Datagloves and Twiddle InterfaceHideyuki Sawada, Naoyuki Onoe, Shuji Hashimoto. [doi]
- Rhythmic Paradoxes and Illusions: a Musical IllustrationJean-Claude Risset. [doi]
- Analysis by synthesis of the expressive intentions in musical performanceSergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli, Antonio Rodà, Alvise Vidolin. [doi]
- Robust Score-Performance Matching: Taking Advantage of Structural InformationPeter Desain, Henkjan Honing, Hank Heijink. [doi]
- Efficient and Parametric Reverberator for Room Acoustics ModelingRiitta Väänänen, Vesa Välimäki, Jyri Huopaniemi, Matti Karjalainen. [doi]
- Generating Musical Patterns Using Mutually Inhibited Artificial NeuronsPauli Laine. [doi]
- A Neural Organist improvising baroque-style melodic variationsDominik Hörnel, Peter Degenhardt. [doi]
- Elody: a Java+MidiShare based Music Composition EnvironmentYann Orlarey, Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz. [doi]
- A fractional delay application: time-varying propagation speed in waveguidesStephan Tassart, Régis Msallam, Philippe Depalle, Samuel Dequidt. [doi]
- A Frequency-Dependent Bilinear Time-Frequency Distribution for Improved Event DetectionAndrew Sterian, Gregory H. Wakefield. [doi]
- The Diphone program: New features, new synthesis methods and experience of musical useXavier Rodet, Adrien Lefèvre. [doi]
- Networking Music Education: WWW applications in music teacher training: a praxial perspectiveLauri Väkevä, Juha Ojala. [doi]
- Studio Report of Computer Music Research GroupNaotoshi Osaka, Keiji Hirata, Takafumi Hikichi. [doi]
- RMCP: Remote Music Control Protocol - Design and ApplicationsMasataka Goto, Ryo Neyama, Yoichi Muraoka. [doi]
- Singing Voice Analysis and Synthesis System through Glottal Excited Formant ResonatorsPiero Pierucci, Andrea Paladin. [doi]