Abstract is missing.
- An Architecture of Distributed Media Servers for Supporting Guaranteed QoS and Media IndexingFeng Cao, Jeffrey D. Smith, Kenji Takahashi. 1-5 [doi]
- Digital Image Watermarking: An OverviewNikos Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas. 1-6 [doi]
- Reducing Variation in Bit-Rate Produced by Encoder in MPEG VideoRajat Agarwal, Albert Mo Kim Cheng. 6-10 [doi]
- Exploiting Shift Invariance to Obtain a High Payload in Digital Image WatermarkingMaurice Maes, Ton Kalker, Jaap Haitsma, Geert Depovere. 7-12 [doi]
- An Abstract Layered Model for Hypermedia Document SystemKen C. K. Law, Horace Ho-Shing Ip, Fang Wei. 11-14 [doi]
- Achievable Performance of Digital Watermarking SystemsBrian Chen, Gregory W. Wornell. 13-18 [doi]
- On Satisfying Timing and Resource Constraints in Distributed Multimedia SystemsCostas Mourlas, David A. Duce, Michael Wilson. 16-20 [doi]
- Current State of the Art - Challenges and Future Directions for Audio WatermarkingMitchell D. Swanson, Bin Zhu, Ahmed H. Tewfik. 19-24 [doi]
- Applying QoS Guaranteed Multicast Audio and Video to the WebMyung-Ki Shin, Jin-Ho Hahm. 26-30 [doi]
- Optimal Bandwidth-Buffer Trade-Off for VBR Media Transmission over Multiple Relay-ServersRay-I Chang, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko, Jan-Ming Ho. 31-35 [doi]
- Searching for Multimedia on the World Wide WebMichael J. Swain. 32-37 [doi]
- Resource Negotiation for Collaborative Multimedia PresentationsB. Prabhakaran. 36-40 [doi]
- Annotation of Video by Alignment to Reference ImageryKeith J. Hanna, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Rakesh Kumar, Yanlin Guo, Supun Samarasekera. 38-43 [doi]
- Multimedia Support in Network Protocol Processing SubsystemsSee-Mong Tan, Roy H. Campbell. 41-45 [doi]
- Multi-Rate Variable-Quality VOP Shape CoderW. M. Yio, Abdul H. Sadka, Ahmet M. Kondoz. 46-50 [doi]
- VHS to VRML: 3D Graphical Models from Video SequencesAndrew Zisserman, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Geoffrey Cross. 51-57 [doi]
- A Metadata Based Framework for Extracting and Using Web Sites StructuresOlivier Liechti, Mark Sifer, Tadao Ichikawa. 51-56 [doi]
- Reduced Memory Zerotree Coding Algorithm for Hardware ImplementationWen-Kuo Lin, Brian Wai-Him Ng, Neil Burgess. 57-61 [doi]
- Tape-Less Video Technologies: Issues in Workflow TransitionsFarshid Arman. 58-61 [doi]
- Scalable Server and Storage Architectures for Video StreamingDavid Hung-Chang Du, Yen-Jen Lee. 62-67 [doi]
- INTELLECT: A System for Authoring, Distributing, and Presenting Multimedia Contents over the InternetSoung C. Liew, Thomas Lau, Eddie Lau, Walter Fung. 62-66 [doi]
- End-to-End Frame-Rate Adaptive Streaming of Video DataChi-woon Fung, Soung C. Liew. 67-71 [doi]
- The Evolution to Network Storage Architectures for Multimedia ApplicationsAloke Guha. 68-73 [doi]
- Towards Distributed Synthetic Environments for Training in IndustryAxel Hintze, Marco Schumann, Stefan Stüring. 72-76 [doi]
- Perspectives in Multimedia Software EngineeringShi-Kuo Chang. 74-78 [doi]
- A DCT-Domain H.263 Based Video Combiner for Multipoint Continuous Presence Video ConferencingDa-Jin Shiu, Chia-Chiang Ho, Ja-Ling Wu. 77-81 [doi]
- The Evolving Role of Software Engineering in the Production of Multimedia ApplicationsTimothy Arndt. 79-84 [doi]
- Server Side Compresslets for Internet Multimedia StreamsHolger Bönisch, Konrad Froitzheim. 82-86 [doi]
- Do Software Engineers Like Multimedia?Masahito Hirakawa. 85-90 [doi]
- Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling for Multimedia ApplicationsRichard West, Karsten Schwan. 87-91 [doi]
- Issues in Design and Implementation of Multimedia Software SystemsA. Bianchi, Paolo Bottoni, Piero Mussio. 91-96 [doi]
- A Study on the Hybrid Image Coding and Structuring Methods for Multimedia Scalability Packages Communication ServicesMei Kodama, Hiroyuki Kasai, Hideyoshi Tominaga. 92-96 [doi]
- Generic Film Forms for Dynamic Virtual Video SynthesisCraig A. Lindley. 97-101 [doi]
- Architecture Specification of Multimedia Software SystemsJeffrey J. P. Tsai, Kuang Xu. 97-102 [doi]
- Improving RSVP for Better Support of Internet Multimedia CommunicationsLaurent Mathy, David Hutchison, Stefan Schmid, Geoff Coulson. 102-106 [doi]
- Usability, Aesthetics, and Efficiency: An Evaluation in a Multimedia EnvironmentAlbert N. Badre, Anne Jacobs. 103-106 [doi]
- Putting Usable Intelligence into Multimedia ApplicationsMark T. Maybury. 107-110 [doi]
- Constant Bandwidth vs Proportional Share Resource AllocationLuca Abeni, Giuseppe Lipari, Giorgio C. Buttazzo. 107-111 [doi]
- Hypermedia, the Web and Usability IssuesPaolo Paolini. 111-115 [doi]
- An Efficient Rerouting Mechanism for Dynamic Network Resource ManagementKarthikeyan Mahesh, S. Lakshminarayanan, S. V. Raghavan. 112-116 [doi]
- User-Centered Design for Multimedia ApplicationsAlistair G. Sutcliffe. 116-123 [doi]
- Supplying Instantaneous Video-on-Demand Services Using Controlled MulticastLixin Gao, Donald F. Towsley. 117-121 [doi]
- A Distributed Object Platform for Multimedia ApplicationsGeoff Coulson, Shakuntala Baichoo. 122-126 [doi]
- Usable Multimedia ApplicationsMaria Francesca Costabile. 124-127 [doi]
- ARC-H: Uniform CPU Scheduling for Heterogeneous ServicesDavid K. Y. Yau. 127-132 [doi]
- A New Multimedia Technology Today — A Standards Challenge for the FutureRamesh Jain. 128-130 [doi]
- JPEG2000, the Next Millennium Compression Standard for Still ImagesMaryline Charrier, Diego Santa Cruz, Mathias Larsson. 131-132 [doi]
- Recognition of Facial Expressions Based on the Hopfield Memory ModelYing Dai, Yoshitaka Shibata, Yasuaki Nakano, Koji Hashimoto. 133-137 [doi]
- Interactive Panning and Zooming the Virtual CameraStephan Fischer, Ivica Rimac, Ralf Steinmetz. 138-142 [doi]
- European R&D and Standardization in the Multimedia Domain: A Symbiotic RelationshipAugusto de Albuquerque, Carlos Morais Pires. 139-144 [doi]
- On the Use of Histograms for Image RetrievalRoberto Brunelli, Ornella Mich. 143-147 [doi]
- Multimedia Standards: Present and FutureFernando C. N. Pereira. 145-146 [doi]
- Admission Control and QoS Negotiations for Soft-Real Time ApplicationsWonjun Lee, Bikash Sabata. 147-152 [doi]
- Automatic Classification of TV News Articles Based on Telop Character RecognitionYasuo Ariki, Katsumi Matsuura. 148-152 [doi]
- Hierarchical Scheduling for Multiple Classes of Applications in Connection-Oriented Integrated-Service NetworksShigang Chen, Klara Nahrstedt. 153-158 [doi]
- Experiment of Virtual Space Distance Education System Using the Objects of Cultural HeritageNobuyoshi Terashima, John Tiffin, Lalita Rajasingham. 153-157 [doi]
- A Semantic Modeling Approach for Video Retrieval by ContentEdoardo Ardizzone, Mohand-Said Hacid. 158-162 [doi]
- VBR Video Data Scheduling Using Window-Based PrefetchingIn-Hwan Kim, Jeong-Won Kim, Seung-Won Lee, Ki-Dong Chung. 159-164 [doi]
- VST-Model: A Uniform Topological Modeling of the Visual-Spatio-Temporal Video FeaturesZaher Aghbari, Kunihiko Kaneko, Akifumi Makinouchi. 163-168 [doi]
- Dynamic Reconfiguration for Complex Multimedia ApplicationsBaochun Li, Klara Nahrstedt. 165-170 [doi]
- Learning Visual Keywords for Content-Based RetrievalJoo-Hwee Lim. 169-173 [doi]
- PISARO: Perceptual Color and Texture Queries Using Stackable MosaicsMatthew Seaborn, Lee Hepplewhite, T. John Stonham. 171-176 [doi]
- A Fully Automated Object Extraction from Video Stream: A Useful Tool for Distributed Object-Based Browsing and Content-Based Searching SystemsAtsunobu Hiraiwa, Keisuke Fuse, Naohisa Komatsu, Kazumi Komiya, Hiroaki Ikeda. 174-178 [doi]
- Multiresolution Wavelet Transform and Supervised Learning for Content-Based Image RetrievalCarla Brambilla, Anna Della Ventura, Isabella Gagliardi, Raimondo Schettini. 183-188 [doi]
- A Multimedia Personalized Fruition of Figurative Artistic Heritage by a GIS-Based MethodologyLuciana Bordoni, Attilio Colagrossi. 184-188 [doi]
- An Alternative Image Retrieval System Based on Visual and Thematic Corpus OrganizationGérald Duffing. 189-193 [doi]
- Matching and Retrieval Based on the Vocabulary and Grammar of Color PatternsAleksandra Mojsilovic, Jelena Kovacevic, Jian Hu, Robert J. Safranek, S. Kicha Ganapathy. 189-194 [doi]
- Interactive Video Description on the NetworkTomoyuki Yatabe, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Masao Sakauchi. 194-198 [doi]
- Haptics in Augmented RealityJames R. Vallino, Christopher M. Brown. 195-200 [doi]
- Enforcement of Copyright Laws for Multimedia through Blind, Detectable, Reversible WatermarkingFranco Bartolini, G. Bini, Vito Cappellini, A. Fringuelli, G. Meucci, Alessandro Piva, Mauro Barni. 199-203
- Virtual 3D Interactions between 2D Real Multi-ViewsKatia Fintzel, Jean-Luc Dugelay. 201-206 [doi]
- Lyra: A System Framework in Supporting Multimedia ApplicationsChi-Wei Yang, Paul C. H. Lee, Ruei-Chuan Chang. 204-208 [doi]
- SpaceTag: An Overlaid Virtual System and Its ApplicationsHiroyuki Tarumi, Ken Morishita, Megumi Nakao, Yahiko Kambayashi. 207-212 [doi]
- Content-Based Digital Signature for Motion Pictures Authentication and Content-Fragile WatermarkingJana Dittmann, Arnd Steinmetz, Ralf Steinmetz. 209-213 [doi]
- Real-Time Composition of Stereo Images for Video See-Through Augmented RealityMasayuki Kanbara, Takashi Okuma, Haruo Takemura, Naokazu Yokoya. 213-219 [doi]
- Towards the Virtual Internet GalleryAndreas Müller, Martin Leissler, Matthias Hemmje, Erich J. Neuhold. 214-219 [doi]
- Integrated Admission Control in Hierarchical Video-on-Demand SystemsPadmavathi Mundur, Robert Simon, Arun K. Sood. 220-225 [doi]
- Performance Measurements of a Real-Time Digital Watermarking System for Broadcast MonitoringPascale Termont, Lieven De Strycker, Jan Vandewege, Jaap Haitsma, Ton Kalker, Maurice Maes, Geert Depovere, Andreas Langell, Claes Alm, Per Norman. 220-224 [doi]
- Joint Audio-Video Processing of MPEG Encoded SequencesGiuseppe Boccignone, Massimo De Santo, Gennaro Percannella. 225-229 [doi]
- Tailored Transmissions for Efficient Near-Video-on-Demand ServiceYitzhak Birk, Ron Mondri. 226-231 [doi]
- Indexing by Shape of Image Databases Based on Extended Grid FilesCarlo Combi, Gian Luca Foresti, Massimo Franceschet, Angelo Montanari. 230-234 [doi]
- Bandwidth Allocation for Layered Multicasted VideoHugh M. Smith, Matt W. Mutka, Eric Torng. 232-237 [doi]
- Trail-Based Approach for Video Data Indexing and RetrievalSerhan Dagtas, Wasfi Al-Khatib, Arif Ghafoor, Ashfaq A. Khokhar. 235-239 [doi]
- Streaming Video with Transformation-Based Error Concealment and ReconstructionBenjamin W. Wah, Xiao Su. 238-243 [doi]
- An Improvement on Competitive Learning Neural Network by LBG Vector QuantizationG. Basil, J. Jiang. 244-249 [doi]
- A Card-Handling Tool for MultimediaYoshihiro Ohmi, Kazuhisa Kawai, Hajime Ohiwa. 250-254 [doi]
- FEC-Based Loss Recovery for Interactive Video TransmissionInjong Rhee, Srinath R. Joshi. 250-256 [doi]
- Integrating Web Resources and Lexicons into a Natural Language Query SystemBoris Katz, Deniz Yuret, Jimmy J. Lin, Sue Felshin, Rebecca Schulman, Adnan Ilik, Ali Ibrahim, Philip Osafo-Kwaako. 255-261 [doi]
- Integrating Image Matching and Classification for Multimedia Retrieval on the WebKyoji Hirata, Sougata Mukherjea, Wen-Syan Li, Yoshinori Hara. 257-263 [doi]
- First Specifications of an Information System for Urban SoundscapeSylvie Servigne, Robert Laurini, Myoung-Ah Kang, Ki-Joune Li. 262-266 [doi]
- The PicToSeek WWW Image Search SystemTheo Gevers, Arnold W. M. Smeulders. 264-269 [doi]
- Counting People from Multiple CamerasVera Kettnaker, Ramin Zabih. 267-271 [doi]
- AudiCom: A Video Analysis System for Auditing Commercial BroadcastsJuan María Sánchez, Xavier Binefa. 272-276 [doi]
- The Design of Expressive Cartoons for the Web - TinkyAldo Paradiso, Frank Nack, Georg Fries, Karlheinz Schuhmacher. 276-281 [doi]
- Clockwise: A Mixed-Media File SystemPeter Bosch, Sape J. Mullender, Pierre G. Jansen. 277-281 [doi]
- A QoS Middle-Ware for Network Adaptive ApplicationsNikos A. Nikolaou, Charilaos A. Tsetsekas, Iakovos S. Venieris. 282-286 [doi]
- A Human-Assisted System to Build 3-D Models from a Single ImageAlexandre R. J. François, Gérard G. Medioni. 282-288 [doi]
- An Evaluation Study of Mobile Agent Technology: Standardization, Implementation and EvolutionMenelaos K. Perdikeas, Fotis G. Chatzipapadopoulos, Iakovos S. Venieris. 287-291 [doi]
- Predictable Path Establishment in Multimedia Communication NetworksRobert Simon. 289-295 [doi]
- Evaluation of Tradeoffs in Resource Management Techniques for Multimedia Storage ServersLeana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, H. Richard Gail. 292-296 [doi]
- CPU Service Classes for Multimedia ApplicationsHao-Hua Chu, Klara Nahrstedt. 296-301 [doi]
- Virtual Social Clubs: Meeting Places for the Internet CommunityDavid G. Boyer, Mauricio Cortes, Michael Vernick, Sylvia Wilbur, Anjum Khan, Graeme Balfour. 297-301 [doi]
- Adapting Content to Client Resources in the InternetRakesh Mohan, John R. Smith, Chung-Sheng Li. 302-307 [doi]
- Scheduling of Adaptive Multimedia DocumentsStefan Wirag. 307-311 [doi]
- Investigating Factors Influencing QoS of Internet PhoneDifu Su, Jaideep Srivastava, Jey-Hsin Yao. 308-313 [doi]
- VirtualQueue: A Technique for Packet Voice Stream ReconstructionNorival R. Figueira, Joseph Pasquale. 312-316 [doi]
- Error Spreading: Reducing Bursty Errors in Continuous Media StreamingHung Q. Ngo, Srivatsan Varadarajan, Jaideep Srivastava. 314-319 [doi]
- Semantics-Aware Querying in the WWW: The WG-Log Web Query SystemSara Comai, Ernesto Damiani, Letizia Tanca. 317-322 [doi]
- Managing Large Scale Broadband Multimedia Services on Distributed Media ServersReinhard Lüling. 320-325 [doi]
- Design and Evaluation of a Multimedia Integrated Parallel File SystemJesús Carretero, Weiyu Zhu, Xiaohui Shen, Alok N. Choudhary. 323-327 [doi]
- View-Rules and Representations: A Framework for Dynamic Control of Multimedia in Virtual EnvironmentsAllen Ginsberg. 326-332 [doi]
- DAVID-E: A Collaborative Working Paradigm for Distributed High-End Audio-Visual Content CreationAntonis Karidis, Apostolos Meliones. 328-332 [doi]
- Development of a Legible Deaf-Signing Virtual HumanFarzad Pezeshkpour, Ian Marshall, Ralph Elliott, J. Andrew Bangham. 333-338 [doi]
- Dynamic Frequency and Resource Allocation with Adaptive Error Control Based on RTP for Multimedia QoS Guarantees in Wireless NetworksAna Pajares, Juan Carlos Guerri, Manuel Esteve, Carlos E. Palau, Antonio León, Narcís Cardona. 333-337 [doi]
- Interoperability for Multimedia Systems to Support Decision-Makers in the Environment SectorStefano Nativi, Dino Giuli, Emilio Bugli Innocenti. 338-342 [doi]
- Possession System: Adaptation Support Middleware for Collaborative Multimedia Applications in JavaMasahiro Mochizuki, Hideyuki Tokuda. 339-344 [doi]
- DVS: A System for Distribution and Management of Global Video on Demand ServicesAlexey Roytman, Israel Ben-Shaul, Israel Cidon. 343-346 [doi]
- Exploiting Cache in MultimediaRita Cucchiara, Massimo Piccardi, Andrea Prati. 345-350 [doi]
- A Scalable QoS-Based Routing Mechanism for Supporting Multimedia ApplicationsLuís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa, Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte. 347-351 [doi]
- Broadband MPEG-2 Client with Network Configuration CapabilityAnssi Huttunen, Irek Defée. 351-356 [doi]
- Tip Prefetching: Dealing with the Bit Rate Variability of Video StreamsDong-Young Lee, Heon Young Yeom. 352-356 [doi]
- MMX-Based DCT and MC Algorithms for Real-Time Pure Software MPEG DecodingYi-Shin Tung, Chia-Chiang Ho, Ja-Ling Wu. 357-362 [doi]
- Deriving Communication Sub-Graph and Optimal Synchronizing Interval for a Distributed Virtual Environment SystemJohn C. S. Lui, Oldfield K. Y. So, T. S. Tam. 357-361 [doi]
- Application-Level Measurements of Performance on the vBNSMichele Clark, Kevin Jeffay. 362-366 [doi]
- MPEG-4 Video Decoder OptimizationFranco Casalino, Gianluca Di Cagno, Ronco Luca. 363-368 [doi]
- A New Procedure to Analyze Random Multiaccess Protocols for Multimedia ApplicationsLluís Gutierrez, Sebastià Sallent. 367-371 [doi]
- A Contour Analysis Based Technique to Extract Objects for MPEG-4Eran A. Edirisinghe, Jianmin Jiang. 369-374 [doi]
- Realizing Throughput Guarantees in a Differentiated Services NetworkIkjun Yeom, A. L. Narasimha Reddy. 372-376 [doi]
- The MPEG-7 Standard and the Content-Based Management of Three-Dimensional Data: A Case StudyEric Paquet, Marc Rioux. 375-380 [doi]
- Efficient Adaptive Media Scaling and Streaming of Layered Multimedia in Heterogeneous EnvironmentWei Zhao, Marc Willebeek-LeMair, Prasoon Tiwari. 377-381 [doi]
- Interactive Maps for a Digital Video LibraryMichael G. Christel, Andreas M. Olligschlaeger. 381-387 [doi]
- A Video-Conferencing Distributed Service Tailored for EducationPatricia Lago, Gianni Canal. 387-388 [doi]
- What is in that Video Anyway? In Search of Better BrowsingSavitha Srinivasan, Dulce B. Ponceleon, Arnon Amir, Dragutin Petkovic. 388-393 [doi]
- A Fuzzy-Based Traffic Controller for High-Speed ATM Networks Using Realistic Traffic ModelsAnastasios Kasiolas, Dimitrios Makrakis. 389-394 [doi]
- Designing for Semantic Access: A Video Browsing SystemSilvia Hollfelder, André Everts, Ulrich Thiel. 394-399 [doi]
- A Study on Scheduling Multiple Priority Requests in Multimedia ServersIbrahim Kamel, T. Niranjan. 395-399 [doi]
- Disk Scheduling with Quality of Service GuaranteesJohn L. Bruno, José Carlos Brustoloni, Eran Gabber, Banu Özden, Abraham Silberschatz. 400-405 [doi]
- Fast Generation of Dynamic and Multi-Resolution 360° Panorama from Video SequencesZhigang Zhu, Guangyou Xu, Edward M. Riseman, Allen R. Hanson. 400-406 [doi]
- MPEG-7: Its Impact on Research, Industry, and the ConsumerVasudevan V. Vinod, Adam Lindsay. 406-407 [doi]
- Multimodal Integration in the MUeSLI ProjectGavin E. Churcher, Peter J. Wyard. 407-412 [doi]
- Design of Network Protocols for Distributed Virtual EnvironmentsDong-il Ko, Yanghee Choi. 408-413 [doi]
- Spatial Interaction with Haptic HologramsWendy Plesniak, Ravikanth Pappu. 413-426 [doi]
- An Adaptive Transport Service for Multimedia StreamsLuis Rojas-Cardenas, Laurent Dairaine, Patrick Sénac, Michel Diaz. 414-419 [doi]
- A Lightweight Protocol for Interconnecting Heterogeneous Devices in Dynamic EnvironmentsKevin C. Almeroth, Katia Obraczka, Dante DeLucia. 420-425 [doi]
- QoS-Sensitive Transport of Real-Time MPEG Video Using Adaptive Forward Error CorrectionKihong Park, Wei Wang. 426-432 [doi]
- A Novel Interface for Device Diagnostics Using Speech Recognition, Augmented Reality Visualization, and 3D Audio AuralizationReinhold Behringer, Steven Chen, Venkataraman Sundareswaran, Kenneth Wang, Marius Vassiliou. 427-432 [doi]
- Video Avatar: Embedded Video for Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentShunsuke Yura, Tomonori Usaka, Ken Sakamura. 433-438 [doi]
- Multimedia Montage - Counterpoint Synthesis of MoviesRyotaro Suzuki, Yuichi Iwadate. 433-438 [doi]
- Media Actors: Characters in Search of an AuthorFlavia Sparacino, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland. 439-446 [doi]
- Image Re-Composer: A Post-Production Tool Using Composition Information of PicturesShoji Tanaka, Jun Kurumizawa, Andre Plante, Yuichi Iwadate, Seiji Inokuchi. 439-444 [doi]
- MDC: A Software Tool for Developing MPEG ApplicationsDongge Li, Ishwar K. Sethi. 445-450 [doi]
- SeamlessDesign: A Face-to-Face Collaborative Virtual/Augmented Environment for Rapid Prototyping of Geometrically Constrained 3-D ObjectsKiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura, Naokazu Yokoya. 447-453 [doi]
- An Approximate String Matching Algorithm for Content-Based Music Data RetrievalChih-Chin Liu, Jia-Lien Hsu, Arbee L. P. Chen. 451-456 [doi]
- VideoTalk: A Collaborative Environment for Video Content DiscussionShih-Ping Liou, Candemir Toklu, Kilian Heckrodt. 454-459 [doi]
- A Combinatorial Approach to Content-Based Music SelectionFrançois Pachet, Pierre Roy, Daniel Cazaly. 457-462 [doi]
- A Novel Motion-Based Active Video Indexing MethodJie Wei, Ze-Nian Li, Izidor Gertner. 460-465 [doi]
- Structured Coding for Content Based Interactive AudioKathy Melih, Ruben Gonzalez. 463-468 [doi]
- Speaker Indexing for News Articles, Debates and Drama in Broadcasted TV ProgramsMasafumi Nishida, Yasuo Ariki. 466-471 [doi]
- Design of an Internet Accessible Visual Human Brain Database SystemJesper Fredriksson. 469-474 [doi]
- Semantic Video Model for Content-Based RetrievalJia-Ling Koh, Chin-Sung Lee, Arbee L. P. Chen. 472-478 [doi]
- Construction of Virtual Environment for EndoscopySven Loncaric, T. Markovinovic, T. Petrovic, D. Ramljak, Erich Sorantin. 475-480 [doi]
- Video Corpus Construction and AnalysisTakashi Satou, Akihito Akutsu, Yoshinobu Tonomura. 479-485 [doi]
- An Investigation of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition as Applied to Multimedia Speech Therapy ApplicationsVoula C. Georgopoulos. 481-486 [doi]
- Dynamic Optimization of Readsize in Hypermedia ServersTsun-Ping J. To, Babak Hamidzadeh. 486-491 [doi]
- Integrated QOS Management for Disk I/ORavi Wijayaratne, A. L. Narasimha Reddy. 487-492 [doi]
- DIVeR: A Dynamic Interactive Video Retrieval Protocol for Disk Array Based ServersSenthil Sengodan, Victor O. K. Li. 492-498 [doi]
- MEDIC: A Memory & Disk Cache for Multimedia ClientsEdward Y. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina. 493-499 [doi]
- Multimedia Information Interchange: Web Forms Meet Data ServersPierre Maret, Jean Beney, Paul Rubel. 499-505 [doi]
- Prefetching into Smart-Disk Caches for High Performance Media ServersPeter Triantafillou, Stavros Harizopoulos. 500-505 [doi]
- Adaptive Load Sharing and Scheduling Schemes for Distributed Continuous Media DeliveryYen-Jen Lee, David Hung-Chang Du. 506-511 [doi]
- Exploiting Caching for Realtime Multimedia SystemsKyungOh Lee, Jin B. Kwon, Heon Young Yeom. 506-511 [doi]
- Sound Authoring Tools for Future Multimedia SystemsMarco Bezzi, Giovanni De Poli, Davide Rocchesso. 512-517 [doi]
- Relevance Feedback and Category Search in Image DatabasesChristophe Meilhac, Chahab Nastar. 512-517 [doi]
- Adding Expressiveness to Musical MessagesSergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli, Antonio Rodà, Alvise Vidolin. 518-523 [doi]
- Content-Based Hierarchical Classification of Vacation ImagesAditya Vailaya, Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Anil K. Jain, HongJiang Zhang. 518-523 [doi]
- Commercialization of Electronic InformationJean-Henry Morin, Dimitri Konstantas. 524-529 [doi]
- The El Niño ; Image Database SystemSimone Santini, Ramesh Jain. 524-529 [doi]
- On the Robustness and Imperceptibility of Digital FingerprintsJonathan K. Su, Bernd Girod. 530-535 [doi]
- Robust Bit Extraction from ImagesJiri Fridrich. 536-540 [doi]
- VisualMOQL: The DISIMA Visual Query LanguageVincent Oria, M. Tamer Özsu, Bing Xu, L. Irene Cheng, Paul Iglinski. 536-542 [doi]
- Investigating Factors Influencing QoS of Internet PhoneDifu Su, Jaideep Srivastava, Jey-Hsin Yao. 541-546 [doi]
- The DrawStream Station or the AVCs of Video Cocktail NapkinsSteve R. Harrison, Scott L. Minneman, Joshua Marinacci. 543-549 [doi]
- Extracting Web Design Knowledge: The Web De-CompilerMichael Chan, Gin Yu. 547-552 [doi]
- Specifying Generic Multimedia 3D Visualizations and Temporal Presentations from Database QueriesChitta Baral, Graciela Gonzalez. 550-555 [doi]
- A New Approach for Radio and Video Broadcasting over the InternetBorko Furht, Raymond Westwater, Jeffrey Ice. 553-558 [doi]
- Querying by Photographs: Using Virtual Reality for Content-Based Image RetrievalJürgen Assfalg, Alberto Del Bimbo, Pietro Pala. 556-561 [doi]
- NaviView: Bird s-Eye View for Highway Drivers Using Roadside CamerasEitaro Ichihara, Hiroyuki Takao, Yuichi Ohta. 559-565 [doi]
- Internet Based Multimedia Interface for the Control and Navigation of a Mobile PlatformVítor Sequeira, Emanuele Bovisio, João G. M. Gonçalves. 566-571 [doi]
- Adaptive Visible Watermarking of ImagesMohan S. Kankanhalli, Rajmohan, K. R. Ramakrishnan. 568-573 [doi]
- A Unified Structure-Based Framework for Indexing and Gisting of MeetingsTrausti T. Kristjansson, Thomas S. Huang, P. Ramesh, B. H. Juang. 572-577 [doi]
- Evaluation of Copyright Marking SystemsFabien A. P. Petitcolas, Ross J. Anderson. 574-579 [doi]
- A High Fidelity Contrast Improving Model Based on Human Vision MechanismsYuichi Kobayashi, Toshikazu Kato. 578-584 [doi]
- Key Independent Watermark DetectionRon G. van Schyndel, Andrew Z. Tirkel, Imants D. Svalbe. 580-585 [doi]
- NetMedia: Synchronized Streaming of Multimedia Presentations in Distributed EnvironmentsYuQing Song, Markus Mielke, Aidong Zhang. 585-590 [doi]
- Using Food Web as an Evolution Computing Model for Internet-Based Multimedia AgentsTimothy K. Shih. 591-596 [doi]
- Architecture and Implementation of a Network-Based Educational Hypermedia SystemChristos M. Papaterpos, Georgios D. Styliaras, George K. Tsolis, Theodore S. Papatheodorou. 592-597 [doi]
- IRUS: Image Retrieval Using ShapeMeirav Adoram, Michael S. Lew. 597-602 [doi]
- A System for Presentation of Wavelet Transform Properties in Image CodingRemigiusz J. Rak, Mariusz Szafraniec. 598-603 [doi]
- A System for the Fast Prototyping of Multidimensional Image RetrievalCarlo Meghini, Fabrizio Sebastiani, Umberto Straccia. 603-609 [doi]
- Multimedia Document Models - Sealed Fate or Setting out for New Shores?Susanne Boll, Wolfgang Klas, Utz Westermann. 604-610 [doi]
- Bayesian Image Retrieval in Biometric DatabasesBaback Moghaddam, Alex Pentland. 610-615 [doi]
- Efficient Retrieval and Spatial Querying of 2D ObjectsCyrus Shahabi, Maytham Safar. 611-617 [doi]
- Efficient Retrieval by Shape ContentEuripides G. M. Petrakis, Evangelos E. Milios. 616-621 [doi]
- Classification-Driven Object-Based Image RetrievalLinhui Jia, Leslie J. Kitchen. 618-623 [doi]
- Semantic Access to a Database of Images: An Approach to Object-Related Image RetrievalAleix M. Martínez, Joan R. Serra. 624-629 [doi]
- Performance and Reliability Study for Distributed Video Servers: Mirroring or Parity?Jamel Gafsi, Ernst Biersack. 628-634 [doi]
- Gesture Based 3D Man-Machine Interaction Using a Single CameraSenthil Kumar, Jakub Segen. 630-635 [doi]
- Striping for Interactive Video: Is It Worth It?Martin Reisslein, Keith W. Ross, Subin Shrestha. 635-640 [doi]
- A Mechatronic Device for Simulating Push-Buttons and KnobsBenedetto Allotta, Valentina Colla, Gianluca Bioli. 636-642 [doi]
- A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Transmission of Interactive Media with Real-Time CharacteristicsMartin Mauve, Volker Hilt, Christoph Kuhmünch, Wolfgang Effelsberg. 641-646 [doi]
- EyesWeb - Toward Gesture and Affect Recognition in Dance/Music Interactive SystemsAntonio Camurri, Matteo Ricchetti, Riccardo Trocca. 643-648 [doi]
- CamWorks: A Video-Based Tool for Efficient Capture from Paper Source DocumentsWilliam M. Newman, Christopher R. Dance, Alex S. Taylor, Stuart A. Taylor, Michael Taylor, Tony Aldhous. 647-653 [doi]
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- Using a Taxonomy to Rationalize Multimedia DevelopmentRachelle S. Heller, C. Dianne Martin. 661-665 [doi]
- Optimally Ensured Interactive Service in Distributed Multimedia Presentation SystemsMarkus Mielke, Aidong Zhang. 661-666 [doi]
- Heterogeneous Data Integration and Presentation in Multimedia Database Management SystemsRaymond K. Wong. 666-671 [doi]
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- Extracting Motion Annotations from MPEG-2 Compressed Video for HDTV Content Management ApplicationsChitra Dorai, Vikrant Kobla. 673-678 [doi]
- Face Tracking and Realistic Animations for Telecommunicant ClonesStéphane Valente, Jean-Luc Dugelay. 678-683 [doi]
- Binkey: A System for Video Content Analysis On the Fly F. Coudert, Jenny Benois-Pineau, P.-Y. Le Lann, Dominique Barba. 679-684 [doi]
- Artistic Anatomy Based, Real-Time Reproduction of Facial Expressions in 3D Face ModelsJun Ohya, Kazuyuki Ebihara, Jun Kurumizawa. 684-689 [doi]
- Scene Determination Based on Video and Audio FeaturesRainer Lienhart, Silvia Pfeiffer, Wolfgang Effelsberg. 685-690 [doi]
- Automatic Lip Tracking: Bayesian Segmentation and Active Contours in a Cooperative SchemeMarc Liévin, Patrice Delmas, Pierre-Yves Coulon, Franck Luthon, Vincent Fristot. 691-696 [doi]
- Analysis of Multichannel Texture Representations from Video MosaicsBarbara Levienaise-Obadia, Josef Kittler, Andrew Griffin. 695-699 [doi]
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- Face Detection in Color Images Using Wavelet Packet AnalysisChristophe Garcia, G. Zikos, George Tziritas. 703-708 [doi]
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- Spatiotemporal Segmentation and Tracking of Objects for Visualization of Videoconference Image SequencesIoannis Kompatsiaris, Michael G. Strintzis. 709-713 [doi]
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- TRIUMF - A System for Remote Multimedia InterviewingMark Kiddell, Min Chen, David J. Oborne, F. W. Slater, M. McCulloch. 715-719 [doi]
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- A Bandwidth Friendly Search EngineClare Bradford, Ian W. Marshall. 720-724 [doi]
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- Efficient Access to Video Content in a Unified FrameworkYong Rui, Xiang Sean Zhou, Thomas S. Huang. 735-740 [doi]
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- Improving Broadcast News Segmentation ProcessingStanley Boykin, Andrew Merlino. 744-749 [doi]
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- Improving Color Based Video Shot DetectionWen-Yi Zhao, J. Wang, D. Bhat, K. Sakiewicz, N. Nandhakumar, W. Chang. 752-756 [doi]
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- Perceptually Based Metrics for the Evaluation of Textural Image Retrieval MethodsJanet S. Payne, Lee Hepplewhite, T. John Stonham. 793-797 [doi]
- Detection of Setting and Subject Information in Documentary VideoKim Shearer, Svetha Venkatesh. 797-801 [doi]
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