Abstract is missing.
- Three decades of data integration - All problems solved?Patrick Ziegler, Klaus R. Dittrich. 3-12
- The PLIB ontology-based approach to data integrationGuy Pierra. 13-18
- The MOMIS methodology for integrating heterogeneous data sourcesDomenico Beneventano, Sonia Bergamaschi. 19-24
- Building scalable mediator systemsChantal Reynaud. 25-30
- Representation of procedural knowledge and its use to compute a form of subsumptionYamine Aït Ameur. 31-36
- Developing re-usable interactive storytelling technologiesMarc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead. 39-44
- Connecting the real world and virtual world through gamingAdrian David Cheok, Kok Hwee Goh, Wei Liu, Jason Teo, Sze Lee Teo, Farzam Farbiz, Shang Ping Lee. 45-50
- Positive effects of entertainment technology on human behaviourMatthias Rauterberg. 51-58
- Realization of tai-chi motion using a humanoid robotTakenori Wama, Masayuki Higuchi, Hajime Sakamoto, Ryohei Nakatsu. 59-64
- Storytelling for recreating our selves - Zenetic computerNaoko Tosa. 65-70
- Interaction in a sensitive houseHenry Thomas. 71-76
- Dependable systems of the future - What is still needed?Algirdas Avizienis. 79-90
- Dependability and its threats - A taxonomyAlgirdas Avizienis, Jean-Claude Laprie, Brian Randell. 91-120
- Current research activities on dependable computing and other dependability issues in JapanYoshihiro Tohma, Masao Mukaidono. 121-134
- The evolution of dependable computing at the University of IllinoisRavishankar K. Iyer, William H. Sanders, Janak H. Patel, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk. 135-164
- Wrapping the futureTom Anderson, Brian Randell, Alexander B. Romanovsky. 165-174
- From the University of Illinois via JPL and UCLA to Vytautas Magnus University - 50 years of computer engineering by Algirdas AvizienisDavid A. Rennels, Milos D. Ercegovac. 175-190
- Airbus fly-by-wire - A total approach to dependabilityPascal Traverse, Isabelle Lacaze, Jean Souyris. 191-212
- Unique dependability issues for commercial airplane fly by wire systemsYing C. (Bob) Yeh. 213-220
- The fault-hypothesis for the time-triggered architectureHermann Kopetz. 221-234
- Communications dependability evolutionMichele Morganti. 235-240
- Intrusion tolerance for Internet applicationsYves Deswarte, David Powell. 241-256
- Static program transformations for efficient software model checkingShobha Vasudevan, Jacob A. Abraham. 257-282
- Architectural challenges for a dependable Information SocietyLuca Simoncini, Felicita Di Giandomenico, Andrea Bondavalli, Silvano Chiaradonna. 283-304
- Experimental research in dependable computing at Carnegie Mellon UniversityDaniel P. Siewiorek, Roy A. Maxion, Priya Narasimhan. 305-328
- Systems approach to computing dependability in and out of Hitachi: Concept, applications and perspectiveHirokazu Ihara, Motohisa Funabashi. 329-356
- Basic concepts of abstract interpretationPatrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot. 359-366
- TVLA: A system for generating abstract interpretersTal Lev-Ami, Roman Manevich, Shmuel Sagiv. 367-376
- aiT: worst case execution time prediction by static program analysisChristian Ferdinand, Reinhold Heckmann. 377-384
- Astrée: verification of absence of run-time errorLaurent Mauborgne. 385-392
- Industrial experience of abstract interpretation-based static analyzersJean Souyris. 393-400
- Design space for multimodal interactionLaurence Nigay. 403-408
- Software design and development of multimodal interactionMarie-Luce Bourguet. 409-414
- A generic formal specification of fusion of modalities in a multimodal HCIYamine Aït Ameur, Nadjet Kamel. 415-420
- Multimodality and multi-platform interactive systemsFabio Paternò. 421-426
- Multimodality and context-aware adaptationQuentin Limbourg, Jean Vanderdonckt. 427-432
- Towards multimodal Web interactionDave Raggett, Max Froumentin, Philipp Hoschka. 433-438
- Towards inventiveness-oriented CAI toolsDenis Cavallucci, Noel Leon. 441-452
- Exploring the inclusion of design factors in Computer Aided InventingRosario Vidal, Elena Mulet, Belinda López-Mesa, M. Jose Bellés, Graham Thompson. 453-460
- State-of-the-art and trends of Computer-Aided Innovation toolsGaetano Cascini. 461-470
- Computer aided comprehensive design for six sigma (DFSS) and axiomatic design (AD)Michael S. Slocum. 471-474
- TRIZ and Computer Aided InventingSergei Ikovenko. 475-486
- Optimization vs innovation in a CAE environmentNoel Leon, Jorge Gutierez, Oscar Martinez, Carlos Castillo Trujillo. 487-496
- Formal proof and test case generation for critical embedded systems using SCADEGuy Durrieu, Odile Laurent, Christel Seguin, Virginie Wiels. 499-504
- Safety assessment with AltaRicaPierre Bieber, Christian Bougnol, Charles Castel, Jean-Pierre Heckmann, Christophe Kehren, Sylvain Metge, Christel Seguin. 505-510
- Improving certification capability through automatic code generationNeil C. Audsley, Iain Bate, Steven Crook-Dawkins, John A. McDermid. 511-520
- Early validation of requirementsSteven P. Miller. 521-526
- Proof of properties in avionicsJean Souyris, Denis Favre-Felix. 527-536
- Running an e-learning Project: Technology, expertise, pedagogyXavier Delgado, Marie-Christine Jené. 541-550
- Learning objects interoperability: The ARIADNE experiencePhilippe Vidal, Julien Broisin, Erik Duval, Stefaan Ternier. 551-556
- An e-learning version of the French higher education curriculum: Computer methods for the companies management Gérard-Michel Cochard, Daniel Marquie. 557-572
- Perspectives on Computing for Service Providers of Intelligent EnvironmentsVijay Masurkar. 575-584
- Global Governance of the Technological RevolutionEmilio Mordini. 585-592
- e-Health - Making Healthcare Better for European CitizensDiane Whitehouse. 593-596
- Intelligent EthicsPenny Duquenoy. 597-602
- The TRain Topical Day - A forewordDines Bjørner. 605-606
- TRain: The Railway domain - A Grand Challenge for Computing Science & Transportation EngineeringDines Bjørner. 607-612
- Reusing formal modelsDenis Sabatier. 613-620
- A refinement based approach to calculating a fault tolerant railway signal deviceAlistair A. McEwan, J. C. P. Woodcock. 621-628
- From railway resource planning to train operationMartin Penicka, Dines Bjørner. 629-636
- Integrated formal methods for safety analysis of train systemsWolfgang Reif, Frank Ortmeier, Andreas Thums, Gerhard Schellhorn. 637-642
- Stochastic train domain theory frameworkTheo C. Giras, Zongli Lin. 643-650
- CyberRailTakahiko Ogino. 651-656
- Towards a formal model of CyberRailDines Bjørner, Peter Chiang, Morten S. T. Jacobsen, Jens Kielsgaard Hansen, Michael P. Madsen, Martin Penicka. 657-664
- Open source software in critical systems: Motivation and challengesPhilippe David, Hélène Waeselynck, Yves Crouzet. 667-678
- Trusting strangers: Open source software and securityCarl E. Landwehr. 679-684
- An interdisciplinary perspective of dependability in open source softwareCristina Gacek. 685-692
- Is academic open source software dependable?Shigeru Chiba. 693-698
- Open source in dependable systems: Current and future business modelsCyrille Comar, Franco Gasperoni. 699-710
- An open-source VHDL IP library with Plug&Play configurationJiri Gaisler. 711-718
- Linux: A multi-purpose executive support for civil avionics applications?Serge Goiffon, Pierre Gaufillet. 719-724
- A journey towards an OSS-aware organizationJean-Michel Tanneau. 725-734
- Social robots: Challenges for machine intelligenceRaja Chatila, Georges Giralt. 739-740
- Development of humanoids and new business structureHirochika Inoue. 741-742
- Towards robot companionsRaja Chatila. 743-744
- Roles of robots in human society: Challenges and case studiesKerstin Dautenhahn. 745-746
- Human-like motion from physiologically-based potential fieldOussama Khatib, James Warren, Vincent De Sapio, Luis Sentis. 747-748
- A Dialog Based Interactive RobotGerhard Sagerer. 749-750
- Tracking HumansBen J. A. Kröse, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Wojciech Zajdel, Zoran Zivkovic. 751-752
- Learning and Cooperative Multimodal Humanoid RobotsRüdiger Dillmann. 753-754
- From Geometric to Cognitive Maps - A Key Element for Personal RobotsRoland Siegwart, Shrihari Vasudevan, Adriana Tapus. 755-760
- Centibots: Very Large Scale Distributed Robotic TeamsKurt Konolige, Charlie Ortiz, Régis Vincent, Benoit Morisset, Andrew Agno, Michael Eriksen, Dieter Fox, Benson Limketkai, Jonathan Ko, Benjamin Stewart, Dirk Schulz. 761