Abstract is missing.
- Process Oriented, Performance Headed StrategyN. Acur, Umit S. Bititci. 1-9
- Flexible job control in heterogeneous production structuresD. Ansorge, C. Effert. 10-16
- Communication Network System for CAD of Functional DecompositionEiji Arai, Keiichi Shirase, Hidefumi Wakamatsu. 17-24
- A hierarchical model of distributed simulation of manufacturing systemsB. R. Babic, Goran D. Putnik. 25-33
- Short term production management in the context of cyclic delivery schedulesZ. Bahroun, Pierre Baptiste, J. P. Campagne, Mohamed Moalla. 34-42
- Floating beds - a flexible bed-management-system in a Swiss acute hospitalN. S. Baschung, M. Henz, T. E. Ruppli. 43-49
- The information de-coupling pointA. J. M. Beulens, M. H. Jansen, John C. Wortmann. 50-58
- Dynamics of performance measurement systemsUmit S. Bititci, Allan S. Carrie, T. Turner, P. Suwignjo. 59-66
- Flexible coordination and information sharing for virtual enterprises in PRODNETLuis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh. 67-75
- Partners search and qulaity-related information exchange in a virtual enterpriseLuis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Tiago Cardoso. 76-84
- Project management interactive learning and project oriented learning organizationsJuan L. Cano, Maria J. Sáenz, J. A. Cebollada. 85-95
- ECAS: a collaborative multi-agent system for mixed-model assembly lines programmingMaria Caridi. 96-104
- Trends in planning and control systems: APS - ERP integrationMaria Caridi, Asianesi Sianesi. 105-111
- Clusters - the basis of competitionAllan S. Carrie. 112-119
- Assessing the performances of a market-like model through an experimental comparison with dispatching rulesSergio Cavalieri, Marco Garetti, Marco Macchi, M. Taisch. 120-127
- Integrated electronic commerce: an international laboratory for business-to-business integrationP. K. Chang, Thomas R. Gulledge, P. Litvak, P. Norton, Rainer A. Sommer, Amy J. C. Trappey, Charles V. Trappey. 128-135
- Systems innovation toolsKathryn Cormican, David O Sullivan. 136-143
- Management and optimization of multiple supply chainsJ. Dorn. 144-151
- A neural network approach to dynamic job shop schedulingT. Eguchi, F. Oba, T. Hirai. 152-159
- Supply chain management by using the electronic assistantJens Eschenbächer, E. Cocquebert. 160-168
- A modelling formalism for distributed manufacturing simulatorSusumu Fujii, Toshiya Kaihara, Hiroshi Morita, A. Ouchi. 169-176
- Statechart and automations in the supervisory robust controlS. Hadji, Joël Favrel. 177-184
- Interorganizational patterns in collaboration - implications for Danish manufacturing industryM. W. Hansen, Charles Møller. 185-192
- Knowledge management in Europe - results from a European surveyPeter Heisig, Kai Mertins. 193-200
- The development of a method for integration between different types of simulatorsH. Hibino, Y. Fukuda, M. Nakano, S. Sato. 201-211
- New generation of information system for the extended enterpriseRalf Hieber, Robert Alard. 212-218
- Performance measurement for planning and control in SMEsM. Hudson, J. P. Bennett, A. Smart, M. Bourne. 219-225
- A reactive self-organised scheduling based on multi-agent paradigmToshiya Kaihara, Susumu Fujii, S. Kunimasa. 226-235
- A quality function deployment model of best practices in customer-supplier relationsshipsA. K. Kochhar, M. K. Saeed. 235-242
- Performance managementOliver Krause, Kai Mertins. 243-251
- The re-configurable enterprise - dynamic behaviour in manufacturing systemsHermann Kühnle, D. Markfort. 252-259
- CODA - Communication diagnosisHermann Kühnle, Sven Mertens. 260-266
- Challenge information logistics in decentralised structuresHermann Kühnle, Karl-Heinz Sternemann. 267-275
- Tool for the evaluation of cooperations for product development between SMEsHermann Kühnle, G. Wagenhaus. 276-283
- Supply chain management with a strategic modelling and simulation tool for virtual suppliesHeli Laurikkala, E. Pajarre. 284-291
- How can simulation help in supply chain development?Juha-Matti Lehtonen, J. Holmström. 292-299
- Concepts & tools for manufacturing planning, control and performance managementH. Lengning. 300-309
- Integration of modeling and simulation of a production system using generalised stochastic petri netsV. I. N. Lepoulos, M. Tsokounoglou, L. Tsikonis. 310-317
- Development of planning and scheduling reference models using the aris method & toolsetDavid Little, J. Keith Porter, Matthew Peck, Ralph Rollins. 318-323
- Applying data mining to data analysis in manufacturingHideyuki Maki, Akira Maeda, T. Morita, Hiroyuji Akimori. 324-331
- How to approach and implement strategic outsourcing programme in a global context - case study of Danish industrial enterpriseJesper Momme, Hans-Henrik Hvolby. 332-339
- IT tools for communication in multi-site manufacturing firmsJan Olhager, M. Jessen. 340-347
- Concept of an integrated decision-making support and assessment systemJ. Petermann, S. Wirth. 348-356
- Improving product development: Towards a framework for integrating artefact and process modelsMervi Ranta, Martti Mäntylä, Riitta Smeds, Päivi Haho, Jukka Alvesalo. 357-365
- The learning curve revisited. A study in four companiesB. O. Rorsted. 366-374
- Workflow management: enabling process integration in production managementMichael Rosemann, Christoph von Uthmann, D. Frink. 375-383
- Simulation in material flow designJ. P. Saranen. 384-390
- Process configuration - combining the principles of product configuration and process planningKarsten Schierholt. 391-398
- Configuration of virtual value chainsK. Schliffenbacher, W. Rudorfer, G. Reinhart. 399-407
- Varying concepts of planning and control in dependency upon characteristic features of logistics, branches and IT-supportPaul Schönsleben. 408-415
- Chaos detection and control in production systemsBernd Scholz-Reiter, Michael Freitag. 416-423
- Knowledge management to achieve the zero-error-goal in small batch assemblyG. Seliger, M. Thie. 424-431
- Competitive production networks through software-based reengineering and added value networksWilfried Sihn, Ute Mussbach-Winter, Th. Hägele, O. Deutsch. 432-439
- Knowledge management in global product development: cultural and technological differencesRiitta Smeds, Jenny Amelingmeyer, A. Kalvelage, M. Corso, P. Olivari. 440-448
- Formal description technique SDL for manufacturing systems specification and descriptionR. M. Sousa, Goran D. Putnik. 449-456
- Context sensitive provision of enterprise information with a hypermedia based open system architectureDieter Spath, Karl-Heinz Sternemann. 457-465
- Object-oriented simulation of real-time scheduling in holonic manufacturing systemsNobuhiro Sugimura, Yoshitaka Tanimizu, S. Ae. 466-473
- Procurement of information technology as an integral part of business process improvementH. Sundmaeker. 474-481
- A simulation engine to support production scheduling using genetics-based machine learningH. Tamaki, Victor V. Kryssanov, S. Kitamura. 482-489
- Multiobjective combinatorial optimization for performance evaluation by a metaheuristic satisficing tradeoff methodHiroyuki Tamura, Tomohiro Shibata, Itsuo Hatono. 490-497
- Business process assessment using discrete simulationIlias P. Tatsiopoulos, N. A. Panayiotou, S. T. Ponis. 498-504
- Ensuring innovation competence in companies in emerging markets through the introduction of new quality methodsM. Thie, L. Grotrian-Pahl, G. Dias da Cunha, J. L. Duarte Ribeiro, K. Narashiman. 505-513
- Evaluation of three methods for supply chain modellingJ. H. Trienekens, Hans-Henrik Hvolby. 514-521
- Eliminating hurdles to trust in electronic commerceRoelof J. van den Berg, J. M. van Lieshout. 522-529
- Experimental comparison of control architecturesJ. M. van de Mortel-Fronczak, J. P. M. Schmitz, J. E. Rooda. 530-537
- Servitization in the automotive sector: creating value and competitive advantage through service after salesSven Verstrepen, Dirk Deschoolmeester, Roelof van den Berg. 538-545
- Management of distributed capacities in variable production networksHans-Peter Wiendahl, Stefan Lutz, K. Helms. 546-555
- An object-oriented assembly modeling approachY. Yue, O. W. Salomons, H. J. J. Kals, F. J. A. M. van Houten. 556-564
- A simulation based approach for analysing benefits of workflow system integration in customer order processingGert Zülch, Oliver Strate. 565-572