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- Optimal Spectrum Sharing for Multi-Hop Software Defined Radio NetworksYiwei Thomas Hou, Yi Shi, Hanif D. Sherali. 1-9 [doi]
- Efficient Retrieval of User Contents in MANETsMarco Fiore, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini. 10-18 [doi]
- Performance of Random Access Scheduling Schemes in Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksChanghee Joo, Ness B. Shroff. 19-27 [doi]
- Link Scheduling for Minimum Delay in Spatial Re-Use TDMAPetar Djukic, Shahrokh Valaee. 28-36 [doi]
- Discrete Power Control: Cooperative and Non-Cooperative OptimizationEitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Gregory Miller, Balakrishna Prabhu. 37-45 [doi]
- Transmit Power Distribution of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Topology ControlDan Avidor, Sayandev Mukherjee, Furuzan Atay Onat. 46-52 [doi]
- Achievable Rate Region for Wireless Systems with Time Varying ChannelsMurali S. Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman. 53-61 [doi]
- QoS-Driven Power Allocation Over Parallel Fading Channels With Imperfect Channel Estimations in Wireless NetworksJia Tang, Xi Zhang. 62-70 [doi]
- DEFT: Distributed Exponentially-Weighted Flow SplittingDahai Xu, Mung Chiang, Jennifer Rexford. 71-79 [doi]
- On the Optimality and Interconnection of Valiant Load-Balancing NetworksMoshe Babaioff, John Chuang. 80-88 [doi]
- Disruption Free Topology Reconfiguration in OSPF NetworksPierre Francois, Mike Shand, Olivier Bonaventure. 89-97 [doi]
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- Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks Using Connectivity InformationRitesh Maheshwari, Jie Gao, Samir R. Das. 107-115 [doi]
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- Communication-Efficient Online Detection of Network-Wide AnomaliesLing Huang, XuanLong Nguyen, Minos N. Garofalakis, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael I. Jordan, Anthony D. Joseph, Nina Taft. 134-142 [doi]
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- When TCP Friendliness Becomes HarmfulAmit Mondal, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic. 152-160 [doi]
- An Accurate Link Model and Its Application to Stability Analysis of FAST TCPAo Tang, Krister Jacobsson, Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Steven H. Low. 161-169 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Scalable Congestion Control Schemes for Elastic Traffic in Cellular Networks with Power ControlBartlomiej Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray. 170-178 [doi]
- Revenue Focused Protection for VOD in DWDM RingsOrnan Ori Gerstel, Galen H. Sasaki, Ashok Balasubramanian. 179-187 [doi]
- Blocking in Reconfigurable Optical NetworksOnur Turkcu, Suresh Subramaniam. 188-196 [doi]
- Lexicographic Fairness in WDM Optical Cross-ConnectsSatya Ranjan Mohanty, Laxmi N. Bhuyan. 197-205 [doi]
- Global Convergence of An Iterative Gradient Algorithm for The Nash Equilibrium in An Extended OSNR GameYan Pan, Lacra Pavel. 206-212 [doi]
- Optimal Pricing in a Free Market Wireless NetworkMichael J. Neely. 213-221 [doi]
- The Impact of Stochastic Noisy Feedback on Distributed Network Utility MaximizationJunshan Zhang, Dong Zheng, Mung Chiang. 222-230 [doi]
- Min-Cost Multicast of Selfish Information FlowsZongpeng Li. 231-239 [doi]
- Addressing Click Fraud in Content Delivery SystemsSaugat Majumdar, Dhananjay Kulkarni, Chinya V. Ravishankar. 240-248 [doi]
- Toward Optimal Data Aggregation in Random Wireless Sensor NetworksRong Zheng, Richard J. Barton. 249-257 [doi]
- An Optimal Algorithm for Minimizing Energy Consumption while Limiting Maximum Delay in a Mesh Sensor NetworkReuven Cohen, Boris Kapchits. 258-266 [doi]
- Tradeoff Between Lifetime and Rate Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross Layer ApproachJunhua Zhu, Shan Chen, Brahim Bensaou, Ka-Lok Hung. 267-275 [doi]
- Cost and Collision Minimizing Forwarding Schemes for Wireless Sensor NetworksMichele Rossi, Nicola Bui, Michele Zorzi. 276-284 [doi]
- Resolving Collisions Via Incremental Redundancy: ARQ DiversityYoung-Han Nam, Praveen Kumar Gopala, Hesham El Gamal. 285-293 [doi]
- On Optimal MAC Scheduling With Physical InterferenceYung Yi, Gustavo de Veciana, Sanjay Shakkottai. 294-302 [doi]
- Cooperating with Smartness: Using Heterogeneous Smart Antennas in Ad-Hoc NetworksKarthikeyan Sundaresan, Raghupathy Sivakumar. 303-311 [doi]
- Packet Loss Characterization in WiFi-Based Long Distance NetworksAnmol Sheth, Sergiu Nedevschi, Rabin K. Patra, Sonesh Surana, Eric A. Brewer, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian. 312-320 [doi]
- A Proxy View of Quality of Domain Name ServiceLihua Yuan, Krishna Kant, Prasant Mohapatra, Chen-Nee Chuah. 321-329 [doi]
- Cooperative Inter-Domain Traffic Engineering Using Nash Bargaining and DecompositionGireesh Shrimali, Aditya Akella, Almir Mutapcic. 330-338 [doi]
- A Framework for Measuring and Predicting the Impact of Routing ChangesYing Zhang, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Jia Wang. 339-347 [doi]
- Understanding BGP Session Failures in a Large ISPLan Wang, Malleswari Saranu, Joel Gottlieb, Dan Pei. 348-356 [doi]
- On the Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Under General Node MobilityMichele Garetto, Paolo Giaccone, Emilio Leonardi. 357-365 [doi]
- Nearly Constant Approximation for Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor NetworksScott C.-H. Huang, Peng-Jun Wan, Chinh T. Vu, Yingshu Li, F. Frances Yao. 366-372 [doi]
- A Graph-Based Model for Disconnected Ad Hoc NetworksFrancesco De Pellegrini, Daniele Miorandi, Iacopo Carreras, Imrich Chlamtac. 373-381 [doi]
- Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Linear Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc NetworksAyfer Özgür, Olivier Lévêque, David N. C. Tse. 382-390 [doi]
- Residual-Based Measurement of Peer and Link Lifetimes in Gnutella NetworksXiaoming Wang, Zhongmei Yao, Dmitri Loguinov. 391-399 [doi]
- Queuing Delays in Randomized Load Balanced NetworksRavi Prasad, Peter J. Winzer, Sem C. Borst, Marina Thottan. 400-408 [doi]
- Performance Evaluation of Loss Networks via Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product AlgorithmJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda. 409-417 [doi]
- Reverse Engineering TCP/IP-Like Networks Using Delay-Sensitive Utility FunctionsJohn Pongsajapan, Steven H. Low. 418-426 [doi]
- Non-Cooperative Scheduling of Multiple Bag-of-Task ApplicationsArnaud Legrand, Corinne Touati. 427-435 [doi]
- Sorting Packets by Packet Schedulers Using a Connected Trie Data StructureMichael E. Kounavis, Alok Kumar, Raj Yavatkar. 436-444 [doi]
- Iterative Scheduling AlgorithmsMohsen Bayati, Balaji Prabhakar, Devavrat Shah, Mayank Sharma. 445-453 [doi]
- Adaptive Max-Min Fair Scheduling in Buffered Crossbar Switches Without SpeedupXiao Zhang, Satya Ranjan Mohanty, Laxmi N. Bhuyan. 454-462 [doi]
- Preemptive Strategies to Improve Routing Performance of Native and Overlay LayersSrinivasan Seetharaman, Volker Hilt, Markus Hofmann, Mostafa H. Ammar. 463-471 [doi]
- Self-Configuring Information Management for Large-Scale Service OverlaysJin Liang, Xiaohui Gu, Klara Nahrstedt. 472-480 [doi]
- Strategies of Conflict in Coexisting Streaming OverlaysChuan Wu, Baochun Li. 481-489 [doi]
- Implications of Selfish Neighbor Selection in Overlay NetworksNikolaos Laoutaris, Georgios Smaragdakis, Azer Bestavros, John W. Byers. 490-498 [doi]
- Polynomial Complexity Algorithms for Full Utilization of Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksAtilla Eryilmaz, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Eytan Modiano. 499-507 [doi]
- On Cooperation in Energy Limited Wireless NetworksLifeng Lai, Hesham El Gamal. 508-516 [doi]
- Capacity Deficit in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Due to Geographic Routing OverheadsNabhendra Bisnik, Alhussein A. Abouzeid. 517-525 [doi]
- Optimal Rate-Reliability-Delay Tradeoff in Networks with Composite LinksYing Li, Mung Chiang, A. Robert Calderbank, Suhas N. Diggavi. 526-534 [doi]
- Interference Mitigation Through Power Control in High Density 802.11 WLANsVivek Mhatre, Konstantina Papagiannaki, François Baccelli. 535-543 [doi]
- Distributed Relay Selection and Power Control for Multiuser Cooperative Communication Networks Using Buyer/Seller GameBeibei Wang, Zhu Han, K. J. Ray Liu. 544-552 [doi]
- The Power Balancing Problem in Energy Constrained Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksRandeep Bhatia, Abhishek Kashyap, Erran L. Li. 553-561 [doi]
- Point-Casting Service in Wireless NetworksZhengrong Ji, Maneesh Varshney, Junlan Zhou, Rajive Bagrodia. 562-570 [doi]
- Statistical Multiplexing Over DSL NetworksJianwei Huang, Chee-Wei Tan, Mung Chiang, Raphael Cendrillon. 571-579 [doi]
- Increasing Capacity Through the Use of the Timing Channel in Power-Constrained Satellite NetworksGiacomo Morabito. 580-588 [doi]
- Service Charge and Energy-Aware Vertical Handoff in Integrated IEEE 802.16e/802.11 NetworksYoungkyu Choi, Sunghyun Choi. 589-597 [doi]
- Routing and Channel Allocation in Rural Wireless Mesh NetworksPartha Dutta, Sharad Jaiswal, Rajeev Rastogi. 598-606 [doi]
- Enabling Confidentiality of Data Delivery in an Overlay Broadcasting SystemRuben Torres, Xin Sun, Aaron Walters, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Sanjay G. Rao. 607-615 [doi]
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- Tracing Traffic through Intermediate Hosts that Repacketize FlowsYoung June Pyun, Young Hee Park, Xinyuan Wang, Douglas S. Reeves, Peng Ning. 634-642 [doi]
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- Landmark Selection and Greedy Landmark-Descent Routing for Sensor NetworksAn Nguyen, Nikola Milosavljevic, Qing Fang, Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas. 661-669 [doi]
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- Non-Adaptive Fault Diagnosis for All-Optical Networks via Combinatorial Group Testing on GraphsNicholas J. A. Harvey, Mihai Patrascu, Yonggang Wen, Sergey Yekhanin, Vincent W. S. Chan. 697-705 [doi]
- Optimal-Complexity Optical RouterHadas Kogan, Isaac Keslassy. 706-714 [doi]
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- Bounds on the Gain of Network Coding and Broadcasting in Wireless NetworksJunning Liu, Dennis Goeckel, Donald F. Towsley. 724-732 [doi]
- Minimum-Latency Broadcast Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksScott C.-H. Huang, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiaohua Jia, Hongwei Du, Weiping Shang. 733-739 [doi]
- A Constant Approximation Algorithm for Interference Aware Broadcast in Wireless NetworksZhenming Chen, Chunming Qiao, Jinhui Xu, Taekkyeun Lee. 740-748 [doi]
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- Performance Implication of Environmental Mobility in Wireless NetworksManeesh Varshney, Rajive Bagrodia. 767-775 [doi]
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- Connectivity and Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks with Channel Switching ConstraintsVartika Bhandari, Nitin H. Vaidya. 785-793 [doi]
- Achievable Capacity Under the Interference Temperature ModelThomas C. Clancy. 794-802 [doi]
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- Using Online Traffic Statistical Matching for Optimizing Packet Filtering PerformanceAdel El-Atawy, Taghrid Samak, Ehab Al-Shaer, Hong Li. 866-874 [doi]
- Scalable Secure Bidirectional Group CommunicationYitao Duan, John F. Canny. 875-883 [doi]
- Malicious Users in Unstructured NetworksGeorge Theodorakopoulos, John S. Baras. 884-891 [doi]
- Can Retransmissions of Superexponential Documents Cause Subexponential Delays?Predrag R. Jelenkovic, Jian Tan. 892-900 [doi]
- Stability of Networks with Age-Based SchedulingPatrick Brown. 901-909 [doi]
- Stochastic Ordering for Internet Congestion Control and its ApplicationsHan Cai, Do Young Eun, Sangtae Ha, Injong Rhee, Lisong Xu. 910-918 [doi]
- Stochastic Fluid Theory for P2P Streaming SystemsRakesh Kumar, Yong Liu, Keith W. Ross. 919-927 [doi]
- Stream: Low Overhead Wireless Reprogramming for Sensor NetworksRajesh Krishna Panta, Issa Khalil, Saurabh Bagchi. 928-936 [doi]
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- Scalability of Routing Tables in Wireless NetworksPetar Momcilovic. 1262-1270 [doi]
- Neighborhood Watch for Internet Routing: Can We Improve the Robustness of Internet Routing Today?Georgos Siganos, Michalis Faloutsos. 1271-1279 [doi]
- Load Balancing in the Internet with Strict Delay ConstraintsMatthew Andrews. 1280-1288 [doi]
- On the Detection of Signaling DoS Attacks on 3G Wireless NetworksPatrick P. C. Lee, Tian Bu, Thomas Y. C. Woo. 1289-1297 [doi]
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- Rate-Adaptive Framing for Interfered Wireless NetworksChun-Cheng Chen, Haiyun Luo, Eunsoo Seo, Nitin H. Vaidya, Xudong Wang. 1325-1333 [doi]
- Acyclic Type of Relationships Between Autonomous SystemsRami Cohen, Danny Raz. 1334-1342 [doi]
- Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction via End-to-End InferencePatrick P. C. Lee, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein. 1343-1351 [doi]
- A Multipath Background Network ArchitectureRavi Kokku, Aniruddha Bohra, Samrat Ganguly, Arun Venkataramani. 1352-1360 [doi]
- CR Switch: A Load-Balanced Switch with Contention and ReservationChao-Lin Yu, Cheng-Shang Chang, Duan-Shin Lee. 1361-1369 [doi]
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- On the Extreme Parallelism Inside Next-Generation Network ProcessorsLei Shi, Yue Zhang, Jianming Yu, Bo Xu, Bin Liu, Jun Li. 1379-1387 [doi]
- Space-Efficient TCAM-Based Classification Using Gray CodingAnat Bremler-Barr, Danny Hendler. 1388-1396 [doi]
- Congestion Control in Distributed Media StreamingLin Ma, Wei Tsang Ooi. 1397-1405 [doi]
- Balancing Interruption Frequency and Buffering Penalties in VBR Video StreamingGuanfeng Liang, Ben Liang. 1406-1414 [doi]
- PRIME: Peer-to-Peer Receiver-drIven MEsh-Based StreamingNazanin Magharei, Reza Rejaie. 1415-1423 [doi]
- Mesh or Multiple-Tree: A Comparative Study of Live P2P Streaming ApproachesNazanin Magharei, Reza Rejaie, Yang Guo. 1424-1432 [doi]
- How Optimal are Wireless Scheduling Protocols?Thomas Moscibroda, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Roger Wattenhofer. 1433-1441 [doi]
- Non-Cooperative Multi-Radio Channel Allocation in Wireless NetworksMárk Félegyházi, Mario Cagalj, Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Jean-Pierre Hubaux. 1442-1450 [doi]
- Measurement-Based Self Organization of Interfering 802.11 Wireless Access NetworksBruno Kauffmann, François Baccelli, Augustin Chaintreau, Vivek Mhatre, Konstantina Papagiannaki, Christophe Diot. 1451-1459 [doi]
- On the Performance Analysis of Network-Coded Cooperation in Wireless NetworksCong Peng, Qian Zhang, Ming Zhao 0001, Yan Yao. 1460-1468 [doi]
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- Performance Comparison of Detection Schemes for MAC Layer MisbehaviorAlvaro A. Cárdenas, Svetlana Radosavac, John S. Baras. 1496-1504 [doi]
- Optimal Provisioning of Elastic Service AvailabilityDahai Xu, Ying Li, Mung Chiang, A. Robert Calderbank. 1505-1513 [doi]
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- A Distributed Policy Scheduling for Wireless Sensor NetworksYu Chen, Eric Fleury. 1559-1567 [doi]
- Energy Efficient Sleep/Wake Scheduling for Multi-Hop Sensor Networks: Non-Convexity and Approximation AlgorithmYan Wu, Sonia Fahmy, Ness B. Shroff. 1568-1576 [doi]
- A Framework for Tiered Service in MPLS NetworksGeorge N. Rouskas, Nikhil Baradwaj. 1577-1585 [doi]
- Heavy-Traffic Delay Minimization in Bandwidth-Sharing NetworksMaaike Verloop, Sem C. Borst. 1586-1594 [doi]
- Rate-Distortion Optimized Network CommunicationNima Sarshar, Xiaolin Wu. 1595-1603 [doi]
- Fairness in Capacitated Networks: A Polyhedral ApproachGábor Rétvári, József Bíró, Tibor Cinkler. 1604-1612 [doi]
- Per-Flow Queueing by Dynamic Queue SharingChengchen Hu, Yi Tang, Xuefei Chen, Bin Liu. 1613-1621 [doi]
- Iteration-Shared Scheduling Algorithms Abolishing the Departure-Time-Compatible Graph in Switch-Memory-Switch SwitchesYang Xu, Bin Liu, Gao Xia, Dong Lin. 1622-1630 [doi]
- Low-Complexity Distributed Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless NetworksAbhinav Gupta, Xiaojun Lin, R. Srikant. 1631-1639 [doi]
- Throughput-Optimal Scheduling in Multichannel Access Point Networks Under Infrequent Channel MeasurementsKoushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswati Sarkar. 1640-1648 [doi]
- Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks: Problems and AlgorithmsWeiyi Zhang, Guoliang Xue, Satyajayant Misra. 1649-1657 [doi]
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