Abstract is missing.
- Efficient caching in content-centric networks using OpenFlowXuan Nam Nguyen, Damien Saucez, Thierry Turletti. 1-2 [doi]
- Impact of a sleep schedule on the AODV convergence time in WSNsMathieu Michel, Bruno Quoitin. 3-4 [doi]
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- On the impact of disorder on dynamic network navigationAnh Dung Nguyen, Patrick Sénac, Michel Diaz. 17-18 [doi]
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- Data dissemination bounds in people-centric systemsKamini Garg. 23-24 [doi]
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- An adaptive approximation algorithm for community detection in dynamic scale-free networksThang N. Dinh, Nam P. Nguyen, My T. Thai. 55-59 [doi]
- Effect of constraints on superpeer topologiesJoydeep Chandra, Bivas Mitra, Niloy Ganguly. 60-64 [doi]
- ROOM: Rule Organized Optimal Matching for fine-grained traffic identificationHao Li, Chengchen Hu. 65-69 [doi]
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- Understanding geolocation accuracy using network geometryBrian Eriksson, Mark Crovella. 75-79 [doi]
- A technique for counting DNSSEC validatorsKensuke Fukuda, Shinta Sato, Takeshi Mitamura. 80-84 [doi]
- A network calculus for cache networksElisha J. Rosensweig, Jim Kurose. 85-89 [doi]
- αRoute: A name based routing scheme for Information Centric NetworksReaz Ahmed, Md. Faizul Bari, Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury, Md. Golam Rabbani, Raouf Boutaba, Bertrand Mathieu. 90-94 [doi]
- NameFilter: Achieving fast name lookup with low memory cost via applying two-stage Bloom filtersYi Wang, Tian Pan, Zhian Mi, Huichen Dai, Xiaoyu Guo, Ting Zhang, Bin Liu, Qunfeng Dong. 95-99 [doi]
- Cooperative caching through routing control in information-centric networksSumanta Saha, Andrey Lukyanenko, Antti Ylä-Jääski. 100-104 [doi]
- A-VIP: Anonymous verification and inference of positions in vehicular networksFrancesco Malandrino, Claudio Ettore Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Marco Fiore, Roberto Sadao Yokoyama, Carlo Borgiattino. 105-109 [doi]
- How shadowing hurts vehicular communications and how dynamic beaconing can helpChristoph Sommer, Stefan Joerer, Michele Segata, Ozan K. Tonguz, Renato Lo Cigno, Falko Dressler. 110-114 [doi]
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- Beam scheduling and relay assignment in wireless relay networks with smart antennasBrendan Mumey, Jian Tang, Ivan R. Judson, Richard S. Wolff. 130-134 [doi]
- Maximizing wireless network capacity with linear power: Breaking the logarithmic barrierPeng-Jun Wan, Lei Wang, Chao Ma, Zhu Wang, Boliu Xu, Minming Li. 135-139 [doi]
- Concurrent channel access and estimation for scalable multiuser MIMO networkingTsung-Han Lin, H. T. Kung. 140-144 [doi]
- LCS: Compressive sensing based device-free localization for multiple targets in sensor networksJu Wang, Dingyi Fang, XiaoJiang Chen, Zhe Yang, Tianzhang Xing, Lin Cai. 145-149 [doi]
- Medium access control protocol design for sensors powered by wireless energy transferPrusayon Nintanavongsa, M. Yousof Naderi, Kaushik R. Chowdhury. 150-154 [doi]
- DAMson: On distributed sensing scheduling to achieve high Quality of MonitoringShaoJie Tang, Jing Yuan. 155-159 [doi]
- Quick construction of data-driven models of the short-term behavior of wireless linksAnkur Kamthe, Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, Alberto Cerpa. 160-164 [doi]
- Utility-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheduling in cognitive radio networksHongjuan Li, Xiuzhen Cheng, Keqiu Li, Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing. 165-169 [doi]
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- Cooperative relay selection in cognitive radio networksTao Jing, Shixiang Zhu, Hongjuan Li, Xiuzhen Cheng, Yan Huo. 175-179 [doi]
- TAMES: A Truthful Auction Mechanism for heterogeneous spectrum allocationYanjiao Chen, Jin Zhang, Kaishun Wu, Qian Zhang. 180-184 [doi]
- Joint design of Dynamic Scheduling and Pricing in wireless cloud computingShaolei Ren, Mihaela van der Schaar. 185-189 [doi]
- Energy-efficient scheduling policy for collaborative execution in mobile cloud computingWeiwen Zhang, Yonggang Wen, Dapeng Oliver Wu. 190-194 [doi]
- eTime: Energy-efficient transmission between cloud and mobile devicesPeng Shu, Fangming Liu, Hai Jin, Min Chen, Feng Wen, Yupeng Qu, Bo Li. 195-199 [doi]
- Is link signature dependable for wireless security?Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai, Wenbo Shen, Peng Ning. 200-204 [doi]
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- Video source identification in lossy wireless networksShaxun Chen, Amit Pande, Kai Zeng, Prasant Mohapatra. 215-219 [doi]
- Understanding user behavior in SpotifyBoxun Zhang, Gunnar Kreitz, Marcus Isaksson, Javier Ubillos, Guido Urdaneta, Johan A. Pouwelse, Dick H. J. Epema. 220-224 [doi]
- Mixture models of endhost network trafficJohn Mark Agosta, Jaideep Chandrashekar, Mark Crovella, Nina Taft, Daniel Ting. 225-229 [doi]
- Exploring the cloud from passive measurements: The Amazon AWS caseIgnacio Bermudez, Stefano Traverso, Marco Mellia, Maurizio M. Munafò. 230-234 [doi]
- Predicting user dissatisfaction with Internet application performance at end-hostsDiana Joumblatt, Jaideep Chandrashekar, Branislav Kveton, Nina Taft, Renata Teixeira. 235-239 [doi]
- Experimental evaluation of content distribution with NDN and HTTPHaowei Yuan, Patrick Crowley. 240-244 [doi]
- Dynamic in-network caching for energy efficient content deliveryJaime Llorca, Antonia Maria Tulino, Kyle Guan, Jairo O. Esteban, Matteo Varvello, Nakjung Choi, Daniel C. Kilper. 245-249 [doi]
- Effectively minimizing redundant Internet streaming traffic to iOS devicesYao Liu, Fei Li, Lei Guo, Bo Shen, Songqing Chen. 250-254 [doi]
- Content-aware network data compression using joint memorization and clusteringMohsen Sardari, Ahmad Beirami, Jun Zou, Faramarz Fekri. 255-259 [doi]
- Wireless network coding: Deciding when to flip the switchAhmed Osama Fathy Atya, Ioannis Broustis, Shailendra Singh, Dimitris Syrivelis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Thomas F. La Porta. 260-264 [doi]
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- Untraceability of mobile devices in wireless mesh networks using linear network codingJin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao. 270-274 [doi]
- Coding Opportunity Aware Backbone metrics for broadcast in wireless networksShuai Wang, Guang Tan, Yunhuai Liu, Hongbo Jiang, Tian He. 275-279 [doi]
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- Medial axis construction and applications in 3D wireless sensor networksSu-Xia, Ning Ding, Miao Jin, Hongyi Wu, Yang Yang. 305-309 [doi]
- Efficient data gathering using Compressed Sparse FunctionsLiwen Xu, Xiao Qi, Yuexuan Wang, Thomas Moscibroda. 310-314 [doi]
- R3: Optimizing relocatable code for efficient reprogramming in networked embedded systemsWei Dong, Biyuan Mo, Chao Huang, Yunhao Liu, Chun Chen. 315-319 [doi]
- Criticality of large delay tolerant networks via directed continuum percolation in space-timeEsa Hyytiä, Jörg Ott. 320-324 [doi]
- On the insensitivity of user distribution in multicell networks under general mobility and session patternsWei Bao, Ben Liang. 325-329 [doi]
- Call admission control for real-time applications in wireless networkSiddhant Agrawal, Prasanna Chaporkar, Rajan Udwani. 330-334 [doi]
- Distributed admission control without knowledge of the capacity regionJuan José Jaramillo, Lei Ying. 335-339 [doi]
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- Multicast fat-tree data center networks with bounded link oversubscriptionZhiyang Guo, Yuanyuan Yang. 350-354 [doi]
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- Moving big data to the cloudLinquan Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Chuanxiong Guo, Minghua Chen, Francis C. M. Lau. 405-409 [doi]
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- Beneficial cooperation ratio in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networksYong Zhou, Weihua Zhuang. 450-454 [doi]
- Low-latency multi-flow broadcasts in fading wireless networksChenxi Qiu, Lei Yu, Haiying Shen, Sohraab Soltani. 455-459 [doi]
- Beyond interference avoidance: Distributed sub-network scheduling in wireless networks with local viewsPedro E. Santacruz, Vaneet Aggarwal, Ashutosh Sabharwal. 460-464 [doi]
- Cut graph based information storage and retrieval in 3D sensor networks with general topologyYang Yang, Miao Jin, Yao Zhao, Hongyi Wu. 465-469 [doi]
- Barrier coverage in wireless sensor networks: From lined-based to curve-based deploymentShibo He, Xiaowen Gong, Junshan Zhang, Jiming Chen, Youxian Sun. 470-474 [doi]
- Reduction algorithm for simplicial complexesAnais Vergne, Laurent Decreusefond, Philippe Martins. 475-479 [doi]
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- Towards accurate acoustic localization on a smartphoneKaikai Liu, Xinxin Liu, Lulu Xie, Xiaolin Li 0001. 495-499 [doi]
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- A contribution to analyzing and enhancing Darknet routingStefanie Roos, Thorsten Strufe. 615-619 [doi]
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- Understanding Blackholes in large-scale Cognitive Radio Networks under generic failuresLei Sun, Wenye Wang. 728-736 [doi]
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- Using Poisson processes to model lattice cellular networksBartlomiej Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Holger Paul Keeler. 773-781 [doi]
- Cooperative cell outage detection in Self-Organizing femtocell networksWei Wang, Jin Zhang, Qian Zhang. 782-790 [doi]
- D2Taint: Differentiated and dynamic information flow tracking on smartphones for numerous data sourcesBoxuan Gu, Xinfeng Li, Gang Li, Adam C. Champion, Zhezhe Chen, Feng Qin, Dong Xuan. 791-799 [doi]
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- An economic analysis of regulating security investments in the InternetM. H. R. Khouzani, Soumya Sen, Ness B. Shroff. 818-826 [doi]
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- Profit incentive in a secondary spectrum market: A contract design approachShang-Pin Sheng, Mingyan Liu. 836-844 [doi]
- On the nature of revenue-sharing contracts to incentivize spectrum-sharingRandall Berry, Michael L. Honig, Thanh Nguyen, Vijay G. Subramanian, Hang Zhou, Rakesh Vohra. 845-853 [doi]
- Joint request mapping and response routing for geo-distributed cloud servicesHong Xu, Baochun Li. 854-862 [doi]
- On the steady-state of cache networksElisha J. Rosensweig, Daniel Sadoc Menasché, Jim Kurose. 863-871 [doi]
- On arbitrating the power-performance tradeoff in SaaS cloudsZhi Zhou, Fangming Liu, Hai Jin, Bo Li 0001, Baochun Li, Hongbo Jiang. 872-880 [doi]
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- An efficient protocol for RFID multigroup threshold-based classificationWen Luo, Yan Qiao, Shigang Chen. 890-898 [doi]
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- Protocol-level hidden server discoveryZhen Ling, Junzhou Luo, Kui Wu, Xinwen Fu. 1043-1051 [doi]
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- Economic analysis of 4G network upgradeLingjie Duan, Jianwei Huang, Jean C. Walrand. 1070-1078 [doi]
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- Competitive ratio analysis of online algorithms to minimize packet transmission time in energy harvesting communication systemRahul Vaze. 1115-1123 [doi]
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