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- Computational Pathology Analysis of Tissue Microarrays Predicts Survival of Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma PatientsThomas J. Fuchs, Peter J. Wild, Holger Moch, Joachim M. Buhmann. 1-8 [doi]
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- Location Registration and Recognition (LRR) for Longitudinal Evaluation of Corresponding Regions in CT VolumesMichal Sofka, Charles V. Stewart. 989-997 [doi]
- Reducing Motion Artifacts in 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Non-linear RegistrationTobias Böhler, Heinz-Otto Peitgen. 998-1005 [doi]
- Semi-automatic Reference Standard Construction for Quantitative Evaluation of Lung CT RegistrationKeelin Murphy, Bram van Ginneken, Josien P. W. Pluim, Stefan Klein, Marius Staring. 1006-1013 [doi]
- Automatic Deformable Diffusion Tensor Registration for Fiber Population AnalysisM. Okan Irfanoglu, Raghu Machiraju, Steffen Sammet, Carlo Pierpaoli, Michael V. Knopp. 1014-1022 [doi]
- Deformable Ultrasound Registration without ReconstructionRupert Brooks, D. Louis Collins, Xavier Morandi, Tal Arbel. 1023-1031 [doi]
- A Theoretical Comparison of Different Target Registration Error EstimatorsMehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Burton Ma, Purang Abolmaesumi. 1032-1040 [doi]
- Robust Brain Registration Using Adaptive Probabilistic AtlasJaime Ide, Rong Chen, Dinggang Shen, Edward Herskovits. 1041-1049 [doi]
- Using Curve-Fitting of Curvilinear Features for Assessing Registration of Clinical Neuropathology with in Vivo MRIPhilippe Laissue, Chris Kenwright, Ali Hojjat, Alan C. F. Colchester. 1050-1057 [doi]
- A Maximal Mass Confinement Principle for Rigid and Locally Rigid Image RegistrationJulian Mattes, Johannes Gall, Alfredo Lopez. 1058-1065 [doi]
- Detection of Deformable Objects in 3D Images Using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo and Spherical HarmonicsKhaled Khairy, Emmanuel Reynaud, Ernst Stelzer. 1075-1082 [doi]
- A Variational Level Set Approach to Segmentation and Bias Correction of Images with Intensity InhomogeneityChunming Li, Rui Huang, Zhaohua Ding, Chris Gatenby, Dimitris N. Metaxas, John C. Gore. 1083-1091 [doi]
- Markov Dependence Tree-Based Segmentation of Deep Brain StructuresJue Wu, Albert C. S. Chung. 1092-1100 [doi]