Abstract is missing.
- OSATE-DIM solves the instance model-view update problem in AADLRakshit Mittal, Dominique Blouin. 1-6 [doi]
- Migrating from proprietary tools to open-source software for EAST-ADL metamodel generation and evolutionJörg Holtmann, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Henrik Lönn. 7-11 [doi]
- Towards the practical adoption of LIDL: a toolchain for modeling human-machine interface software interactionsNing Ge, Yunduo Wang, Yuan Wang, Yong Wang. 12-16 [doi]
- Digital TwinCity: a holistic approach towards comparative analysis of business processesShinobu Saito. 17-21 [doi]
- DescribeML: a tool for describing machine learning datasetsJoan Giner-Miguelez, Abel Gómez 0001, Jordi Cabot. 22-26 [doi]
- Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual realityEnes Yigitbas, Maximilian Schmidt, Antonio Bucchiarone, Sebastian Gottschalk, Gregor Engels. 27-31 [doi]
- A value-based goal model analysis toolCarlos Cano-Genoves, Emilio Insfrán, Silvia Abrahão. 32-36 [doi]
- A tool for the automation of efficient multi-robot choreography planning and executionEric Wete, Joel Greenyer, Daniel Kudenko, Wolfgang Nejdl, Oliver Flegel, Dennes Eisner. 37-41 [doi]
- Learning UML database design and modeling with AutoERSarah Foss, Tatiana Urazova, Ramon Lawrence. 42-45 [doi]
- Graphical projectional editing in gentlemanAurélien Ducoin, Eugene Syriani. 46-50 [doi]
- A diagram-centric modeling tool for systems of systemsSean Kristian Remond Harbo, Emil Palmelund Voldby, Jonas Madsen, Michele Albano. 51-55 [doi]
- Picto web: a tool for complex model explorationAlfa Yohannis, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Antonio García-Domínguez, Carlos Javier Fernández Candel. 56-60 [doi]
- EvolveDB: a tool for model driven schema evolutionTorben Eckwert, Michael Guckert, Gabriele Taentzer. 61-65 [doi]
- Using the ModelSet dataset to support machine learning in model-driven engineeringJosé Antonio Hernández López, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado. 66-70 [doi]
- TMI: tokenomics made easy for web3 applicationsHan Liu, Xufei Wang, Bin Wang, Huixuan Zheng, Xuchao Liu. 71-76 [doi]
- Modeling tool for managing canvas-based models traceability in ML system developmentJati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa. 77-78 [doi]
- Contract-based product-assembly co-designBert Van Acker, Joachim Denil. 79-80 [doi]
- ORM ontologies with executable derivation rules to support semantic search in large-scale data applicationsMárton Búr, Kurt Stirewalt. 81-82 [doi]
- A lightweight approach to the concurrent use and integration of SysML and formal methods in systems designRobert Thorburn, Vladimiro Sassone, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, Leonardo Aniello, Michael J. Butler, Dana Dghaym, Thai Son Hoang. 83-84 [doi]
- SimuV: model-based configuration management for Simulink modelsTien N. Nguyen. 85-86 [doi]
- Tool support for the teaching of state-based behavior modelingChristian Zöllner 0002, Christian M. Adriano, Simon Wietheger, Leen Lambers, Holger Giese. 87-94 [doi]
- A DSL and model transformations to specify learning corpora for modeling assistantsYounes Boubekeur, Prabhsimran Singh, Gunter Mussbacher. 95-102 [doi]
- Purpose-driven model-driven engineering educationDaniel Calegari, Andrea Delgado 0001. 103-106 [doi]
- Teaching modeling to anyone the aristotelian way: anyone can cook a sound modelMichel Zam. 107-114 [doi]
- A refined model of ill-definedness in project-based learningArthur Rump, Vadim Zaytsev. 115-122 [doi]
- An analysis of software design understanding & motivation of engineering studentsJean-Christophe Bach, Antoine Beugnard, Jean-Loup Castaigne, Julien Mallet, Salvador Martínez Perez, Maria-Teresa Segarra. 123-130 [doi]
- The Epsilon PlaygroundDimitris S. Kolovos, Antonio García-Domínguez. 131-137 [doi]
- Token-based plagiarism detection for metamodelsTimur Saglam, Sebastian Hahner, Jan Willem Wittler, Thomas Kühn 0001. 138-141 [doi]
- Detection of anomalous modeling behavior: a goal-driven data mining approachTong Li, Yiting Wang, Congkai Geng. 142-145 [doi]
- Dynamic adaptation for distributed systems in model-driven engineeringMufasir Muthaher Mohammed. 146-151 [doi]
- Towards realizing test conditions for automated vehiclesFelix Beringhoff. 152-157 [doi]
- Towards qualifiable graphical editing of complex domain-specific models in safety-critical avionicsAndreas Waldvogel. 158-163 [doi]
- Deriving model-based safety and security assurance cases from design rationale of countermeasure patternsRoman Trentinaglia. 164-169 [doi]
- Simplify model design in MDE approachesAsbathou Biyalou-Sama. 170-175 [doi]
- Towards consistency management in low-code platformsMohammadAmin Zaheri. 176-181 [doi]
- Measuring the fidelity of digital twin systemsPaula Muñoz 0001. 182-188 [doi]
- ViMoTest: a low code approach to specify ViewModel-based tests with a projectional DSL using JetBrains MPSMario Fuksa. 189-194 [doi]
- Addressing non-functional requirements of adaptive IoT systems: a model-driven approachMirza Rehenuma Tabassum. 195-200 [doi]
- How alike are my physical and digital twins?Paula Muñoz 0001. 201-204 [doi]
- Domain-specific model differencing for graphical domain-specific languagesManouchehr Zadahmad Jafarlou. 205-208 [doi]
- Participatory agent-based modelling in healthcare: a domain-specific modelling language approachThomas Godfrey. 209-212 [doi]
- The path towards the automatic provision of blended modeling environmentsMalvina Latifaj. 213-216 [doi]
- Automated, traceable, and interactive domain modellingRijul Saini. 217-220 [doi]
- The instance model-view update problem in AADLRakshit Mittal. 221-224 [doi]
- Eat your own DevOps: a model driven approach to justify continuous integration pipelinesCorinne Pulgar. 225-228 [doi]
- Pushing the boundaries of planned reuse with concern specific modelling languagesMaximilian Schiedermeier. 229-232 [doi]
- Automating the design of recommender systems: from foundational aspects to actual developmentClaudio Di Sipio. 233-236 [doi]
- Model-checking of space systems designed with TASTE/SDLIulia Dragomir, Carlos Redondo, Tiago Jorge, Laura Gouveia, Iulian Ober, Ivan Kolesnikov, Marius Bozga, Maxime Perrotin. 237-246 [doi]
- Interactive highlighting for digital UML class diagrams: a new featureMaxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec. 247-256 [doi]
- Detecting mistakes in a domain modelPrabhsimran Singh, Younes Boubekeur, Gunter Mussbacher. 257-266 [doi]
- Model checking message delivery times in SpaceWire networksAndrii Kovalov, Girish Patil, Vishav Bansal, Andreas Gerndt. 267-275 [doi]
- Classifying changes to models via changeset metricsSaheed Popoola, Xin Zhao, Jeff Gray 0001, Antonio García-Domínguez. 276-285 [doi]
- History-aware explanations: towards enabling human-in-the-loop in self-adaptive systemsJuan Marcelo Parra Ullauri, Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, Luis Hernán García Paucar. 286-295 [doi]
- QoS-aware model-based systems design using systems modeling languageChristos Kotronis, Mara Nikolaidou, Cleopatra Bardaki. 296-305 [doi]
- Towards extending the goal-oriented requirements language with emotion-oriented goals to support socio-technical systemsSanaa Alwidian. 306-311 [doi]
- An approach to build consistent software architecture diagrams using devops system descriptorsJalves Nicacio, Fábio Petrillo. 312-321 [doi]
- On abstraction in the OMG hierarchy: systems, models, and descriptionsAndreas Prinz 0001, Themis Dimitra Xanthopoulou, Terje Gjøsæter, Birger Møller-Pedersen. 322-330 [doi]
- An approach for a simulation-based analysis of business processes using the systems modeling language (SysML)Fabian Giertzsch, Oliver C. Eichmann, Hartmut Hintze, Ralf God. 331-340 [doi]
- Scalable ontology-based V&V process for heterogeneous systems and applicationsRomain Delabeye, Olivia Penas, Régis Plateaux. 341-350 [doi]
- Augmenting model-based systems engineering with knowledgeLuis Palacios Medinacelli, Florian Noyrit, Chokri Mraidha. 351-358 [doi]
- Dynamic data management for continuous retrainingNils Baumann, Evgeny Kusmenko, Jonas Ritz, Bernhard Rumpe, Moritz Benedikt Weber. 359-366 [doi]
- Feature-oriented modularization of deep learning APIsYechuan Shi, Jörg Kienzle, Jin L. C. Guo. 367-374 [doi]
- Industrial requirements for supporting AI-enhanced model-driven engineeringJohan Bergelin, Per Erik Strandberg. 375-379 [doi]
- MDE for machine learning-enabled software systems: a case study and comparison of MontiAnna & ML-QuadratJörg Christian Kirchhof, Evgeny Kusmenko, Jonas Ritz, Bernhard Rumpe, Armin Moin, Atta Badii, Stephan Günnemann, Moharram Challenger. 380-387 [doi]
- Towards a configurable crossover operator for model-driven optimizationStefan John 0001, Jens Kosiol, Gabriele Taentzer. 388-395 [doi]
- Towards automatically extracting UML class diagrams from natural language specificationsSong Yang, Houari Sahraoui. 396-403 [doi]
- Towards flexible creation of multi-level models: bottom-up change support in the modeling and programming environment XModelerDaniel Töpel, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß. 404-413 [doi]
- DeepTelos and DMLA: a contribution to the MULTI 2022 collaborative comparison challengeManfred A. Jeusfeld, Gergely Mezei, Sándor Bácsi. 414-423 [doi]
- Peculiarities of language engineering in multi-level environments or: Design by elimination: a contribution to the further development of multi-level modeling methodsUlrich Frank, Tony Clark 0001. 424-433 [doi]
- Melanee and DLM: a contribution to the MULTI collaborative comparison challengeThomas Kühne 0001, Arne Lange. 434-443 [doi]
- Mediation-based MLM in FOModeLerMira Balaban, Igal Khitron, Azzam Maraee, Michael Kifer. 444-452 [doi]
- Practical application of the multi-level modeling playgroundFerenc Attila Somogyi, Gergely Mezei. 453-457 [doi]
- Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACLSebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, Jan David Smeddinck. 458-462 [doi]
- Virtual soccer champions: a case study on artifact reuse in soccer robot digital twin constructionGijs Walravens, Hossain Muhammad Muctadir, Loek Cleophas. 463-467 [doi]
- Reliable counterparts: efficiently testing causal relationships in digital twinsRichard J. Somers, Andrew G. Clark, Neil Walkinshaw, Robert M. Hierons. 468-472 [doi]
- A novel methodology to construct digital twin models for spacecraft operations using fault and behaviour treesNikolena Christofi, Xavier Pucel. 473-480 [doi]
- A community-sourced view on engineering digital twins: a report from the EDT.CommunityLoek Cleophas, Thomas Godfrey, Djamel Eddine Khelladi, Daniel Lehner, Benoît Combemale, Mark van den Brand, Michael Vierhauser, Manuel Wimmer, Steffen Zschaler. 481-485 [doi]
- Coordination and explanation of reconfigurations in self-adaptive high-performance systemsSarah Stieß, Steffen Becker 0001, Florian Ege, Stefan Höppner, Matthias Tichy. 486-490 [doi]
- Towards a digital Z framework based on a family of architectures and a virtual knowledge graphRandy Paredis, Hans Vangheluwe. 491-496 [doi]
- Enabling semantic interoperability of asset administration shells through an ontology-based modeling methodYining Huang, Saadia Dhouib, Luis Palacios Medinacelli, Jacques Malenfant. 497-502 [doi]
- Using trace alignments for measuring the similarity between a physical and its digital twinPaula Muñoz 0001, Manuel Wimmer, Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo. 503-510 [doi]
- Case study on automated and continuous reliability assessment of software-defined manufacturing based on digital twinsPhilipp Grimmeisen, Andreas Wortmann 0001, Andrey Morozov 0001. 511-518 [doi]
- Analyzing model changes with LoupeSaheed Popoola, Jeff Gray 0001, Antonio García-Domínguez, Dimitris S. Kolovos. 519-528 [doi]
- Towards round-trip engineering of code fragments embedded in modelsSultan Almutairi, Athanasios Zolotas, Dimitris S. Kolovos. 529-538 [doi]
- An investigation into the effect of cluster-based preprocessing on software migrationAkila Loganathan, Richard F. Paige. 539-545 [doi]
- Metamodels to support database migration between heterogeneous data storesAndré Conrad, Philipp Utzmann, Meike Klettke, Uta Störl. 546-551 [doi]
- Fine-grained timed software in Simulink modelsStefan Resmerita. 552-561 [doi]
- Situational crime prevention for automotive cybersecurityNick Polanco, Betty H. C. Cheng. 562-568 [doi]
- Uncertainty in coupled models of cyber-physical systemsMaribel Acosta, Sebastian Hahner, Anne Koziolek, Thomas Kühn 0001, Raffaela Mirandola, Ralf H. Reussner. 569-578 [doi]
- Towards the adoption of model based system safety engineering in the automotive industryThomas Chiang, Rodrigo Gomez Mendoza, Johan Mahmood, Richard F. Paige. 579-587 [doi]
- A multiplicity-preserving crossover operator on graphsHenri Thölke, Jens Kosiol. 588-597 [doi]
- An embedding of B in ClojurePhilipp Körner, Florian Mager. 598-606 [doi]
- OCL-based test case prioritisation using AgileUMLKunxiang Jin, Kevin Lano. 607-611 [doi]
- Qualitative models for the supervision of CPS simulationsBaptiste Gueuziec, Jean-Pierre Gallois, Frédéric Boulanger. 612-616 [doi]
- Visual animation of B specifications using executable DSLsAsfand Yar, Akram Idani, Yves Ledru, Simon Collart Dutilleul. 617-626 [doi]
- Why the use of domain-specific modeling in airworthy software requires new methods and how these might look like?Vanessa Tietz, Constantin Frey, Julian Schoepf, Björn Annighoefer. 627-632 [doi]
- An ontology DSL for the co-design of mechatronic systemsMilan Cornelis, Yon Vanommeslaeghe, Bert Van Acker, Paul De Meulenaere. 633-642 [doi]
- Challenges and possible approaches for sustainable digital twinningStijn Bellis, Joachim Denil. 643-648 [doi]
- ML: a language and code generation framework for digital twin based monitoring of mobile cyber-physical systemsAndreas Fend, Dominik Bork. 649-658 [doi]
- Enhancing the realism of autonomous driving simulation with real-time co-simulationQiwei Chen, Tiexin Wang, Chengjie Lu, Tao Yue 0002, Shaukat Ali 0001. 659-667 [doi]
- Model validity and tolerance quantification for real-time adaptive approximationRaheleh Biglari, Joachim Denil. 668-676 [doi]
- Multi-paradigm modeling for early analysis of ROS-based robotic applications using a library of AADL modelsEric Senn, Lucie W. J. Bourdon, Dominique Blouin. 677-683 [doi]
- Multi-scale model-based explanations for cyber-physical systems: the urban traffic caseAda Diaconescu, Étienne Houzé, Jean-Louis Dessalles, Hans Vangheluwe, Romain Franceschini. 684-691 [doi]
- Traceability analysis of wireless sensor network based IoT systemsMarko Mijalkovic, Burak Karaduman, Sadaf Mustafiz, Moharram Challenger. 692-701 [doi]
- Validation and uncertainty in model-based design space exploration: an experience reportYon Vanommeslaeghe, David Ceulemans, Bert Van Acker, Joachim Denil, Stijn Derammelaere, Paul De Meulenaere. 702-711 [doi]
- A tool-assisted approach to engineer domain-specific languages (DSLs) using RustLéo Olivier, Lou-Anne Sauvetre, Erwan Bousse, Gerson Sunyé. 712-721 [doi]
- A statecharts interpreter and compiler with semantic variabilityJoeri Exelmans, Simon Van Mierlo, Hans Vangheluwe. 722-727 [doi]
- Classification and mapping of layout algorithms for usage in graph-like modeling languagesGregor Wrobel, Robert Scheffler 0002. 728-736 [doi]
- Design guidelines for improving user experience in industrial domain-specific modelling languagesRohit Gupta 0010, Nico Jansen, Nikolaus Regnat, Bernhard Rumpe. 737-748 [doi]
- A general architecture for client-agnostic hybrid model editors as a serviceLiam Walsh, Juergen Dingel, Karim Jahed. 749-754 [doi]
- Towards the systematic design of model animation: key ingredients and general guidelinesMoussa Amrani, Abdelkader Ouared, Pierre-Yves Schobbens. 755-765 [doi]
- Transforming domain models to efficient C# for the Danish pension industryHolger Stadel Borum, Morten Tychsen Clausen. 766-773 [doi]
- Towards continuous modelling to enable DevOps: a preliminary study with practitionersJohan Bergelin, Antonio Cicchetti. 774-783 [doi]
- Towards blended modeling and simulation of DevOps processes: the Keptn case studyAlessandro Colantoni, Luca Berardinelli, Antonio Garmendia, Johannes Bräuer. 784-792 [doi]
- A low-code approach to support method engineeringRaquel Araújo de Oliveira, Mario Cortes Cornax, Agnès Front, Alexandre Demeure. 793-797 [doi]
- Low-code experimentation on software productsSebastian Gottschalk, Rakshit Bhat, Nils Weidmann, Jonas Kirchhoff, Gregor Engels. 798-807 [doi]
- Node-read: a visually accessible low-code software development extensionLachlan Anderson, Briana Barker, Alice Reid, Kaijie Lin, Hourieh Khalajzadeh, John C. Grundy. 808-815 [doi]
- Situational development of low-code applications in manufacturing companiesJonas Kirchhoff, Nils Weidmann, Stefan Sauer 0001, Gregor Engels. 816-825 [doi]
- Towards model reuse in low-code development platforms based on knowledge graphsIlirian Ibrahimi, Dimitris Moudilos. 826-836 [doi]
- A light-weight low-code platform for back-end automationNicolas Hili, Raquel Araujo de Oliveira. 837-846 [doi]
- Categorization of approaches to extend and reuse OCLLars Hamann, Martin Gogolla, Mustafa Al-Lail. 847-851 [doi]
- Design and classification of mutation operators for OCL specificationKunxiang Jin, Kevin Lano. 852-861 [doi]
- A formally defined and formally provable EBNF-based constraint language for use in qualifiable softwareVanessa Tietz, Björn Annighöfer. 862-871 [doi]
- Challenges for code generated OCL executionEdward D. Willink. 872-881 [doi]
- Support for OCL libraries and static featuresEdward D. Willink. 882-888 [doi]
- From OCL-based model static analysis to quick fixesFrédéric Jouault, Maxime Méré, Matthias Brun 0001, Théo Le Calvar, Matthias Pasquier, Ciprian Teodorov. 889-893 [doi]
- OCL libraries for software specification and representationKevin Lano, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi, Kunxiang Jin. 894-898 [doi]
- Transformation of TOCL temporal properties into OCLMustafa Al-Lail, Antonio Rosales, Hector Cardenas, Lars Hamann, Alfredo Perez. 899-907 [doi]
- Combining OCL and natural language: a call for a community effortJordi Cabot, David Delgado, Lola Burgueño. 908-912 [doi]
- Mining human factors general trends from +100k UML class diagramsMaxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec, Philippe A. Palanque, Célia Martinie, Arnaud Blouin, Frédéric Jouault, Mickael Clavreul, Thibault Raffaillac. 913-922 [doi]
- Preliminary results of measuring flow experience in a software modeling tool: UmpleOnlineReyhaneh Kalantari, Timothy C. Lethbridge. 923-928 [doi]
- Vision: developing collaborative model-driven apps for personalised care plansHourieh Khalajzadeh, John C. Grundy, Jennifer McIntosh 0001. 929-933 [doi]
- Go with the flow: software engineers and distractionsSabine Janssens, Vadim Zaytsev. 934-938 [doi]