Abstract is missing.
- Messaging Systems: Parallel Computing the Internet and the GridGeoffrey Fox. 1-9 [doi]
- Progress towards Petascale Virtual MachinesAl Geist. 10-14 [doi]
- Future Developments in MPIWilliam Gropp. 15 [doi]
- Integrating Scalable Process Management into Component-Based Systems SoftwareEwing L. Lusk. 16-22 [doi]
- Programming High Performance Applications Using ComponentsThierry Priol. 23 [doi]
- ASSIST High-Performance Programming Environment: Application Experiences and Grid EvolutionMarco Vanneschi. 24-26 [doi]
- High-Level Programming in MPIWilliam Gropp, Ewing L. Lusk. 27 [doi]
- Programming Environments for Grids and Distributed Computing SystemsVaidy S. Sunderam. 28 [doi]
- Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Java Message-Passing Primitives on a ClusterGuillermo L. Taboada, Juan Touriño, Ramon Doallo. 29-36 [doi]
- Integrating New Capabilities into NetPIPEDave Turner, Adam Oline, Xuehua Chen, Troy Benjegerdes. 37-44 [doi]
- Off-Line Performance Prediction of Message-Passing Applications on Cluster SystemsEmilio Mancini, Massimiliano Rak, Roberto Torella, Umberto Villano. 45-54 [doi]
- Complexity Driven Performance AnalysisLuis García, Jesus A. González, J. C. González, Coromoto León, Casiano Rodríguez, Germán Rodríguez. 55-62 [doi]
- Usefulness and Usage of SKaMPI-BenchWerner Augustin, Thomas Worsch. 63-70 [doi]
- The Performance of Parallel Disk Write Methods for Linux Multiprocessor NodesGregory D. Benson, Kai Long, Peter S. Pacheco. 71-80 [doi]
- A Model for Performance Analysis of MPI Applications on Terascale SystemsSrigurunath Chakravarthi, C. R. Krishna Kumar, Anthony Skjellum, H. A. Prahalad, Bharath Seshadri. 81-87 [doi]
- Evaluating the Performance of MPI-2 Dynamic Communicators and One-Sided CommunicationEdgar Gabriel, Graham E. Fagg, Jack Dongarra. 88-97 [doi]
- Ring Algorithms on Heterogeneous Clusters with PVM: Performance Analysis and ModelingAngelo Corana. 98-107 [doi]
- An MPI Tool to Measure Application Sensitivity to Variation in Communication ParametersEdgar A. León, Arthur B. Maccabe, Ron Brightwell. 108-111 [doi]
- Measuring MPI Latency VarianceRolf Riesen, Ron Brightwell, Arthur B. Maccabe. 112-116 [doi]
- CGMgraph/CGMlib: Implementing and Testing CGM Graph Algorithms on PC ClustersAlbert Chan, Frank K. H. A. Dehne. 117-125 [doi]
- Efficient Parallel Implementation of Transitive Closure of DigraphsCarlos E. R. Alves, Edson Cáceres, A. A. Castro Jr., Siang W. Song, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. 126-133 [doi]
- A Scalable Crystallographic FFTJaime Seguel, Daniel Burbano. 134-141 [doi]
- Object-Oriented NeuroSys: Parallel Programs for Simulating Large Networks of Biologically Accurate NeuronsPeter S. Pacheco, Patrick Miller, Jin Kim, Taylor Leese, Yuliya Zabiyaka. 142-151 [doi]
- PageRank Computation Using PC ClusterArnon Rungsawang, Bundit Manaskasemsak. 152-159 [doi]
- An Online Parallel Algorithm for Remote Visualization of IsosurfacesAndrea Clematis, Daniele D Agostino, Vittoria Gianuzzi. 160-169 [doi]
- Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Smith Normal Form of Large MatricesGerold Jäger. 170-179 [doi]
- Hierarchical MPI+OpenMP Implementation of Parallel PIC Applications on Clusters of Symmetric MultiProcessorsSergio Briguglio, Beniamino Di Martino, Giuliana Fogaccia, Gregorio Vlad. 180-187 [doi]
- Non-strict Evaluation of the FFT Algorithm in Distributed Memory SystemsAlfredo Cristóbal-Salas, Andrei Tchernykh, Jean-Luc Gaudiot. 188-195 [doi]
- A Parallel Approach for the Solution of Non-Markovian Petri NetsMarco Scarpa, Salvatore Distefano, Antonio Puliafito. 196-203 [doi]
- Advanced Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallelization Paradigms for Nested Loop Algorithms onto Clusters of SMPsNikolaos Drosinos, Nectarios Koziris. 203-213 [doi]
- The AGEB Algorithm for Solving the Heat Equation in Two Space Dimensions and Its Parallelization on a Distributed Memory MachineNorma Alias, Mohd Salleh Sahimi, Abdul Rahman Abdullah. 214-221 [doi]
- A Parallel Scheme for Solving a Tridiagonal Matrix with Pre-propagationAkiyoshi Wakatani. 222-226 [doi]
- Competitive Semantic Tree Theorem Prover with ResolutionsChoon Kyu Kim, Monty Newborn. 227-231 [doi]
- Explicit Groupt Iterative Solver on a Message Passing EnvironmentMohd. Ali Norhashidah, Abdullah Rosni, Jun Lee Kok. 232-236 [doi]
- Applying Load Balancing in Data Parallel Applications Using DASUDAna Cortés, M. Planas, J. L. Millán, Ana Ripoll, Miquel A. Senar, Emilio Luque. 237-241 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of Approximate String Searching Implementations for Heterogeneous Computing PlatformPanagiotis D. Michailidis, Konstantinos G. Margaritis. 242-246 [doi]
- Using a Self-connected Gigabit Ethernet Adapter as a memcpy() Low-Overhead Engine for MPIGiuseppe Ciaccio. 247-256 [doi]
- Improving the Performance of Collective Operations in MPICHRajeev Thakur, William Gropp. 257-267 [doi]
- PVMWebCluster: Integration of PVM Clusters Using Web Services and CORBAPawel Czarnul. 268-275 [doi]
- Lock-Free Collective OperationsAlexander V. Supalov. 276-285 [doi]
- Efficient Message-Passing within SMP SystemsXuehua Chen, Dave Turner. 286-293 [doi]
- The Network Agnostic MPI - Scali MPI ConnectLars Paul Huse, Ole W. Saastad. 294-301 [doi]
- PC/MPI: Desing and Implementation of a Portable MPI CheckpointerSunil Ahn, Junghwan Kim, Sangyong Han. 302-308 [doi]
- Improving Generic Non-contiguous File Access for MPI-IOJoachim Worringen, Jesper Larsson Träff, Hubert Ritzdorf. 309-318 [doi]
- Remote Exception Handling for PVM ProcessesPawel Kaczmarek, Henryk Krawczyk. 319-326 [doi]
- Evaluation of an Eager Protocol Optimization for MPIRon Brightwell, Keith D. Underwood. 327-334 [doi]
- A Comparison of MPICH Allgather Algorithms on Switched NetworksGregory D. Benson, Cho-Wai Chu, Qing Huang, Sadik G. Caglar. 335-343 [doi]
- Network Fault Tolerance in LA-MPIRob T. Aulwes, David J. Daniel, Nehal N. Desai, Richard L. Graham, L. Dean Risinger, Mitchel W. Sukalski, Mark A. Taylor. 344-351 [doi]
- MPI on BlueGene/L: Designing an Efficient General Purpose Messaging Solution for a Large Cellular SystemGeorge Almási, Charles Archer, José G. Castaños, Manish Gupta, Xavier Martorell, José E. Moreira, William Gropp, Silvius Rus, Brian R. Toonen. 352-361 [doi]
- Porting P4 to Digital Signal Processing PlatformsJuan A. Rico-Gallego, Juan Carlos Díaz Martín, José Manuel Rodríguez García, Jesús M. Álvarez Llorente, Juan-Luis García Zapata. 362-368 [doi]
- Fast and Scalable Barrier Using RDMA and Multicast Mechanisms for InfiniBand-Based ClustersSushmitha P. Kini, Jiuxing Liu, Jiesheng Wu, Pete Wyckoff, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. 369-378 [doi]
- A Component Architecture for LAM/MPIJeffrey M. Squyres, Andrew Lumsdaine. 379-387 [doi]
- ORNL-RSH Package and Windows 03 PVM 3.4Phil Pfeiffer, Stephen L. Scott, Hardik Shukla. 388-394 [doi]
- MPI for the Clint Gb/s InterconnectNicolas Fugier, Marc Herbert, Eric Lemoine, Bernard Tourancheau. 395-403 [doi]
- Implementing Fast and Reusable Datatype ProcessingRobert B. Ross, Neill Miller, William Gropp. 404-413 [doi]
- An MPI Implementation Supported by Process Migration and Load BalancingAndrew Maloney, Andrzej M. Goscinski, Michael Hobbs. 414-423 [doi]
- PVM over the CLAN NetworkRipduman Sohan, Steve Pope. 424-428 [doi]
- Distributed Configurable Application Monitoring on SMP ClustersKarl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt. 429-437 [doi]
- Integrating Multiple Implementations and Structure Exploitation in the Component-Based Design of Parallel ODE SolversJose M. Mantas Ruiz, Julio Ortega, Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata. 438-446 [doi]
- Architecture of Monitoring System for Distributed Java ApplicationsMarian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika, Marcin Smetek, Zbigniew Kilianski, Roland Wismüller. 447-454 [doi]
- A Communication API for Implementing Irregular Algorithms on SMP ClustersJudith Hippold, Gudula Rünger. 455-463 [doi]
- TOM - Efficient Monitoring Infrastructure for Multithreaded ProgramsBartosz Balis, Marian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika, Roland Wismüller, Grzegorz Kaplita. 464-472 [doi]
- MPI Farm Programs on Non-dedicated ClustersNuno Fonseca, João Gabriel Silva. 473-481 [doi]
- Application Composition in Ensemble Using Intercommunicators and Process TopologiesJohn Yiannis Cotronis. 482-490 [doi]
- Improving Properties of a Parallel Program in ParJava EnvironmentVictor Ivannikov, Serguei Gaissaryan, Arutyun Avetisyan, Vartan Padaryan. 491-494 [doi]
- Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer Rate in Three-Dimensional Rayleigh-Benard ConvectionTadashi Watanabe. 495-502 [doi]
- A Parallel Split Operator Method for the Time Dependent Schrödinger EquationJan P. Hansen, Thierry Matthey, Tor Sørevik. 503-510 [doi]
- A Parallel Software for the Reconstruction of Dynamic MRI SequencesGerman Landi, E. Loli Piccolomini, Fabiana Zama. 511-519 [doi]
- Improving Wildland Fire Prediction on MPI ClustersBaker Abdalhaq, Germán Bianchini, Ana Cortés, Tomàs Margalef, Emilio Luque. 520-528 [doi]
- Building 3D State Spaces of Virtual Environments with a TDS-Based AlgorithmAles Krenek, Igor Peterlík, Ludek Matyska. 529-536 [doi]
- Parallel Pencil-Beam Redefinition AlgorithmPaul Alderson, Mark Wright, Amit Jain, Robert Boyd. 537-544 [doi]
- Dynamic Load Balancing for the Parallel Simulation of Cavitating FlowsFrank Wrona, Panagiotis A. Adamidis, Uwe Iben, Rolf Rabenseifner, Claus-Dieter Munz. 545-549 [doi]
- Message Passing Fluids: Molecules as Processes in Parallel Computational FluidsGianluca Argentini. 550-554 [doi]
- Parallel Implementation of Interval Analysis for Equations SolvingYves Papegay, David Daney, Jean-Pierre Merlet. 555-559 [doi]
- A Parallel System for Performing Colonic Tissue Classification by Means of a Genetic AlgorithmA. A. Amin, J. Filippas, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Mark K. Bennett. 560-564 [doi]
- Eigenanalysis of Finite Element 3D Flow Models by Parallel Jacobi-DavidsonLuca Bergamaschi, Angeles Martinez, Giorgio Pini, Flavio Sartoretto. 565-569 [doi]
- Executing and Monitoring PVM Programs in Computational Grids with JiniGergely Sipos, Péter Kacsuk. 570-576 [doi]
- Multiprogramming Level of PVM Jobs in a Non-dedicated Linux NOWFrancesc Giné, Francesc Solsona, Jesus Barrientos, Porfidio Hernández, Mauricio Hanzich, Emilio Luque. 577-585 [doi]
- Mapping and Load-Balancing Iterative Computations on Heterogeneous ClustersArnaud Legrand, Hélène Renard, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien. 586-594 [doi]
- Dynamic Topology Selection for High Performance MPI in the Grid EnvironmentsKyung-Lang Park, Hwang-Jik Lee, Kwang-Won Koh, Oh-Young Kwon, Sung-Yong Park, Hyoung-Woo Park, Shin-Dug Kim. 595-602 [doi]
- Monitoring Message Passing Applications in the Grid with GRM and R-GMANorbert Podhorszki, Péter Kacsuk. 603-610 [doi]
- Component-Based System for Grid Application Workflow CompositionMarian Bubak, Kamil Górka, Tomasz Gubala, Maciej Malawski, Katarzyna Zajac. 611-618 [doi]
- Evaluating and Enhancing the Use of the GridFTP Protocol for Efficient Data Transfer on the GridMario Cannataro, Carlo Mastroianni, Domenico Talia, Paolo Trunfio. 619-628 [doi]
- Resource Monitoring and Management in Metacomputing EnvironmentsTomasz Wrzosek, Dawid Kurzyniec, Dominik Drzewiecki, Vaidy S. Sunderam. 629-635 [doi]
- Generating an Efficient Dynamics Multicast Tree under Grid EnvironmentTheewara Vorakosit, Putchong Uthayopas. 636-643 [doi]
- Topology-Aware Communication in Wide-Area Message-PassingCraig A. Lee. 644-652 [doi]
- Design and Implementation of Dynamic Process Management for Grid-Enabled MPICHSangbum Kim, Namyoon Woo, Heon Young Yeom, Taesoon Park, Hyoung-Woo Park. 653-656 [doi]
- Scheduling Tasks Sharing Files on Heterogeneous ClustersArnaud Giersch, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien. 657-660 [doi]
- Special Session of EuroPVM/MPI 2003: Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments - ParSim 2003Carsten Trinitis, Martin Schulz. 661-662 [doi]
- Efficient and Easy Parallel Implementation of Large Numerical SimulationsRémi Revire, Florence Zara, Thierry Gautier. 663-666 [doi]
- Toward a Scalable Algorithm for Distributed Computing of Air-Quality ProblemsMarc Garbey, Rainer Keller, Michael M. Resch. 667-671 [doi]
- A Piloting SIMulator for Maritime and Fluvial Navigation: SimNavMichel Vayssade, Alain Pourplanche. 672-676 [doi]
- Methods and Experiences of Parallelizing Flood ModelsLadislav Hluchý, Viet D. Tran, David Froehlich, William Castaings. 677-680 [doi]
- padfem2 - An Efficient, Comfortable Framework for Massively Parallel FEM-ApplicationsStephan Blazy, Odej Kao, Oliver Marquardt. 681-685 [doi]
- AUTOBENCH/AUTO-OPT: Towards an Integrated Construction Environment for Virtual Prototyping in the Automotive IndustryAnnette Kuhlmann, Clemens-August Thole, Ulrich Trottenberg. 686-690 [doi]