Abstract is missing.
- Adapting to Learning by Doing (LBD): Challenges Faced in Implementing the Student Enhancement Program (STEP)Sandhya Kode, Sunita Reddy Thadasina, Surya Kiran Reddy Karri, Kaumudi Nagaraju, Lakshmi Gollapudi. 1-6 [doi]
- Analysis of Active Learning Activities Transitions and Patterns in Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)Clif Kussmaul, Erica Wenzel. 7-12 [doi]
- Anurup: An Adaptive Instruction ApproachMadhavi P., Akshay Kannan, Suman Nath, Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran, Ankit Kathuria, M. Sasikumar. 13-19 [doi]
- Clustering Students Based on their Annotations of a Digital TextKeith Ying, Maiga Chang, Andrew F. Chiarella, Kinshuk, Jia-Sheng Heh. 20-25 [doi]
- Comparison of English versus Hindi Medium Students for Programming Abilities Acquired through Video-Based InstructionYogendra Pal, Sridhar Iyer. 26-30 [doi]
- Effectiveness of Computer Based Management Simulations - A Case StudyNaraharisetty Padmaja, Sita Vanka. 31-37 [doi]
- Evaluation of Web Based Behavioral Interventions Using Spoken TutorialsKiran L. N. Eranki, Kannan M. Moudgalya. 38-45 [doi]
- Identifying Learning Object Pedagogical Features to Decide Instructional SettingAnura Kenkre, Gargi Banerjee, Madhuri Mavinkurve, Sahana Murthy. 46-53 [doi]
- Impact of SOLO Taxonomy in Computer Aided Instruction to Qualitative Outcome of Learning for Secondary School ChildrenTamali Bhattacharyya, Bani Bhattacharya, Tandra Mitra. 54-59 [doi]
- Improvement of Mental Rotation Ability Using Blender 3-DKapil Kadam, Sameer Sahasrabuddhe, Sridhar Iyer. 60-66 [doi]
- Issues Faced in a Remote Instrumentation LaboratoryShreya Malani, G. N. Srinivasa Prasanna, Jesus A. Del Alamo, James L. Hardison, Kannan M. Moudgalya, Venkatesh Chopella. 67-74 [doi]
- Open Access to European Academic Courses Supported by the ASK-CDM-ECTS ToolDemetrios G. Sampson, Panagiotis Zervas. 75-82 [doi]
- Pedagogical Analysis of Content Authoring Tools for Engineering CurriculumAnita Diwakar, Mrinal Patwardhan, Sahana Murthy. 83-89 [doi]
- Personalized Text Content Summarizer for Mobile Learning: An Automatic Text Summarization System with Relevance Based Language ModelGuangbing Yang, Dunwei Wen, Kinshuk, Nian-Shing Chen, Erkki Sutinen. 90-97 [doi]
- Promoting Education for Sustainable Development by Using ICT Enhanced Problem Based Learning in a Developing CountryAmit Roy, Patrick Kihoza, Jarkko Suhonen, Mikko Vesisenaho. 98-104 [doi]
- Promoting Learning of Wikis through Video Tutorials, Mentoring and Hands-On Training ApproachesSandhya Kode, Shuchita Rao, Nagaswetha Pavuluri, Vamsi Pullakavi, Rakesh Reddy. 105-110 [doi]
- Segmentation of NPTEL Users: A Study of Gujarat StateJayanti S. Ravi, Haresh Jayantilal Jani. 111-118 [doi]
- SMS Based E-assessments Enabling better Student Engagement, Evaluation and Recommendation Services in E-learning Making Use of Fuzzy Rules and Course OntologiesJoms Antony, Sandhya Ramakrishnan, Manoj T. Joy, Rubin Thottupuram. 119-125 [doi]
- Text, Table and Graph - Which is Faster and More Accurate to Understand?Gollapudi V. R. J. Sai Prasad, Amitash Ojha. 126-131 [doi]
- The 5R Adaptive Learning Content Generation Platform for Mobile LearningFrederick Ako-Nai, Qing Tan, Frederique C. Pivot, Kinshuk. 132-137 [doi]
- Towards a Model Driven eLearning Framework to Improve Quality of TeachingSridhar Chimalakonda, Kesav V. Nori. 138-143 [doi]
- Use of an Evolutionary Approach for Question Paper Template GenerationDimple V. Paul, Shankar B. Naik, Priyanka Rane, Jyoti D. Pawar. 144-148 [doi]
- A Canvas-Based Presentation Tool Using Scalable Vector GraphicsArvind Krishnaa Jagannathan, Srikrishnan Suresh, Vishal Gautham Venkataraaman, Sakaya Milton R.. 149-152 [doi]
- Algebraic Modelling of Educational WorkflowsAnkur Goel, Venkatesh Choppella. 153-156 [doi]
- American Sign Language InterpreterKunal Kadam, Rucha Ganu, Ankita Bhosekar, S. D. Joshi. 157-159 [doi]
- Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to Evaluate the Learning Companion Recommendation System on FacebookHsin-Chin Chen, Chia-Cheng Hsu, Cheng-hsien Chang, Yueh-Min Huang. 160-163 [doi]
- Architecture for Automated Student AttendanceManjunath Mattam, Sri Rama Murthy Karumuri, Srinivasa Rao Meda. 164-167 [doi]
- Educational Computing for the Blind in India: Design, Development and Learning ImpactNiloy Gupta, Ananthatejas Raghavan, Madhuri Shanbhogue, Agraj Jain. 168-171 [doi]
- Effective Label Matching for Automatic Evaluation of Use - Case DiagramsVinay Vachharajani, Jyoti Pareek, Sunil Gulabani. 172-175 [doi]
- Enhancing Student Motivation in Process Control via Interactive Learning ToolsPoovarasi Balan, Vineetha Kalavally. 176-179 [doi]
- From High-School Algebra to Computing through Functional ProgrammingVenkatesh Choppella, Hitesh Kumar, Manjula Pidaparty, Viswanath Kasturi. 180-183 [doi]
- Learning of Nonlinear Control System Using -'nonlintool'Palak Shah, Jignesh Patel. 184-187 [doi]
- Integrated Learning Activities Based on Digital Library and Internet Technologies in Relation to their Usability and SatisfactionNakhat Nasreen AzizulHaq, Gamal Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah Alawi. 188-191 [doi]
- Interaction-Oriented System for VITAL FrameworkRamesha I. Soysa, Rajendran Parthiban, Khoo Boon How. 192-195 [doi]
- Mapping Large Educational Websites to Interactive DVDsSwati Ittan, Gaurav Paruthi, William Thies. 196-199 [doi]
- Open Access to Science Education Resources and Learning Designs in EuropeDemetrios G. Sampson, Panagiotis Zervas, Sofoklis Sotiriou. 200-203 [doi]
- Quality Analytics Framework for E-learning Application EnvironmentSatyanarayana Nanduri, N. Sarat Chandra Babu, Sandesh Jain, Vaibhav Sharma, Vikas Garg, A. P. Rajshekar, Vikas Rangi. 204-207 [doi]
- RF Laboratory for Engineering EducationAnanda Maiti, Subhasis Mahata, Chinmay K. Maiti. 208-211 [doi]
- Semantic Blog Based Supportive Learning SystemGodfrey Winster Sathianesan, Swamynathan Sankaranarayanan. 212-215 [doi]
- Support for Exploring Concepts and Locating Information ResourcesSrinivasan Ramani, Yogalakshmi Jayabal. 216-219 [doi]
- Using Org-mode and Subversion for Managing and Publishing Content in Computer Science CoursesSankalp Khare, Yishan Misra, Venkatesh Choppella. 220-223 [doi]
- VLSI Education for Computer Science and Engineering Students through Virtual LabsRoopak Dubey, Harsh Wardhan, Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury. 224-227 [doi]
- A Recommender System Assisting Instructor in Building Learning Path for Personalized Learning SystemNava Jyothi, Kaveri Bhan, Uday Mothukuri, Sandesh Jain, Dhanander Jain. 228-230 [doi]
- Agile Manifesto in Higher EducationVenkatesh Kamat. 231-232 [doi]
- Bio Suite as Teaching Platform in a Virtual EnvironmentUsha Manne, Sowjanya Gvl, Meenakshi Pradhan, Harini Srinivasan, Navneet Bung, Rajgopal Srinivasan, Gopalakrishnan Bulusu. 233-234 [doi]
- BuddhiEdge: Taking Education to the EdgeRam Krishnan, Dilip Krishnaswamy, Asif Qamar, Kamal Bijlani, Kannan M. Moudgalya. 235-236 [doi]
- Creation of Ontology in Education DomainAyesha Ameen, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan, B. Padmaja Rani. 237-238 [doi]
- Design Approach for E-learning Systems: Should it be User Centered or Learner CenteredDebayan Dhar, Pradeep Yammiyavar. 239-240 [doi]
- Framework for Teaching Bharatanatyam through Digital MediumRwitajit Majumdar, Priya Dinesan. 241-242 [doi]
- Indigenous Knowledge and ICT: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Culturally Inclusive EducationJohn Loewen, Kinshuk. 243-244 [doi]
- IPedagogy: Question Answering System Based on Web Information ClusteringRivindu Perera. 245-246 [doi]
- Model for Re-ranking Agent on Hybrid Search Engine for E-learningAxita Shah, Sonal Jain, Rushabh Chheda, Avni Mashru. 247-248 [doi]
- Synchronous Online Teaching Based on Digital Library Technologies (Text, Audio, Video) in Relation to Effectiveness and EfficiencyNakhat Nasreen AzizulHaq, Gamal Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah Alawi. 249-250 [doi]
- Tutoring and Expert Modules of Intelligent Tutoring SystemsVyshnavi Malathi Ramesh, N. J. Rao. 251-252 [doi]
- Visual Maps for Collaborative Spoken Tutorial DevelopmentPranita Gopal, Nancy Varkey, Kannan M. Moudgalya. 253-254 [doi]