Abstract is missing.
- On maximal permissiveness in partially-observed discrete event systems: Verification and synthesisXiang Yin, Stéphane Lafortune. 1-7 [doi]
- A new algorithm for computing the supremal relatively observable sublanguageKai Cai, W. Murray Wonham. 8-13 [doi]
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- Rescheduling affected operations - a purely predictive approachNina Sundstrom, Bengt Lennartson. 71-78 [doi]
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- Control of an engineering-structured multilevel discrete-event systemJan Komenda, Tomás Masopust, Jan H. van Schuppen. 103-108 [doi]
- Graph transformation as a modelling framework for supervisory controlJeremie Benhamron, John G. Thistle. 109-116 [doi]
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- Solving a class of discrete event simulation-based optimization problems using "optimality in probability"Jianfeng Mao, Christos G. Cassandras. 129-134 [doi]
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- IPA in the loop: Control design for throughput regulation in computer processorsX. Chen, Yorai Wardi, Sudhakar Yalamanchili. 141-146 [doi]
- Incremental scheduling of discrete event systemsSimon Ware, Rong Su. 147-152 [doi]
- Google's PageRank algorithm for ranking nodes in general networksJoost Berkhout. 153-158 [doi]
- Structural fault diagnosis in Timed Continuous Petri NetsJ. A. Fraustro, Javier Ruiz-León, Carlos Renato Vázquez, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño. 159-164 [doi]
- Fourier-Motzkin method for failure diagnosis in Petri Net models of discrete event systemsAhmed Al-Ajeli, Behzad Bordbar. 165-170 [doi]
- Diagnosis and diagnosability analysis of labeled Petri nets using reduction rulesBen Li, Manel Khlif-Bouassida, Armand Toguyéni. 171-176 [doi]
- A customizable railway benchmark to deal with fault diagnosis issues in DESMohamed Ghazel, Baisi Liu. 177-182 [doi]
- Optimal self-driven sampling for estimation based on value of informationTouraj Soleymani, Sandra Hirche, John S. Baras. 183-188 [doi]
- Communication rate analysis for event-based state estimationSimon Ebner, Sebastian Trimpe. 189-196 [doi]
- Event excitation for event-driven control and optimization of multi-agent systemsYasaman Khazaeni, Christos G. Cassandras. 197-202 [doi]
- Threshold optimization of event-triggered multi-loop control systemsBurak Demirel, Vijay Gupta, Daniel E. Quevedo, Mikael Johansson. 203-210 [doi]
- Strategies for two-player differential games with costly informationDipankar Maity, John S. Baras. 211-216 [doi]
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- Delay bound of inference-based decentralized diagnosis in discrete event systemsShigemasa Takai, Ratnesh Kumar. 224-229 [doi]
- Diagnosability of repairable faultsEric Fabre, Loïc Hélouët, Engel Lefaucheux, Hervé Marchand. 230-236 [doi]
- A twin-plant based approach for diagnosability analysis of intermittent failuresAbderraouf Boussif, Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel. 237-244 [doi]
- Diagnosability verification using compositional branching bisimulationMona Noori Hosseini, Bengt Lennartson. 245-250 [doi]
- Fault-tolerant control of deterministic I/O automata with ambiguous diagnostic resultMelanie Schuh, Jan Lunze. 251-257 [doi]
- A new linear constraint transformation approach for Petri nets with uncontrollable transitionsDan You, ShouGuang Wang, Carla Seatzu. 258-263 [doi]
- Backward conflict free systems with resources and their distributed control using Petri netsYan Yang, HeSuan Hu. 264-271 [doi]
- A polynomial complexity deadlock avoidance method for a class of flexible manufacturing systemsHuixia Liu, Weimin Wu, Hongye Su, Hongyong Yang. 272-277 [doi]
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- Modelling and analyzing home care plans using high-level Petri netsKamel Barkaoui, Awatef Hicheur, Ahmed Kheldoun, Ding Liu. 284-290 [doi]
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- Detection and prevention of actuator enablement attacks in supervisory control systemsLilian Kawakami Carvalho, Yi-Chin Wu, Raymond Kwong, Stéphane Lafortune. 298-305 [doi]
- Enforcing opacity with Orwellian observationMoez Yeddes. 306-312 [doi]
- Supervisory enforcement of current-state opacity with uncomparable observationsYin Tong, Ziyue Ma, Zhiwu Li, Carla Seatzu, Alessandro Giua. 313-318 [doi]
- Preserving opacity on Interval Markov Chains under simulationBéatrice Bérard, Olga Kouchnarenko, John Mullins, Mathieu Sassolas. 319-324 [doi]
- Tracking control of deterministic I/O automataMelanie Schuh, Jan Lunze. 325-331 [doi]
- Optimization of parametric policies of Markov decision processes under a variance criterionLi Xia. 332-337 [doi]
- Selection of solution strategies for colored traveling salesman problems with different city distributionXianghu Meng, Jun Li 0001, Xiangzhong Dai. 338-342 [doi]
- Integrated optimal production and energy control of a single machine and single product-type manufacturing systemWei Wei, Zheng Wang. 343-348 [doi]
- Buffer space configuration and scheduling analysis of single-arm multi-cluster toolsLiping Bai, Naiqi Wu, Zhiwu Li, MengChu Zhou. 349-354 [doi]
- Optimal scheduling of time-constrained single-arm cluster tools with wafer revisitingZicheng Liu, Naiqi Wu, FaJun Yang, Yan Qiao. 355-360 [doi]
- On two-way observer and its application to the verification of infinite-step and K-step opacityXiang Yin, Stéphane Lafortune. 361-366 [doi]
- Decentralized state estimation in discrete event systems under partially ordered observation sequencesChristoforos N. Hadjicostis, Carla Seatzu. 367-372 [doi]
- Quantification of distributed secrecy loss in stochastic discrete event systems under bounded-delay communicationsMariam Ibrahim, Jun Chen, Ratnesh Kumar. 373-378 [doi]
- Probabilistic system opacity in discrete event systemsChristoforos Keroglou, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis. 379-384 [doi]
- A resiliency measure for electrical power systemsMariam Ibrahim, Jun Chen, Ratnesh Kumar. 385-390 [doi]
- Analysis of Timed Automata with Guards in dioids algebraJulien Niguez, Saïd Amari, Jean-Marc Faure. 391-397 [doi]
- Receding-horizon control for max-plus linear systems with discrete actions using optimistic planningJia Xu, Lucian Busoniu, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter. 398-403 [doi]
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- Synthesis Tool for Automation Controller SupervisionFlorian Gobe, Thomas Timmermanns, Oliver Ney, Stefan Kowalewski. 424-431 [doi]
- Concolic test generation for PLC programs using coverage metricsDimitri Bohlender, Hendrik Simon, Nico Friedrich, Stefan Kowalewski, Stefan Hauck-Stattelmann. 432-437 [doi]
- Programming a fast explicit conflict checkerRobi Malik. 438-443 [doi]
- A method for the synchronisation of networked discrete-event systemsMarkus Zgorzelski, Jan Lunze. 444-451 [doi]
- Multi-robot path planning for syntactically co-safe LTL specificationsMarius Kloetzer, Cristian Mahulea. 452-458 [doi]
- A pure SPEC-inscribed PN model for reconfigurable systemsLorenzo Capra. 459-465 [doi]
- Deadlock-free scheduling for timed Petri net models combined with MPC and backtrackingDimitri Lefebvre. 466-471 [doi]
- Faults prognosis using partially observed stochastic Petri netsR. Ammour, Edouard Leclercq, E. Sanlaville, Dimitri Lefebvre. 472-477 [doi]
- Identification of labeled Time Petri netsFrancesco Basile, Pasquale Chiacchio, Jolanda Coppola. 478-485 [doi]
- Faulty model identification in deterministic labeled Time Petri netsFrancesco Basile, Pasquale Chiacchio, Jolanda Coppola. 486-492 [doi]
- Discontinuities and non-monotonicities in Mono-T-Semiflow timed continuous Petri netsManuel Navarro-Gutierrez, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño, Manuel Silva. 493-500 [doi]