Abstract is missing.
- WSC 2067: What are the chances?Barry L. Nelson. 1 [doi]
- Why should we develop simulation models in pairs?Bernard P. Zeigler. 2 [doi]
- A perspective on fifty-five years of the evolution of scientific respect for simulationRobert G. Sargent. 3-15 [doi]
- History of the winter simulation conference: Overview and notable facts and figuresDavid Goldsman, Mariana de Almeida Costa, Paul Goldsman, James R. Wilson. 16-39 [doi]
- History of the winter simulation conference: Origins and early years (1967-1974)Thomas J. Schriber, Julian Reitman, Arnold Ockene, Harold G. Hixson. 40-49 [doi]
- History of the winter simulaltion conference: Renaissance perod (1975-1982)Robert G. Sargent, Paul F. Roth, Thomas J. Schriber. 50-59 [doi]
- A history of simulation development in the United KingdomBrian W. Hollocks. 60-74 [doi]
- The countries of the participants in the winter simulation conferenceDavid Goldsman, Mariana de Almeida Costa, Paul Goldsman. 75-81 [doi]
- History of the winter simulation conference: Coming-of-age period (1983-1992)Robert G. Sargent. 82-86 [doi]
- History of the winter simulation conference: Period of growth, consolidation, and innovation (1993-2007)Russell R. Barton, Jeffrey A. Joines, Douglas J. Morrice. 87-99 [doi]
- History of the winter simulation conference: Modern period (2008-2017)Christos Alexopoulos, Jeffrey A. Joines, Michael E. Kuhl. 100-114 [doi]
- A concise history of simulation output analysisChristos Alexopoulos, W. David Kelton. 115-130 [doi]
- History of seeking better solutions, AKA simulation optimizationMichael C. Fu, Shane G. Henderson. 131-157 [doi]
- History of improving statistical efficiencyRussell R. Barton, Marvin K. Nakayama, Lee Schruben. 158-180 [doi]
- History of input modelingRussell Cheng. 181-201 [doi]
- History of uniform random number generationPierre L'Ecuyer. 202-230 [doi]
- History of random variate generationMichael E. Kuhl. 231-242 [doi]
- History of computer simulation software: An initial perspectiveRichard E. Nance, C. Michael Overstreet. 243-261 [doi]
- Parallel discrete event simulation: The making of a fieldRichard M. Fujimoto, Rajive L. Bagrodia, Randal E. Bryant, K. Mani Chandy, David R. Jefferson, Jayadev Misra, David M. Nicol, Brian W. Unger. 262-291 [doi]
- History of verification and validation of simulation modelsRobert G. Sargent, Osman Balci. 292-307 [doi]
- The history of simulation modelingStephen D. Roberts, Dennis Pegden. 308-323 [doi]
- Creation of the computer simulation archiveRobert G. Sargent, James R. Wilson. 324-329 [doi]
- The computer simulation archive: Development and current contentsRichard E. Nance, Gwyneth A. Thayer. 330-341 [doi]
- The importance of the computer simulation archiveGregory K. Raschke, Susan K. Nutter. 342-345 [doi]
- A history of United States military simulationRaymond R. Hill, J. O. Miller. 346-364 [doi]
- Five decades of healthcare simulationSally C. Brailsford, Michael W. Carter, Sheldon H. Jacobson. 365-384 [doi]
- History and perspective of simulation in manufacturingLeon F. McGinnis, Oliver Rose. 385-397 [doi]
- Integrating mathematical optimization in devs for nuclear medicine patient and resource schedulingEduardo Perez. 398-407 [doi]
- A hardware-in-the-loop emulation testbed for high fidelity and reproducible network experimentsXiaoliang Wu, Qi Yang, Xin Liu, Dong Jin, Cheol Won Lee. 408-418 [doi]
- A brief history of HPC simulation and future challengesKishwar Ahmed, Jason Liu, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Stephan Eidenbenz. 419-430 [doi]
- Computational challenges in modeling & simulation of complex systemsRichard M. Fujimoto, Christopher D. Carothers, Alois Ferscha, David Jefferson, Margaret L. Loper, Madhav Marathe, Simon J. E. Taylor. 431-445 [doi]
- Modelling of urban climate impacts using regional and urban CFD models. Application to madrid (Spain) and London (UK)Roberto San José, Juan Luis Perez, Libia Perez, Rosa Maria González Barras. 446-456 [doi]
- A conceptural framework to federate testbeds for cybersecurityLavanya Ramapantulu, Yong Meng Teo, Ee-Chien Chang. 457-468 [doi]
- A spherical Monte Carlo approach for calculating value-at-risk and expected shortfall in financial risk managementHuei-Wen Teng. 469-480 [doi]
- Iterative multicriteria simulation and prototyping optimization in manufacturingEsmeralda Niño Pérez, Cesar A. Rivera-Collazo, Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos, Yaileen M. Méndez-Vázquez. 481-492 [doi]
- Integration design of supply chain hybrid simulationWen Jun Tan, Wentong Cai, Allan NengSheng Zhang. 493-504 [doi]
- The basics of simulationK. Preston White, Ricki G. Ingalls. 505-519 [doi]
- Introduction to information and process modeling for simulationGerd Wagner. 520-534 [doi]
- Open science: Approaches and benefits for modeling & simulationSimon J. E. Taylor, Anastasia Anagnostou, Adedeji O. Fabiyi, Christine S. M. Currie, Thomas Monks, Roberto Barbera, Bruce Becker. 535-549 [doi]
- A tutorial on design of experiments for simulation modelingAverill M. Law. 550-564 [doi]
- A tutorial on simulation conceptual modelingStewart Robinson. 565-579 [doi]
- Revisiting the four C'S of managing a successful simulation projectMelanie R. Barker, Nancy Zupick. 580-587 [doi]
- Avoid failures! Tested success tips for simulation excellenceDavid T. Sturrock. 588-596 [doi]
- System dynamics: A soft and hard approach to modellingMartin H. Kunc. 597-606 [doi]
- The Tao of simulationAbhinav Adduri, Lee Schruben. 607-616 [doi]
- An introduction to developing federations with the High Level Architecture (HLA)Alberto Falcone, Alfredo Garro, Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor. 617-631 [doi]
- Modelling for sustainable development using the triple-bottom line: Methods, challenges and the need for hybrid M&SMasoud Fakhimi, Lampros K. Stergioulas, Navonil Mustafee. 632-643 [doi]
- Classic DEVS modelling and simulationYentl Van Tendeloo, Hans Vangheluwe. 644-658 [doi]
- Toward reliable validation of HPC network simulation modelsMisbah Mubarak, Nikhil Jain, Jens Domke, Noah Wolfe, Caitlin Ross, Jianping Kelvin Li, Abhinav Bhatele, Christopher D. Carothers, Kwan-Liu Ma, Robert B. Ross. 659-674 [doi]
- Restraining complexity and scale traits for component-based simulation modelsHessam S. Sarjoughian. 675-689 [doi]
- Simulating networks with NS-3 and enhancing realism with DCEJared S. Ivey, Brian Paul Swenson, George F. Riley. 690-704 [doi]
- Advanced tutorial on microscopic discrete-event traffic simulationJohn A. Miller, Hao Peng, Casey N. Bowman. 705-719 [doi]
- Power consumption in parallel and distributed simulationsRichard M. Fujimoto. 720-734 [doi]
- Inside discrete-event simulation software: How it works and why it mattersThomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner, Jeffrey S. Smith. 735-749 [doi]
- Towards a universal formalism for modeling & simulationFernando J. Barros. 750-761 [doi]
- An abstract state machine semantics for discrete event simulationGerd Wagner. 762-773 [doi]
- Routing structure over discrete event system specification: A DEVS adaptation to develop smart routing in simulation modelsMaría Julia Blas, Silvio Gonnet, Horacio P. Leone. 774-785 [doi]
- Virtual time III: Unification of conservative and optimistic synchronization in parallel discrete event simulationDavid R. Jefferson, Peter D. Barnes Jr.. 786-797 [doi]
- A work-stealing based dynamic load balancing algorithm for conservative parallel discrete event simulationWenjie Tang, Yiping Yao, Feng Zhu, Tianlin Li, Xiao Song. 798-809 [doi]
- Energy consumption of HLA data distribution management approachesSabra Neal, Richard M. Fujimoto. 810-820 [doi]
- The state of innovation in modeling and simulation: The last 50 yearsOsman Balci, Richard M. Fujimoto, David Goldsman, Richard E. Nance, Bernard P. Zeigler. 821-836 [doi]
- Warriors or bulls: Introducing retroactive gambling line simulationR. Alan Bowman, Thomas Ashman, James Lambrinos. 837-848 [doi]
- Overcoming challenges in educational stem game design and developmentKatherine Smith, John Shull, Yuzhong Shen, Anthony Dean, Jennifer Michaeli. 849-859 [doi]
- An actor-model based bottom-up simulation - An experiment on Indian demonetisation initiativeSouvik Barat, Vinay Kulkarni, Tony Clark, Balbir Barn. 860-871 [doi]
- Provenance in modeling and simulation studies - Bridging gapsAndreas Ruscheinski, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher. 872-883 [doi]
- A brief history of COMBINEChris J. Myers, Gary D. Bader, Padraig Gleeson, Martin Golebiewski, Michael Hucka, Nicolas Le Novère, David P. Nickerson, Falk Schreiber, Dagmar Waltemath. 884-895 [doi]
- DiSH simulator: Capturing dynamics of cellular signaling with heterogeneous knowledgeKhaled Sayed, Yu-Hsin Kuo, Anuva Kulkarni, Natasa Miskov-Zivanov. 896-907 [doi]
- An analytical memory hierarchy model for performance predictionGopinath Chennupati, Nandakishore Santhi, Stephan Eidenbenz, Sunil Thulasidasan. 908-919 [doi]
- Simulation of HPC job scheduling and large-scale parallel workloadsMohammad Abu Obaida, Jason Liu. 920-931 [doi]
- Using quality of service lanes to control the impact of raid traffic within a burst bufferElsa Gonsiorowski, Christopher D. Carothers, Justin M. LaPre, Philip Heidelberger, Cyriel Minkenberg, Germán Rodríguez. 932-943 [doi]
- The Modelverse: A tool for Multi-Paradigm Modelling and simulationYentl Van Tendeloo, Hans Vangheluwe. 944-955 [doi]
- A sequential statistics approach to dynamic staffing under demand uncertaintyFatemeh S. Hashemi, Michael R. Taaffe. 956-965 [doi]
- Incorporating abstraction methods into system-analysis integration methodology for discrete event logistics systemsTimothy Sprock, Conrad Bock. 966-976 [doi]
- An approach for DEVS based modeling of electrical power systemsAnge-Lionel Toba, Mamadou Seck, Matthew Amissah, Sarah Bouazzaoui. 977-988 [doi]
- A cell-DEVS model for fracture propagation in rockGabriel Andrés Wainer, Scott Stewart. 989-1000 [doi]
- Hierarchical Markov decision process based on DEVS formalismCeline Kessler, Laurent Capocchi, Jean François Santucci, Bernard P. Zeigler. 1001-1012 [doi]
- Time-parallel simulation of air traffic networksYoung-Jin Kim, Dimitri Mavris, Richard Fujimoto. 1013-1024 [doi]
- Some properties of communication behaviors in discrete-event simulation modelsPatrick Crawford, Stephan J. Eidenbenz, Peter D. Barnes, Philip A. Wilsey. 1025-1036 [doi]
- Concurrent conversation modeling and parallel simulation of the naming game in social networksKalyan S. Perumalla. 1037-1048 [doi]
- TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networksAndres Laurito, Matías Bonaventura, Mikel Eukeni Pozo Astigarraga, Rodrigo Castro. 1049-1060 [doi]
- Melody: Synthesized datasets for evaluating intrusion detection systems for the smart gridVignesh Babu, Rakesh Kumar, Hoang Hai Nguyen, David M. Nicol, Kartik Palani, Elizabeth Reed. 1061-1072 [doi]
- A layered and aggregated queuing network simulator for detection of abnormalitiesJunfei Xie, Chenyuan He, Yan Wan, Kevin Mills, Christopher Dabrowski. 1073-1084 [doi]
- Hybrid Agent-based modeling of Zika in the united statesChris J. Kuhlman, Yihui Ren, Bryan L. Lewis, James Schlitt. 1085-1096 [doi]
- Exploring the epidemiological impact of universal access to rapid tuberculosis diagnosis using agent-based simulationParastu Kasaie, Hojoon Sohn, Emily Kendall, Gabriela B. Gomez, Anna Vassall, Madhukar Pai, David W. Dowdy. 1097-1108 [doi]
- Agent-based modeling framework for simulation of complex adaptive mechanisms underlying household water conservation technology adoptionKambiz Rasoulkhani, Brianne Logasa, Maria Presa Reyes, Ali Mostafavi. 1109-1120 [doi]
- Modeling and simulating households and firms location choice using agent-based models: Application to the urban area of BordeauxYoussef Bouanan, Seghir Zerguini, Nathalie Gaussier. 1121-1132 [doi]
- An agent based model for joint placement of PV panels and green roofsXueping Li, Mohammad Ramshani, Anahita Khojandi, Olufemi A. Omitaomu, Jon Michael Hathaway. 1133-1144 [doi]
- Data assimilation with sensor-informed resampling for building occupancy simulationSanish Rai, Xiaolin Hu. 1145-1156 [doi]
- Large-Scale Distributed Agent-Based Simulation for Shopping Mall and performance improvement with shadow agent projectionHideyuki Mizuta. 1157-1168 [doi]
- Simulating crowd motion using density estimation and optical flowDi Chen, Gary S. H. Tan, Antoine Fagette, Stephen Chai. 1169-1180 [doi]
- Towards a model of the U.S. stock market: How important is the securities information processor?Brian F. Tivnan, Matthew T. K. Koehler, David Slater, Jason G. Veneman, Brendan F. Tivnan. 1181-1192 [doi]
- Stockyard: A discrete event-based stock market exchange simulatorJianling Wang, Vivek George, Tucker Balch, Maria Hybinette. 1193-1203 [doi]
- An agent-based study of herding relationships with financial markets phenomenaYasaman Kamyab Hessary, Mirsad Hadzikadic. 1204-1215 [doi]
- Surrogate assisted calibration framework for crowd model calibrationWenchao Yi, Jinghui Zhong, Singkuang Tan, Wentong Cai, Nan Hu. 1216-1227 [doi]
- Simulating DDOS attacks on the us fiber-optics internet infrastructureSumeet Kumar, Kathleen M. Carley. 1228-1239 [doi]
- Towards an automated framework for agent-based simulation of refugee movementsDiana Suleimenova, David Bell, Derek Groen. 1240-1251 [doi]
- Optimizations for Neuron Time Warp(NTW) for stochastic reaction-diffusion models of neuronsMohammad Nazrul Ishlam Patoary, Carl Tropper, Robert A. McDougal, William W. Lytton. 1252-1263 [doi]
- Agent-based model construction using inverse reinforcement learningKamwoo Lee, Mark Rucker, William T. Scherer, Peter A. Beling, Matthew S. Gerber, Hyojung Kang. 1264-1275 [doi]
- Using situational awareness for adaptive decision making in agent-based simulationOkan Topçu. 1276-1287 [doi]
- Model alignment using optimization and design of experimentsAlejandro Teran-Somohano, Alice E. Smith, Levent Yilmaz. 1288-1299 [doi]
- Models as self-aware cognitive agents and adaptive mediators for model-driven scienceLevent Yilmaz, Sritika Chakladar, Kyle Doud, Alice E. Smith, Alejandro Teran-Somohano, Halit Oguztüzün, Sema Cam, Orçun Dayibas, Bilge Kaan Görür. 1300-1311 [doi]
- A framework for formal automated analysis of simulation experiments using probabilistic model checkingKyle Doud, Levent Yilmaz. 1312-1323 [doi]
- An agent-based simulation model for autonomous trailer dockingBerry Gerrits, Martijn Mes, Peter Schuur. 1324-1335 [doi]
- An agent-based simulation model for distributed vehicle sharing operationsMengqi Hu, Yang Chen, Xiaopeng Li, Kaiqi Xiong. 1336-1347 [doi]
- A meta-algorithm for validating agent-based simulation models to support decision makingWarren Volk-Makarewicz, Catherine Cleophas. 1348-1359 [doi]
- Hypothesis-driven experiment design in computer simulation studiesFabian Lorig, Daniel S. Lebherz, Jan Ole Berndt, Ingo J. Timm. 1360-1371 [doi]
- Using structural equation-based metamodeling for agent-based modelsKai G. Mertens, Iris Lorscheid, Matthias Meyer. 1372-1382 [doi]
- The effects of teams' initial characterizations of interactions on product development performanceMohsen Jafari Songhori, Mohammad S. Jalali, Takao Terano. 1383-1394 [doi]
- Agent-based and regression models of social influenceWai Kin (Victor) Chan. 1395-1406 [doi]
- Neural networks and agent-based diffusion modelsAshkan Negahban. 1407-1418 [doi]
- Efficient simulation-based verification of probabilistic timed automataArnd Hartmanns, Sean Sedwards, Pedro R. D'Argenio. 1419-1430 [doi]
- Modeling lessons from verifying large software systems for safety and securitySuresh Kothari, Payas Awadhutkar, Ahmed Tamrawi, Jon Mathews. 1431-1442 [doi]
- Designing highway access control system using multi-class M/G/C/C state dependent queueing model and cross-entropy methodYifan Wang, Daniel Kim, Seong-Hee Kim, Haengju Lee. 1443-1454 [doi]
- A simevents model for hybrid traffic simulationYue Zhang, Christos G. Cassandras, Wei Li 0033, Pieter J. Mosterman. 1455-1466 [doi]
- A distributed simulator platform for rapid industrial user experience prototypingRoberto S. Silva Filho, Alexander K. Carroll, James D. Brooks. 1467-1478 [doi]
- A simheuristic approach for resource allocation in volunteer computingJavier Panadero, Laura Calvet, Joan Manuel Marquès, Angel A. Juan. 1479-1490 [doi]
- Simulating execution time variations in Matlab/SimulinkAndreas Naderlinger. 1491-1502 [doi]
- Engineering of machine tools and manufacturing systems using cyber-physical systemsStefan Scheifele, Oliver Riedel, Günter Pritschow. 1503-1514 [doi]
- Generic architecture for interactive mobile simulation of parallel Devs models: A missile defense applicationCeline Kessler, Laurent Capocchi, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jean François Santucci. 1515-1526 [doi]
- A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modelingWaleed Abo-Hamad, Ahmed Ramy, Amr Arisha. 1527-1538 [doi]
- Learning about systems using machine learning: Towards more data-driven feedback loopsMahmoud Elbattah, Owen Molloy. 1539-1550 [doi]
- A hybrid approach for building models and simulations for smart cities: Expert knowledge and low dimensionalityElhabib Moustaid, Sebastiaan Meijer. 1551-1562 [doi]
- A global and local search approach to quay crane scheduling problemKyrylo Perelygin, Joseph J. Kim. 1563-1570 [doi]
- A Bayesian simulation approach for supply chain synchronizationBianica Pires, Joshua Goldstein, Dave Higdon, Paul Sabin, Gizem Korkmaz, Stephanie Shipp, Sallie Keller, Shan Ba, Ken Hamall, Art Koehler, Shane Reese. 1571-1582 [doi]
- A hybrid approach using forecasting and discrete-event simulation for endoscopy servicesAlison Harper, Navonil Mustafee, Mark Feeney. 1583-1594 [doi]
- Modeling mixed type random variablesChristopher Weld, Lawrence Leemis. 1595-1606 [doi]
- A cross-paradigm simulation framework for complex logistics systemsThiago Barros Brito, Rui Carlos Botter. 1607-1618 [doi]
- A hybrid simulation model of helping behaviorJosiah J. Green, Caroline C. Krejci, David E. Cantor. 1619-1630 [doi]
- Purpose and benefits of hybrid simulation: Contributing to the convergence of its definitionNavonil Mustafee, Sally C. Brailsford, Anatoli Djanatliev, Tillal Eldabi, Martin Kunc, Andreas Tolk. 1631-1645 [doi]
- Using discrete event simulation and soft systems methodology for optimizing patient flow and resource utilization at the surgical unit of radiumhospitalet in Oslo, NORWAYLene Berge Holm, Tone Bjornenak, Guri Galtung Kjaeserud, Harald Noddeland. 1646-1657 [doi]
- Optimizing home hospital health service delivery in norway using a combined geographical information system, agent based, discrete event simulation modelJoe Viana, Vigdis Margrethe Ziener, Marita Sommer Holhjem, Irene Gynnild Ponton, Lisa Johanne Thogersen, Tone Breines Simonsen. 1658-1669 [doi]
- Combining bootstrap-based stroke incidence models with discrete event modeling of travel-time and stroke treatment: Non-normal input and non-linear outputKim Rand-Hendriksen, Joe Viana, Fredrik A. Dahl. 1670-1679 [doi]
- Seasonal recruiting policies for table grape packing operations: A hybrid simulation modelling studyMohammed Mesabbah, Siham Rahoui, Mohamed A. F. Ragab, Amr Mahfouz, Amr Arisha. 1680-1691 [doi]
- Exploring personal data futures trading with design fiction based hybrid simulationDavid Bell. 1692-1703 [doi]
- Hybrid adaptive control for UAV data collection: A simulation-based design to trade-off resources between stability and communicationEzequiel Pecker Marcosig, Juan I. Giribet, Rodrigo Castro. 1704-1715 [doi]
- Simulation-based predictive analytics for dynamic queueing systemsHuiyin Ouyang, Barry L. Nelson. 1716-1727 [doi]
- Deep Gaussian Process metamodeling of sequentially sampled non-stationary response surfacesVincent Dutordoir, Nicolas Knudde, Joachim van der Herten, Ivo Couckuyt, Tom Dhaene. 1728-1739 [doi]
- Fitting continuous piecewise linear poisson intensities via maximum likelihood and least squaresZeyu Zheng, Peter W. Glynn. 1740-1749 [doi]
- Stochastic co-kriging for steady-state simulation metamodelingXi Chen, Sahar Hemmati, Feng Yang. 1750-1761 [doi]
- Asymmetric kriging emulator for stochastic simulationQiong Zhang, Wei Xie. 1762-1772 [doi]
- Surrogate assisted model reduction for stochastic biochemical reaction networksPrashant Singh, Andreas Hellander. 1773-1783 [doi]
- Explorative analysis in a preliminary phase of hybrid vehicle design by means of tangible interactionKresimir Matkovic, Denis Gracanin, Mario Duras, Reza Tasooji, Mohamed Handosa. 1784-1795 [doi]
- Portfolio risk measurement via stochastic meshKun Zhang, Guangwu Liu, Shiyu Wang. 1796-1807 [doi]
- Improving prediction from stochastic simulation via model discrepancy learningHenry Lam, Xinyu Zhang, Matthew Plumlee. 1808-1819 [doi]
- Controlled Morris method: A new distribution-free sequential testing procedure for factor screeningWen Shi, Xi Chen. 1820-1831 [doi]
- Optimizing the design of a latin hypercube sampling estimatorAlexander J. Zolan, John J. Hasenbein, David P. Morton. 1832-1843 [doi]
- On the estimation of the mean time to failure by simulationPeter W. Glynn, Marvin K. Nakayama, Bruno Tuffin. 1844-1855 [doi]
- Variance and derivative estimation for virtual performance in simulation analyticsYujing Lin, Barry L. Nelson. 1856-1867 [doi]
- Analyzing and simplifying model uncertainty in fuzzy cognitive mapsEric A. Lavin, Philippe J. Giabbanelli. 1868-1879 [doi]
- Accurate computation of the right tail of the sum of dependent log-normal variatesZdravko I. Botev, Pierre L'Ecuyer. 1880-1890 [doi]
- A joint Gaussian process metamodel to improve quantile predictionsSonghao Wang, Szu-Hui Ng. 1891-1902 [doi]
- Logarithmically efficient estimation of the tail of the multivariate normal distributionZdravko I. Botev, Daniel Mackinlay, Yi-Lung Chen. 1903-1913 [doi]
- A stochastic simulation calibration framework for real-time system controlWei Xie, Pu Zhang, Qiong Zhang. 1914-1925 [doi]
- Metamodeling a system dynamics model: A contemporary comparison of methodsRodrigo De La Fuente, Raymond Smith. 1926-1937 [doi]
- A misspecification test for simulation metamodelsShiyu Wang, Guangwu Liu, Kun Zhang. 1938-1949 [doi]
- Finite variance unbiased estimation of stochastic differential equationsAnkush Agarwal, Emmanuel Gobet. 1950-1961 [doi]
- Bayesian sequential calibration using detailed sample pathsBo Wang, Qiong Zhang, Wei Xie. 1962-1973 [doi]
- Detecting bias due to input modelling in computer simulationLucy E. Morgan, Barry L. Nelson, Andrew C. Titman, David J. Worthington. 1974-1985 [doi]
- Quantile estimation using conditional Monte Carlo and Latin hypercube samplingHui Dong, Marvin K. Nakayama. 1986-1997 [doi]
- Sequential probability ratio test for Multiple-Objective Ranking and SelectionWenyu Wang Hong Wan. 1998-2009 [doi]
- Sample average approximations for the continuous type principal-agent problem: An exampleDashi I. Singham, Wenbo Cai. 2010-2020 [doi]
- A simulation-based quality variance control system for the environment-sensitive process manufacturing industryLin Tang, Miao He, Xunan Zhang, Yutao Ba, Changrui Ren. 2021-2032 [doi]
- Data-driven adaptive threshold control for bike share systemsFelisa J. Vázquez-Abad, Silvano Bernabel, Michael C. Fu. 2033-2044 [doi]
- A computational comparison of simulation optimization methods using single observations within a shrinking ball on noisy black-box functions with mixed integer and continuous domainsDavid D. Linz, Zelda B. Zabinsky, Seksan Kiatsupaibul, Robert L. Smith 0002. 2045-2056 [doi]
- Multi-fidelity simulation optimization with level set approximation using probabilistic branch and boundDavid D. Linz, Hao Huang, Zelda B. Zabinsky. 2057-2068 [doi]
- A two-time-scale adaptive search algorithm for global optimizationQi Zhang, Jiaqiao Hu. 2069-2079 [doi]
- Computational methods for optimization via simulation using Gaussian Markov Random FieldsMark Semelhago, Barry L. Nelson, Andreas Wächter, Eunhye Song. 2080-2091 [doi]
- Enhancing pattern search for global optimization with an additive global and local Gaussian Process modelQun Meng, Szu-Hui Ng. 2092-2103 [doi]
- Trust region based stochastic optimization with adaptive restart: A family of global optimization algorithmsLogan Mathesen, Giulia Pedrielli, Szu-Hui Ng. 2104-2115 [doi]
- A multi-objective perspective on robust ranking and selectionWeizhi Liu, Siyang Gao, Loo Hay Lee. 2116-2127 [doi]
- Optimal computing budget allocation via sampling based unbiased approximationXiao Jin, Haobin Li, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew. 2128-2136 [doi]
- Ranking and selection with covariatesHaihui Shen, L. Jeff Hong, Xiaowei Zhang. 2137-2148 [doi]
- A Bayesian ranking and selection problem with pairwise comparisonsLaura Priekule, Stephan Meisel. 2149-2160 [doi]
- Efficient expected improvement estimation for continuous multiple ranking and selectionMichael Pearce, Jürgen Branke. 2161-2172 [doi]
- Rate-optimality of the complete expected improvement criterionYe Chen, Ilya O. Ryzhov. 2173-2182 [doi]
- Optimal design of master-worker architecture for parallelized simulation optimizationHaobin Li, Xiuju Fu, Xiaofeng Yin, Giulia Pedrielli, Loo Hay Lee. 2183-2193 [doi]
- Application of a second-order stochastic optimization algorithm for fitting stochastic epidemiological modelsAtiye Alaeddini, Daniel J. Klein. 2194-2206 [doi]
- Empirically comparing the finite-time performance of simulation-optimization algorithmsNaijia Anna Dong, David J. Eckman, Xueqi Zhao, Shane G. Henderson, Matthias Poloczek. 2206-2217 [doi]
- Optimal computing budget allocation for ranking the top designs with stochastic constraintsHui Xiao, Hu Chen, Loo Hay Lee. 2218-2224 [doi]
- An efficient fully sequential selection procedure guaranteeing probably approximately correct selectionSijia Ma, Shane G. Henderson. 2225-2236 [doi]
- A new framework of designing sequential ranking-and-selection proceduresYing Zhong, L. Jeff Hong. 2237-2244 [doi]
- Ranking and selection under input uncertainty: A budget allocation formulationDi Wu, Enlu Zhou. 2245-2256 [doi]
- Robust simulation based optimization with input uncertaintySathishkumar Lakshmanan, Jayendran Venkateswaran. 2257-2267 [doi]
- Bayesian simulation optimization with input uncertaintyMichael Pearce, Jürgen Branke. 2268-2278 [doi]
- Data driven stochastic approximation for change detectionThomas Flynn, Olympia Hadjiliadis, Ioannis Stamos, Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad. 2279-2290 [doi]
- A smoothing stochastic quasi-newton method for non-lipschitzian stochastic optimization problemsFarzad Yousefian, Angelia Nedic, Uday V. Shanbhag. 2291-2302 [doi]
- An epsilon-constraint method for integer-ordered bi-objective simulation optimizationKyle Cooper, Susan R. Hunter, Kalyani Nagaraj. 2303-2314 [doi]
- Computing worst-case expectations given marginals via simulationJose H. Blanchet, Fei He, Henry Lam. 2315-2323 [doi]
- A sequential elimination approach to value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk selectionAdam J. Hepworth, Michael P. Atkinson, Roberto Szechtman. 2324-2335 [doi]
- On the asymptotic analysis of quantile sensitivity estimation by Monte Carlo simulationYijie Peng, Michael C. Fu, Peter W. Glynn, Jianqiang Hu. 2336-2347 [doi]
- A scenario-based simulation framework of on- and off-site construction logisticsNingshuang Zeng, Maximilian Dichtl, Markus König. 2348-2359 [doi]
- Criticality visualization using 4D simulation for major capital projectsMichel Guevremont, Amin Hammad. 2360-2371 [doi]
- Towards a conceptual modeling framework for construction simulationMohammed Adel Abdelmegid, Vicente A. Gonzalez, Ashkan M. Naraghi, Michael J. O'Sullivan, Cameron G. Walker, Mani Poshdar. 2372-2383 [doi]
- Carbon dioxide emission evaluation in construction operations using DES: A case study of carwash constructionZhiDong Tony Li, Reza Akhavian. 2384-2393 [doi]
- Simulating total embodied energy of building products through BIMRaja Shahmir Nizam, Yue Xiao, Tongpo Zhang, Yuelong Liu, Cheng Zhang. 2394-2404 [doi]
- Simulating a ready-mix concrete plants network using multimethod approachJaime Alberto Sanchez Velasquez, Maria Camila Aristizabal Isaza. 2405-2412 [doi]
- Coupling risk attitude and motion data mining in a preemtive construction safety frameworkKhandakar M. Rashid, Songjukta Datta, Amir H. Behzadan. 2413-2424 [doi]
- Acquisition and processing of input data for an object - Oriented safety risk simulation in building constructionJürgen Melzner. 2425-2435 [doi]
- Characterization of the underlying mechanisms of vulnerability in complex projects using dynamic network simulationJin Zhu, Ali Mostafavi. 2436-2447 [doi]
- Human activity recognition and mobile sensing for construction simulationNipun D. Nath, Prabhat Shrestha, Amir H. Behzadan. 2448-2459 [doi]
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- Faster aircraft boarding enabled by infrastructural changesMichael Schultz. 2530-2541 [doi]
- Enhancing the toolkit of airport operations analysts: Evidence from an airport baggage handling system improvement projectMaurizio Tomasella, Paul Hancock, Bilyana Hristova, Zuzana Vancova, Burak Büke. 2542-2553 [doi]
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- A down to earth solution: Applying a robust simulation-optimization approach to resolve aviation problemsPaolo Scala, Miguel Mujica, Daniel Delahaye. 2626-2637 [doi]
- Using fast-time simulation to assess weather forecast accuracy requirements for air traffic flow managementAlexander Klein. 2638-2649 [doi]
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- Artificial neural network models for building energy predictionKi Uhn Ahn, Cheol-Soo Park. 2708-2716 [doi]
- An hybrid simulator for managing hydraulic structures operational modes to ensure the safety of territories with complex river basin from floodingRoberto Revetria, Lorenzo Damiani, Mikhail Ivanov, Olga Ivanova. 2717-2728 [doi]
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- Rationalizing healthcare budgeting when providing services with mandated maximum delays: A simulation modeling approachPhilip Troy, Lisa Westaway, Anthonie Grondin, Thaddeus Rezanowicz. 2740-2751 [doi]
- Using simulation to help hospitals reduce emergency department waiting times: Examples and impactThomas Monks, Rudabeh Meskarian. 2752-2763 [doi]
- Improving patient waiting time at a pure walk-in clinicHaydon D. Reese, Vivekanand Anandhan, Eduardo Perez, Clara Novoa. 2764-2773 [doi]
- A model based simulation toolkit for evaluating renal replacement policiesBilge Celik, Pieter M. E. Van Gorp, Andre C. J. Snoeck, Remi C. van Riet, Peter J. de Winter, Anna Wilbik. 2774-2785 [doi]
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- An agent-based model to investigate behavior impacts on vector-borne disease spreadAnna Paula Galvao Scheidegger, Amarnath Banerjee. 2833-2844 [doi]
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- Reducing capital cost and semi-private bed experience by simulating hospital inpatient operationsMartin Miller. 2964-2974 [doi]
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- ® simulation studioEd Hughes, Emily K. Lada. 4423 [doi]
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- Arena and industry 4.0Robert Kranz, Nancy Zupick. 4450 [doi]
- ®: Performance, scalability and accuracyDaniel J. Muller. 4451 [doi]
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