Journal: Auton. Robots

Volume 7, Issue 3

207 -- 209M. Anthony Lewis, Michael A. Arbib. Introduction to the Special Issue on Biomorphic Robots
211 -- 224Reid R. Harrison, Christof Koch. A Robust Analog VLSI Motion Sensor Based on the Visual System of the Fly
225 -- 237Ralph Etienne-Cummings. Intelligent Robot Vision Sensors in VLSI
239 -- 245Avis H. Cohen, David L. Boothe. Sensorimotor Interactions During Locomotion: Principles Derived from Biological Systems
247 -- 258Hiroshi Kimura, Seiichi Akiyama, Kazuaki Sakurama. Realization of Dynamic Walking and Running of the Quadruped Using Neural Oscillator
259 -- 270Fred Delcomyn. Walking Robots and the Central and Peripheral Control of Locomotion in Insects
271 -- 288Jeffrey Dean, Thomas Kindermann, Josef Schmitz, Michael Schumm, Holk Cruse. Control of Walking in the Stick Insect: From Behavior and Physiology to Modeling

Volume 7, Issue 2

119 -- 130Eric Krotkov, Martial Hebert, Lars Henriksen, Paul Levin, Mark W. Maimone, Reid G. Simmons, James Teza. Evolution of a Prototype Lunar Rover: Addition of Laser-Based Hazard Detection, and Results from Field Trials in Lunar Analog Terrain
131 -- 142Clayton Kunz, Thomas Willeke, Illah R. Nourbakhsh. Automatic Mapping of Dynamic Office Environments
143 -- 158Panos E. Trahanias, Savvas Velissaris, Stelios C. Orphanoudakis. Visual Recognition of Workspace Landmarks for Topological Navigation
159 -- 173Bradley J. Nelson, Pradeep K. Khosla. An Expectation-Based Framework of Object Schemas and Port-Based Agents for Disparate Feedback Assimilation
175 -- 186Anthony Stentz, John Bares, Sanjiv Singh, Patrick Rowe. A Robotic Excavator for Autonomous Truck Loading
187 -- 200Young D. Kwon, Jin S. Lee. A Stochastic Map Building Method for Mobile Robot using 2-D Laser Range Finder

Volume 7, Issue 1

5 -- 7Tom Ziemke, Noel E. Sharkey. Artificial Neural Networks for Robot Learning-Guest Editors Introduction
9 -- 30Guang Li, Bertil Svenson. Navigating with a Focus-Directed Mapping Network
31 -- 40J. Michael Herrmann, Klaus Pawelzik, Theo Geisel. Self-Localization of Autonomous Robots by Hidden Representations
41 -- 56Christian Balkenius. Dynamics of a Classical Conditioning Model
57 -- 75Pedro Martín, José del R. Millán. Learning of Sensor-Based Arm Motions while Executing High-Level Descriptions of Tasks
77 -- 88Marco Wiering, Rafal Salustowicz, Jürgen Schmidhuber. Reinforcement Learning Soccer Teams with Incomplete World Models
89 -- 113Stefano Nolfi, Dario Floreano. Learning and Evolution