Journal: BJET

Volume 49, Issue 6

975 -- 980Donatella Persico, Francesca Pozzi, Peter Goodyear. Teachers as designers of TEL interventions
981 -- 997Matt Bower, Panos Vlachopoulos. A critical analysis of technology-enhanced learning design frameworks
998 -- 1013Francesca Maria Dagnino, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Francesca Pozzi, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Bartolomé Rubia-Avi. Exploring teachers' needs and the existing barriers to the adoption of Learning Design methods and tools: A literature survey
1014 -- 1026Sue Bennett, Lori Lockyer, Shirley Agostinho. Towards sustainable technology-enhanced innovation in higher education: Advancing learning design by understanding and supporting teacher design practice
1027 -- 1043Giang N. H. Nguyen, Matt Bower. Novice teacher technology-enhanced learning design practices: The case of the silent pedagogy
1044 -- 1058Diana Laurillard, Eileen Kennedy, Patricia Charlton, Joanna Wild, Dionisios Dimakopoulos. Using technology to develop teachers as designers of TEL: Evaluating the learning designer
1059 -- 1076Michail Boloudakis, Symeon Retalis, Yannis Psaromiligkos. Training Νovice teachers to design moodle-based units of learning using a CADMOS-enabled learning design sprint
1077 -- 1095Konstantinos Michos, Davinia Hernández Leo, Laia Albó. Teacher-led inquiry in technology-supported school communities
1096 -- 1112Ana I. Molina, Yoel Arroyo, Carmen Lacave, Miguel A. Redondo. Learn-CIAN: A visual language for the modelling of group learning processes
1113 -- 1130Muriel Garreta Domingo, Peter B. Sloep, Davinia Hernández Leo. Human-centred design to empower "teachers as designers"
1131 -- 1144Cathy Lewin, Sue Cranmer, Sarah McNicol. Developing digital pedagogy through learning design: An activity theory perspective
1145 -- 1161Yael Kali, Keren-Sarah Levy, Rachel Levin-Peled, Tali Tal. Supporting outdoor inquiry learning (SOIL): Teachers as designers of mobile-assisted seamless learning
1162 -- 1173Yishay Mor, Rotem Abdu. Responsive learning design: Epistemic fluency and generative pedagogical practices