Journal: IJGCMS

Volume 5, Issue 2

1 -- 19Brock Dubbels. Gamification, Serious Games, Ludic Simulation, and other Contentious Categories
20 -- 33Aleshia T. Hayes, Carrie L. Straub, Lisa A. Dieker, Charlie E. Hughes, Michael C. Hynes. Ludic Learning: Exploration of TLE TeachLivE™ and Effective Teacher Training
34 -- 59Julie McLeod, Mary Jo Dondlinger, Sheri Vasinda, Leslie Haas. Digital Play: Mathematical Simulations Transforming Curiosity into Play
60 -- 72Robert M. Waddington, Thomas C. Reeves, Ellen J. Kalin, William D. Aggen, Marjorie A. Moreau, Harald Scheirich, Jerry Heneghan, Steven Cattrell. Value of a Ludic Simulation in Training First Responders to Manage Blast Incidents