Journal: IEEE Transactions on Computers

Volume 59, Issue 9

1153 -- 1157Guey-Yun Chang. (t, k)-Diagnosability for Regular Networks
1158 -- 1171Min Yang, Yuanyuan Yang. An Efficient Hybrid Peer-to-Peer System for Distributed Data Sharing
1172 -- 1186Paolo Valente, Fabio Checconi. High Throughput Disk Scheduling with Fair Bandwidth Distribution
1187 -- 1199Igor V. Zotov. Distributed Virtual Bit-Slice Synchronizer: A Scalable Hardware Barrier Mechanism for n-Dimensional Meshes
1200 -- 1209Kyueun Yi, Jean-Luc Gaudiot. Network Applications on Simultaneous Multithreading Processors
1210 -- 1223Jack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley. Time-Predictable Out-of-Order Execution for Hard Real-Time Systems
1224 -- 1238Hannes Frey, Ivan Stojmenovic. On Delivery Guarantees and Worst-Case Forwarding Bounds of Elementary Face Routing Components in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
1239 -- 1249Chun-I Fan, Ling-Ying Huang, Pei-Hsiu Ho. Anonymous Multireceiver Identity-Based Encryption
1250 -- 1263Sylvain Guilley, Laurent Sauvage, Florent Flament, Vinh-Nga Vong, Philippe Hoogvorst, Renaud Pacalet. Evaluation of Power Constant Dual-Rail Logics Countermeasures against DPA with Design Time Security Metrics
1264 -- 1280Kris Gaj, Soonhak Kwon, Patrick Baier, Paul Kohlbrenner, Hoang Le, Mohammed Khaleeluddin, Ramakrishna Bachimanchi, Marcin Rogawski. Area-Time Efficient Implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method of Factoring in Reconfigurable Hardware for Application in the Number Field Sieve
1281 -- 1294Madhukar Anand, Sebastian Fischmeister, Yerang Hur, Jesung Kim, Insup Lee. Generating Reliable Code from Hybrid-Systems Models
1295 -- 1296Aaram Yun, Jung Hee Cheon, Yongdae Kim. On Homomorphic Signatures for Network Coding

Volume 59, Issue 8

1009 -- 1022Alaaeldin Amin, M. Waleed Shinwari. High-Radix Multiplier-Dividers: Theory, Design, and Hardware
1023 -- 1032Adenilso da Silva Simão, Alexandre Petrenko. Checking Completeness of Tests for Finite State Machines
1033 -- 1046Hongzhong Zheng, Zhichun Zhu. Power and Performance Trade-Offs in Contemporary DRAM System Designs for Multicore Processors
1047 -- 1062Bernhard Egger, Seungkyun Kim, Choonki Jang, Jaejin Lee, Sang Lyul Min, Heonshik Shin. Scratchpad Memory Management Techniques for Code in Embedded Systems without an MMU
1063 -- 1075Yang Chang, Andy J. Wellings. Garbage Collection for Flexible Hard Real-Time Systems
1076 -- 1090Xiaojing Xiang, Xin Wang, Yuanyuan Yang. Stateless Multicasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
1091 -- 1104Harold Ishebabi, Christophe Bobda. Heuristics for Flexible CMP Synthesis
1105 -- 1119Suzana Stojkovic, Dragan Jankovic, Radomir S. Stankovic. An Improved Algorithm for the Construction of Decision Diagrams by Rearranging and Partitioning the Input Cube Set
1120 -- 1133Taekyoung Kwon, Jin Hong. Secure and Efficient Broadcast Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks
1134 -- 1137Ron S. Waters, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.. A Reduced Complexity Wallace Multiplier Reduction
1138 -- 1144Sudarshan K. Srinivasan. Automatic Refinement Checking of Pipelines with Out-of-Order Execution
1145 -- 1151Ming-Der Shieh, Wen-Ching Lin. Word-Based Montgomery Modular Multiplication Algorithm for Low-Latency Scalable Architectures

Volume 59, Issue 7

865 -- 877Dusit Niyato, Ekram Hossain. A Microeconomic Model for Hierarchical Bandwidth Sharing in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
878 -- 890Dong Kim, Kwanhu Bang, Seung-Hwan Ha, Sungroh Yoon, Eui-Young Chung. Architecture Exploration of High-Performance PCs with a Solid-State Disk
891 -- 904Mirko Loghi, Olga Golubeva, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino. Architectural Leakage Power Minimization of Scratchpad Memories by Application-Driven Subbanking
905 -- 921Yoon Jae Seong, Eyee Hyun Nam, Jinhyuk Yoon, Hongseok Kim, Jin-Yong Choi, Sookwan Lee, Young Hyun Bae, Jaejin Lee, Yookun Cho, Sang Lyul Min. Hydra: A Block-Mapped Parallel Flash Memory Solid-State Disk Architecture
922 -- 932Alodeep Sanyal, Ashesh Rastogi, Wei Chen, Sandip Kundu. An Efficient Technique for Leakage Current Estimation in Nanoscaled CMOS Circuits Incorporating Self-Loading Effects
933 -- 942Man-Ki Yoon, Chang-Gun Lee, Junghee Han. Migrating from Per-Job Analysis to Per-Resource Analysis for Tighter Bounds of End-to-End Response Times
943 -- 954Songqing Chen, Shiping Chen, Xinyuan Wang, Zhao Zhang, Sushil Jajodia. An Application-Level Data Transparent Authentication Scheme without Communication Overhead
955 -- 968Animesh Pathak, Viktor K. Prasanna. Energy-Efficient Task Mapping for Data-Driven Sensor Network Macroprogramming
969 -- 980Hanhua Chen, Jun Yan, Hai Jin, Yunhao Liu, Lionel M. Ni. TSS: Efficient Term Set Search in Large Peer-to-Peer Textual Collections
981 -- 994Hratch Mangassarian, Andreas G. Veneris, Marco Benedetti. Robust QBF Encodings for Sequential Circuits with Applications to Verification, Debug, and Test
995 -- 999Ozgur Sinanoglu, Mehmet Hakan Karaata, Bader F. AlBdaiwi. An Inherently Stabilizing Algorithm for Node-To-Node Routing over All Shortest Node-Disjoint Paths in Hypercube Networks
1000 -- 1006Haohuan Fu, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk. FPGA Designs with Optimized Logarithmic Arithmetic
1007 -- 1008Gang Zhou, Harald Michalik. Comments on A New Architecture for a Parallel Finite Field Multiplier with Low Complexity Based on Composite Field

Volume 59, Issue 6

721 -- 734Chen Wang, Bing Bing Zhou, Albert Y. Zomaya. EvolvingSpace: A Data Centric Framework for Integrating Bioinformatics Applications
735 -- 747Manish Kumar Shukla, A. Yavuz Oruç. Multicasting in Quantum Switching Networks
748 -- 761Itamar Cohen, Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy. Statistical Approach to Networks-on-Chip
762 -- 775George Lentaris, Dionysios I. Reisis. A Graphics Parallel Memory Organization Exploiting Request Correlations
776 -- 783Jianjia Wu, Jyh-Charn Liu, Wei Zhao. A General Framework for Parameterized Schedulability Bound Analysis of Real-Time Systems
784 -- 794Hyesook Lim, Changhoon Yim, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.. Priority Tries for IP Address Lookup
795 -- 807Naofumi Homma, Atsushi Miyamoto, Takafumi Aoki, Akashi Satoh, Adi Shamir. Comparative Power Analysis of Modular Exponentiation Algorithms
808 -- 821Azzedine Boukerche, Jan Mendonca Correa, Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo, Ricardo P. Jacobi. A Hardware Accelerator for the Fast Retrieval of DIALIGN Biological Sequence Alignments in Linear Space
822 -- 834Chia-Hung Lin, Shiao-An Yuan, Shih-Wei Chiu, Ming-Jer Tsai. ProgressFace: An Algorithm to Improve Routing Efficiency of GPSR-Like Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
835 -- 841Juliano B. Lima, Daniel Panario, Qiang Wang. A Karatsuba-Based Algorithm for Polynomial Multiplication in Chebyshev Form
842 -- 846Lein Harn, Changlu Lin. Authenticated Group Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing
847 -- 854Shufu Mao, Tilman Wolf. Hardware Support for Secure Processing in Embedded Systems
855 -- 864Yiqiang Ding, Wei Zhang. Loop-Based Instruction Prefetching to Reduce the Worst-Case Execution Time

Volume 59, Issue 5

577 -- 578Cristiana Bolchini, Donatella Sciuto. Guest Editors Introduction: Special Section on System-Level Design of Reliable Architectures
579 -- 592Osman Hasan, Sofiène Tahar, Naeem Abbasi. Formal Reliability Analysis Using Theorem Proving
593 -- 607Bin Li, Lide Duan, Lu Peng. Efficient Microarchitectural Vulnerabilities Prediction Using Boosted Regression Trees and Patient Rule Inductions
608 -- 622Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Arash Reyhani-Masoleh. Concurrent Structure-Independent Fault Detection Schemes for the Advanced Encryption Standard
623 -- 637Javier Carretero, Xavier Vera, Pedro Chaparro, Jaume Abella. Microarchitectural Online Testing for Failure Detection in Memory Order Buffers
638 -- 650Hyunjin Lee, Sangyeun Cho, Bruce R. Childers. PERFECTORY: A Fault-Tolerant Directory Memory Architecture
651 -- 665Omer Khan, Sandip Kundu. Thread Relocation: A Runtime Architecture for Tolerating Hard Errors in Chip Multiprocessors
666 -- 678Kyungtae Kang, Lui Sha. An Interleaving Structure for Guaranteed QoS in Real-Time Broadcasting Systems
679 -- 693Álvaro Vázquez, Elisardo Antelo, Paolo Montuschi. Improved Design of High-Performance Parallel Decimal Multipliers
694 -- 706Ghassem Jaberipur, Behrooz Parhami, Saeid Gorgin. Redundant-Digit Floating-Point Addition Scheme Based on a Stored Rounding Value
707 -- 719M. Tamer Refaei, Luiz A. DaSilva, Mohamed Eltoweissy, Tamer Nadeem. Adaptation of Reputation Management Systems to Dynamic Network Conditions in Ad Hoc Networks

Volume 59, Issue 4

433 -- 448Ben Cope, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk, Lee W. Howes. Performance Comparison of Graphics Processors to Reconfigurable Logic: A Case Study
449 -- 456Amirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn. A Unified Architecture for the Accurate and High-Throughput Implementation of Six Key Elementary Functions
457 -- 467Jie-Hong Roland Jiang, Chih-Chun Lee, Alan Mishchenko, Chung-Yang Huang. To SAT or Not to SAT: Scalable Exploration of Functional Dependency
468 -- 477Yusuf Hasan, Wei-Mei Chen, J. Morris Chang, Bashar Gharaibeh. Upper Bounds for Dynamic Memory Allocation
478 -- 491Clemens Moser, Lothar Thiele, Davide Brunelli, Luca Benini. Adaptive Power Management for Environmentally Powered Systems
492 -- 506Yeim-Kuan Chang, Yung-Chieh Lin, Cheng-Chien Su. Dynamic Multiway Segment Tree for IP Lookups and the Fast Pipelined Search Engine
507 -- 521Yang Xiao, Hui Chen, Kui Wu, Bo Sun, Ying Zhang, Xinyu Sun, Chong Liu. Coverage and Detection of a Randomized Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
522 -- 531Terence K. Rodrigues, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.. Adaptive CORDIC: Using Parallel Angle Recoding to Accelerate Rotations
532 -- 544Wu Jigang, Thambipillai Srikanthan, Guang Chen. Algorithmic Aspects of Hardware/Software Partitioning: 1D Search Algorithms
545 -- 560Ole-Christoffer Granmo, B. John Oommen. Solving Stochastic Nonlinear Resource Allocation Problems Using a Hierarchy of Twofold Resource Allocation Automata
561 -- 573Hao Zheng, Haiqiong Yao, Tomohiro Yoneda. Modular Model Checking of Large Asynchronous Designs with Efficient Abstraction Refinement
574 -- 575Ondrej Lhoták, Stephen Curial, José Nelson Amaral. An Optimal Encoding to Represent a Single Set in an ROBDD

Volume 59, Issue 3

289 -- 300Alberto Bosio, Patrick Girard, Serge Pravossoudovitch, Arnaud Virazel. A Comprehensive Framework for Logic Diagnosis of Arbitrary Defects
301 -- 316Stelios Neophytou, Maria K. Michael. Test Set Generation with a Large Number of Unspecified Bits Using Static and Dynamic Techniques
317 -- 331Pawel Garbacki, Dick H. J. Epema, Maarten van Steen. The Design and Evaluation of a Self-Organizing Superpeer Network
332 -- 344Yuho Jin, Eun Jung Kim, Ki Hwan Yum. Design and Analysis of On-Chip Networks for Large-Scale Cache Systems
345 -- 357Guangyan Zhang, Weimin Zheng, Jiwu Shu. ALV: A New Data Redistribution Approach to RAID-5 Scaling
358 -- 370Ulrich Finkler. An Analytic Framework for Detailed Resource Profiling in Large and Parallel Programs and Its Application for Memory Use
371 -- 384Josep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky. New Region-Based Algorithms for Deriving Bounded Petri Nets
385 -- 399Manoj Gupta, Fermín Sánchez, Josep Llosa. CSMT: Simultaneous Multithreading for Clustered VLIW Processors
400 -- 415Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Marco Caccamo. Impact of Peripheral-Processor Interference on WCET Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems
416 -- 430Tommaso Cucinotta, Luigi Palopoli. QoS Control for Pipelines of Tasks Using Multiple Resources

Volume 59, Issue 2

145 -- 149Fabrizio Lombardi. State of the Journal
150 -- 158Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy. Equivalence, Dominance, and Similarity Relations between Fault Pairs and a Fault Pair Collapsing Process for Fault Diagnosis
159 -- 173Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Lewis M. Mackenzie. Trade-Offs between Latency, Complexity, and Load Balancing with Multicast Algorithms
174 -- 187Chiara Francalanci, Paolo Giacomazzi. A High-Performance Deadlock-Free Multicast Routing Algorithm for K-Ary N-Cubes
188 -- 201Orlando Moreira, Twan Basten, Marc Geilen, Sander Stuijk. Buffer Sizing for Rate-Optimal Single-Rate Data-Flow Scheduling Revisited
202 -- 217Anne Benoit, Loris Marchal, Jean-Francois Pineau, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien. Scheduling Concurrent Bag-of-Tasks Applications on Heterogeneous Platforms
218 -- 230MyungKeun Yoon, Shigang Chen, Zhan Zhang. Minimizing the Maximum Firewall Rule Set in a Network with Multiple Firewalls
231 -- 242Shamik Sengupta, Mainak Chatterjee, Kevin A. Kwiat. A Game Theoretic Framework for Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
243 -- 257Habib M. Ammari, Sajal K. Das. A Study of k-Coverage and Measures of Connectivity in 3D Wireless Sensor Networks
258 -- 271Kemal Akkaya, Fatih Senel, Aravind Thimmapuram, Suleyman Uludag. Distributed Recovery from Network Partitioning in Movable Sensor/Actor Networks via Controlled Mobility
272 -- 282Ruhi Sarikaya, Alper Buyuktosunoglu. A Unified Prediction Method for Predicting Program Behavior
283 -- 288Chin-Yu Huang, Chu-Ti Lin. Analysis of Software Reliability Modeling Considering Testing Compression Factor and Failure-to-Fault Relationship

Volume 59, Issue 12

1585 -- 1597Jean-Claude Bajard, Christophe Nègre, Thomas Plantard. Subquadratic Space Complexity Binary Field Multiplier Using Double Polynomial Representation
1598 -- 1610Eduardo Quiñones, Joan-Manuel Parcerisa, Antonio González. Leveraging Register Windows to Reduce Physical Registers to the Bare Minimum
1611 -- 1624Mingqiang Li, Jiwu Shu. Preventing Silent Data Corruptions from Propagating During Data Reconstruction
1625 -- 1639Saulo O. D. Luiz, Angelo Perkusich, Antonio M. N. Lima Sr.. Multisize Sliding Window in Workload Estimation for Dynamic Power Management
1640 -- 1654Jeonghwan Choi, Sriram Govindan, Jinkyu Jeong, Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Anand Sivasubramaniam. Power Consumption Prediction and Power-Aware Packing in Consolidated Environments
1655 -- 1668Wei Yu, Nan Zhang, Xinwen Fu, Riccardo Bettati, Wei Zhao. Localization Attacks to Internet Threat Monitors: Modeling and Countermeasures
1669 -- 1682Mohamed F. Younis, Sookyoung Lee, Ameer Ahmed Abbasi. A Localized Algorithm for Restoring Internode Connectivity in Networks of Moveable Sensors
1683 -- 1690Wencheng Lu, Sartaj Sahni. Recursively Partitioned Static IP Router Tables
1691 -- 1702Ping Xu, ShiGuang Wang, Xiang-Yang Li. SALSA: Strategyproof Online Spectrum Admissions for Wireless Networks
1703 -- 1708Inwook Kong, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.. A Rounding Method to Reduce the Required Multiplier Precision for Goldschmidt Division
1709 -- 1714S. Q. Zheng. An Optimal Wide-Sense Nonblocking Distributor
1715 -- 1721Miroslav Knezevic, Frederik Vercauteren, Ingrid Verbauwhede. Faster Interleaved Modular Multiplication Based on Barrett and Montgomery Reduction Methods
1722 -- 1728Francisco J. Cazorla, Alex Pajuelo, Oliverio J. Santana, Enrique Fernández, Mateo Valero. On the Problem of Evaluating the Performance of Multiprogrammed Workloads

Volume 59, Issue 11

1441 -- 1454Tomas Brabec. Speculatively Redundant Continued Logarithm Representation
1455 -- 1465Martin Omaña, Daniele Rossi, Cecilia Metra. High-Performance Robust Latches
1466 -- 1479Heeseung Jo, Hwanju Kim, Jae-Wan Jang, Joonwon Lee, Seungryoul Maeng. Transparent Fault Tolerance of Device Drivers for Virtual Machines
1480 -- 1493Andrey Mokhov, Alexandre Yakovlev. Conditional Partial Order Graphs: Model, Synthesis, and Application
1494 -- 1507Filipa Duarte, Stephan Wong. Cache-Based Memory Copy Hardware Accelerator for Multicore Systems
1508 -- 1519Song Jiang, Xuechen Zhang, Shuang Liang, Kei Davis. Improving Networked File System Performance Using a Locality-Aware Cooperative Cache Protocol
1520 -- 1532Mark Bartlett, Iain Bate, Dimitar Kazakov. Accurate Determination of Loop Iterations for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
1533 -- 1546Abdulhadi Shoufan, Thorsten Wink, H. Gregor Molter, Sorin A. Huss, Eike Kohnert. A Novel Cryptoprocessor Architecture for the McEliece Public-Key Cryptosystem
1547 -- 1561Cuauhtemoc Mancillas-López, Debrup Chakraborty, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez. Reconfigurable Hardware Implementations of Tweakable Enciphering Schemes
1562 -- 1575Shouwen Lai, Binoy Ravindran, Hyeonjoong Cho. Heterogenous Quorum-Based Wake-Up Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks
1576 -- 1583Stijn Eyerman, Lieven Eeckhout. A Counter Architecture for Online DVFS Profitability Estimation

Volume 59, Issue 10

1297 -- 1308Omran Ahmadi, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez. Low Complexity Cubing and Cube Root Computation over F::3:::m::::: in Polynomial Basis
1309 -- 1319Xiangyu Tang, Seongmoon Wang. A Low Hardware Overhead Self-Diagnosis Technique Using Reed-Solomon Codes for Self-Repairing Chips
1320 -- 1336Takao Yamashita. Stability-Optimized Time Adjustment for a Networked Computer Clock
1337 -- 1349Li-Pin Chang. A Hybrid Approach to NAND-Flash-Based Solid-State Disks
1350 -- 1362Mingqiang Li, Jiwu Shu. DACO: A High-Performance Disk Architecture Designed Specially for Large-Scale Erasure-Coded Storage Systems
1363 -- 1377Holger Lange, Andreas Koch. Architectures and Execution Models for Hardware/Software Compilation and Their System-Level Realization
1378 -- 1391Hagit Attiya, David Hay, Isaac Keslassy. Packet-Mode Emulation of Output-Queued Switches
1392 -- 1401Xiaofeng Liao, Fei Chen, Kwok-Wo Wong. On the Security of Public-Key Algorithms Based on Chebyshev Polynomials over the Finite Field Z_N
1402 -- 1418Alex Bobrek, JoAnn M. Paul, Donald E. Thomas. Stochastic Contention Level Simulation for Single-Chip Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
1419 -- 1433Suprasad V. Amari, Liudong Xing, Akhilesh Shrestha, Jennifer Akers, Kishor S. Trivedi. Performability Analysis of Multistate Computing Systems Using Multivalued Decision Diagrams
1434 -- 1440Hyeran Jeon, Woo Hyong Lee, Sung Woo Chung. Load Unbalancing Strategy for Multicore Embedded Processors

Volume 59, Issue 1

1 -- 15Peng Gu, Jun Wang, Yifeng Zhu, Hong Jiang, Pengju Shang. A Novel Weighted-Graph-Based Grouping Algorithm for Metadata Prefetching
16 -- 28Antonio Flores, Juan L. Aragón, Manuel E. Acacio. Heterogeneous Interconnects for Energy-Efficient Message Management in CMPs
29 -- 41Souradip Sarkar, Gaurav Ramesh Kulkarni, Partha Pratim Pande, Ananth Kalyanaraman. Network-on-Chip Hardware Accelerators for Biological Sequence Alignment
42 -- 52Xiao Qin, Hong Jiang, Adam Manzanares, Xiaojun Ruan, Shu Yin. Communication-Aware Load Balancing for Parallel Applications on Clusters
53 -- 65Yuan-Hao Chang, Jen-Wei Hsieh, Tei-Wei Kuo. Improving Flash Wear-Leveling by Proactively Moving Static Data
66 -- 80Giuliano Casale, Ningfang Mi, Evgenia Smirni. Model-Driven System Capacity Planning under Workload Burstiness
81 -- 92Billy Bob Brumley, Kimmo U. Järvinen. Conversion Algorithms and Implementations for Koblitz Curve Cryptography
93 -- 102Shyue-Ming Tang, Jinn-Shyong Yang, Yue-Li Wang, Jou-Ming Chang. Independent Spanning Trees on Multidimensional Torus Networks
103 -- 115Yinglong Xia, Viktor K. Prasanna. Scalable Node-Level Computation Kernels for Parallel Exact Inference
116 -- 126Fei He, Xiaoyu Song, William N. N. Hung, Ming Gu, Jiaguang Sun. Integrating Evolutionary Computation with Abstraction Refinement for Model Checking
127 -- 133Jong Sung Lee, Kevin Skadron, Sung Woo Chung. Predictive Temperature-Aware DVFS
134 -- 136Gang Chen, Feng Liu. Proofs of Correctness and Properties of Integer Adder Circuits
137 -- 138Víctor Suñé, Juan A. Carrasco, Hédi Nabli, Bruno Sericola. Comment on Performability Analysis: A New Algorithm”