865 | -- | 877 | Dusit Niyato, Ekram Hossain. A Microeconomic Model for Hierarchical Bandwidth Sharing in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks |
878 | -- | 890 | Dong Kim, Kwanhu Bang, Seung-Hwan Ha, Sungroh Yoon, Eui-Young Chung. Architecture Exploration of High-Performance PCs with a Solid-State Disk |
891 | -- | 904 | Mirko Loghi, Olga Golubeva, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino. Architectural Leakage Power Minimization of Scratchpad Memories by Application-Driven Subbanking |
905 | -- | 921 | Yoon Jae Seong, Eyee Hyun Nam, Jinhyuk Yoon, Hongseok Kim, Jin-Yong Choi, Sookwan Lee, Young Hyun Bae, Jaejin Lee, Yookun Cho, Sang Lyul Min. Hydra: A Block-Mapped Parallel Flash Memory Solid-State Disk Architecture |
922 | -- | 932 | Alodeep Sanyal, Ashesh Rastogi, Wei Chen, Sandip Kundu. An Efficient Technique for Leakage Current Estimation in Nanoscaled CMOS Circuits Incorporating Self-Loading Effects |
933 | -- | 942 | Man-Ki Yoon, Chang-Gun Lee, Junghee Han. Migrating from Per-Job Analysis to Per-Resource Analysis for Tighter Bounds of End-to-End Response Times |
943 | -- | 954 | Songqing Chen, Shiping Chen, Xinyuan Wang, Zhao Zhang, Sushil Jajodia. An Application-Level Data Transparent Authentication Scheme without Communication Overhead |
955 | -- | 968 | Animesh Pathak, Viktor K. Prasanna. Energy-Efficient Task Mapping for Data-Driven Sensor Network Macroprogramming |
969 | -- | 980 | Hanhua Chen, Jun Yan, Hai Jin, Yunhao Liu, Lionel M. Ni. TSS: Efficient Term Set Search in Large Peer-to-Peer Textual Collections |
981 | -- | 994 | Hratch Mangassarian, Andreas G. Veneris, Marco Benedetti. Robust QBF Encodings for Sequential Circuits with Applications to Verification, Debug, and Test |
995 | -- | 999 | Ozgur Sinanoglu, Mehmet Hakan Karaata, Bader F. AlBdaiwi. An Inherently Stabilizing Algorithm for Node-To-Node Routing over All Shortest Node-Disjoint Paths in Hypercube Networks |
1000 | -- | 1006 | Haohuan Fu, Oskar Mencer, Wayne Luk. FPGA Designs with Optimized Logarithmic Arithmetic |
1007 | -- | 1008 | Gang Zhou, Harald Michalik. Comments on A New Architecture for a Parallel Finite Field Multiplier with Low Complexity Based on Composite Field |