Abstract is missing.
- On Some Epistemological Problems of Software EngineeringPeter Schefe. 3-10 [doi]
- What s in a Name? Conceptual Issues in Defining Electronic CommerceLinda Wilkins, Paula M. C. Swatman, Tanya Castleman. 11-16 [doi]
- Simpler, Better, Faster, Cheaper, Contextual: Requirements Analysis for Methodological Approach to Interaction Systems DevelopmentAna Almeida, Licinio Roque. 17-22 [doi]
- On Specifying Contract NegotiationsHartmut Wedekind. 23-30 [doi]
- Explanation in Information Systems: Can Philosophy Help?Steven R. Haynes. 31-38 [doi]
- Reclaiming Knowledge: A Case for Evidence-Based Information SystemsClare Atkins, Gail Louw. 39-45 [doi]
- What is Meant by Tacit Knowledge? Towards a Better Understanding of the Shape of ActionsTed Hedesstrom, Edgar A. Whitley. 46-51 [doi]
- Modelling in the Digital World - An Anti-Realist PerspectiveMatthew J. Dovey. 52-55 [doi]
- Small Slovene Firms and (Strategic) Information Technology UsageDusan Lesjak, Monty L. Lynn. 56-63 [doi]
- Authentic Intervention in Information Systems PracticeRobert A. Stephens, Stephen K. Probert. 64-70 [doi]
- Improving Online Access for People with DisabilitiesSusan Keller, Janet Owens, C. M. Parker. 71-77 [doi]
- Interpretation of Groupware Effect in an Organization using Structuration TheoryJack Hassall. 78-82 [doi]
- Under Cloud Cover: The Processes for Organization Meanings Model, Dialectics and the Battle of BritainB. Robinson, F. A. Wilson. 83-89 [doi]
- Organisational Mission Statements: A Postmodernist Perspective on the Management of the IS/IT FunctionJohn Pillay, Ray Hackney. 90-97 [doi]
- Panel: University Collaboration and ERP Competence Centres - A Golden Era or Golden Handcuffs?M. Lynne Markus, Guy G. Gable, Judy E. Scott, Iris Vessey, Klaus-Dieter Gronwald. 98 [doi]
- Training Students to Intervene in Information Systems Inherently Involves Organizational and Technology Skill AcquisitionMaurizio Marchese, Claudia Cattani, Vincenzo D Andrea, Gianni Jacucci. 99-106 [doi]
- Panel: Rigour vs. Relevance in IS Research: Perspectives from IS and the Reference DisciplinesPaul A. Swatman, Tanya Castleman, Robert D. Galliers, Rudy Hirschheim, Helmut Krcmar, Sue Newell. 107 [doi]
- Quality and Rigour of Action Research in Information SystemsJudy McKay, Peter Marshall. 108-115 [doi]
- Structured-Case: A Methodological Framework for Building Theory in Information Systems ResearchJenny M. Carroll, Paul A. Swatman. 116-123 [doi]
- Research Questions Guiding Selection of an Appropriate Research MethodPertti Järvinen. 124-131 [doi]
- Piloting Socio-Technical InnovationGerhard Schwabe, Helmut Krcmar. 132-139 [doi]
- Panel: Balancing Rigor and Relevance in IS Research: Strategies, Tactics, and RecommendationsV. Sambamurthy, Ritu Agarwal, Christiaanse E, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Claudia Löbbecke, Robert W. Zmud. 140 [doi]
- Tailoring IT Education for Effective IT Professionals in a Third World SettingIsabella M. Venter, Renette J. Blignaut, Deon Stoltz. 141-146 [doi]
- Panel: Developing Teaching Case Studies in Information Systems: Lessons from ExperienceDavid A. Keane, James D. McKeen, Michael R. Wade, Sid L. Huff. 147 [doi]
- The Factors Enabling and Inhibiting the Development of Agricultural Internet Virtual Communities: An Australian Case StudyVeronique M. Whitaker, Craig M. Parker. 148-158 [doi]
- Modeling the Dialogue Aspects of an Information SystemMonique Snoeck, Guido Dedene. 159-165 [doi]
- Design Breakdowns, Scenarios and Rapid Application DevelopmentPaul Beynon-Davies. 166-172 [doi]
- Identifying and Classifying Processes (Traditional and Soft Factors) that Support COTS Component Selection: A Case StudyDouglas Kunda, Laurence Brooks. 173-180 [doi]
- Object-Process Methodology as a Business-Process Modelling ToolDov Dori. 181-186 [doi]
- An Empirical Study of System Development Method Tailoring in PracticeBrian Fitzgerald, Nancy L. Russo, Tom O Kane. 187-194 [doi]
- Melding Information Systems Evaluation with the Information Systems Development Life-CyclePaul Beynon-Davies, Ian Owens, Michael Lloyd-Williams. 195-201 [doi]
- Software Process Management: An Organizational Learning PerspectiveThiagarajan Ravichandran, Arun Rai. 202-209 [doi]
- Adapting to Survive: Lessons Learned from an Investigation into the Effects of Contextual Change on Information SystemsPanagiotis Kanellis, Evangelia Kopanaki, Ray J. Paul. 210-218 [doi]
- Systems Development of Organizational Memory: A Literature SurveyDov Te eni, Hadas Weinberger. 219-226 [doi]
- The CESS Method for Guiding Executive Support Systems DesignSven A. Carlsson. 227-235 [doi]
- From Data Capture to Code Generation: Tools for Entity ModellingHeather Fulford, D. Bowers. 236-243 [doi]
- Database Engineering Processes with DB-MAINDidier Roland, Jean-Luc Hainaut, Jean-Marc Hick, Jean Henrard, Vincent Englebert. 244-251 [doi]
- Data Integration by means of Object Identification in Information SystemsMattis Neiling, Hans-Joachim Lenz. 252-258 [doi]
- An Active Environment to Assist Individual and Group Decision-Making ProcessesAna Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Paula Marisa Maciel, M. A. C. Martins. 259-265 [doi]
- Enhancing Government Decision Making Through Knowledge Discovery from DataHerna L. Viktor, Heidi Arndt, Mauritz Oberholzer. 266-273 [doi]
- An Intelligent Interactive Knowledge Model for Decision Support in Real-Time Traffic ManagementJosefa Z. Hernández, Juan Manuel Serrano. 274-281 [doi]
- Tool-Supported Evolutionary Web Development: Rethinking Traditional Modeling PrinciplesChristian Bauer, Arno Scharl. 282-289 [doi]
- A Proposed Methodology for Web DevelopmentDebra Howcroft, John A. Carroll. 290-297 [doi]
- WebQual: An Exploration of Web-Site QualityStuart J. Barnes, Richard T. Vidgen. 298-305 [doi]
- Katsir: A Framework for Harvesting Digital Libraries on the WebUri Hanani, Ariel J. Frank. 306-312 [doi]
- Paving the Road to Business Process AutomationPeter Rittgen. 313-319 [doi]
- Semantic Event Model and its Implication on Situation DetectionAsaf Adi, David Botzer, Opher Etzion. 320-325 [doi]
- Different Pre-Processing Models for Financial Accounts when using Neural Networks for AuditingEija Koskivaara. 326-334 [doi]
- The Use of the Internet in Procurement: An Empirical AnalysisKilian Eyholzer, Daniel Hunziker. 335-342 [doi]
- Efficient Processing of Voluminous EDI DocumentsThomas Risse, Andreas Wombacher, Karl Aberer. 343-350 [doi]
- The Extensible Markup Language - New Opportunities in the Area of EDITim Weitzel, Frank Ladner, Peter Buxmann. 351-356 [doi]
- Maximizing Information Liquidity in Electronic CommerceVasant Dhar, Arun Sundararajan. 357-363 [doi]
- Rapid Knowledge Deployment in an Organizational-Memory-Based Workflow EnvironmentRalf Klamma, Sylvia Schlaphof. 364-371 [doi]
- Metadata-Based Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Information Resources Approaching Knowledge ManagementBodo Rieger, Anja Kleber, Eitel von Maur. 372-378 [doi]
- Information Filtering and Automatic Keyword Identification by Artificial Neural NetworksZvi Boger, Tsvi Kuflik, Bracha Shapira, Peretz Shoval. 379-385 [doi]
- Structuration and Enrichment of HTML Documents in order to Build a Specific Information WarehouseJosiane Mothe, Franck Ravat, Farshad Riahi, Gilles Zurfluh. 386-395 [doi]
- Cache-Based Query Processing Framework for the Boolean Retrieval ModelJae-Heon Cheong, Sang-goo Lee. 396-402 [doi]
- The Social Web CockpitWolfgang Prinz, Wolfgang Gräther. 403-404 [doi]
- The Concept of Networkability - How to Make Companies Competitive in Business NetworksRainer Alt, Elgar Fleisch, O. Werle. 405-411 [doi]
- A Flexible Enterprise Needs an Adaptable e-Business Architecture in order to Satisfy Naturally Evolving RequirementsVincenzo D Andrea, Alessandro E. Narduzzo, Arthur B. Baskin, Gianni Jacucci, Enrico Zaninotto. 412-420 [doi]
- The Roles of Corporate IT Infrastructure and Their Impact on IS EffectivenessMarkku Sääksjärvi. 421-428 [doi]
- Building Business-Based Service Levels for IT Outsourcing Contracts: The Measure to Manage (M2P) Performance Measurement SystemEdward Lewis. 429-436 [doi]
- Evaluating Information Sharing Strategies in Supply ChainsJingquan Li, Michael J. Shaw, Gek Woo Tan. 437-444 [doi]
- Effects of Electronic Markets on Negotiation ProcessesMichael Stroebel. 445-452 [doi]
- Bundling Strategy in Base-Supplemental Goods Markets: The Case of MicrosoftSang-Yong Tom Lee. 453-460 [doi]
- Electronic Multidimensional Auctions and the Role of Information FeedbackOtto R. Koppius, Manoj Kumar, Eric van Heck. 461-468 [doi]
- The Definition of an Assessment Framework for Information Systems Issues for Agile ManufacturingAdrian E. Coronado, Mansoor Sarhadi, Colin Millar. 469-475 [doi]
- Pricing Digital Information Goods and Services on the NetLaurent L. Pauwels, Paul B. McLeod. 476-483 [doi]
- Reconsidering Network Effect TheoryTim Weitzel, Oliver Wendt, Falk von Westarp. 484-494 [doi]
- Webbing and Embedding a Vision: An Exploratory Study of Culture and Information Technology in a Business CommunityEllen Christiaanse, Vanessa Dirksen. 495-500 [doi]
- Open Source Movements as a Model for OrganizingJan Ljungberg. 501-508 [doi]
- The Software for Cultures and the Cultures in SoftwareGregory E. Kersten, Stan Matwin, Sunil J. Noronha, Mik Kersten. 509-514 [doi]
- Pan National Corporations: Exploring the Effects of Information Technologies on Control and Coordination RelationshipsPat Finnegan, Sinead Ni Longaigh. 515-522 [doi]
- The Social Shaping of Internet-Based Systems in Global Organizations: An Interpretive StudyJoe Nandhakumar. 523-529 [doi]
- Towards a Grounded Theory of Information Systems for the International Firm: Critical Variables and Causal NetworksHans P. Lehmann. 530-536 [doi]
- Differences in Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementation in Australia and China: A Cultural AnalysisGraeme G. Shanks, Anne N. Parr, Bin Hu, Brian J. Corbitt, Theerasak Thanasankit, Peter B. Seddon. 537-544 [doi]
- Glocalizing Trust: The Role of IT in a De-Coupling Industrial DistrictA. Ganzaroli. 545-553 [doi]
- Virtual Organizations: The Business Design for the Twenty-First CenturyChoon-Ling Sia. 554-559 [doi]
- Panel: What would you do ... ? Multicultural IS CasesGeert-Jan Hofstede, Chrisanthi Avgerou, Robert M. Davison, J. Roberto Evaristo, Margaret Tan, Rita Walczuch. 560 [doi]
- Panel: The Y2K Date Rollover: Experiences and Lessons Learned from AIS Region 2Edgar A. Whitley, Angeliki Poulymenakou, Gamila Shoib, J. Dewald Roode, Gert Hofstede. 561 [doi]
- A Theory of Industry-Level Activity for Understanding the Adoption of Interorganizational SystemsRobert B. Johnston, Shirley Gregor. 567-574 [doi]
- Developing an Understanding of Interorganizational Systems: Arguments for Multi-Level Analysis and Structuration TheoryShirley Gregor, Robert B. Johnston. 575-582 [doi]
- Challenging the Installed Base: Deploying a Large-Scale IS in a Global OrganizationKnut H. Rolland. 583-590 [doi]
- Linking Knowledge Management and InnovationJacky Swan, Sue Newell. 591-598 [doi]
- Organisational Learning in the UK Construction Industry: A Knowledge Management ApproachGraham Orange, Alan Burke, Jon Boam. 599-606 [doi]
- Leveraging Professional Intellect in the Virtual AgeDieter Fink. 607-614 [doi]
- The Virtual Organisation - Technical or Social Innovation? Lessons from the Film IndustryLucas D. Introna, Mike Cushman, Hope Moore. 615-622 [doi]
- Knowledge Integration: Learning from the Millennium Bug Experience: A Case Study of NatWest Bank Global Financial MarketsJimmy C. Huang, Sue Newell, Shan Ling Pan. 623-629 [doi]
- The Millennium Problem as a Form of Information Systems FailurePaul Beynon-Davies, Michael Lloyd-Williams, Ian Owens. 630-636 [doi]
- Consultants and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SystemsChris Westrup, Frank Knight. 637-644 [doi]
- ERP Systems: Facilitating or Confounding Factors in Corporate Telecommunications MergersDuane P. Truex, Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama. 645-651 [doi]
- Best of Breed IT Strategy: An Alternative to Enterprise Resource Planning SystemsBen Light, Christopher P. Holland, Sue Kelly, Karl Wills. 652-659 [doi]
- Chief Information Officer Influence: An Exploratory StudyHarvey G. Enns, Sid L. Huff. 660-666 [doi]
- Emerging Capabilities of Information Technology Governance: Exploring Stakeholder Perspectives in Financial ServicesRyan R. Peterson. 667-675 [doi]
- The Exercise of Power and Information Systems Strategy: The Need for a New PerspectiveK. S. Horton. 676-683 [doi]
- Panel: Knowledge Management: Hype, Fiction and RealityJacky Swan, Maxine Robertson, Carsten Sørensen, Karlheinz Kautz, Sue Newell. 684 [doi]
- Perspectives on Knowledge Management Systems - Theoretical Framework and Design of an Empirical StudyRonald Maier, Franz Lehner. 685-693 [doi]
- Developing a Relevant Research Agenda in Knowledge Management - Bridging the Gap Between Knowing and DoingEdward Truch, Jean-Noël Ezingeard, David William Birchall. 694-700 [doi]
- Features Missing in Action: Knowledge Management Systems in Practice Rikard Lindgren, Christopher Wallström. 701-708 [doi]
- The Government s Role in Improving Electronic Commerce AdoptionAnastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Athanasia Pouloudi. 709-716 [doi]
- The Emergence of Electronic Trading in Global Financial Markets: Envisioning the Role of Futures Exchanges in the Next MillenniumMichael I. Barrett, Susan V. Scott. 717-722 [doi]
- IT Alignment and Organisational Performance in Small FirmsMalcolm King, Paul B. Cragg, Husnayati Hussin. 723-729 [doi]
- Panel: Integrating e-Business, Knowledge Management and Policy Considerations Within an Information Systems Strategy FrameworkTor J. Larsen, Pat Finnegan, Robert D. Galliers, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa. 730-736 [doi]
- The United States Responds to SpamJanice C. Sipior, Burke T. Ward, P. Gregory Bonner. 737-744 [doi]
- Technological Protections for Digital Copyright ObjectsRoger Clarke, Sinningia Nees. 745-752 [doi]
- Internet Newspapers: Are Some More Equal than Others?Enrique Dans. 753-762 [doi]
- Towards an Entertaining Business Model: A Teaching CaseClaudia Löbbecke, Philip Powell. 763-770 [doi]
- Corporate Media - An Approach for Corporate Community ManagementVictor Porak, Ulrike Geissler, Sabine Einwiller. 771-778 [doi]
- Constructing New MediaMartina Klose, Ulrike Lechner. 779-788 [doi]
- IT-Enabled Sophistication BankingHans Ulrich Buhl, Dennis Kundisch, Andreas Leinfelder, Werner Steck. 789-795 [doi]
- The Introduction of e-Commerce Systems in the Banking Industry - An Example of the BBBank and Some Empirical ResultsE. Bock. 796-802 [doi]
- Competitive Advantage, Online Brokerage and IT: Evidences from Italian and German CompaniesAndrea Carignani, Frank Seifert. 803-811 [doi]
- Unbundling Processes in On Line Trading: Economic and Technical DriversChristian Bauer, Joe Colgan, J. Wreford. 812-818 [doi]
- Preference Based Customer Models for Electronic BankingMichael Fridgen, Jürgen Schackmann, Stefan Volkert. 819-825 [doi]
- Online-Brokerage - Transforming Markets from Professional to Retail TradingChristof Weinhardt, Peter Gomber, Carsten Holtmann. 826-832 [doi]
- The Italian Legislation on Digital Signatures and the Role of Italian Banks as Certificate Authorities: A Strategic AnalysisFrancesco Virili, Franca Cantoni. 833-837 [doi]
- Risk in Electronic Commerce: It Does Matter, but Not Equally for All CompaniesDetlef Schoder. 838-843 [doi]
- Electronic Notary System and its Certification MechanismShinichi Nakahara. 844-849 [doi]
- Prediction of Insolvency of Life Insurers Through Neural NetworksErnest P. Goss, George S. Vozikis. 850-857 [doi]
- Combining Configuration and Evaluation Mechanisms to Support the Selection of Modular Insurance ProductsMarkus Stolze, Simon Field, Pascal Kleijer. 858-865 [doi]
- The Future Role of Banks in Electronic Commerce - Trust as the Crucial Factor of Success in Business EnablingTobias Kiefer. 866-874 [doi]
- Individual Risk Management for Digital Payment SystemsMartin Reichenbach, Torsten Grzebieta, Torsten Költzsch, Ingo Pippow. 875-882 [doi]
- Supporting a Multiple Channel Architecture Design: The UML Contribution in a Virtual Banking EnvironmentAndrea Carignani, Marco de Marco, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux. 883-888 [doi]
- Full Bindingness and ConfidentialityArnd Weber. 889-896 [doi]
- Internetcash System based on NTT Electronic MoneyKoichi Toramatsu, Takeshi Nagayoshi, Junichi Kikuchi. 897-900 [doi]
- Using EMV Smartcards for Internet PaymentsEls Van Herreweghen, Uta Wille. 901-908 [doi]
- Security and Productivity Improvements - Sufficient for the Success of Secure Electronic Transaction?Michael Fritscher, Oliver Kump. 909-916 [doi]
- Managing Knowledge in Medium-Sized Software CompaniesAlexander Teubner, Michael Nietsch. 917-925 [doi]
- Managing Work Within a Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise- Revising Project Planning PracticeSue Balint, Athanassios Kourouklis. 926-931 [doi]
- Development and Implementation Strategies for International ERP Software ProjectsMichael Rebstock, Johannes G. Selig. 932-936 [doi]
- A Study of Requirements Negotiations in Virtual Project TeamsDaniela E. Damian, Mildred L. G. Shaw, Brian R. Gaines. 937-944 [doi]
- A Comprehensive Change Management Framework for Information Technology-Driven Change in OrganisationsElsje van Rooyen. 945-952 [doi]
- A Systematic Analysis of the Effect of Task Clarity on Software Development DesignWerner Mellis. 953-960 [doi]
- Expanding IS Outsourcing Services Through Application Service ProvidersWendy Currie. 961-967 [doi]
- Business Models for ASP MarketplacesGerrit Tamm, Oliver Günther. 968-975 [doi]
- Pricing in Network Effect MarketsOliver Wendt, Falk von Westarp, Wolfgang König. 976-986 [doi]
- Translating Advances in Data Mining to Business Operations: The Art of Data Mining in RetailingHenry G. L. Dillon, Beverley G. Hope. 987-994 [doi]
- A Strategy for Mining Association Rules Continuously in Pos Scaner DataEgidio L. Terra, Adilson Adão Borges Jr.. 995-1000 [doi]
- A Data Mining Framework for Optimal Product Selection in Convenience StoresTom Brijs, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets. 1001-1008 [doi]
- The Issue of Mutuality in ECR Adoption: A Case StudySherah Kurnia, Robert B. Johnston. 1009-1016 [doi]
- Inter-Organizational Systems and Supply Chain Management - An Information Processing PerspectiveG. Prem Premkumar. 1017-1028 [doi]
- The Online Retailing Challenge: Forward Integration and E-Backend DevelopmentChristoph Schlueter Langdon, Michael J. Shaw. 1025-1028 [doi]
- Retailing Digital ProductsRedmer Luxem, Lars H. Ehlers. 1029-1036 [doi]
- Business Model for Electronic Commerce - Analysis of Grocery Retailing IndustryJukka Kallio, Timo Saarinen, Markku Tinnilä, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. 1037-1044 [doi]
- Battling over Books (and More): The Internet-Based Competition Between Bertelsmann Online and Amazon.comTawfik Jelassi, Albrecht Enders. 1045-1052 [doi]
- The Effects of Internet Experience and Attitudes Toward Privacy and Security on Internet PurchasingJ. F. George. 1053-1058 [doi]
- A Multidimensional Approach to Product Advertisement in the Virtual Retail EnvironmentKatherine C. Pramataris, Dimitris A. Papakiriakopoulos, Thodoris Motsios, Georgios I. Doukidis. 1059-1065 [doi]
- E-Channel Competition: A Strategic Approach to Electronic CommerceDaniel Görsch, Mogens Kühn Pedersen. 1066-1073 [doi]
- Panel: Panels on Electronic CommerceMichael J. Shaw, Robert W. Blanning, Gary J. Koehler, Robert O Keefe, Andrew B. Whinston. 1074 [doi]
- Panel: Panels on Electronic CommerceMichael J. Shaw, Martin Bichler, Stefan Klein, Christoph Schlueter Langdon, Gek Woo Tan. 1074 [doi]
- Virtual Reality and the Tourism Product: Substitution or Complement?Silvia Sussmann, Hugo J. Vanhegan. 1077-1083 [doi]
- Cross-Supplier Bundling of Tourist Products with Multi-Vendor CatalogsKatarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Beat Schmid. 1084-1089 [doi]
- Decision Support for Flight Re-Routing in EuropeP. A. Leal de Matos, P. L. Powell. 1090-1095 [doi]
- Web Marketing Tourism DestinationsPaulo Rita. 1096-1103 [doi]
- An Approach to Enable lnteroperability in Electronic Tourism MarketsMarion Kaukal, Wolfram Höpken, Hannes Werthner. 1104-1111 [doi]
- Diffusion of Internet Technologies in Travel Agencies in AustraliaCraig Standing, Thandarayan Vasudavan. 1112-1122 [doi]
- Citizen Information Services using Internet TechnologiesChristos Bouras, Spyridon Kastaniotis, Vassilis Triantafillou. 1123-1130 [doi]
- Internet Based Self Service Systems for Customer-Oriented Processes in Public AdministrationFreimut Bodendorf, Gabriele Saueressig. 1131-1135 [doi]
- Organizational, Technological and Regulatory Challenges for Realizing Electronic GovernmentGeorg Aichholzer, Rupert Schmutzer. 1136-1143 [doi]
- User Needs for Electronic Document Management in the Public Administration: A Study of Two CasesPasi Tiitinen, Virpi Lyytikäinen, Tero Päivärinta, Airi Salminen. 1144-1151 [doi]
- Digital Material in a Political Work Context - The Case of CuparlaGerhard Schwabe, Helmut Krcmar. 1152-1159 [doi]
- Towards an Enterprise Architecture for Public Administration using a Top-Down ApproachVassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis. 1160-1167 [doi]
- Yarra Valley Water: A Successful Change Programme for a Corporatised Water UtilityJ. Brudenell, Geoff A. Sandy. 1168-1174 [doi]
- Intra-Censal Geographical Information Systems: Application to Binational Border CitiesJames B. Pick, W. James Hettrick, Nanda K. Viswanathan, Elliott Ellsworth. 1175-1181 [doi]
- Functional Integration Test of Mass Processes with Electronic Signatures in Public AdministrationB. Lapken, Frank Losemann, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel. 1182-1186 [doi]
- Experiences with the IVBB Berlin-Bonn Information Network (IVBB)Brigitte Zypries. 1187-1193 [doi]
- Panel: Administration 21 - Public Administration in the Era of the InternetAugust-Wilhelm Scheer, Brigitte Zypries, Brigitte Ederer, Ernst Buschor, Gustav Greve, Wolfgang Schneider. 1194 [doi]
- Invisible IT-Harems and Emerging Wicked Issues for Public PolicyNada Korac-Kakabadse, Alexander Kouzmin, Andrew Korac-Kakabadse. 1195-1202 [doi]
- Defining Business Process Requirements for Large-Scale Public Sector ERP Implementations: A Case StudyGeorge Blick, Thomas R. Gulledge, Rainer A. Sommer. 1203-1209 [doi]
- The Learning Administration - Shaping Change and Taking Off into the FutureHans-Jörg Bullinger, Werner Brettreich-Teichmann, Gudrun Wiedmann. 1210-1218 [doi]
- Transforming Healthcare in Australia: The PeCC InitiativeElizabeth More, G. Michael McGrath. 1219-1226 [doi]
- Combining IT Support Across All Health Sectors Within an IT Teaching CentreJanet Aisbett, Greg Gibbon, Brian Regan. 1227-1230 [doi]
- A Hospital Perspective on IS Building a Virtual HospitalElina Syrjänen. 1231-1236 [doi]
- IT Induced Health Care Reconfiguration: German Hospitals in TransitionArmin Heinzl, Wolfgang Güttler. 1237-1244 [doi]
- A Framework for Clinical Decision Making and Medical Experience StoringJoël Colloc, Laïd Bouzidi. 1245-1252 [doi]
- Exploring IT-Enabled Networked Organisations in Health Care: Emerging Practices and Phases of DevelopmentRyan R. Peterson, Martin Smits, Ronald Spanjers. 1253-1260 [doi]
- Restructuring the German Outpatient Health Care System: An Economic and IT PerspectiveStefan G. Gfrörer, Markus Raupp, Franz Schober. 1261-1268 [doi]
- Leapfrogging for Modern ICT Usage in the Health Care SectorReima Suomi. 1269-1275 [doi]
- Community Health Assessments: A Data Warehousing ApproachDonald J. Berndt, Alan R. Hevner, James Studnicki. 1276-1283 [doi]
- Critical Analysis of an Information System for Community NursingIztok Bitenc, Robert T. Leskovar, Vladislav Rajkovic, Mojca Bernik, Olga Sustersic. 1284-1288 [doi]
- The e-Babies Project: Integrated Data Monitoring and Decision Making in Neo-Natal Intensive CareRaymond Lister, George Bryan, Mark Tracy. 1289-1293 [doi]
- Computer-Based Drug Therapy: Challenging More than 700 Years of TraditionsRiitta Söderlund, Malin Brännback. 1294-1301 [doi]
- Representation and Communication of Pharmaceutical Expert InformationMarkus Wagner. 1302-1308 [doi]
- Towards a Web-Based Medical Information Service for General Practice - The EVIMED ProjectRolf Grütter, Johann Steurer. 1309-1314 [doi]
- The Electronic Patient Record as an Organisational ArtefactPieter J. Toussaint, Marc Berg. 1315-1322 [doi]
- Towards a Secure Web-Based Health Care ApplicationSusanne Röhrig, Konstantin Knorr. 1323-1330 [doi]
- Secure Access to Medical Data over the InternetUlrich Ultes-Nitsche, Stephanie Teufel. 1331-1340 [doi]
- Effective Flexible Delivery in Higher Education: An Australian CasePeter F. Green, D. J. Lamb. 1341-1347 [doi]
- Trust in Electronic Learning and Teaching Relationships: The Case of WINFO-LineHarald F. O. von Kortzfleisch, Udo Winand. 1348-1354 [doi]
- Avoiding the Hermit s Way of Distance Learning: Augmenting Individual Learning with Synchronous Internet-Based SeminarsTilo Böhmann, Christine Koppenhöfer, Helmut Krcmar. 1355-1362 [doi]
- A Completely Virtual Distance Education Program Based on the Internet - Case and Agenda of the International MBI ProgramKarl Kurbel. 1363-1367 [doi]
- A Virtual Teaching Environment for Electronic CommercePhilip Joyce. 1368-1375 [doi]
- The Seaway Tracker Project - Development of New Media Didactic Systems with an Interdisciplinary ApproachLuca Botturi, Georg Mittenecker, Erich Plasser. 1376-1383 [doi]
- Panel: Educating Future IS ResearchersBeverley G. Hope, Trevor Wood-Harper, Kevin Grant. 1384 [doi]
- Internet Use at the University: A Comparative Analysis Between Students of the Pennsylvania State University (USA) and the University of Cologne (Germany)Patrick Ploenes. 1385-1391 [doi]
- Information Systems Education in an Interdisciplinary International ArenaR. A. Boggs. 1392-1395 [doi]
- Web-Based Learning: Aspects of Cultural DifferencesC. Bauer, Kum Leng Chin, Vanessa Chang. 1396-1402 [doi]
- Panel: IS Professors in the Electronic World - Digging Their Graves or Digging a Goldmine?Claudia Löbbecke, Georgios I. Doukidis, Robert D. Galliers, Blake Ives, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa. 1403-1404 [doi]
- Linking Information Technology and Pedagogical Innovation to Enhance Management EducationSergio Vasquez Bronfman. 1405-1412 [doi]
- Work-Based Learning and Knowledge Management: An Integrated Concept of Organizational LearningSabine Seufert. 1413-1420 [doi]
- Multimedia Case Studies: Development and Use in Management EducationPaola Bielli, Stefano Basaglia. 1421-1430 [doi]
- Panel: Coordinating the Management of IS in Higher EducationDavid K. Allen, Thomas Kern, M. Newman, B. O Keefe. 1431 [doi]
- Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Programs for Information Systems Education Information Systems Graduates: The Challenge for Course DesignersA. Latham. 1432-1438 [doi]
- Reengineering Undergraduate Teaching by Introducing Internet-Based Learning Information SystemsPetra Meier, Bernd Simon. 1439-1444 [doi]
- Information Systems Research Education in Australasia: Continuing the Past or Gearing Up for the FutureBeverley G. Hope, M. Fergusson. 1445-1450 [doi]