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- From Data Work to Data Science: Getting Past the GatekeepersLara L. Schenck, Betsy DiSalvo. 1-2 [doi]
- Towards Characterizing Trust in Generative Artificial Intelligence among StudentsMatin Amoozadeh, David Daniels, Stella Chen, Daye Nam, Aayush Kumar, Michael Hilton, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan. 3-4 [doi]
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- Designing a Real-Time Intervention to Address Negative Self-Assessments While ProgrammingMelissa Chen, Eleanor O'Rourke. 9-10 [doi]
- Examining the Influence of a Communal Intervention on Students' Perceptions of and Motivation to Pursue ComputingKathleen Isenegger, Colleen M. Lewis. 11 [doi]
- Decolonizing STEM+C: : Informal Community Organizations Impacting the Computer Science Pipeline with Black Female TalentDevery J. Rodgers, Melanie Gerner. 12-13 [doi]
- Evaluating ChatGPT and GPT-4 for Visual ProgrammingAdish Singla. 14-15 [doi]
- MSMI1: Towards a Validated SQL Misconceptions InstrumentDaphne Miedema, Michael Liut, George Fletcher 0001, Efthimia Aivaloglou. 16-17 [doi]
- Towards Methods for Identifying High-Quality Domain-Specific Programming PlansYoshee Jain, Kathryn Cunningham. 18-19 [doi]
- The Diversity-Hire Narrative in CS: Sources, Impacts, and Mitigation StrategiesChristopher Perdriau, Vidushi Ojha, Kaitlynn T. Gray, Brent Lagesse, Colleen M. Lewis. 20-21 [doi]
- Using Large Language Models to Automatically Identify Programming Concepts in Code SnippetsAndrew Tran, Linxuan Li, Egi Rama, Kenneth Angelikas, Stephen MacNeil. 22-23 [doi]
- Student Attitudes During the Pilot of the Computer Science Frontiers CourseJanet Brock, Isabella Gransbury, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Shuchi Grover, Ákos Lédeczi. 24-25 [doi]
- Creating Equitable Grading Practices with Rubrics: A Teaching Assistant Training ActivityRodrigo Borela, Nimisha Roy. 26-27 [doi]
- A Framework of Factors that Influence Academic Achievement in Computer Science within Capacity, Access, Participation and ExperienceIsabella Gransbury, Monica M. McGill, Angelica Thompson, Sarah Heckman, Jennifer Rosato, Leigh Ann DeLyser. 28-29 [doi]
- The Impact of Certified CS Teachers on AP Computer Science Exam Scores: A Study in WisconsinSujeeth Goud Ramagoni, Dennis Brylow. 30-31 [doi]
- Analysis of Students' Problem-Solving Behavior when Using Copilot for Open-Ended Programming ProjectsBita Akram, Ahmed Magooda. 32 [doi]
- Investigation of Students' Learning, Interest, and Career Aspirations in an Integrated Science and Artificial Intelligence Learning Environment (i-SAIL)Bita Akram, Shiyan Jiang. 33-34 [doi]
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- UUnderstanding Novices' Perceptions of "Authentic" ProgrammingCaryn Tran, Eleanor O'Rourke. 37-38 [doi]
- Soft-Aware Development: Social Emotional Learning as an Agile ProcessVera A. Kazakova, John F. Dooley, Monica M. McGill. 39-40 [doi]
- Generative AI for Programming Education: Benchmarking ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Human TutorsTung Phung, Victor-Alexandru Padurean, José Cambronero, Sumit Gulwani, Tobias Kohn, Rupak Majumdar, Adish Singla, Gustavo Soares. 41-42 [doi]
- On Students' Experiences with Algorithm Tracing using Pair ProgrammingOana Andrei, Syed Waqar Nabi. 43 [doi]
- Multilingual Elementary School Students' Computer Science and STEM Learning through RoboticsEzgi Yesilyurt, Refika Turgut, Erdogan Kaya, Burak Sahin, Elif Adibelli Sahin, Hasan Deniz. 44-45 [doi]
- Capstone Course Dashboard: Analyzing Team Dynamics in Software Engineering EducationIldar Akhmetov, Pranjal Dilip Naringrekar, Rylan Chin, Michael Huang, Shasta Johnsen-Sollos, Yutong Liu, Vivek Malhotra, Vardan Saini, Charffy Wang. 46-47 [doi]
- Peer+: A Tool to Support Peer Instruction in Interactive EbooksBarbara J. Ericson, Xingjian Gu, Shefali Patel, Aadarsh Padiyath. 48-49 [doi]
- Leveraging Second-Chance Testing to Improve Students' OutcomesChinedu Emeka, Geoffrey L. Herman, Craig B. Zilles. 50-51 [doi]
- Establishing an Empirical Foundation for a Theory of Student Learning and Success in CS1Adrian Salguero. 52-54 [doi]
- Exploring Women's Experiences of Transition into Computing Careers from Non-Computing BackgroundsJia Zhu. 55-58 [doi]
- Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Neurodiverse Populations in Introductory Courses in Computer ScienceHia Ghosh. 59-61 [doi]
- Useful Distractions? Investigating the Utility of Distractors in Parsons ProblemsDavid H. Smith IV. 62-63 [doi]
- Toward a Fundamental Understanding of SQL EducationDaphne Miedema. 64-68 [doi]
- Leveraging Emotionally-Charged Student Reflections to Improve Classroom CommunicationSandra Wiktor. 69-72 [doi]
- Characterizing Computing Students' Academic Help-seeking BehaviorShao-Heng Ko. 73-75 [doi]
- Open-Ended Assignments for Teaching Contextualized ComputingTamara Nelson-Fromm. 76-78 [doi]
- Incorporating Code Structure and Ethics into CS1-CS2 AssignmentsSara Nurollahian. 79-81 [doi]
- How do Students Conceptualize and Represent Abstract Ideas?: An Initial ExplorationJulia Crossley. 82-86 [doi]
- Creating Defensive Programmers : Evaluating the Impact of Adding Cybesecurity Topics to Core Computer Science CoursesCheryl Resch. 87-91 [doi]
- A New Way To Pair Program: The Puzzle MethodIsabella Gransbury. 92-94 [doi]
- Mapping Coursework to Course Outcomes for CS Teachers Using Limited DataAaja Christie. 95-98 [doi]
- The Role of Working Memory Capacity in Recursive Problem-Solving: A Study on Novice ProgrammersJude Nzemeke. 99-101 [doi]
- Improving Students' Programming Processes using Cognitive Apprenticeship MethodsAnshul Shah. 102-106 [doi]
- Interrogating Implicit Power in Secondary Computer Science EducationJayne Everson. 107-109 [doi]
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- Investigating Troublesome Knowledge in Middle-Year Computer Science Courses to Support RetentionSean Mackay. 113-115 [doi]
- Equipping Middle School Teachers with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teaching Computer Science Through Professional LearningGillian Bausch. 116-119 [doi]
- Investigating the Effectiveness of Variations of Micro Parsons ProblemsZihan Wu. 120-122 [doi]
- Understanding the Impact of Collaborative Learning on Sense of BelongingMorgan M. Fong. 123-126 [doi]
- Metacognitive Scaffolding to Leverage Decision Making in Software Engineering EducationAhsun Tariq. 127-129 [doi]