Abstract is missing.
- CHEP: The Net of ThingsBenn R. Konsynski, Sascha Vitzthum. 1 [doi]
- Building Core IS Capabilities For Business Change: The Commonwealth Bank CaseLeslie P. Willcocks, Peter Reynolds. 2 [doi]
- Does IT Payoff? Strategies of Two Banking GiantsAli F. Farhoomand, Minyi Huang. 3 [doi]
- Second Life and other Virtual Worlds: A Roadmap for ResearchBrian E. Mennecke, Benn R. Konsynski, Anthony M. Townsend, David A. Bray, John Lester, Edward Roche, Michael Rowe. 4 [doi]
- Social Network Analysis and Organizational Disintegration: The Case of Enron CorporationJoseph Davis, Liaquat Hossain, Shahriar Tanvir Hasan Murshed. 5 [doi]
- Domestication of Mobile EmailKatarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Judith Granat. 6 [doi]
- Agile Practices in Use from an Innovation Assimilation Perspective: A Multiple Case StudyKieran Conboy, Minna Pikkarainen, Xiaofeng Wang. 7 [doi]
- Agility, Improvisation, or Enacted EmergenceTony Cornford, William Venters, Yingqin Zheng. 8 [doi]
- Information Systems Diversity: Metaphor, Meaning and MythSandy Behrens. 9 [doi]
- Diversity in IS Research: An Exploratory Study Using Latent SemanticsAnna Sidorova, Nicholas Evangelopoulos, Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan. 10 [doi]
- SOA and Information Sharing in Supply Chain: 'How' Information is Shared Matters!Mayuram S. Krishnan, Sanjeev Kumar, Vijay Dakshinamoorthy. 11 [doi]
- Conflict of Interest Regarding Information Transparency in a Business-to-Business Electronic Market with Two-Sided CompetitionKevin Zhu, Zach Zhizhong Zhou. 12 [doi]
- The Value of E-Business: How Web Assimilation Leads to Better Organizational PerformanceRaymond Hackney, Shan Ling Pan, Bernard C. Y. Tan. 13 [doi]
- The Impact of Competition and Reputation Feedback Systems on Internet TradingClaudia Loebbecke, Gary E. Bolton, Axel Ockenfels. 14 [doi]
- An Alternative Mechanism for the Cognitive Fit Theory in Spreadsheet AnalysisHock Chuan Chan, Hee-Woong Kim, Suparna Goswami. 15 [doi]
- The Effect of E-Scape on Internet Shoppers' Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior ResponseJoon Koh, Sang Kim. 16 [doi]
- Productivity Effects of Information Diffusion in E-Mail NetworksSinan Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson, Marshall W. van Alstyne. 17 [doi]
- Open Source Software Development and the Small World Phenomenon: An Empirical Investigations of Macro Level Colaboration Network Properties on Project SuccessParam Vir Singh. 18 [doi]
- IT-Enabled Transformations: You've Read the Stories, Now See the MovieVarun Grover, Henry Lucas, Frank Batavick. 19 [doi]
- The Effect of Online Privacy Information on Purchasing Behavior: An Experimental StudyLorrie Faith Cranor, Serge Egelman, Janice Y. Tsai, Alessandro Acquisti. 20 [doi]
- Understanding Online Information Disclosure As a Privacy Calculus Adjusted by Exchange FairnessRathindra Sarathy, Han Li. 21 [doi]
- Can Computer Playfulness and Cognitive Absorption Lead to Problematic Technology Usage?Ronnie Jia, Heather Hartke, John Pearson. 22 [doi]
- A Multilevel Investigation of Normative and Informational Influences on Extensiveness of Individual Technology UseRitu Agarwal, Massimo Magni, Corey M. Angst. 23 [doi]
- Developing a CSF Causal Loop Model for Managing IT Projects: A Case Study of an Inter-Organisational Healthcare Pathology IT SystemChristopher Shaw, Dave Wainwright. 24 [doi]
- Bridging the Gap between Business Strategy and Software DevelopmentVictor R. Basili, Jens Heidrich, Mikael Lindvall, Jürgen Münch, Myrna Regardie, H. Dieter Rombach, Carolyn B. Seaman, Adam Trendowicz. 25 [doi]
- Digitizing Work: Driving and Measuring Changes in Information Worker Time Use and Performance Via a Longitudinal Quasi-ExperimentSumit Bhansali, Erik Brynjolfsson. 26 [doi]
- Do Layoffs Payoff? An Empirical Investigation of Financial Impacts of IT Worker DownsizingC. Ranganathan, Christina N. Outlay, Poornima Krishnan. 27 [doi]
- A Risk Management Approach to Business Process DesignXue Bai, Rema Padman, Ramayya Krishnan. 28 [doi]
- Sequential Decision Making for Profit Maximization Under the Defection Probability Constraint in Direct MarketingYoung Ae Kim, Soung Hie Kim, Hee Seok Song. 29 [doi]
- An Examination of Decision-Making in IT Projects from Rational and Naturalistic PerspectivesHazel Taylor. 30 [doi]
- Moments that Matter: Discourse, Design, and Detail in the Creation of Socio-Technical OrderNeil C. Ramiller. 31 [doi]
- Producing Comfort: Risk, Anxiety and Trust in the Development of an IS Offshoring RelationshipCamilla Noonan, Micheál Ó Sé, Séamas Kelly. 32 [doi]
- Impact of Offshoring on Firm PerformanceShirish C. Srivastava, Thompson S. H. Teo, Partha S. Mohapatra. 33 [doi]
- Electronic Markets: Theory and Evidence from 20 Years of ResearchBruce W. Weber, Eric van Heck. 34 [doi]
- Enterprise System Implementation: Personality, System-Related Advice Networks and Job PerformanceTracy Ann Sykes, Viswanath Venkatesh, John Johnson. 35 [doi]
- Assessing Business Benefits from ERP Systems: An Improved ERP Benefits FrameworkLorraine Staehr. 36 [doi]
- The New Economic Geography of IT Industries: The Impacts of the Internet on their Market Linkages and AgglomerationRobert J. Kauffman, Ajay Kumar. 37 [doi]
- Dynamics of Platform Competition: Exploring the Role of Installed Base, Platform Quality and Consumer ExpectationsMarco Iansiti, Feng Zhu. 38 [doi]
- Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences of E-Government Service Quality: An Empirical InvestigationIzak Benbasat, Ronald T. Cenfetelli, Chee-Wee Tan. 39 [doi]
- Moderated Online CommunitiesAndrew B. Whinston, Hong Xu, Jianqing Chen. 40 [doi]
- An Allocation Heuristic for Multi-Attribute Supply Chain Reverse AuctionsJoni L. Jones, Jay Jarman. 41 [doi]
- Performance Metrics: Evaluating Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Library SystemPaul Golding, Vanesa Tennant. 42 [doi]
- Towards a Process-Driven Intelligent Forum System (PIFS) for Efficient Organizational Knowledge TransferDaning Hu, Surendra Sarnikar, J. Leon Zhao. 43 [doi]
- A Singular Value Decomposition Approach to Automatic Concept Classification in Group Support SystemsJay F. Nunamaker, Ming Yuan. 44 [doi]
- Language, Technology and the Body: Critical Research into Disability, Impairment & Web Accessibility for UK JobseekersDavid Kreps, Peter Wheeler. 45 [doi]
- Life After IS Outsourcing: Understanding IS Personnel Responses to Resizing InitativesC. Ranganathan, Christina N. Outlay. 46 [doi]
- Information Quantity and IS SuccessDetmar W. Straub, Michel Kalika, Christophe M. Elie-Dit-Cosaque. 47 [doi]
- IM in C2C Markets: A Translucent Technology to Enable TransactionsRobert Davison. 48 [doi]
- Boundaries in Social Computing Environments: The Effect of Environment Characteristics on Publicness and Self-DisclosureJacqueline Pike, Brian S. Butler, Patrick J. Bateman. 49 [doi]
- Does Our Web Site Stress You Out? Information Foraging and the Psychophysiology of Online NavigationMark Haney, Jacqueline Pike, Dennis F. Galletta, Peter Polak, Tingting Rachel Chung. 50 [doi]
- A New Perspective to Analyze Organizational Strategies in Business ConvergenceDongBack Seo. 51 [doi]
- The Dynamics of Sustainability of Electronic Knowledge RepositoriesAmitava Dutta, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Rahul Roy. 52 [doi]
- Open Innovation in the High-Tech Firms: Evidence from the Biotechnology IndustryJong-Ho Lee, Dongwon Lee. 53 [doi]
- Organizational Wiki Usage: A Conceptual ModelJudy E. Scott, Andrea J. Hester. 54 [doi]
- Would You Share? Examining How the Interactions Between Knowledge Type and Expectations of Reciprocity Influence Knowledge ExchangePaul Di Gangi. 55 [doi]
- Communities or Practice: Divergent Views and Untapped PotentialsKerem Arsal. 56 [doi]
- Designing Secure Business Processes Through Secure Activity Resource Coordination (SARC)Lakshmi S. Iyer, Rahul Singh, Fergle D'Aubeterre. 57 [doi]
- Common Methods Bias: Reports of Its Death are Greatly ExaggeratedPhilip Yetton, Rajeev Sharma, Jeff Crawford. 58 [doi]
- Reliability Generalization of Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Behavioral IntentionsTraci J. Hess, Anna Lazarova McNab. 59 [doi]
- Emergent Leadership in Self-Organizing Virtual TeamsKevin Crowston, Robert Heckman, Nora I. Misiolek, U. Yeliz Eseryel. 60 [doi]
- Investigating the Effects of Electronic Self-Portrayal on Trust in Virtual TeamsRaquel Benbunan-Fich, Shoshana Altschuller. 61 [doi]
- Exploring the Cultural Impacts of Electronic Work Environments in OrganizationsChristina Serrano. 62 [doi]
- Instant Messaging in Distance Education: Affecting Student Satisfaction, Perceived Learning and PerformanceStephen Kuyath, Roslyn Mickelson, Susan Winter. 63 [doi]
- Establishing IT Service Climate as an Antecedent of IT Service QualityRonnie Jia, Blaize Horner Reich, John Pearson. 64 [doi]
- A Study of Heterogeneous Actors' Involvement in Global Information System Project ControlH. Kevin Fulk. 65 [doi]
- Exploring CEOS' Perspectives on the Strategic Importance of IT Using Text Mining: A Longitudinal InvestigationJaeki Song, Jeff Baker, Minwoo Lee. 66 [doi]
- IT-Enabled Competencies and Business Value: An Empirical Study in Fast-Cycle IndustriesNoushin Ashrafi, Abhijit Chaudhury, Jean-Pierre Kuilboer, Peng Xu. 67 [doi]
- Enhancing ERP/Business Fit in the Post-Implementation Phase: A Knowledge-Based PerspectiveJames Worrell. 68 [doi]
- Adoption Patterns of Complementary Systems in Business ProcessesAjay S. Vinze, Michael F. Furukawa, T. S. Raghu, Trent J. Spaulding. 69 [doi]
- The Formation and Evolution of Faultlines in Large-Scale, Multi-Party Information Systems DevelopmentSandra Slaughter, E. Ilana Diamant, Mark H. Haney, Liye Ma, Laurie J. Kirsch, Scott R. Boss. 70 [doi]
- Diversity in Theoretical Conceptualization: An Alternative Model for Individual AdoptionCheri Speier, Pankaj Setia. 71 [doi]
- Binate Diversity and IT at the Rolling Edge of Design NetworksNikhil Srinivasan, Richard J. Boland, Youngjin Yoo, Kalle Lyytinen, Nicholas Berente. 72 [doi]
- The Impact of ICT Investments on Future Workforce Demography in Emerging SocietiesDaniel S. Soper. 73 [doi]
- Diversity in IS research: Developing a Mixed Methodology Approach to Understanding the Business Value of Payment System Innovations in Financial ServicesMarkos Zachariadis, Susan V. Scott. 74 [doi]
- Towards a Model for Successful Information Technology Investments: Insights from Event StudiesNarcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer. 75 [doi]
- The Knowledge Factory: Innovation and IT Investment in ManufacturingLandon Kleis, Paul Chwelos, Ronald Ramirez. 76 [doi]
- E-Government and Corruption: A Cross-Country AnalysisShirish C. Srivastava, Thompson S. H. Teo, Shalini Chandra. 77 [doi]
- Reexamining Software Project Success: The Perspectives of Developers and UsersWooje Cho, Ramanath Subramanyam, Fei Lee, Mayuram S. Krishnan. 78 [doi]
- Formation of B2C Channel Blending Decisions: Trust vs. EfficiencyRajiv Kohli, Vanessa Liu. 79 [doi]
- The Potential of Synchronous Communication to Enhance Participation in Online DiscussionsStefan Hrastinski. 80 [doi]
- Impediments to Sharing Knowledge Outside the School: Lessons Learnt from the Development of a Taxonomic E-Learning PortalNaresh Kumar Agarwal, Keat Houng Tan, Danny C. C. Poo. 81 [doi]
- Restoring the Viability of PhD Programs in Information Systems: Getting Past Denial and Targeting Non-Traditional MarketsKuldeep Kumar. 82 [doi]
- Recruiters' Perspectives on the Demand for IS Skills: Implications for Doctoral ProgramsClaudia Loebbecke, Anne P. Massey, Vallabh Sambamurthy. 83 [doi]
- The Status of the Discipline of Information SystemsDavid E. Avison. 84 [doi]
- Transformational Leadership and Information System EffectivenessJeewon Cho, Insu Park. 85 [doi]
- Impact of Transformational Leadership on System Exploration in the Mandatory Organizational ContextXixi Li, J. J. Po-An Hsieh. 86 [doi]
- Conflict Resolution or Informational Response? An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Governance Choice in Business Process Outsourcing RelationshipsAndrew B. Whinston, Anitesh Barua, Deepa Mani. 87 [doi]
- Impact of Top Management's IT Knowledge and IT Governance Mechanisms on Financial PerformanceEfrim Boritz, Jee-Hae Lim. 88 [doi]
- The Impact of Collaboration and Competition on Project PerformanceMichel Avital, Baldev Singh. 89 [doi]
- Design Architecture, Developer Networks and Performance of Open Source Software ProjectsXiang Liu, Bala Iyer. 90 [doi]
- IT-Enabled Organizational Agility and Firms' Sustainable Competitive AdvantageV. Sambamurthy, Kwok Kee Wei, Kai Lim, Daniel Lee. 91 [doi]
- Service-Oriented Architecture and Organizational Integration: An Empirical Study of IT-Enabled Sustained Competitive AdvantageLih-Bin Oh, Hock-Hai Teo, Yi-Xing Leong, T. Ravichandran. 92 [doi]
- The Acceptance of Product Recommendations from Web-Based Word-of-Mouth Systems: Effects of Information, Informant and System CharacteristicsXin Wei Wang, Kwok Kee Wei, Hock-Hai Teo. 93 [doi]
- An Analysis of the Differential Impact of Reviews and Reviewers at Amazon.comSamita Dhanasobhon, Pei-yu Chen, Michael D. Smith, Pei-yu Chen. 94 [doi]
- Managing A Feature-Function-Stakeholder (FFS) Fit Process in An Enterprise System ImplementationShan Pan, Sathish Sritharan. 95 [doi]
- An Institutional Analysis of Pluralistic Responses to Enterprise System ImplementationsYoungjin Yoo, Kalle Lyytinen, Nicholas Berente. 96 [doi]
- Examining Global Takeoff and Growth of Digital Wireless Phone TechnologyRobert J. Kauffman, Angsana A. Techatassanasoontorn. 97 [doi]
- Drivers and Effects of IT Capability in 'Born-Global' Firms: A Cross-National StudySaonee Sarker, Suprateek Sarker, Man Zhang. 98 [doi]
- The Sensible Organization: A New Agenda for IS ResearchLeoni Warne, Henry Linger, Helen Hasan. 99 [doi]
- Research Importance in the Information Systems Field: A Citations AnalysisClaudia Loebbecke, Claudio Huyskens, Olivier Berthod. 100 [doi]
- Data Rich and Data Poor Scholarship: Where Does IS Research Stand?Michel Avital, Steve Sawyer, Kenneth Kraemer, Vallabh Sambamurthy, Kalle Lyytinen, Suzanne Iacono. 101 [doi]
- Making Sense of Institutionalizing Information Systems Security Management in OrganizationsCarol Hsu. 102 [doi]
- The Last Line of Defense: Motivating Employees to Follow Corporate Security GuidelinesLaurie J. Kirsch, Scott R. Boss. 103 [doi]
- IS Proficiency in Social NetworksGerald C. Kane. 104 [doi]
- Investigating Success of Open Source Software Projects: A Social Network PerspectiveJing Wu, Khim-Yong Goh, Qian Candy Tang. 105 [doi]
- Estimating Menu Costs in Electronic MarketsBin Gu, Anindya Ghose. 106 [doi]
- Design and Effects of Information Feedback in Continuous Combinatorial AuctionsGediminas Adomavicius, Pallab Sanyal, Alok Gupta, Shawn P. Curley. 107 [doi]
- How to Measure Data Quality? - A Metric-Based ApproachMarcus Kaiser, Mathias Klier, Bernd Heinrich. 108 [doi]
- Identity Disclosure Protection: A Data Reconstruction Approach for Preserving Privacy in Data MiningDan Zhu, Shuning Wu, Xiao-Bai Li. 109 [doi]
- System Design Effects on Online Impulse-BuyingMohamed Khalifa, Kathy Ning Shen. 110 [doi]
- Effects of Website Interactivity on Consumer Involvement and Purchase IntentionWei Siong Chua, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Zhenhui Jiang. 111 [doi]
- Extending March's Exploration and Exploitation: Managing Knowledge in Turbulent EnvironmentsDavid Bray, Michael Prietula. 112 [doi]
- Towards a Framework for Understanding KM GovernanceAndreas Schroeder, David J. Pauleen, Sid L. Huff. 113 [doi]
- Facilitating Exploratory Conversations: Here and NowChristian Wagner, Kishore Sengupta, Robert Zmud, Ann Majchrzak, Dov Te'eni. 114 [doi]
- Digitizing Healthcase: The Ability and Motivation of Physician Practices and Their Adoption of Electronic Health Record SystemsRitu Agarwal, Abhay Nath Mishra, Corey M. Angst, Catherine L. Anderson. 115 [doi]
- From Intention to Motivation: Developing a Motivation-based Model of IOS Adoption and ImplementationRobert B. Johnston, Graeme G. Shanks, Md. Mahbubur Rahim, Stephen Smith. 116 [doi]
- Investigating Participation in Online Policy Discussion Forums Over Time: Does Network Structure Matter?Zhixian Chua, Khim-Yong Goh, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Chee Wei Phang. 117 [doi]
- Group Diversity and Creativity: Does Anonymity Matter?Monica J. Garfield, Laku Chidambaram, Traci A. Carte, JoAnne Yong-Kwan Lim. 118 [doi]
- Analysis of the Impact of Movie Broadcasts on DVD Sales and Internet PiracyMichael D. Smith, Rahul Telang. 119 [doi]
- Pump up the Volume? Examining The Relationship Between Number of Online Reviews and Sales: Is More Necessarily Better?Hila Etzion, Neveen Awad. 120 [doi]
- Effectiveness of Blog Advertising: Impact of Communicator Expertise, Advertising Intent, and Product InvolvementJune Zhu, Bernard C. Y. Tan. 121 [doi]
- Neuro IS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for Information Systems ResearchPaul A. Pavlou, Fred D. Davis, Angelika Dimoka. 122 [doi]
- Reversing the Downward Trend: Innovative Approaches to IS/IT Course Development and DeliveryChris Street, Michael Wade. 123 [doi]
- Computer Virus Propagation in Social NetworksHong Guo, Hsing Kenneth Cheng. 124 [doi]
- The Effects of Self-Construal and Perceived Control on Privacy ConcernsHeng Xu. 125 [doi]
- Marshalling the Professional Experience of Doctoral Students: Towards Bridging the Gaps Between Theory and PracticeHeinz K. Klein, Frantz Rowe. 126 [doi]
- Using Structuration Theory in IS Research: Operationalizing Key ConstructsRuth Halperin, James Backhouse. 127 [doi]
- A New Theoretical Framework for Artifact-Mediated RegulationVladislav V. Fomin, François-Xavier de Vaujany. 128 [doi]
- Power and Authority Over Systems Developers by the Business ClientBruce Rowlands. 129 [doi]
- How Do Users Cope with Trial Restrictions? A Longitudinal Field Experiment on Free Trial SoftwareHock-Hai Teo, Xue Yang. 130 [doi]
- Information System Architecture: Toward a Distributed Cognition PerspectiveDavid Dreyfus. 131 [doi]
- Complementarities Between Information Technology and Human Resource Practices in Knowledge WorkAli Tafti, Sunil Mithas, Mayuram S. Krishnan. 132 [doi]
- On Episemological Diversity in Design Science: New Vistas for a Design-Oriented IS Research?Björn Niehaves. 133 [doi]
- Issues at the IS Core: How French Scholars Inform the DiscourseDuane Truex, Frantz Rowe. 134 [doi]
- An Examination of Lag Effects in Relationships between Information Technology Investment and Firm-Level PerformanceTeresa M. Shaft, Robert W. Zmud, Viet Dao. 135 [doi]
- Battle of the Retail Channels: How Internet Selection and Local Retailer Proximity Drive Cross-Channel CompetitionYu (Jeffrey) Hu, Erik Brynjolfsson, Mohammad S. Rahman. 136 [doi]
- Online Customer Retention: The Resistance to Change PerspectiveEe Hong Ng, Sumeet Gupta, Hee-Woong Kim. 137 [doi]
- Online Sponsored Search Advertising as a Quality Signal and its Impact on Consumer BahviorSiva Viswanathan, Ritu Agarwal, Animesh Animesh. 138 [doi]
- Persistent Problems with IT-User Collaboration: A Functionalist Explanation of Relationship ManagementNatasha Papazafeiropoulou, Kathy McGrath. 139 [doi]
- Lifting the Hood of the Technological Evolution Process for Web TechnologiesSamer Faraj, Adrian Yeow. 140 [doi]
- Users' Perceptions of Benefits and Costs of PersonalizationHorst Treiblmaier, Irene Pollach. 141 [doi]
- Post-Adoption Transferring between Non-Substitutable Technologies: The Case of Instant Messenger and PortalLihua Huang, Peijian Song, Wenbo Chen, Cheng Zhang. 142 [doi]
- Investigating Knowledge Contribution from the Online Identity PerspectiveJun Zheng, Hee-Woong Kim. 143 [doi]
- Democratising Organisational Knowledge: The Potential of the Corporate WikiCharmaine C. Pfaff, Helen Hasan. 144 [doi]
- Bridging Service Computing and Service Management: How MIS Contributes to Service Orientation?Hemant K. Jain, Mohan Tanniru, James C. Spohrer, Cheng Hsu, J. Leon Zhao. 145 [doi]
- The Interpersonal Relationship Perspective on Virtual Community ParticipationHonglei Li, Vincent S. Lai. 146 [doi]
- An Agent-Based Model To Understand Tradeoffs In Online Community DesignRobert Kraut, Yuqing Ren. 147 [doi]
- Progress and Breakdowns in Early Requirements Definition for Boundary-Spanning Information SystemsSusan Gasson. 148 [doi]
- The Use of the Grounded Theory Methodology in Investigating Practitioners' Integration of COTS Components in Information SystemsGeorge Allan. 149 [doi]
- To CMM or Not to CMM? Antecedents and Consequences of CMM Certification in the Indian Offshore IndustryGuodong Gao, Anandasivam Gopal. 150 [doi]
- Empirical Analysis of Mobile Voice and SMS Service: A Structural ModelYoungsoo Kim, William B. Vogt, Ramayya Krishnan, Rahul Telang. 151 [doi]
- A Practical Measure of Employee Satisfaction with B2E PortalsLy Fie Sugianto, Dewi Rooslani Tojib, Frada Burstein. 152 [doi]
- Testing the Influence of Two ICT management Practices on Business/ICT AlignmentStijn Viaene, Bjorn Cumps, Guido Dedene. 153 [doi]
- The Realm of Sociality: Notes on the Design of Social SoftwareWim Bouman, Bolke de Bruin, Tim Hoogenboom, Ard Huizing, René Jansen, Mark Schoondorp. 154 [doi]
- Social Capital, Structural Holes and Team Composition: Collaborative Networks of the Open Source Software CommunityYong Tan, Vijay S. Mookerjee, Param Vir Singh. 155 [doi]
- Using Massively Multi-Member Online Worlds for Work and EducationUlrike Schultze, Bonnie A. Nardi, Julie Rennecker, Susan Stucky, Starr Roxanne Hiltz. 156 [doi]
- Towards a Practice Understanding of the Creation of Awareness in Distributed WorkFrank Frößler, Stefan Klein, Kai Riemer. 157 [doi]
- Fairness, Guilt, and Perceived Importance as Antecedents of Intellectual Property Piracy IntentionsRussell Haines, Douglas Haines. 158 [doi]