Abstract is missing.
- Towards unsupervised speech processingJames R. Glass. 1-4 [doi]
- Object- versus pixel-based building detection for disaster responseDavid DuBois, Richard Lepage. 5-10 [doi]
- A novel cooperative approach for cardiac PET image segmentationRenato Dedic, Madjid Allili. 11-16 [doi]
- A framework based on the Affine Invariant Regions for improving unsupervised image segmentationMohammadreza Mostajabi, Iman Gholampour. 17-22 [doi]
- Space-time super-resolution from multiple-videosEsmaeil Faramarzi, Dinesh Rajan, Marc P. Christensen. 23-28 [doi]
- Speaker adaptation using Maximum Likelihood General RegressionMohamad Hasan Bahari, Hugo Van Hamme. 29-34 [doi]
- Subspace based for Indian languagesAanchan Mohan, S. Umesh, Richard C. Rose. 35-39 [doi]
- Arabic and English speech recognition using cross-language acoustic modelsYousef Ajami Alotaibi, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Mansour M. Alghamdi, Ali H. Meftah. 40-44 [doi]
- A fast two-level Speaker Identification method employing sparse representation and GMM-based methodsHossein Zeinali, Hossein Sameti, Hossein Khaki, Bagher BabaAli. 45-48 [doi]
- Blind separation of dependent sources using multiwavelet based on M-GARCH modelSeyyed Hamed Fouladi, Hamidreza Amindavar. 49-53 [doi]
- An Autoregressive Time Delay Neural Network for speech steganalysisSiwar Rekik, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Driss Guerchi, Habib Hamam. 54-58 [doi]
- A study of applying subspace based pronunciation modeling in verifying pronunciation accuracyShou-Chun Yin, Richard C. Rose, Yun Tang. 59-64 [doi]
- An embedded system for on field testing of human identification using ECG biometricPaolo Zicari, Abbes Amira, Georg Fischer, James McLaughlin. 65-70 [doi]
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- Assessing entropy and fractal dimensions as discriminants of seizures in EEG time seriesAhmed El-Kishky. 92-96 [doi]
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- Application of a locality preserving discriminant analysis approach to ASRVikrant Singh Tomar, Richard C. Rose. 103-107 [doi]
- The A* speech recognition system on parallel architecturesPatrick Cardinal, Gilles Boulianne, Pierre Dumouchel. 108-113 [doi]
- Developing a hybrid language model for open vocabulary automatic speech recognition in a lecture speech taskMarc-Antoine Rondeau, Richard C. Rose. 114-119 [doi]
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- Performance analysis of four relays selection scheme for cooperative networksGaojie Chen, Ousama Alnatouh, Lu Ge, Jonathon A. Chambers. 137-140 [doi]
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- Cepstral based features for gait recognitionNeel Pandey, Waleed H. Abdulla, Zoran A. Salcic. 152-157 [doi]
- Image normalization method for face identification under difficult lighting conditionsMaciej Smiatacz. 158-163 [doi]
- Head detection using Kinect camera and its application to fall detectionAnh-Tuan Nghiem, Edouard Auvinet, Jean Meunier. 164-169 [doi]
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- Multi scale classification approach for coronary artery detection from X-ray angiographyMathieu Plourde, Luc Duong. 181-186 [doi]
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- Characterizing mental load in an arithmetic task using entropy-based featuresPega Zarjam, Julien Epps, Nigel H. Lovell. 199-204 [doi]
- Time-varying bispectral analysis of auditory evoked multi-channel scalp EEGVinod Chandran. 205-212 [doi]
- Sequential fusion of decisions with favourable dependence for controlled verification errorsVishnu Priya Nallagatla, Vinod Chandran. 213-218 [doi]
- On the duel between the top 10 percent classifiers versus the bottom 90 percent classifiersKung-Hua Chang, Douglas Stott Parker Jr.. 219-224 [doi]
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- Simultaneous image de-noising and registration using graph cuts: Application to corrupted medical imagesHerve Lombaert, Farida Cheriet. 264-268 [doi]
- Wavelength and code division multiplexing toward diffuse optical imagingMatteo Giacalone, Gianluca Berrettini, Sandro Iannaccone, Luca Potì. 269-273 [doi]
- Generalized Mean Phase Coherence for asynchrony abnormality detection in multichannel newborn EEGAmir Omidvarnia, Sampsa Vanhatalo, Mostefa Mesbah, Ghasem Azemi, Paul B. Colditz, Boualem Boashash. 274-279 [doi]
- Improving the classification of newborn EEG time-frequency representations using a combined time-frequency signal and image approachBoualem Boashash, Larbi Boubchir, Ghasem Azemi. 280-285 [doi]
- Musical-noise-free blind speech extraction using ICA-based noise estimation and iterative spectral subtractionRyoichi Miyazaki, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, Kazunobu Kondo. 286-291 [doi]
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- Cepstral-domain HMM-based speech enhancement using vector Taylor series and parallel model combinationHadi Veisi, Hossein Sameti. 298-303 [doi]
- Speech enhancement based on hidden Markov model with discrete cosine transform coefficients using Laplace and Gaussian distributionsAli Aroudi, Hadi Veisi, Hossein Sameti. 304-309 [doi]
- A Kalman filter approach to packet loss replacement in presence of additive noiseSeyed Reza Miralavi, Seyed Ghorshi, Aidin Tahaei. 310-314 [doi]
- A novel impulsive noise cancelation method using sigma-delta quantization of geometrically uniform finite framesFatma Abdelkefi, Jaouhar Ayadi. 315-320 [doi]
- Robust independent vector analysis based on exploiting phase continuity of the unmixing matrixYanfeng Liang, Syed Mohsen Naqvi, Jonathon A. Chambers. 321-326 [doi]
- The effect of speech denoising algorithms on sound source localization for humanoid robotsGeorgios Athanasopoulos, Tomas Dekens, Henk Brouckxon, Werner Verhelst. 327-332 [doi]
- Probability density function estimators applied to non-stationary signalsAli Mansour. 333-338 [doi]
- The ∈-normalized sign regressor least mean fourth (NSRLMF) adaptive algorithmMohammed Mujahid Ulla Faiz, Azzedine Zerguine. 339-342 [doi]
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- Multi-object filtering for pairwise Markov chainsYohan Petetin, François Desbouvries. 348-353 [doi]
- Design of a high-resolution separable-kernel quadratic TFD for improving newborn health outcomes using fetal movement detectionBoualem Boashash, Taoufik Ben Jabeur. 354-359 [doi]
- Chaos-based image assessment for THz imageryErik Philip Blasch, Jianbo Gao, Wen-wen Tung. 360-365 [doi]
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- An FFT-based visual quality metric robust to spatial shiftGuangyi Chen, Stéphane Coulombe. 372-376 [doi]
- An image approximation method using deformable continuous functionsTakahiro Shimizu, Hisashi Aomori, Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh. 377-382 [doi]
- A fast hierarchical radiometric invariant stereo matching algorithmXiaozhou Zhou, Pierre Boulanger. 383-388 [doi]
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- A mixed GM/SMC implementation of the probability hypothesis density filterYohan Petetin, François Desbouvries. 425-430 [doi]
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