Abstract is missing.
- Readiness, Seamlessness and Connectedness Understanding Business Travellers' Door to Door JourneysEnrique Encinas, Dimitrios Raptis, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov. [doi]
- rTag: a participatory news platform for critical reading of unverified newsJeong Jin Park, Young-Ae Hahn. [doi]
- Learning Success in Immersive Virtual Reality Training Environments: Practical Evidence from Automotive AssemblyStephanie Schwarz, Georg Regal, Marina Kempf, Raimund Schatz. [doi]
- Supporting Pedagogy Through Automation and Social Structures in Student-Led Online Learning EnvironmentsHanna Celina, Daniel Lambton-Howard, Clement Lee, Ahmed Kharrufa. [doi]
- User-driven Design Guidelines for the Authoring of Cross-Device and Internet of Things ApplicationsAudrey Sanctorum, Suzanne Kieffer, Beat Signer. [doi]
- Designing for Triggering Self-Investigations and Reflections on Factors Related to Sleep HealthSan San Nguyen, Da-jung Kim, Ting Miao, Yaliang Chuang. [doi]
- Design Sensibilities - Designing for Cultural SensitivityJonna Häkkilä, Mikael Wiberg, Nils Johan Eira, Tapio Seppänen, Ilkka Juuso, Maija Mäkikalli, Katrin Wolf 0001. [doi]
- I Wanna Rotate 5427.89 MilesYu Zhang. [doi]
- Opportunities to Share Collective Human HearingRisa Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima. [doi]
- Designing during, and for Pandemics: A multidisciplinary approachGuido Giunti, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou. [doi]
- Tackling Ethical Implications of Mobile Banking Product Development Through the Value Sensitive Design ApproachDarja Tokranova. [doi]
- TUBE!: Exploring material and movement expression by body encountering with knitted structure and machineFaseeh Saleem. [doi]
- The UX of Interactive Machine LearningMaliheh Ghajargar, Jan A. Persson, Jeffrey Bardzell, Lars Holmberg, Agnes Tegen. [doi]
- Designing a game to explore human artefact ecologies for assistive robotics: Basing design games on an activity theoretical frameworkFrederik Victor Kobbelgaard, Susanne Bødker, Anne Marie Kanstrup. [doi]
- From Promoting Dignity to Installing Distrust: Understanding the Role of Continence Care Technology in Nursing HomesHannelore Strauven, Katta Spiel, Ine D'haeseleer, Hans Hallez, Bart Vanrumste, Vero Vanden Abeele. [doi]
- Are autistic children more vulnerable online? Relating autism to online safety, child wellbeing and parental risk managementKirsty Macmillan, Tessa Berg, Mike Just, Mary Stewart. [doi]
- Exploration of Time-Oriented Data in Immersive Virtual Reality Using a 3D Radar Chart ApproachNico Reski, Aris Alissandrakis, Andreas Kerren. [doi]
- Personas revisited: Extending the Use of Personas to Enhance Participatory DesignJudy Bowen, Helen Petrie, Annika Hinze, Sanjit Samaddar. [doi]
- Perspectives and Practices of Digital Accessibility: A Survey of User Experience Professionals in Nordic CountriesYavuz Inal, Frode Guribye, Dorina Rajanen, Mikko Rajanen, Mattias Rost. [doi]
- Introduction to Service Design for UX DesignersVirpi Roto, Val Mitchell, Stuart Cockbill, Jodi Forlizzi, Jung-Joo Lee, Effie L.-C. Law. [doi]
- "Her Name Was Chloe and She Delivers Stuff to Your Room": A Qualitative Analysis of User Reviews of Hotels Using RobotsJoni Salminen, Milica Milenkovic. [doi]
- Shifting Concepts of Value: Designing Algorithmic Decision-Support Systems for Public ServicesNaja L. Holten Møller, Irina Shklovski, Thomas T. Hildebrandt. [doi]
- Nudging the User with Privacy Indicator: A Study on the App Selection Behavior of the UserSven Bock, Nurul Momen. [doi]
- Practical Family Challenges of Remote Schooling during COVID-19 Pandemic in FinlandJonna Häkkilä, Mari Karhu, Matilda Kalving, Ashley Colley. [doi]
- Tell Me More: Transparency and Time-Fillers to Optimize Chatbots' Waiting Time ExperiencePhilipp Wintersberger, Tobias Klotz, Andreas Riener. [doi]
- Backfiring and favouring: how design processes in HCI lead to anti-patterns and repentant designersKelly Widdicks, Daniel Pargman, Staffan Björk. [doi]
- AURA: Altering Self-Perception Through Interactive Light Emitting TextilesArife Dila Demir. [doi]
- Invisible AI-driven HCI Systems - When, Why and HowCecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Alberto Alvarez, José María Font, Antonios Liapis, Thomas Pederson, Johan Salo. [doi]
- A Model of the Deviation between the Intended and the Actual Experiences with Interactive InstallationsDingyi Wei, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Nicolai Marquardt. [doi]
- Knowledge-creation Processes in Crafts-based HCI Research: Introducing a Sympoietic FrameworkRaune Frankjær, Peter Dalsgaard. [doi]
- SlumberBot: An Interactive Agent for Helping Users Investigate Disturbance Factors of Sleep QualityYizhou Liu, Da-jung Kim, Ting Miao, Yaliang Chuang. [doi]
- Researchers' Toolbox for the Future: Empowering Children to Shape Their FutureSirkku Kotilainen, Jussi Okkonen, Guna Spurava, Ole Sejer Iversen, Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula, Sumita Sharma. [doi]
- PoseScape: Pose-based Analysis System for Long-term Observation StudiesJaeho Sung, Bokyung Lee, Daniel Saakes. [doi]
- Telepresence Robotics for Hands-on Distance InstructionOsazuwa Okundaye, Sharon Lynn Chu, Francis K. H. Quek, Alexander Berman, Glen Hordemann, Larry Powell, Leming Yang. [doi]
- Performance, Power, and Place: User Experience of Contactless Object Manipulation in Robotic TelepresenceVictor Kaptelinin, Patrik Björnfot, Karin Danielsson, Mikael Wiberg. [doi]
- Exploring Wearable Output Modalities - Screens & BeyondÇaglar Genç, Ashley Colley, Oguz 'Oz' Buruk, Minna Pakanen, Jan Gugenheimer. [doi]
- Challenges and Opportunities for Designing with Biodata as MaterialVasiliki Tsaknaki, Tom Jenkins, Laurens Boer, Sarah Homewood, Noura Howell, Pedro Sanches. [doi]
- Increasing User Engagement in Virtual Reality: The Role of Interactive Digital Narratives to Trigger Emotional ResponsesShafaq Irshad, Andrew Perkis. [doi]
- Indigenous Women Managing Pregnancy Complications in Rural Ecuador: Barriers and Opportunities to Enhance Antenatal CareNervo Verdezoto, Francisca Carpio-Arias, Valeria Carpio-Arias, Nicola Mackintosh, Parisa Eslambolchilar, Verónica López, Catherine Trujillo, Galo Vásconez. [doi]
- The Use of Scenarios in a Vision Seminar Process: The Case of Students Envisioning the Future of Study-AdministrationThomas Lind, Åsa Cajander, Annika Björklund, Bengt L. Sandblad. [doi]
- Four Types of Toxic People: Characterizing Online Users' Toxicity over TimeRaghvendra Mall, Mridul Nagpal, Joni Salminen, Hind Almerekhi, Soon-Gyo Jung, Bernard J. Jansen. [doi]
- Identity through Social Wearables: Designing with Finnish University StudentsFelix Anand Epp, Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, Andrés Lucero, Tapio Takala. [doi]
- TangibleSphere - Interaction Techniques for Physical and Virtual Spherical DisplaysDavid Englmeier, Joseph O'Hagan, Mengyi Zhang, Florian Alt, Andreas Butz, Tobias Höllerer, Julie R. Williamson. [doi]
- Unethically Me: Explaining Artificial Intelligence's Results by Being UnethicalCora van Leeuwen, Shirley A. Elprama, An Jacobs, Rob Heyman, Jo Pierson, Pieter Duysburgh. [doi]
- Asymmetric effect of text-chart proximity on reading behaviorChia-Kai Yang, Chat Wacharamanotham. [doi]
- The Interactive Enactment of Care Technologies and its Implications for Human-Robot-Interaction in CareEva Hornecker, Andreas Bischof, Philipp Graf, Lena Franzkowiak, Norbert Krüger. [doi]
- TactileWear: A Comparison of Electrotactile and Vibrotactile Feedback on the Wrist and Ring FingerDennis Stanke, Tim Duente, Michael Rohs. [doi]
- Daylist. Exploring the Design of Configuration Settings to Establish a Lean Back On-Demand Radio ExperienceCatho Van Den Bosch, Chaja Libot, Joris Mattheijssens, Klaas Baert, Michelle Boonen, Wendy Van den Broeck, Sandy Claes. [doi]
- Design (In)actionsErik Sandelin, Sarah Homewood. [doi]
- Effects of Position and Alignment of Notifications on AR Glasses during Social InteractionRufat Rzayev, Susanne Korbely, Milena Maul, Alina Schark, Valentin Schwind, Niels Henze. [doi]
- Waste Wizard: Exploring Waste Sorting using AI in Public SpacesRune Møberg Jacobsen, Patrick Skov Johansen, Lukas Bjørn Leer Bysted, Mikael B. Skov. [doi]
- "I don't know how to protect myself": Understanding Privacy Perceptions Resulting from the Presence of Bystanders in Smart EnvironmentsKarola Marky, Alexandra Voit, Alina Stöver, Kai Kunze, Svenja Schröder, Max Mühlhäuser. [doi]
- Respecting Human Autonomy through Human-Centered AISupraja Sankaran, Chao Zhang, Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Kaisa Väänänen. [doi]
- Negotiating Experiences and Design Directions through Object TheatreMerja Ryöppy. [doi]
- GreenLife: A Persuasive Social Robot to Enhance the Sustainable Behavior in shared Living SpacesNasim Beheshtian, Sina Moradi, Aino Ahtinen, Kaisa Väänänen, Kalle Kähkönen, Markus Laine. [doi]
- A Case Study on the Use of Volumetric Video in Augmented Reality for Cultural HeritageEmin Zerman, Néill O'Dwyer, Gareth W. Young, Aljosa Smolic. [doi]
- "Anyone Can Print": Supporting Collaborations with 3D Printing Services to Empower Broader Participation in Personal FabricationAlexander Berman, Francis K. H. Quek, Robert Woodward, Osazuwa Okundaye, Jeeeun Kim. [doi]
- Otherware needs Otherness: Understanding and Designing Artificial CounterpartsMatthias Laschke, Robin Neuhaus, Judith Dörrenbächer, Marc Hassenzahl, Volker Wulf, Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Jan Borchers, Susanne Boll. [doi]
- Visual Dissemination of HCI Research: How to make us understand your research with visualsOle Andreas Alsos, Saara Kauppi. [doi]
- Challenges in Designing Interfaces for Large Displays: the Practitioners' Point of ViewLars Lischke, Lena Janietz, Anna Beham, Hartmut Bohnacker, Ulrich Schendzielorz, Albrecht Schmidt 0001, Pawel W. Wozniak. [doi]
- Shaping Social Innovation in Local Communities: The Contribution of IntermediariesRoberto Cibin, Sarah Robinson, Maurizio Teli, Conor Linehan, Laura Maye, Christopher Csikszentmihalyi. [doi]
- A Systematic Assessment of National Artificial Intelligence Policies: Perspectives from the Nordics and BeyondNiels van Berkel, Eleftherios Papachristos, Anastasia Giachanou, Simo Hosio, Mikael B. Skov. [doi]
- User Experience Goals for Designing Industrial Human-Cobot Collaboration: A Case Study of Franka Panda RobotAparajita Chowdhury, Aino Ahtinen, Roel Pieters, Kaisa Väänänen. [doi]
- GazeWheels: Comparing Dwell-time Feedback and Methods for Gaze InputMisahael Fernandez, Florian Mathis, Mohamed Khamis. [doi]
- Virtual Womb: Experiencing Human Sensory Development From a Fetal Point-of-View in Virtual RealityAndreas Junker, Carl Hutters, Daniel Reipur, Lasse Embøl, Niels Christian Nilsson, Rolf Nordahl. [doi]
- Futures for Health Research Data Platforms From the Participants' PerspectivesGiovanna Nunes Vilaza, Raju Maharjan, David Coyle, Jakob E. Bardram. [doi]
- Emotional Communication between Remote Couples: Exploring the Design of Wearable Ambient DisplaysHong Li 0008, Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Heiko Müller 0002, Emmi Harjuniemi, Jonna Häkkilä. [doi]
- What's in a word? Platforms Supporting the Platform EconomySusanne Bødker, Myriam Lewkowicz, Alexander Boden. [doi]
- Strengthening human autonomy in the era of autonomous technology.: Contemporary perspectives on interaction with 'autonomous things'Tone Bratteteig, Diana Saplacan, Rebekka Soma, Johanne Svanes Oskarsen. [doi]
- Desired Content versus Digital Advertisements: An Eye-Tracking User Experience StudyMustafa Can Özdemir, David Lamas, Mati Mõttus. [doi]
- Look at me and grab this! Materiality and the practices around negotiation of social attention with children on the autistic spectrumJustyna Wierbilowicz, Alessandro Cappelletti, Davide Giovanelli, Angela Pasqualotto, Arianna Bentenuto, Elisabetta Farella, Massimo Zancanaro. [doi]
- Does My Smart Device Provider Care About My Privacy? Investigating Trust Factors and User Attitudes in IoT SystemsOksana Kulyk, Kristina Milanovic, Jeremy Pitt. [doi]
- Designing a Synthesized Content Feed System for Community RadioKristen M. Scott, Simone Ashby, Adriana Stan. [doi]
- Cultivating Ethics - A perspective from practiceSharon Lindberg, Petter Karlström, Sirkku Männikkö-Barbutiu. [doi]
- ML for UX? - An Inventory and Predictions on the Use of Machine Learning Techniques for UX ResearchMichael Chromik, Florian Lachner, Andreas Butz. [doi]
- Empowering the psychosocially vulnerable in a co-creation process with user need cardsHanna-Liisa Pender, Merili Lobjakas. [doi]
- An Evaluation of Pie Menus for System Control in Virtual RealityMartin Mundt, Tintu Mathew. [doi]
- Spending Time: Co-Designing a Personalized Calendar at the Care CenterKasper Rodil, Chatrine Elisabeth Larsen, Christoffer Caesar Faelled, Emil Færch Skov, Thomas Gustafsen, Antonia Krummheuer, Matthias Rehm. [doi]
- Using Mouse Movement Heatmaps to Visualize User Attention to WordsIlan Kirsh. [doi]
- Beyond Health Literacy: Navigating Boundaries and Relationships During High-risk Pregnancies: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Health in North-West IndiaNaveen Bagalkot, Nervo Verdezoto, Anushri Ghode, Shipra Purohit, Lakshmi Murthy, Nicola Mackintosh, Paula Griffiths. [doi]
- CreepyLeaks: Participatory Speculation Through DemosIrina Shklovski, Erik Grönvall. [doi]
- Desiging Social Play ThingsChristopher Frauenberger, Kay Kender, Laura Scheepmaker, Katharina Werner, Katta Spiel. [doi]
- Designing a Digital Archive for Indigenous People: Understanding the Double Sensitivity of DesignFatemeh Moradi, Linnea Öhlund, Hanna Nordin, Mikael Wiberg. [doi]
- Robot Presidents: Who should rule the world?: Teaching Critical Thinking in AI through Reflections upon Food TraditionsMarie-Monique Schaper, Laura Malinverni, Cristina Valero. [doi]
- Gathering People's Happy Moments from Their Seeing CapabilitiesRisa Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima. [doi]
- Drone Swarms in Forest Firefighting: A Local Development Case Study of Multi-Level Human-Swarm InteractionOscar Bjurling, Rego Granlund, Jens Alfredson, Mattias Arvola, Tom Ziemke. [doi]
- LOOP: Exploring Physicalization of Activity Tracking DataKim Sauvé, Saskia Bakker, Nicolai Marquardt, Steven Houben. [doi]
- Reframing AX with Critical Design: The Potentials and Limits of Algorithmic Experience as a Critical Design ConceptGoda Klumbyte, Phillip Lücking, Claude Draude. [doi]
- PrintARface: Supporting the Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems through Augmented RealityFlorian Jasche, Thomas Ludwig 0005. [doi]
- Methodyca: A Digital Game to Teach Research MethodsMartin Sillaots, Mikhail Fiadotau, Ralph Söthe-Garnier, David Robert Upshall, Peadar Callaghan, Kaisa Norak, Ahmed Mohamed Said Anwar Elshenawy, Osman Sinan Emiroglu, Elena Gorshkova, Iryna Selina, Asian Hõ, Oluwafiyikewa Aigbovbioise Alawode. [doi]
- A Digital Society for All: A complicated endeavourMari Runardotter, Diana Chronéer, Johanna Lindberg, Anna Ståhlbröst. [doi]
- Integrating Instructional Design Principles in Serious Games Authoring Tools: Insights from Systematic Literature ReviewAzhan Ahmad, Effie L.-C. Law, Alex Moseley. [doi]
- Sharing & Cooperativism: Designing For EconomiesÖzge Subasi, Anton Fedosov, Oliver Bates, Airi Lampinen, Ann Light. [doi]
- "Always on the Table": Revealing Smartphone Usages in everyday Eating Out SituationsPhilip Weber, Philip Engelbutzeder, Thomas Ludwig 0005. [doi]
- When the Good Turns Ugly: Speculating Next Steps for Digital Wellbeing ToolsKelly Widdicks. [doi]
- Anticipated User Stereotypes Systematically Affect the Social Acceptability of Mobile DevicesValentin Schwind, Niels Henze. [doi]
- The Runner's Journey: Identifying Design Opportunities for Running Motivation TechnologyDaphne Menheere, Carine Lallemand, Erik Van Der Spek, Carl Megens, Andrew Vande Moere, Mathias Funk, Steven Vos. [doi]
- Co-Designing Personas for User Experience and Engagement in AutomationJosé L. Abdelnour-Nocera, Daniel G. Cabrero, Pedro F. Campos, Frederica Gonçalves, Torkil Clemmensen, Robin Gissing, Lene Nielsen, Parisa Saadati. [doi]
- "Oh, that's where you are!" - Towards a Hybrid Asymmetric Collaborative Immersive Analytics SystemNico Reski, Aris Alissandrakis, Jukka Tyrkkö, Andreas Kerren. [doi]
- Tactile Stories: Interactive E-textile Wall-hangings created by blind and visually impaired makersEmilie Giles, Janet van der Linden, Marian Petre. [doi]
- Exploring Understandable Algorithms to Suggest Fitness Tracker Goals that Foster CommitmentPawel W. Wozniak, Przemyslaw Piotr Kucharski, Maartje M. A. de Graaf, Jasmin Niess. [doi]
- Designing for Orchestration in Mixed and Virtual Reality: Challenges and Best PracticesMarius Koller, Sebastian Felix Rauh, Gerrit Meixner, Anders Lundström, Cristian Bogdan. [doi]
- What's in an Ecology? A Review of Artifact, Communicative, Device and Information EcologiesPeter Lyle, Henrik Korsgaard, Susanne Bødker. [doi]
- Making Tactful Objects for Sensitive Settings: A Research through Design ProcessPatrizia D'Olivo, Marco C. Rozendaal, Elisa Giaccardi. [doi]
- Empowering Children's Critical Reflections on AI, Robotics and Other Intelligent TechnologiesVicky Charisi, Laura Malinverni, Elisa Rubegni, Marie-Monique Schaper. [doi]
- Circumvention by design - dark patterns in cookie consent for online news outletsThan Htut Soe, Oda Elise Nordberg, Frode Guribye, Marija Slavkovik. [doi]
- FitBirds: Designing Heart Rate Feedback for Playful and Social Physical EducationYudan Ma, Bin Yu, Tilde Bekker, Jun Hu, Steven Vos. [doi]
- Game elicitation: exploring assistance in delayed-effect supply chain decision makingPatrick Jost, Monica Divitini. [doi]
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- Programming for Moving BodiesCristian Bogdan, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Charles Windlin, Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Sara Eriksson, Ylva Fernaeus, Pedro Sanches. [doi]
- The Future Supermarket: A Case Study of Ethnographic Experiential FuturesTom Jenkins, Laurens Boer, Juliane Brigitta Busboom, Ivar Østby Simonsen. [doi]
- Adaptation and validation of the HCTM Scale into Human-robot interaction Portuguese context: A study of measuring trust in human-robot interactionsAna Pinto, Sonia Sousa, Cristóvão Silva, Pedro Coelho. [doi]
- The Impact of Website Design on Users' TrustKairi Fimberg, Sónia Sousa. [doi]
- "Oxygen Mask": Understanding How Autism Parents Seek SupportDoga Gatos, Asim Evren Yantaç. [doi]
- Searching for Empathy: A Swedish Study on Designing for SeniorsVasiliki Mylonopoulou, Alexandra Weilenmann, Olof Torgersson, Beata Jungselius. [doi]
- Decoding the Smart CityElise Hodson, Michel Nader Sayún, Teija Vainio. [doi]
- Co-designing Data Experiments: Domain Experts' Exploration and Experimentation with self-selected Data SourcesCathrine Seidelin, Yvonne Dittrich, Erik Grönvall. [doi]
- Designing Digital Content to Support Science JournalismNeil A. M. Maiden, Konstantinos Zachos, Suzanne Franks, Rebecca Wells, Samantha Stallard. [doi]
- Sprinkling Diversity: Hurdles on the Way to Inclusiveness in MakerspacesDorothé Smit, Verena Fuchsberger. [doi]
- Embracing Companion TechnologiesJasmin Niess, Pawel W. Wozniak. [doi]
- A Real-time Distributed Toolkit to Ease Children's Exploration of IoTTorben Wallbaum, Swamy Ananthanarayan, Andrii Matviienko, Susanne Boll. [doi]
- Foregrounding Algorithms: Preparing Users for Co-design with Sensitizing ActivitiesOscar Alvarado 0001, Elias Storms, David Geerts, Katrien Verbert. [doi]
- AI should embody our values: Investigating journalistic values to inform AI technology designTomoko Komatsu, Marisela Gutierrez Lopez, Stephann Makri, Colin Porlezza, Glenda Cooper, Andrew MacFarlane 0001, Sondess Missaoui. [doi]
- Hospital Beds, Robot Priests and Huggables: : A (Fictional) Review of Commercially Available Care RobotsBritta Schulte, Philipp Graf, Lena Franzkowiak, Eva Hornecker. [doi]
- Speculative Energy Futures: Post-human Design for the Energy TransitionHolly Robbins, Joep Frens, Lenneke Kuijer, Ron Wakkary. [doi]
- Fostering More-than-Human Imaginaries: Introducing DIY Speculative Fabulation in Civic HCIGreg Nijs, Giulietta Laki, Rafaella Houlstan, Guillaume Slizewicz, Thomas Laureyssens. [doi]
- Mental Model of Driving Wizards When Simulating an Automated DriveAndrea I. Scheiter, Jessica A. Linnemann, Uwe Herbst, Klaus Bengler. [doi]
- Understanding the Impact of Boundary Conditions on Participatory ActivitiesØivind Klungseth Zahlsen, Dag Svanæs, Arild Faxvaag, Yngve Dahl. [doi]
- Grätzelbot - Gamifying Onboarding to Support Community-Building among University FreshmenChristian Löw, Lukas Moshuber. [doi]
- Motiis: Fostering Parents' Awareness of their Adolescents Emotional Experiences during GamingJesse Pepping, Sarah Scholte, Marnix van Wijland, Milan de Meij, Günter Wallner, Regina Bernhaupt. [doi]
- Machine Sensibility: Unpacking the Embodied and Situated Dimensions of 3D PrintingSophie Landwehr Sydow, Martin Jonsson, Jakob Tholander. [doi]
- Building a scaffold for transdisciplinary design processes: helping art-science residencies explore the design space of new technologiesHanna-Liisa Pender, Taavet Jaansen. [doi]
- Investigating One-Time Actions for Domestic Energy Reduction: The Case of District HeatingMichael Kvist Svangren, Louise Krog, Alisa Ananjeva, John Stouby Persson, Peter Axel Nielsen, Camilla Brunsgaard, Karl Sperling. [doi]
- Children as Designers - Recognising divergent creative modes in Participatory DesignKay Kender, Christopher Frauenberger, Johanna Pichlbauer, Katharina Werner. [doi]
- Investigating the use of digital artifacts in a community project of sustainable food practices: 'My chili blossoms'Philip Engelbutzeder, Katerina Cerna, Dave Randall, Dennis Lawo, Claudia Müller 0002, Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf. [doi]
- A Design Space for Social Presence in VRAmal Yassien, Passant El Agroudy, Elhassan Makled, Slim Abdennadher. [doi]
- Measuring the Contextual Dimension of User Experience: Development of the User Experience Context Scale (UXCS)Carine Lallemand, Vincent Koenig. [doi]
- Use of Machine Learning by Non-Expert DHH People: Technological Understanding and Sound PerceptionYuri Nakao, Yusuke Sugano. [doi]
- Tactics for Designing Probes to Explore Parents' Differing Perspectives on Family Technology UseEleanor Chin Derix, Tuck Wah Leong. [doi]
- Demonstrating a Modular Construction Toolkit for Interactive Textile ApplicationsEmil Woop, Esther Friederike Zahn, Rahel Flechtner, Gesche Joost. [doi]